Michael Jackson -- Casket Mystery Solved

You're point because I have put it wrong ("payed FL")

I wanted to say: the estate payed directly or indirectly (Janet) for the f/b costs .. they would not pay for 2 or 3 caskets.

I hope I have now better expressed what I meant

I wanted to say: the estate payed directly or indirectly (Janet) for the f/b costs .. they would not pay for 2 or 3 caskets.

I hope I have now better expressed what I meant

You have and with all due respect, you dont know that they would or wouldnt pay for 3 caskets.

I wouldnt think that any remainder caskets would be left with the maker for them to promote themselves by saying "this is a casket we made for Michael Jackson". Its more feasible to believe that the family took all 3 caskets. Clearly 2 caskets have been used so its very possible that all 3 were used.
If you think the caskets are the same in the picture, it will be hard for us to take your arguments seriously.
*Ooops* I have never paid attention to the handles :doh: I looked always on the colour.
I apologize for my carelessness!

It looks like they are really difficult ..

Thus I can agree with DI:
- one for the memorial
- one for the burial
and probably one for the manufacturer

Thanks Calotte12 :)
that you explicitly pointing out this, I overlooked (and would probably continue) this completely!
Thats okay lol.. bcecause I found it weird at first that you couldnt see the differences :)

Sorry if I sounded a little mad lol :)
sorry , i'm slow but what is this all about??i read the report many times but could not understand what TMZ points at?

anyway, i have a question.... did some fans here say that MJ's body did not arrive in the funeral and memorial and only the casket was there?
sorry , i'm slow but what is this all about??i read the report many times but could not understand what TMZ points at? *short summary

anyway, i have a question.... did some fans here say that MJ's body did not arrive in the funeral and memorial and only the casket was there? I haven't heard in here
*Short summary:
Jackson's body did indeed arrive in a hearse, but it left in a SWAT van.
The van was driven to a secret location, where it rendezvoused with a Forest Lawn van -- which then transported the body to the cemetery without being noticed.
(#1 posting)
*Short summary:
Jackson's body did indeed arrive in a hearse, but it left in a SWAT van.
The van was driven to a secret location, where it rendezvoused with a Forest Lawn van -- which then transported the body to the cemetery without being noticed.
(#1 posting)

thanx alot.
*Short summary:
Jackson's body did indeed arrive in a hearse, but it left in a SWAT van.
The van was driven to a secret location, where it rendezvoused with a Forest Lawn van -- which then transported the body to the cemetery without being noticed.
(#1 posting)

By the way, what happened to the story that claimed that the casket was transported underground through a tunnel that connects the NOKIA theatre to the Staples Centre?
Did I dream that?

The family had every reason to take precautions.
When asked by Larry King where MJ's body was after the memorial finished Joseph Jackson said 'I don't know, you'll have to ask someone that knows'. He said 'All I know is I was at the memorial, where they took it from there I don't know, I'll have to find out and let you know later Larry' He did not know where his son was?! Larry then asks him 'As a father you would think you have the most imminent right to know' and Joe replies 'I do have that right but...um.. I'm not talking about that right now' The way he says it is kind of strange too



You know I'm open to hoax but I don't see a difference.. :/
When asked by Larry King where MJ's body was after the memorial finished Joseph Jackson said 'I don't know, you'll have to ask someone that knows'. He said 'All I know is I was at the memorial, where they took it from there I don't know, I'll have to find out and let you know later Larry' He did not know where his son was?! Larry then asks him 'As a father you would think you have the most imminent right to know' and Joe replies 'I do have that right but...um.. I'm not talking about that right now' The way he says it is kind of strange too


You know I'm open to hoax but I don't see a difference.. :/

The handles on the caskets are different.

Joe's response to me seems to be that he doesnt want to lie and skirts around the question. Joe has done this before when he got his lawyer to answer questions for him.
All I know is I was at the memorial, where they took it from there I don't know, I'll have to find out and let you know later Larry'
Joe sounds like he was telling the truth that his job was to simply show up at the memorial and that he didnt know who was doing what that day. Who are they? "...took it from there..." It? This is his son! It sounds more like, "where they took the hoax from there I dont know.."
If the handles are different I can't see it but 3 or 4 of you can so maybe its just my eyes.

Joe's response to me seems to be that he doesnt want to lie and skirts around the question. Joe has done this before when he got his lawyer to answer questions for him.
All I know is I was at the memorial, where they took it from there I don't know, I'll have to find out and let you know later Larry'
Joe sounds like he was telling the truth that his job was to simply show up at the memorial and that he didnt know who was doing what that day. Who are they? "...took it from there..." It? This is his son! It sounds more like, "where they took the hoax from there I dont know.."

Yeh. To me from Joe it sounds like MJ wasn't in the casket. With 'it' it sounds like he's just talking about an empty box.
Rockin, the handles are quite differents.. Theres 3 'lines' for the handle of the memorial and 2 for the burial.

And the design of every handle are different.. I cant believe you cant differency them :p
Rockin., and to me only simply: Joe wasn't involved to choose a casket or organize something in Staples Center!

So also with the death certificate .. one will suspect the parents, no .. a sibling had signed.

"the handles on the caskets are different" quote DI

I had never observed that. But after the discussion and after the note from Calotte12, I saw the pictures in large format .. they are really different.
On one casket the handles have embellishments on it.
I couldn't believe at first *g*

I have never seen even more the f./m. pictures after they were aired on the corresponding days.
That's already to much :cry:
I always overlook ..
I too cannot see difference between the caskets and think the comparison pictures are from different angles and that's what makes them look like they are different.

some higher quality pictures for better comparison (click on the pictures to see them bigger)




I see 3 handles on each with the same design but hey that's just me. :scratch:
I see the same design in both photos- but even if they were different, it wouldn't mean to me that he's alive. I even would not have an issue with an empty casket for the public memorial, wouldn't bother me or make me think he's alive. If I were the family I am not sure I would have had the nerves to let his body being driven around.

Some people even have "display" caskets that are being used for wakes, memorials and funeral services- while being buried in a much simpler casket. Others are in a casket for a service, but are being cremated in a different casket. Such things are fairly common.
Then you also have the other additional requirements, especially for above ground burials- vaults etc.
Such things are fairly common.


When asked by Larry King where MJ's body was after the memorial finished Joseph Jackson said 'I don't know, you'll have to ask someone that knows'. He said 'All I know is I was at the memorial, where they took it from there I don't know, I'll have to find out and let you know later Larry' He did not know where his son was?! Larry then asks him 'As a father you would think you have the most imminent right to know' and Joe replies 'I do have that right but...um.. I'm not talking about that right now' The way he says it is kind of strange too


Joe is the father. For me this is absurd the father does not know where is the body of his son. :doh: Obviously this is not normal and it is quite strange. In this interview with Larry, Joe seems to be completely out of the whole thing.
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That doesnt mean he is alive, but thats doesnt mean its not weird.

I guess weird is relative. To us anything related to death is weird and often awkward because we as western society shun and shy the topic to the utmost. It's a very uncomfortable topic for most people. Where life- will be death.

Of course it seems strange but sometimes these things are not so weird after all.

We had to bury a friend fairly recently and since then (she had to be transferred between locations and was cremated in the end) I learned that different arrangement are sometimes necessary.
I too cannot see difference between the caskets and think the comparison pictures are from different angles and that's what makes them look like they are different.

I see 3 handles on each with the same design but hey that's just me. :scratch:

Well hopefully this comparison will help you see the difference between the 2 caskets:

And no this does not mean MJ is alive. Im just pointing out that out of the 3 caskets that were made up for Michael, we can establish that 2 out of 3 were used. Now this is my assumption but its not infeasible to surmise that the third casket was used for the entombment.

And lastly, I cant imagine Michael being in the casket (without freezer) in front of his kids for 2hrs. The Jacksons surely wouldnt do that to the kids. And being that the kids were in front of the casket, the are a lot of pics of Paris smiling which to me is odd as I was crying all day and Michael isnt my relative.
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Well hopefully this comparison will help you see the difference between the 2 caskets:
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And no this does not mean MJ is alive. Im just pointing out that out of the 3 caskets that were made up for Michael, we can establish that 2 out of 3 were used. Now this is my assumption but its not infeasible to surmise that the third casket was used for the entombment.

And lastly, I cant imagine Michael being in the casket (without freezer) in front of his kids for 2hrs. The Jacksons surely wouldnt do that to the kids. And being that the kids were in front of the casket, the are a lot of pics of Paris smiling which to me is odd as I was crying all day and Michael isnt my relative.

If someone dies .. you will not understand or realize what happend .. mabe after a certain time.
I know this very well, unfortunately from my own experiences in my long life.

- Have you forgotten Katherine was shopping .. sleeping bags, if I'm not wrong.
I also went shopping, not something like sleeping bags or whatever, but black clothes for the funeral and food.
That had made no fun, but you couldn't always cry in the shops .. you put a mask (protection function) on your face not to be addressed because Condolence wishes
(idk the correct word in english) are also hard to bear as a compassion look at you.

- Blanket had held a MJ doll - I as a adult would never do - but he is a little boy and had no no idea what happened.

You can see everyone grieves in his own way, even when they look bizarr or odd to us .. all ways are right!


We have to accept these differences and not make any speculations about this or that as here: if a body was in the casket or not.
I think that's not our buisness, it's the buisness of his family.

Joe is the father. For me this is absurd the father does not know where is the body of his son. :doh: Obviously this is not normal and it is quite strange. In this interview with Larry, Joe seems to be completely out of the whole thing.

this is the real reason , the man hurts but hates to show his feelings !

If someone dies .. you will not understand or realize what happend .. mabe after a certain time.
I know this very well, unfortunately from my own experiences in my long life.

- Have you forgotten Katherine was shopping .. sleeping bags, if I'm not wrong.
I also went shopping, not something like sleeping bags or whatever, but black clothes for the funeral and food.
That had made no fun, but you couldn't always cry in the shops .. you put a mask (protection function) on your face not to be addressed because Condolence wishes
(idk the correct word in english) are also hard to bear as a compassion look at you.

- Blanket had held a MJ doll - I as a adult would never do - but he is a little boy and had no no idea what happened.

You can see everyone grieves in his own way, even when they look bizarr or odd to us .. all ways are right!


We have to accept these differences and not make any speculations about this or that as here: if a body was in the casket or not.
I think that's not our buisness, it's the buisness of his family.
this is the real reason , the man hurts but hates to show his feelings !

Thanks for that Ohood......that was indeed sad.....THAT makes me feel for Joe. The nightmare a parent should NEVER have to live.
Well hopefully this comparison will help you see the difference between the 2 caskets:

And no this does not mean MJ is alive. Im just pointing out that out of the 3 caskets that were made up for Michael, we can establish that 2 out of 3 were used. Now this is my assumption but its not infeasible to surmise that the third casket was used for the entombment.

And lastly, I cant imagine Michael being in the casket (without freezer) in front of his kids for 2hrs. The Jacksons surely wouldnt do that to the kids. And being that the kids were in front of the casket, the are a lot of pics of Paris smiling which to me is odd as I was crying all day and Michael isnt my relative.

I cannot see the differences between those caskets....I wish I could.....I wish that those pics of different caskets.(so some think) would mean that this IS all a hoax and that Michael IS still alive. Like I said before ...a part of my heart is still holding hope that Michael is still here....this is too much for my mind to wrap itself around.
Not that it proves anything one way or the other to me, but I also believe the angle and lighting in the pics makes a huge difference.

At the memorial one pic of the casket is taken from the narrow end, and it appears almost white on the lower portion, most likely from the placement of lighting reflecting on the shiny lower portion and the angle of the pic. Then at FL, the lower portion again appears almost white again, with lighting placement and angle again the most likely explanation. The handles? They look exactly the same to me, what are others seeing that I'm not?

I'm all for discussion about things not easily explained, but this one has me agreeing with Ivy.
People are saying that oh not many of the family were crying and how odd it is but everyone grieves in different ways. I didn'y cry over Michael's death until after the memorial. It simply hadn't sunk in but when it did a couple weeks later, well, honestly I was a mess for months. Everyone is different.
People are saying that oh not many of the family were crying and how odd it is but everyone grieves in different ways. I didn'y cry over Michael's death until after the memorial. It simply hadn't sunk in but when it did a couple weeks later, well, honestly I was a mess for months. Everyone is different.

Everyone IS different, and I agree with Sloride on this. I didn't actually "cry" for a long time after Michael's death. My father died when I was 13, and I didn't cry at his funeral, many didn't. People of all ages and backgrounds react differently, it is what it is.
Its not just being happy, its a complet indifference.

Watch this and tell me everything is normal.
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