Michael Jackson -- Casket Mystery Solved

These s**t hoax videos! *argh*

Ppl behind such vids will only manipulate your mind!
"MJ is alive?" :doh: It would mean, MJ would lie billions of ppl by simulating his own death?
- I know this man since 40 years .. he would never ever do such a thing! NEVER! -
How old are these hoax believers? Presumably at the age of a kindergarden kid!
Are they living in a separate world than I do? Apparently! *sigh*

There are moments in life which you could really despair!

After my blood is boiling now, please let us stay on the topic! "Casket Mystery Solved"
Are the people in here actually believing that he's still alive? Correct me if i'm wrong, cause i haven't read through the whole thread.
I cant believe that people cant see the difference between the caskets. The handles are completely different. They top handles have a pattern where the others done. Plus the handles have been circled. I even showed a side by side shot. If people cant see the difference between that, then no wonder Michael is able to pull this off. I could swear that some people just dont want to see it.

Ive circled the handles in red, surely you can see the handles are different.:

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These s**t hoax videos! *argh*

Ppl behind such vids will only manipulate your mind!
"MJ is alive?" :doh: It would mean, MJ would lie billions of ppl by simulating his own death?
- I know this man since 40 years .. he would never ever do such a thing! NEVER! -
How old are these hoax believers? Presumably at the age of a kindergarden kid!
Are they living in a separate world than I do? Apparently! *sigh*

There are moments in life which you could really despair!

After my blood is boiling now, please let us stay on the topic! "Casket Mystery Solved"

In fact, I made the video that you just saw on the top of this thread, and no thanks Im 21 years old.

'I know Michael since 40 years, he would never ever do such a thing' Did you stop, at least, one minute to think about the possible reasons of it ? Im sure you havent... but hey dont lose your time watching my videos, you can stay blind if you want and not consider the hoax as a possibility.

Sorry but I had to get this out of my head.

And about Murray, Innocent until proven guilty, like our Michael.

Back on topic now...
Guys back on topic please. If people don't want to hear about hoax theories then please don't come into this forum if its just going to upset you. It works both ways here guys. We don't allow conspiracy theories or hoax theories anywhere else on the forum but we have this space for those who do. I'm not a hoax believer either but everyone's opinions need to be respected.
sloride, I thought the hoax theories were discussed there and not in here :scratch:

Conspiracy and death hoaxes are completely different issues for me.


'I know Michael since 40 years, he would never ever do such a thing'
Did you stop, at least, one minute to think about the possible reasons of it? Im sure you havent... but hey dont lose your time watching my videos,
you can stay blind if you want and not consider the hoax as a possibility.

I don't think I'm blind.
I'm only a realist and believe absolutely not in such things like death hoaxes and Michael is still alive-theories.
And you're right, I don't waste my time any longer on vids or reports about this themes.
I had made my statement because I think your vid has nothing to do with the topic.

You can believe what you want, the same goes for me.
You said what you think about my view as I said my thoughts about your view.
Let's agree that there are more than just an view.
This thread is in the conspiarcy forum. If a discussion naturally heads towards hoax due to the evidence we see, we have to cease discussing it and start another discussion in another thread? This is part of the censoring that annoys me. What if Michael really did hoax his death? Are you all going to turn a bllind eye until he decides to show?
sloride, I thought the hoax theories were discussed there and not in here :scratch:

Conspiracy and death hoaxes are completely different issues for me.


'I know Michael since 40 years, he would never ever do such a thing'
Did you stop, at least, one minute to think about the possible reasons of it? Im sure you havent... but hey dont lose your time watching my videos,
you can stay blind if you want and not consider the hoax as a possibility.

I don't think I'm blind.
I'm only a realist and believe absolutely not in such things like death hoaxes and Michael is still alive-theories.
And you're right, I don't waste my time any longer on vids or reports about this themes.
I had made my statement because I think your vid has nothing to do with the topic.

You can believe what you want, the same goes for me.
You said what you think about my view as I said my thoughts about your view.
Let's agree that there are more than just an view.

Yes but conspiracy theories always lead to discussion of hoax theories, the casket mystery was always going to lead to a discussion about whether it was a hoax or not, so our advice for those who get upset by it all is to avoid the whole forum. This is why we moved this topic in here and not have it in news where talk about hoaxs would not be allowed.
Personally I dont think that there being more than 1 caskets has anything to do with a hoax. I posted the story that 3 caskets were made for the Jackson family and it looks like they used 2 of them.
People are saying that oh not many of the family were crying and how odd it is but everyone grieves in different ways. Everyone is different.

This is true. We shouldn't criticize the behavior of Michael's family or friends at the memorial or the burial service. People react very differently to grief. I have been to many funerals and always some people are in tears, some are emotionless and some try to laugh and make other laugh as a way to alleviate their grief. Some are in denial. Death is a difficult thing for anyone to face and we all react differently.
This is true. We shouldn't criticize the behavior of Michael's family or friends at the memorial or the burial service. People react very differently to grief. I have been to many funerals and always some people are in tears, some are emotionless and some try to laugh and make other laugh as a way to alleviate their grief. Some are in denial. Death is a difficult thing for anyone to face and we all react differently.

Exactly. The last funeral I went to barely anyone was in tears. We all react differently to grief so I do not think its fair to say that Michael's family and friends weren't grieving the right way. All of us grieved for Michael in different ways. I know people that quit their jobs because of it whereas there are people like myself who threw themselves into work just so we didn't have to think about Michael as it was too painful.
Rockin, the handles are quite differents.. Theres 3 'lines' for the handle of the memorial and 2 for the burial.

And the design of every handle are different.. I cant believe you cant differency them :p

Ok I think I see the difference now. I wasn't sure because they are very shiny and that may have made them look different depending on the light and what was around reflecting on them... but I think I see the difference now yes.
It's a small difference but the photos DI showed recentely clearly show a difference in caskets.

For us "normal" people it sounds weird to use 2 caskets that are so expensive. But we're talking about Michael, thinking of how he lived it makes sense to me.

If it turns out that the casket at the memorial was empty I wouldn't be mad or surprised. I can imagine they wouldn't want to take any risk. And probably only a few people know anything about it. As for the story of the casket being taken away by a SWAT car. It's a lot less expensive then having to close down the highway again. And as the city of LA is in financial trouble already, this solution makes sense.