Michael Jackson drops lawsuit against accountants

This article shows me two things....

  1. The countersuit by the Accountants asking for $1 mil from Michael, had no merit. That is why it was probably dismissed.
  2. The Accountants have probably agreed to settle with Michael. A condition might have been for Michael to drop his suit...and he did.
Gurl, I was going to say the EXACT same thing! High five!

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Pop star Michael Jackson has dropped a lawsuit against an accounting firm he had accused of making deals and hiring people without his permission, according to court papers obtained on Thursday.

The papers, filed on April 14, did not say whether
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Each state/court has their own Local Rules/Jurisdiction; the way they do/say things.

Big Apple if I may inquire, what do you do in the Law Firm where you work?

I'm a Patent Agent. I prepare patent applications to be filed with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. I also might do some research, if a client feels like someone is infringing on one of their inventions.

Remember that "invention" MJ uses in his Smooth Criminal performance, well I could have filed that patent application for him. LOL!
I agree. I also studied contract law. If the case was dismissed, it was thrown out by the judge. Insufficient evidence. MJ's one was not dismissed, it was settled, that means that the lawyers came to an arrangement with MJ. Sound like they paid up to me.

you'll think.. just maybe.. this is why the back taxes for Neverland and the payment of the other houses were made.. because the account finallly got called out and had the make Michael's payment as they were suppose to in the first..

and for those you are constantly questioining his money.. where are you..??

why aren't you coming to some conclusion that this accounting firm was
the one that was in charge of paying alot of those bills.. took out the money as Michael's suit noted and never paid.. also .. they made agreements with folks to do work .. without Michael's consent.. yet
didn't pay.. so those people sue Michael...


could this answer the "cash poor" question.. ummm??
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well not every websites writes the **** about the accusations in the last sentence. take contactmusic for example, although it's a reuters press release released via yahoo, they edited the child molestation stuff out:

http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/article/jackson drops lawsuit against accountants_1067506

Pop superstar MICHAEL JACKSON has dropped a lawsuit against an accounting firm he accused of making deals and hiring people without his permission.
The Thriller hitmaker filed papers against Bernstein, Fox, Whitman, Goldman and Sloan in December 2006 alleging negligence and breach of fiduciary duty.
The lawsuit accused the firm of late tax payments on his behalf, failing to file workers' compensation payments on his behalf in 2004 and 2005, as well as hiring people and entering into contracts without his authorisation.
The company subsequently counter-sued Jackson, claiming the singer owed nearly $1 million (GBP500,000) in unpaid fees.
The star's action has now been dismissed.

i guess there's some guys sitting at yahoo/reuters (which is a pity, coz reuters should know better than that) having a blast always mentioning the court case when they come up with a press release.
Now, the clan of crooks have been taken care of...meaning this accounting firm, mainly Whitman, and those no good, fake financial advisors Schaffel and Weisner.

Don't forget, a judge dismissed Weisner's lawsuit as well. And Schaffel ended up with a trail of stolen money leading up to his front door in the form of backdated checks issued by Whitman.

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Now, the clan of crooks have been taken care of...meaning this accounting firm, mainly Whitman, and those no good, fake financial advisors Schaffel and Weisner.

Don't forget, a judge dismissed Weisner's lawsuit as well. And Schaffel ended up with a trail of stolen money leading up to his front door in the form of backdated checks issued by Whitman.

Yes, there were a gang of crooks set out to defraud MJ and embarrassed him. They would use the media to spread inuendos if MJ went after them, which they did do to begin with. MJ isn't scared of the media anymore. He has been in the lions den, and he has been through the fire.

Funny how they all fell silent.

The lawywers case did not make any sense. They were suing MJ for money when they were holding the purse string. and writing off cheques to Schaffel illegally. They were paying themselves for jobs they didn't do. The evidence was there.

They couldn't say there wasn't any money cause they were paying themselves. They simply had no case. MJ won on all counts. He should have set the police unto them.
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Yes, there were a gang of crooks set out to defraud MJ and embarrassed him. They would use the media to spread inuendos if MJ went after them, which they did do to begin with. MJ isn'tt scared off the media anymore. He has been in the lions den, and he has been through the fire.

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Now, the clan of crooks have been taken care of...meaning this accounting firm, mainly Whitman, and those no good, fake financial advisors Schaffel and Weisner.

Don't forget, a judge dismissed Weisner's lawsuit as well. And Schaffel ended up with a trail of stolen money leading up to his front door in the form of backdated checks issued by Whitman.


Was all of Weisner's case dismissed? How did I miss that. I thought that one was still going to go another round. I suppose we don't know the results?
Okay, so for anybody who has been keping track of these lawsuits, how many are left for Mj to deal with? anything major?
Was all of Weisner's case dismissed? How did I miss that. I thought that one was still going to go another round. I suppose we don't know the results?
Wiesner's case was officially closed on February 11th of this year after he and Michael signed a confidential settlement agreement. However, in April of this year Wiesner filed some form of an appeal in the case, I'm not sure of the reasons right now.

There is just one major civil case left against Michael at this point, and that is the Transitional Investors case which is an exact clone of the Fortress/Prescient case from last year. It is set for a 10-15 day jury trial on September 29, 2008 and there is $29.7 million at stake.
Great minds think alike, AllforMJ!

You could very well be right, but to my knowledge IF the accounting firm decided not to go forward with their lawsuit against MJ, the correct word would be "WITHDREW" not dismissed, i.e. the accounting firm WITHDREW their lawsuit against MJ. Ya feel me.

Yeah, I feel ya. You are exactly right. The accoutants lawsuit had no merit.

And check this out....

Pop superstar MICHAEL JACKSON has dropped a lawsuit against an accounting firm he accused of making deals and hiring people without his permission.

The Thriller hitmaker filed papers against Bernstein, Fox, Whitman, Goldman and Sloan in December 2006 alleging negligence and breach of fiduciary duty.

The lawsuit accused the firm of late tax payments on his behalf, failing to file workers' compensation payments on his behalf in 2004 and 2005, as well as hiring people and entering into contracts without his authorisation.

The company subsequently counter-sued Jackson, claiming the singer owed nearly $1 million (GBP500,000) in unpaid fees.

The star's action has now been dismissed.

Look at all the mess Michael is saying these bastards were doing...

1. Making deals.....I wonder if one of those deals was Prescient or Transitional......things that make you go hmmmm!

2. Hiring people without HIS permission! And we be wondering how Michael has certain crazies working for him. Well, the damn lawyers were doing the hiring! Maybe they hired Randy Jackson or that other dude....who knows.

3. Negligence! Oh, well, that speaks for itself. Fools weren't even paying the bills.

4. Filing Michael's taxes LATE. How dare they!

5. Failing to pay his workers comp for 2 years!

6. Entering into CONTRACTS without his permission.

Now yall tell me if all this stuff doesn't sound like the exact things that the media has been accusing Michael of? Remember when the Workers Comp was not paid at Neverland? Remember when Damien Dash claims he was to be paid a multi million finders fee for finding financing for Michael to puchased the other half of Sony/ATV? Remember all that?
Wiesner's case was officially closed on February 11th of this year after he and Michael signed a confidential settlement agreement. However, in April of this year Wiesner filed some form of an appeal in the case, I'm not sure of the reasons right now.

There is just one major civil case left against Michael at this point, and that is the Transitional Investors case which is an exact clone of the Fortress/Prescient case from last year. It is set for a 10-15 day jury trial on September 29, 2008 and there is $29.7 million at stake.

Thanks TSCM. I know I can always count on you to come up with the facts when I can't keep track. :flowers:
Wiesner's case was officially closed on February 11th of this year after he and Michael signed a confidential settlement agreement. However, in April of this year Wiesner filed some form of an appeal in the case, I'm not sure of the reasons right now.

There is just one major civil case left against Michael at this point, and that is the Transitional Investors case which is an exact clone of the Fortress/Prescient case from last year. It is set for a 10-15 day jury trial on September 29, 2008 and there is $29.7 million at stake.
Thanks for the details, TSCM.

Weisner is still desperate for money because he lives above his means, and he lives off of other people, but his appeal is not going to do him any good. Michael's fight against these guys...Weisner, Shaffel and Whitman...has been exposing the dirty deeds of the trio.

In addition to this, each one of these no good men is inadvertently tearing down the other as they each try to cover themselves separately.


The things that come out in one case will expose the deeds of the others because they are all linked together.

Schaffel was exposed while trying to carry out a lawsuit against MJ; Whitman was exposed during his recent court battle with him; and what came out while these two were being exposed will give Weisner even less to use to prove his lie. He is not upstanding. He is a crook. All of them are crooks that have been trying to exercise their rights in a court of law. Crooks don't have no rights against their victims, but these crooks sure are trying to act like they do, and it's all a masquerade.

These guys have been acting the way that they have because stealing from Michael once appeared to be so easy to do. They took advantage of his trusting ways.

When he realized what they were doing and started putting a stop to it, they tried to step to him. They tried to jump bad on him. They tried to use tactics that used to work on him in the past, but the MJ of the present day is no longer worried about being gnawed on by the media hounds. Now, he pushes right past them when he knows he's being done wrong and that he is in the right. Schaffel and Weisner misread him. Their victim woke up, stood up and said "no."

They thought it was going to be easy to finish draining him of his hard earned income any way they chose to do it, and that no one would stop them. They also figured if the DA with the vendetta even let them walk away, they can do anything they want. They were never banking on Michael stopping them himself. They didn't have a plan set up for that.

What he has most likely learned while fighting Schaffel and Whitman, he will be able to use as ammo against Weisner if Weisner is crazy enough to come at him again. Weisner is a crook. Everything that has come out in the other cases shows Weisner is a crook just like the ones in the other cases. Weisner will be better off staying away from MJ.

As a matter of fact, he needs to be getting prepared for what will probably come on him from the family of his new victim. It's only going to be a matter of time before she starts asking her family to help her get away from him. She was drawn to Weisner because Weisner used his association with Michael to pull her in. He manipulated her. Now, he has her over seas and I'm sure she's noticed by now that Michael doesn't even speak to Weisner anymore. Weisner is going to start having problems with her and will need to find another way to make money. She is probably already giving him problems. She didn't look happy at all in that first photo shoot he had her do. She looked depressed.
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y r so many fretting over the trial blah's when the real issue is did his ass settle w/ them or did he just drop it just cuz?
you'll think.. just maybe.. this is why the back taxes for Neverland and the payment of the other houses were made.. because the account finallly got called out and had the make Michael's payment as they were suppose to in the first..

and for those you are constantly questioining his money.. where are you..??

why aren't you coming to some conclusion that this accounting firm was
the one that was in charge of paying alot of those bills.. took out the money as Michael's suit noted and never paid.. also .. they made agreements with folks to do work .. without Michael's consent.. yet
didn't pay.. so those people sue Michael...


could this answer the "cash poor" question.. ummm??
I was thinking that the accounting firm probably gave up his records, which I think they were refusing to turn over to his new lawyers... Remember a convo we had on MJJF about the accountants not turning over his records?
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hell naw this chile don't wanna come out. im fittin' to get his ass evicted cuz y'alls know his ass ain't paying me no rent. im drinking this mexican tea a friend told me about. drink a cup and go into labor the next day...phuck it, im drinking another one since all im getting is tummy tingles and not contractions...

asfar as the case goes,they can refuse all they want till kingdom come but if they don't produce his files,any good judge would automatically ru le in mj's favor since the other side is playing fast and loose w/ evidence.

and since they make no mention of mj just dropping the case cuz it was w/o merit and we all know they never like to give the man a bone for nuffin', we can ASSume it was settled out of court.
hell naw this chile don't wanna come out. im fittin' to get his ass evicted cuz y'alls know his ass ain't paying me no rent. im drinking this mexican tea a friend told me about. drink a cup and go into labor the next day...phuck it, im drinking another one since all im getting is tummy tingles and not contractions...

asfar as the case goes,they can refuse all they want till kingdom come but if they don't produce his files,any good judge would automatically ru le in mj's favor since the other side is playing fast and loose w/ evidence.

and since they make no mention of mj just dropping the case cuz it was w/o merit and we all know they never like to give the man a bone for nuffin', we can ASSume it was settled out of court.

HA! And he ani't gonna be paying u no rent for the next 18-40 years (inclusive of potential time that he refuses to leave yo crib!) :rofl::baby:

Oh yeah, and as far as the case is concerned, you are right. MJ didn't just merely 'drop the case', given that the judge threw out the gang of thugs' countersuit. Dare I say it's a translation for MJ .... wait... here it comes...

WINNING? :yes:
you always hear about thise cases but very rarely do you ever find out what really happened. like with the schaffel case.its all pretty frustrating
Well, maybe if it's a settlement and it's in MJs favour, they put a clause in the papers that says "everybody has to shut up" and that's why we don't hear about it?

Now, soso, HAVE THAT BABY!!!
Yep, the media is not reporting the full story because MJ is coming out on top.

Also, there used to be a time when the lawyers that were around MJ were fighting the court cases in a way that showed they were mainly trying to do what's best for the record label.

Now, the lawyers that are around MJ are fighting the court cases in a way that shows they are mainly doing what is best for MJ. These lawyers are showing that they actually care about his wellbeing.

These lawyers are digging him from under the pile. They are doing it layer by layer. It is the reason why we are starting to notice that the number of lawsuits are shrinking.

As I mentioned in '04, God is taking Michael's life through a cleansing process. He has already reached back to the year 1993 where the source of Michael's burden dwelled, and He is cleaning His way forward. He has been plucking up the lies that were planted, the people that were planting them, and He is now working on the things that were branching off of it. He is doing a thorough cleansing, and only He has the ability to reach back in time the way that He has.

While He is cleansing Michael's life, He is also moving Michael forward in a way that shows He wants Michael to base his steps on the things that He is doing for him. He is having Michael stay in sync with Him. In addition to this, He is leading him, shielding him and providing for him. He is also having him follow His prompts.

These are the type of things that happen when you call on Him and He answers. It is especially what happens when you put your situation into His hands.

Also, we are not to worry about how things may look during the cleansing process, as what may look like something to worry about, actually isn't.

It is the same as when you are doing spring cleaning in your house and you're pulling out things that you want to get rid of. While all of that stuff is pulled out, it makes the place look cluttered. But once you are done throwing out what's not needed and putting other things back in their proper places, it all comes together and looks better than ever.

God's cleansing process works the same way. You just cannot see Him with your physical eyes while He is doing it. What you will see though, if you are looking with your spiritual eyes, are the results of what He is doing. So while He is at work, don't let the media cause you to think that Michael's life is falling apart, because it isn't. His life is coming together.
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God's cleansing process works the same way. You just cannot see Him with your physical eyes while He is doing it. What you will see though, if you are looking with your spiritual eyes, are the results of what He is doing. So while He is at work, don't let the media cause you to think that Michael's life is falling apart, because it isn't. His life is coming together.

Wow! That was deep. I agree with all you said here :)
nicole jack had no reason to settle the case...we think THEY settled...that's prolly y we ain't heard shiit about the results. same w/ schafel. if it's in mj's favour, it gets buried under stories about foreclosures and masks and veils.