Michael Jackson drops lawsuit against accountants

And you know what? Come May 14th and Michael still owns his property, we aint gonna hear anything about Neverland either.
i just went to he who shallnot be named's friggin' column and OMG this dude is mental. how many times can one person foreclose on the same piece of property before people stop believing the stories?
Thank's for the info everyone. Seems that Michael came out on top again with this one and thats fantastic news because now I'm not so bothered about the Transitional case. I think it's very probable that Transitional will have to end up filing against 'Bernstein, Fox, Whitman,Goldman and Sloan, after all said and done, I think the court will find that Whitman hired them without Michael's consent and I believe this is the signature of Michaels that Mr Mesereau claimed in court was forged.

Katie :timer: wishing you All the Best with junior.
If MJ wanted us to know the details of his court cases, he would release official statements. Since he hasn't, we have to assume that he doesn't.

All I feel is joy that all the legal bs is getting out of the way of the music. I'm not a fan of MJ's finances, his legal battles or his face. I'm a fan of the magic that is his artistry and it's been too long since he could concentrate on that.
Yep, the media is not reporting the full story because MJ is coming out on top.

Also, there used to be a time when the lawyers that were around MJ were fighting the court cases in a way that showed they were mainly trying to do what's best for the record label.

Now, the lawyers that are around MJ are fighting the court cases in a way that shows they are mainly doing what is best for MJ. These lawyers are showing that they actually care about his wellbeing.

These lawyers are digging him from under the pile. They are doing it layer by layer. It is the reason why we are starting to notice that the number of lawsuits are shrinking.

As I mentioned in '04, God is taking Michael's life through a cleansing process. He has already reached back to the year 1993 where the source of Michael's burden dwelled, and He is cleaning His way forward. He has been plucking up the lies that were planted, the people that were planting them, and He is now working on the things that were branching off of it. He is doing a thorough cleansing, and only He has the ability to reach back in time the way that He has.

While He is cleansing Michael's life, He is also moving Michael forward in a way that shows He wants Michael to base his steps on the things that He is doing for him. He is having Michael stay in sync with Him. In addition to this, He is leading him, shielding him and providing for him. He is also having him follow His prompts.

These are the type of things that happen when you call on Him and He answers. It is especially what happens when you put your situation into His hands.

Also, we are not to worry about how things may look during the cleansing process, as what may look like something to worry about, actually isn't.

It is the same as when you are doing spring cleaning in your house and you're pulling out things that you want to get rid of. While all of that stuff is pulled out, it makes the place look cluttered. But once you are done throwing out what's not needed and putting other things back in their proper places, it all comes together and looks better than ever.

God's cleansing process works the same way. You just cannot see Him with your physical eyes while He is doing it. What you will see though, if you are looking with your spiritual eyes, are the results of what He is doing. So while He is at work, don't let the media cause you to think that Michael's life is falling apart, because it isn't. His life is coming together.

nice post and so true!:yes:
u can't release details in a court case IF it was settled. usually both parties agree to keep it mum and go their separate ways. one payingthe other w/o admiting fault and the other agreeing to not talk about it ever again.
They won't mention June 2005 that much when Michael's next album has came out..
Well another one bites the dust. It is good that he is not just paying up any more, these suits against him are not suceeding nor should they.

I am sure it ended to his satisfaction.
They will ALWAYS mention june '05 just like they always mentioned the settlement in '93. just deal w/ it and recognize that it's something that will never go away so that if it ever does, it'llbe a welcome change