Michael Jackson -- Casket Mystery Solved


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Québec, Canada
It's the answer to the question you were kinda curious about, then forgot about, but now you're like "Holy cow, I really wanna know -- how did Michael Jackson's body seemingly disappear after his memorial, only to reappear at the cemetery?"

On July 7, 2009 the Staples Center memorial was held in front of thousands of people in downtown L.A. -- Jackson's body was ensconced in a $25,000 red casket.

After the memorial, although hundreds of cameras and thousands of eyes were trained on the exits, no one saw any evidence that the casket left the building. It fueled a grassy knoll-type theory that Jackson's body wasn't really inside the casket and maybe he was still alive.

Finally, our spies have come clean. Jackson's body did indeed arrive in a hearse, but it left in a SWAT van. The van was driven to a secret location, where it rendezvoused with a Forest Lawn van -- which then transported the body to the cemetery without being noticed.

You're welcome.

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Looks like TMZ isn't a fan of the hoax theories as well.

LOL at the writing under the picture : This ain't real.

:bugeyed at the poll results.
^^Maybe TMZ are saying this whole thing aint real and that it is a hoax.

If TMZ dont believe its a hoax then why do they read the hoax forums and quote the hoax forums? This question was asked on MJHD today and then TMZ post this story? Nobody who thinks MJ is dead would ask this question.

Also before the MJ Eyes story earlier this week, www.ThisIsAlsoIt.com (hoax forum) was redirect to TMZ 10 minutes BEFORE the MJ story came up. How did a hoax forum know there would be a MJ story 10mins prior?

BTW STILL ALIVE = 54% now.
^^Maybe TMZ are saying this whole thing aint real and that it is a hoax.

If TMZ dont believe its a hoax then why do they read the hoax forums and quote the hoax forums? This question was asked on MJHD today and then TMZ post this story? Nobody who thinks MJ is dead would ask this question.

Also before the MJ Eyes story earlier this week, www.ThisIsAlsoIt.com (hoax forum) was redirect to TMZ 10 minutes BEFORE the MJ story came up. How did a hoax forum know there would be a MJ story 10mins prior?

BTW STILL ALIVE = 54% now.

Good points.
The picture has been deleted and will not be reposted here. If the picture is reposted one more time this thread will be closed. By all means discuss the story but no more mention of the picture.
It's the answer to the question you were kinda curious about, then forgot about, but now you're like "Holy cow, I really wanna know -- how did Michael Jackson's body seemingly disappear after his memorial, only to reappear at the cemetery?"

On July 7, 2009 the Staples Center memorial was held in front of thousands of people in downtown L.A. -- Jackson's body was ensconced in a $25,000 red casket.

After the memorial, although hundreds of cameras and thousands of eyes were trained on the exits, no one saw any evidence that the casket left the building. It fueled a grassy knoll-type theory that Jackson's body wasn't really inside the casket and maybe he was still alive.

Finally, our spies have come clean. Jackson's body did indeed arrive in a hearse, but it left in a SWAT van. The van was driven to a secret location, where it rendezvoused with a Forest Lawn van -- which then transported the body to the cemetery without being noticed.

You're welcome.


:doh: Well, I will not say anything. :bugeyed

But on the SWAT, I did not know much about them and decided to research. I read about them on a Brazilian website and translate an excerpt interesting:

Here are some situations that usually require the work of a group SWAT:

a life-threatening - if someone needs to be transported and there is a greater chance of suffering an attempted murder, an armored vehicle of a group SWAT can protect you;

or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SWAT


I do not understand why a SWAT armored vehicle would carry a coffin. :ph34r:

And TMZ play the 2 sides. :smilerolleyes:
Continue posting "moonwalking casket" picture? If TMZ has no respect to MJ and still treats him like garbage after his death I can understand it.
But why we MJ fans have no respect to ecah other ? There are ppl who will not be OK with this kind of material to view. It is highly disrespectful. You have your hoax thread where you have such material being posted and you have your nice time here. Why to start another thread with 50/50 poll? Who cares about their crappy poll?
My post was deleted by mods from this thread so your pictrure was deleted. But looks like the problem is still there. I hope somebody will take care of it.

Who cares about their crapy pool ? This reflects quite good the situation right now.

Remember that 2 hoax forums are now almost equal in term of traffic than the biggest forum of MJ (MJJC).
The picture has been deleted and will not be reposted here. If the picture is reposted one more time this thread will be closed. By all means discuss the story but no more mention of the picture.
yes I hope so!


Did I come to the wrong community?? Is this really MJJC forum?? :scratch:
yes I hope so!


Did I come to the wrong community?? Is this really MJJC forum?? :scratch:

We can all have varying opinions despite being in the same community.

BTW why has no one questioned WHY WAS HIS BODY TAKEN AWAY BY SWAT?!? He was already dead and nobody is going to steal a coffin let alone in day light. Why didnt he arrive via SWAT?

The use of SWAT teams in non-emergency situations has been criticized.

Why did they say RED Casket? It was clearly GOLD!
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BTW why has no one questioned WHY WAS HIS BODY TAKEN AWAY BY SWAT?!? He was already dead and nobody is going to steal a coffin let alone in day light. Why didnt he arrive via SWAT?
Yep, it really makes no sense considering the circumstances and I do not know what to say. lol! :mello:

Well, if this story is really true and if TMZ is not just kidding. lol! :doh:

Why did they say RED Casket? It was clearly GOLD!

Well, say the casket from the funeral was not the same the memorial. :scratch: :doh:

Yes it was 2 different casket at the burial and the memorial...

I hope you agree with me, MJ's death is the most mysterious thing EVER. It cant get any weirder.
The pics of the 2 caskets look the same. Its just the flowers that are different. Memorial & Funeral, both with yellow and white flowers.
I stand corrected, they are 2 different caskets. I havent looked at them for like 9 months so thank you.

Neither one of them are red though are they?
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Oh two different caskets...O____O Why is that? lol I never notice that before and I don't think any hoaxers noticed this either....in the videos that I seen and the things I read from them I don't ever think they mentioned this?

Weird...I am still 50/50 on this whole thing lol

I said it before this was no accident! I believe that if he really is dead it was murder because everything else points to a hoax!

That's my opinion don't really care if people think it's crazy I think for myself! :)
"It is for those that choose to avoid the solemn and subdued mood of this occasion and instead focus on the brighter and more cheerful celebration of a life lived in joy and that, inevitably, has ended.

There may be other colors, but red is still the most royal and dignified of them all."

That's what I interprete of the article: instead of black or brown a colour which symbolizes the brightness and happiness in someones life = red

But the colour thing is pure taste .. I don't want a red or golden casket neither for me nor a family member, but we are not famous also *g*
"concept that would attract those that want to view death differently".....Ok then!
it's all nice but it's actually GOLDEN. not red. the flowers were red. but maybe that symbolize something too.

i first thought tmz gonna explain the fact that there are 2 different caskets.. silly me.
thats the point, tmz said that the casket is red, but anyone that has eyes knows that its golden. tmz knows it too, the picture they put up has a golden casket in it with red flowers, the know the difference. i think they said it on purpose, thats why i researched it ;)
Here is the company that made the caskets and they say they made 3 caskets:
Indiana company makes Michael Jackson's casket

Posted: wnRenderDate('Friday, July 3, 2009 11:17 PM EST', '', true); Jul 04, 2009 12:47 PM Friday, July 3, 2009 11:17 PM EST Updated: wnRenderDate('Thursday, July 16, 2009 11:25 AM EST', '', true); Jul 17, 2009 12:55 AM Thursday, July 16, 2009 11:25 AM EST


if (PLATFORM.EventMan) PLATFORM.EventMan.triggerEvent('WNStoryRelatedBoxdone'); Jennie Runevitch/Eyewitness News

Ripley County - When Michael Jackson's body is buried next week, he will take a part of Indiana with him. The Batesville Casket Company made his casket in Ripley County.
It's about as far from Hollywood as you can get, but Batesville is suddenly in the spotlight for creating the casket for an icon. The news was the talk of the town Friday at Joe's Family Diner.
"They say 'Casket City USA'. I think that's what we're known for," said Joe's owner Kim Powell.
"They can say Michael Jackson's casket came right from here," added customer Jill Campbell.
Michael Jackson will be buried in a gleaming gold and bronze custom-made, hand-polished casket from the Batesville Casket Company, which has been in business for 120 years. Workers say the coffin was shipped out Thursday night. It's called the Promethean, features a crushed velvet interior, and it cost $25,000.
"$25,000? Wow. Should be a pretty good casket," Powell said.
"Well, it's $25,000! It's like buying a car," said Batesville Casket employee Adam Sams.
"I think it's awesome," said Sams' stepfather.
Despite the small town excitement, it's actually no surprise that Batesville is becoming a permanent part of the King of Pop.
"I know we make a lot of very famous people's caskets," said Sams. "We made Bob Hope's and James Brown's and one for Wilt Chamberlain."
Adam and his brother, Aaron Sams, work in the casket company's factory. They say the company actually manufactured three coffins for Jackson, so his family could pick the one they liked best.
"It was a great choice by the family in my opinion to come back to Indiana and really show some support to the workers here in Indiana. Yeah, that feels good," Aaron Sams said.
The casket will hold in death a talent who often seemed bigger than life. To the men in Batesville who created Jackson's final resting place, it's rewarding.

It's also fitting, they say, that a Hoosier who rose to such stardom will have a part of Indiana with him forever.
"Just knowing that we, that all of us, would have some kind of a hand in that, it's amazing," Sams said.
The brothers say they were big fans of Jackson's music growing up. They plan to watch his memorial service Tuesday on television.

Here is the company that made the caskets and they say they made 3 caskets:
(..) http://www.wthr.com/global/story.asp?s=10642896

Adam and his brother, Aaron Sams, work in the casket company's factory.
They say the company actually manufactured three coffins for Jackson, so his family could pick the one they liked best.
The famest man on earth ever will shown at Staples Center by billions ..
Would you, as a family member, prefer to have no choice for the casket? Would you choose any without seeing alternatives before the show starts?
To make such a casket takes a good time to do. Between June 26 and July 07 they had to make a good looking casket.
They, the casket company, want to be satisfied, MJs family and the whole world also with their work.

I don't get it ppl looking for something with all the force ... just like the media have done / still does.
I wait for conspiracy theories about Michael socks ..
The famest man on earth ever will shown at Staples Center by billions ..
Would you, as a family member, prefer to have no choice for the casket? Would you choose any without seeing alternatives before the show starts?
To make such a casket takes a good time to do. Between June 26 and July 07 they had to make a good looking casket.
They, the casket company, want to be satisfied, MJs family and the whole world also with their work.

I don't get it ppl looking for something with all the force ... just like the media have done / still does.
I wait for conspiracy theories about Michael socks ..
I dont take this world at face value.

The Jacksons used 2 of the 3 coffins that we know of (shown above). So they didnt just pick the one they like the best. They could have used the 3rd to be MJs final casket @ FL or use one as a decoy. Michael liked James Browns casket and the family obviously knew that somehow. And the caskets although different, are still fairly similar so its not really that much of a decision.
For me, the caskets (f / b) looks identical in the pic ^^
And, if I remember correctly, the estate payed FL only for ONE!
For me, the caskets (f / b) looks identical in the pic ^^
And, if I remember correctly, the estate payed FL only for ONE!

The Estate wouldnt have paid FL for the casket but The Batesville Casket Company in Indiana. And Janet paid for most if notall of the burial and the Estate paid Janet back.