MICHAEL JACKSON ESTATE Huge Financial Gains Revealed (TMZ)

Yes IVI, but... you know whats the purpose of the title on TMZ.... stressing:

Michael Jackson was in such debt at the time he died, his Beatles catalog was almost valueless, but the Estate has worked nothing less than a financial miracle to right the ship.

The docs -- obtained by TMZ -- show that at the time Michael died, his net worth was around $50 million. Shockingly, the ATV Publishing Trust -- the Beatles catalog -- was valued at only $474,544.

At least, the ATV Publishing trust contains only the 256 Beatles songs that are valued at 30-50 mill. dollars.

So, its nonsense to describe the Sony/ATV catalog as the the Beatles catalog .... 256 songs of 750,000.

Sony/ATV is valued at 2-3 billion dollars...., MJ Estate has 50% of it.


Really? :unsure:
I think not... :thinking: Madonna was of Warner Music and now is in Live Nation.

I remember reading somewhere there is some Madonna in the catalog, I'm not sure what specific songs though. Maybe someone can help us out? :)
I remember reading somewhere there is some Madonna in the catalog, I'm not sure what specific songs though. Maybe someone can help us out? :)

You surely read it in the MJ Bizniz News thread and I added info about several songs of Madonna..., thats why I know about them, BUT, it means that only publishing rights..., you can find it on sonyatv.com
You surely read it in the MJ Bizniz News thread and I added info about several songs of Madonna..., thats why I know about them, BUT, it means that only publishing rights..., you can find it on sonyatv.com


Like a Virgin and Material Girl? :blink: :doh: What a strange thing :unsure: .... Madonna has always been Warner Music (now Live Nation) ... how can this be possible? :lol: :fear:
Department LA 5 Court Convened at: 8:30:00 AM 8/24/2011

Honorable Mitchell L. Beckloff
M. Dewey , Deputy County Clerk M. Manskar , Deputy Sheriff
J. Hollifield, CSR 12564 , Reporter

Letters of Administr

Petitioner(s): Branca, John McClain, John

Attorney(s): Hoffman, Paul Gordon, Esq.

Continuance Number: 2 Continuance From: Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Last Date Changed: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 9:01:44 AM

Last Note Changed By: SRILEY

To clear probate notes "filed documents" must be submitted to Rm 258, within time frames set forth in Rule 10.3 of LASC Rules. You may contact the Probate Attorney whose E-Mail address appears at the end of these notes, subject to compliance with all conditions governing the use of Interactive E-Mail. E-mail Rules are available in Rm 258 and on the Court's web site at www.LASuperiorCourt.org.

Filed 2/17/11 - file is not available for 8/24/11 hrng - checked from scanned file & responses to notes filed 7/22/11 and 8/23/11 - NOTES UPDATED FOR CONTINUED HEARING DATE

PRIOR ORDER: Cont to 8/24/11; 7/13/11

special letters issued to petnrs 7/14/09 d/d 6/25/09
Acct period 6/26/09 to 10/31/10
ntc to affected parties ok
spec ntc/copy ok
response to notes filed 7/1/11; 7/22/11 & 8/23/11

a. Acctng entries re loan refinancing with HSBC have been redacted & the transaction was subject to sealing order granted 1/31/10 & info has been disclosed to the benes - is a motion to file this acctng under seal is needed? & should an unredacted copy of accounting lodged w/crt conditionally under seal?
D. why are exps 308,607.56 paid by Michael Jackson Co included in sch H disbursements of this acctng? alleges pd by Michael Jackson Co on behalf of the estate, query: where is/are offseting entry(ies) on "Charges" side of acctng? unable to reconcile w/new sch D - addl supp required
E. cannot determine if account balances due to transfers among business entities and the estate & adjustments made to the values of entities due to changes in the balances of receivables & payables w/in the entities and due to transfers of cash among the business entities (reported in schs D & E) - unable to reconcile entries reported on sch D & E reflected in "charges" w/"credit" schedules - appears crt should require a separate reconcilation schedule (schedules D, E & I with I/A values and to reflect moving items reported on one I/A to another)
G. pmts on business loans payable total 14,989,415.78 - no detail provided (see facts) - supp required
L. NEW - Appears correct I/A & acctng schedules are needed re decd's interest in Enchanted Kingdom
M. NEW - Revised schedules A, B & I of acctng has not been filed as alleged
N. NEW - why is it necessary (or appropriate) to adjust carry values of assets reported on the Assets on Hand Schedule? GR&F valued in I/A at 543,000 but Property on Hand shows value of 140,000; tangible p/p located in Bulleton valued on I/A 6,077,738 and valued in Property on Hand at 6,261,700; value of tangilbe p/p located in Gardena valued on I/A at 5,635,693 & reported in Property on Hand at 5,789,528; values for intangible p/p listed in the Property on Hand Schdule do not agree w/values reported in the I/As - supp required
-- unclear why adjustments to net book value, Sch E are included in summary of acct & how do adjustments reconcile to Property on Hand values for these affiliates?
P. NEW - Rsponse to Probate Notes filed 8/23/11 is not signed by petnrs and is not verified
Q. NEW - Not proper to include liabilities 144,341 in summary of acct - see PC 1061 - also why is this amt reported as a positive number on sch of Property on Hand? and why isn't this amt reported in Statement of Liabilities? supp required
S. NEW where can supporting detail (itemization) for receipts/disb, etc. listed in Schs D, F and G be located?
T. NEW why aren't disb from the Michael Jackson Co LLC to the estate (listed in schedule C-1-4) included in the schedule of receipts? supp required
U. NEW not proper to include the Estate's receipts and disb in Sch F & G Net Income/Disb from Trade or Business - these receipts and disb must be itemized - supp required
V. NEW what are the purposes of Schs D and E and why are these figures included in the Summary of Account? how do these "charges" reconcile with "credits" - supp required
W. NEW sch of property on hand includes amts due from affiliate (receivables?) - where is this reported charges? supp required

FACTS: acct covers period beginning 6/25/09 to 10/31/10 - alleges numerous sealing orders have been made in this proceeding & in order to avoid violating any of those orders several acctng entries have been redacted - (see Sch H page 18 of 43 redacting business exps with sub totals of 1,581,435.35; 506,590.51; 70,213.59 & 2,692,426.55) - the redacted information will be provided to the crt for its in camera review & to Ms. Lodise, GAL for decd's minor children, Mr. Zimring (AG) & counsel for Ms. Katherine Jackson -- in order to protect the right to financial privacy of the employees of Ms. Jackson & the estate, the names of employees are not disclosed on sch H, rather each payee is identified as "Payroll" - the identities of the employees & their respective compensation will be provided to the crt for its in camera review, Ms. Lodise, Mr. Zimring (AG) & counsel for Ms. Jackson
during the acct period, from time to time, the cash needs of the Estate & its various entities required transfers of cash among the entities & estate & that activity is reported on Sch D (of Response to Probate Notes filed 8/23/11) "Net Receipts Between Affiliates During the Period of the Account" -- see note E
in addition, as of d/d, many of the assets had negative values however the I/A does not reflect the negative values, rather a nominal value of $1 was assigned to such entities - during the period of the acct, the balances of receivables & payables w/in the entities changed due to debt pmts & inter company transfers - therefore in order for the acctng to balance, adjustments were to the inventory values of the entities as reflected in Sch E (of Response to Probate Notes filed 8/23/11), "Net Book Adjustments to Charges" - see note E
re business loan pmts 14,989,415.78 (no detail provided, see note G of acct filed 2/17/11) states they represent pmts on loans secured by MIJAC which was moved from MJ Publishing Trust to the Estate per refinancing transaction approved by the crt on 12/8/09 - the details of that transaction are subject to a sealing order issued 1/13/10 but will be provided to the crt for in camera review if requested
all acctng information been provided to Ms. Lodise, Mr. Zimring (AG) & Ms. Jackson's attys - however, amended acctng information provided in response to notes filed 8/23/11 was served on these parties 8/23/11 (see PA's comment below)

1. JTD this acctng premature? no acctng filed/approved by prior special admin, Katherine Jackson - o/w crt to waive acct requirement for former spec admin Katherine Jackson? see note k - response to notes alleges to best of petnrs' knowledge Mrs. Jackson did not take possession or control of any estate assets
2. JTD is an order to seal this acctng needed? see note a & facts - petnrs agree to file an motion to seal if ordered by the crt

3. JTD acct

o/w acct & auth to continue estate administration to 5/7/12 (not as prayed) ok -- petn for final dist/status rept to be filed NLT 5/7/12 & crt to set OSC on 5/31/12

PA's COMMENTS: supp filed 8/23/11 was served on 8/23/11 (supp includes various amended acctng schedules and addl info not previously provided, including but not limited to a sch of the estate's liabilities) - appears matter should be continued for appropriate ntc
Yes IVI, but... you know whats the purpose of the title on TMZ.... stressing:

At least, the ATV Publishing trust contains only the 256 Beatles songs that are valued at 30-50 mill. dollars.

So, its nonsense to describe the Sony/ATV catalog as the the Beatles catalog .... 256 songs of 750,000.

Sony/ATV is valued at 2-3 billion dollars...., MJ Estate has 50% of it.
So is the TMZ article only talking about the value of the 256 Beatles songs that are in the Sony/ATV catalog? Is that what the article is saying was worthless?
It's not value, it's net worth.

net worth is book value of assets minus ALL Liabilities debts.
The problem is that TMZ does not understand the documents and is not reporting accurately and clearly, that is why we have this confusion in the thread, so the best thing is for us to get the documents and understand it ourselves and forget about what TMZ says. They use the word "valueless" which is compounding the situation.

The fact is Michael was never going to sell the catalog and pay off all his debts to be left with a few million. He was always able to generate new income.
The problem is that TMZ does not understand the documents and is not reporting accurately and clearly, that is why we have this confusion in the thread, so the best thing is for us to get the documents and understand it ourselves and forget about what TMZ says. They use the word "valueless" which is compounding the situation.

The fact is Michael was never going to sell the catalog and pay off all his debts to be left with a few million. He was always able to generate new income.

I think the whole issue - for both TMZ and us - is that not majority understands what a "net worth" is. I'm a business graduate (with both finance and marketing majors and even worked/taught accounting).

first of all net worth is calculated by using book value and not market value. so it's possible that the value they used for Sony/ATV is lower than what it would sell for.

secondly net worth means assets minus ALL liabilities. so like I said before even by a simple math when they say ATV was 434K with 300M debt on it they are saying that it was valued over $300M.

TMZ is wrong to call Sony/ ATV as valueless. The correct term would be highly leveraged or layman term would be it had a lot of loans on it. Simply put they are trying to say if Michael ever sold it and paid the loans on it, he wouldn't be left with much cash.

The good news is that debt is being paid and the value of the estate is increasing.
^^Yes Ivy that is it, but as usual they use words purposely to create a negative effect. That is one of the reasons we always have to evaluate what they write.
This is such a good news. Michael was very smart in getting the catalog. But I don't want to think what the reaction of the Jackson family will be. They might try to come with another tricks to just get more money out of Michael. God help us.
Sadly because of the probate process everything about MJ's finances is public.

We know nothing about Elizabeth's estate, because her estate has money to pay off whatever debt she had at the time of her passing. MJ's business will be open for all to gawk until the estate is out of probate.
^^Yes Ivy that is it, but as usual they use words purposely to create a negative effect. That is one of the reasons we always have to evaluate what they write.
And that's the really tiresome thing about it. They've engaged in a really simplistic analysis and come up with a screaming-drama conclusion that isn't really warranted, especially if this is based on book value. What if the market value was $200 million more? They'd be left with a real non-story. But TMZ's take is what's going to be repeated ad nauseam: Michael couldn't manage money, and the estate has saved the day.
Sadly because of the probate process everything about MJ's finances is public.

We know nothing about Elizabeth's estate, because her estate has money to pay off whatever debt she had at the time of her passing. MJ's business will be open for all to gawk until the estate is out of probate.

Also, Elizabeth was not involved in all the deals that Michael had. She was much older and had finished her wheeling and dealing days. Now when Richard was alive and they were married there was massive spending and business deals.
TMZ is so desperate to put Elvis above Michael, lmao, Michael surpassed Elvis at the age of 25.
Also I can't wait for the probate to be over with,so that not out there for everyone to read
I hope the estate will be out of probate soon. I don't like his financial business out there for people to see.
Wow, here I was thinking I was gonna be reading something worthwhile.:smilerolleyes:....TMZ and their drama selves.

The next couple of months are sure gonna be rough.
And that's the really tiresome thing about it. They've engaged in a really simplistic analysis and come up with a screaming-drama conclusion that isn't really warranted, especially if this is based on book value. What if the market value was $200 million more? They'd be left with a real non-story. But TMZ's take is what's going to be repeated ad nauseam: Michael couldn't manage money, and the estate has saved the day.

I don't think TMZ is the one that did the calculations. They refer to "documents filed", there was a probate hearing today - I posted probate notes from it, some financial information was filed yesterday. So I think that TMZ was reporting from those.

I wouldn't also blame Estate for using a simplistic approach to valuation. Book value is a number that can be easily taken and used. Market value needs to be determined and changes according to the market conditions. and it's not like Estate is reporting to shareholders in detail or filing annual company information. They are just providing court information about what they brought in and how they spend it. (I wonder if there might be reasons to use a technique that undervalues assets to have less tax responsibility?)

Estate is earning money, debts being paid and therefore net worth increases. There are no surprises there. Yes Michael's financial condition has highly improved. But here's the main question is it solely because of the executors or is it because Michael died and there's a increased interest / love towards Michael?
Mjs half of the sonyatv was valued upto one billion. it was certainly worth more than 400.its been documented enough via reports and what other cats are worth. like others says simplistic figures.paying lower tax by claiming its worth less as was talked about a while back. not bad considering he paid all of 50 for it. And sony paid 100 mill to merge it funny how they like to call it the beatles songs! They never learn.and act like the beatles songs were mjs only asset (mijac etc) and he had only 50 mill left guess u can twist figures to suit any agenda as like when he refinanced his wealth was documented in court at around 1.5 bill b4 debts
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I wonder if there might be reasons to use a technique that undervalues assets to have less tax responsibility?
yes, they probably valued the catalog at minimum bc of tax. if it was sold it would generate more
Exactly this was discussed a while back when some other docs came out. Things were been undervalued for tax its easy to see what the cat is worth by seeing what the other cats are worth. The atv was valued at around 2 bill years back according to reports
yes, they probably valued the catalog at minimum bc of tax. if it was sold it would generate more

I don't know about probate court rules, but in real life,You cannot do that. The government isn't stupid. You cannot UNDERVALUE an asset just to avoid paying taxes. There are several valuation methods, and you might use the one that will keep taxes lower, but you can't sell an item for 1B and pay taxes on only the book value of 400M. What about gain/loss on the asset.
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I don't take this TMZ article seriously at all. I'm fed up of the media saying how broke Michael was over the last decade. I don't rule out that Michael may have had financial difficulties (to what extent his difficulties were I don't know), with the possibility that he may have he may have still been extremely wealthy asset wise with his businesses on paper, but not as wealthy cash wise for his own personal use. But I don't think he was anywhere near broke, and that he was still living very comfortably with the money he had.

I'm fed up of the media saying Michael had to live off his Beatles catalogue, like that was the only asset Michael owed. Michael's own catalogue MiJac which owned his own songs and that of other artists was and is valuable. The media are always trying to make out Michael hit rock bottom broke, and was a bad business man. Even Donald Trump said on a CNN interview in 2009, that Michael was a brilliant business man. The media never mention that "brilliant" business women Madonna's record label Maverick lost Warner Bros over £100 million, never made a profit (with only Alanis Morissette album being a success apart from Madonna's own music), and caused Warner Bros to buy out Madonna and her business partners shares which exiled her from the record company Maverick which is now 100% owned by Warner Bros. Which is the main reason Madonna left Warner and signed to Live Nation, yet if this was Michael this would have been big news to say what a bad business man he was. Michael's business merger with Sony has made them lot of money, just full of profit that keeps getting bigger.
I don't know about probate court rules, but in real life,You cannot do that. The government isn't stupid. You cannot UNDERVALUE an asset just to avoid paying taxes. There are several valuation methods, and you might use the one that will keep taxes lower, but you can't sell an item for 1B and pay taxes on only the book value of 400M. What about gain/loss on the asset.
Yeah as u say theres different way to value things.different quotes if its not sold its all opinion on what its worth.so the estate are gonna take the lowest value poss.yes theres an issue if u sell for alot and dont declare but this is just a valuation
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