Michael Jackson Autopsy Update (10.08.09) Investigation is complete

Yeah i think Michael had died way before he reached the hospital, Murray just didnt wanna face facts and instead continued to try and revive him to make it look like he wasnt in the wrong. When clearly he was, because he apparently left him and fell asleep!
im assuming they are holding off on revealing the details so that if charges are laid they can announce everything all at once.
See, that's the problem. Michael did not die in the house officially. Officially it was at the hospital. Murray saw to that by refusing to pronounce him gone and sign the certificate and then insisting on continued treatment - what was it, 40 minutes at the house before he even allowed the EMTs to transport?? If Michael had died at home, it would have been a whole different process.

This is one of the main reasons I think he was killed or murdered - the fact that Murray 'may have' made them carry on trying even though he was dead so the house was not declared a crime scene. This point is very important.

Michael Jackson's death: The biggest cover up in history?

Its looking that way :( I hope someone involved tripped up along the way so badly it can't be covered up - but they are not doing much about Murray so I'm not holding my breath for any justice with this which is so sad :(
gee, i'm nervous to know about the autopsy. And if it is murder or something similar to that matter then i'm going to be extremely pissed. I honestly feel that Michael shouldn't have died at all, at least not during this time. Everyone is saying things like "oh he is more famous now etc" bs! With his awesome come back tour he would have broken records and he would have showed the world other wise. I personally think he could have paid back all his debts with the money he was going to make during the concerts, and he WOULD have STILL been even more famous and recognized. He didn't want to die, and it was way to unexpected. Not that anyone wants to die obviously, but what I mean is that it wasn't a natural cost. He should have done the concerts, showed his kids how remarkable he is, shown the WORLD how remarkable he is, straighten out his life, and retire in peace.
Hopefully that is the case but I'm not too convinced the LAPD will not let Michael down :(

I agree. I feel the same. It seems to me like they've been subtley looking for ways to blame him and the heat they're putting on Murray is just for show. I hope I'm wrong about that. Believe me. But I'm at the point now where I'm not trusting anybody. This situation gets more and more confusing every day.
Arresting Murray is no longer a problem. He's already shopping for a defense team to represent him in a criminal court. He's a done deal. I think the LAPD is trying to get all the snake's heads. That's right! the snake has many heads to be cut off and they wanna do it right.
They cannot show autopsy results to the public because MJ was killed. If so, investigation may take years.
The group of conspiracy which killed Michael did hurt so many people in this world! Millions! They have to pay the price. I will pray for this every day now!
Re: Jackson Autopsy Complete -- But Still Secret

But now we're hearing Michael was already dead before he arrived at the hospital but it was Murray who still insisted on reviving him.

With cardiac arrest, you only have six minutes to work on them before brain damage starts kicking in. It was about nearly an hour before Michael even arrived at the hospital. Michael died at the house.

Like you're saying, it would be a different process then. And it's why Murray insisted on going to the hospital instead, so he can be pronounced dead there instead. Also, it would give time for any substance in his body to start going away.

Jesus, this makes perfect sense. But then again, Murray did tell the authorities that he actually administered the probofil (sp) to Mike so...God, this is a never-ending nightmare.
Re: Jackson Autopsy Complete -- But Still Secret

Oh God. Why do I have such a bad feeling? :cry:

Because we've all been let down by the LAPD before when it comes to Michael, and because we know from his life, that sometimes its not fair and justice is not served. Michael got justice with his vindication but where is his damages payout for the pain and suffering they put him through. Half justice isnt good enough, and we are all worried that half justice on this wont be good enough either.

lets hope they feel so guilty about what they did to him the last time that they nail this bastard doctor to make up for some of the past wrongs.
^^I know! I will be able to mourn properley only when I know exactly how he died.

I wonder if we will get any results within the next month?
Originally Posted by hildax3rawr
Michael Jackson's death: The biggest cover up in history?

Oh no! Whatever it is we need to know the truth! Everyone who is involve in his dead must be punish! I hope the police are doing their best to uncover everything behind it!

This news seems very reliable. I think the investigators are very smart in keeping everything confidential until all sources that link to his death is dig up! And this proves Joe is such a liar who feeds the media telling Omer is his son and he is not buried!

I always thought that he was already laid to rest in forest lawn and only friends and families can have access to it. The public cannot have access to it because who knows there are some crazy people who might try to dig it up. Remember that happen to Elvis? He had to be reburied because someone tried to dig it up since the public all know his resting place!

****Sigh...typing these makes me feel like dying as well!
they will release the results most likely when they make arrests. or maybe not till later when it becomes part of discovery