Michael Jackson Autopsy Update (10.08.09) Investigation is complete

Please......you watch and see, the final report is somehow gonna get 'leaked' by mistake and I see TMZ as the ones to leak it.

And I bet you if the report had shown Mihcael's body filled with all kinds of drugs, they would'nt waste a minute putting out that info.

Something is up, but I truly believe valuable time and evidence was wasted/lost in the beginning of this whole thing.
Re: Jackson Autopsy Complete -- But Still Secret

I've felt that they had the results for a while now and know exactly what happened but to be able to do justice in the case it might be in the best interest to keep it quiet while they do more investigation.

My biggest concern is that the scene of the incident was compromised and things were removed before the investigation started that might be pertinent to the case.

Justice will prevail for Katherine and the kids....

I agree.. the LAPD should of made it a crime scene from the beginning, someone dies in the house and that someone is Michael Jackson and they dont rope off the property. The case was tainted from the beginning in my opinion. Poor Michael he just deserves justice.
Well, I am glad they are committed to doing a thorough investigation, and they can take as long as they need. I almost don't want to hear what I think is the inevitable conclusion that he was in a highly toxic condition and that Propofol was the last straw.

I think the fact that they know why he died, but are continuing means that they also know who caused it, and there are multiple doctors involved. It is hard enough accepting he has gone, but knowing it need not have happened, i.e. he had nothing wrong with him makes it even harder. All I get comfort from is that he is a piece and can never be hurt again, and if it was propofol at least he didn't suffer fear or pain, he just drifted off into sleep. I believe Murrey was the last face he saw.
Re: Jackson Autopsy Complete -- But Still Secret

I agree.. the LAPD should of made it a crime scene from the beginning, someone dies in the house and that someone is Michael Jackson and they dont rope off the property. The case was tainted from the beginning in my opinion. Poor Michael he just deserves justice.

See, that's the problem. Michael did not die in the house officially. Officially it was at the hospital. Murray saw to that by refusing to pronounce him gone and sign the certificate and then insisting on continued treatment - what was it, 40 minutes at the house before he even allowed the EMTs to transport?? If Michael had died at home, it would have been a whole different process.
I have a feeling so many people are involved in this than just Murray. They ALL need to GO DOWN!! One person alone can't bring Michael down, not the way we're seeing it now.
Re: Jackson Autopsy Complete -- But Still Secret

See, that's the problem. Michael did not die in the house officially. Officially it was at the hospital. Murray saw to that by refusing to pronounce him gone and sign the certificate and then insisting on continued treatment - what was it, 40 minutes at the house before he even allowed the EMTs to transport?? If Michael had died at home, it would have been a whole different process.

But now we're hearing Michael was already dead before he arrived at the hospital but it was Murray who still insisted on reviving him.

With cardiac arrest, you only have six minutes to work on them before brain damage starts kicking in. It was about nearly an hour before Michael even arrived at the hospital. Michael died at the house.

Like you're saying, it would be a different process then. And it's why Murray insisted on going to the hospital instead, so he can be pronounced dead there instead. Also, it would give time for any substance in his body to start going away.
i'm waiting for the news channels to broadcast the

'Dr Murray is arrested of manslaughter for the murder of Michael Jackson'

and a big O.J. Simpson style trial happening.

i don't think Michael will ever rest in peace.
So in other words, we learned absolutely nothing new. Lovely.
Re: Jackson Autopsy Complete -- But Still Secret

See, that's the problem. Michael did not die in the house officially. Officially it was at the hospital. Murray saw to that by refusing to pronounce him gone and sign the certificate and then insisting on continued treatment - what was it, 40 minutes at the house before he even allowed the EMTs to transport?? If Michael had died at home, it would have been a whole different process.

Yea I know this..:) Murray was slick he knew that by calling Michaels time of death at home then it would be a crime seen, but he was just hoping in his mind that he would never be found out. He has to be stupid he had to know that a toxicology report would be done. But then again that is the problem he wasn't thinking.....as we have all said he panicked because he new he was up shitty creek without a paddle. I hate Murray so bad
So in other words, we learned absolutely nothing new. Lovely.

correct.....this is just so heartbreaking. I mean I want all possible avenues looked into and I dont want a shoddy investigation on the part of the LAPD, but god I want to know what killed Michael.
i'm waiting for the news channels to broadcast the

'Dr Murray is arrested of manslaughter for the murder of Michael Jackson'

and a big O.J. Simpson style trial happening.

i don't think Michael will ever rest in peace.

I have this feeling no one will be charged.

I hope that all those are responsible will be charged. :( I really hope so, I'm trying to stay positive :( :( Regardless of everything that's happening, I truly believe Michael is in heaven and that he is at peace.
I hope that all those are responsible will be charged. :( I really hope so, I'm trying to stay positive :( :( Regardless of everything that's happening, I truly believe Michael is in heaven and that he is at peace.

Im trying to stay postive too...but i just dont know if we can trust the lapd at all.
Re: Jackson Autopsy Complete -- But Still Secret

With cardiac arrest, you only have six minutes to work on them before brain damage starts kicking in. It was about nearly an hour before Michael even arrived at the hospital. Michael died at the house.

Personally I'm really sure about it. Michael didn't die at the hospital at all.

Like you're saying, it would be a different process then. And it's why Murray insisted on going to the hospital instead, so he can be pronounced dead there instead. Also, it would give time for any substance in his body to start going away.

Yes, and that's also probabily why he waited for the ambulance instead of running to put Michael in a car and take him to the hospital himself.

I feel so bad pointing out such things. I know that I should sit and wait before making judgements, but I can't help it. That is what my mind is saying to me everytime I think about it. Something is really wrong here.
So in other words, we learned absolutely nothing new. Lovely.

My thoughts exactly. I wonder who they're interested in interviewing that they haven't been able to interview yet, tho. :unsure: Did someone skip town or are they finding more names coming up that they need to follow up on? Hmm......

I know one thing, when all this investigating is done, I hope there's an arrest or more to show for it...and a good case to go along with it.
I give it a week until a "source for the LAPD/coroner/someone else involved with the case" tells the public what the cause of death is. Green can do crazy things to people.
Re: Jackson Autopsy Complete -- But Still Secret

I've felt that they had the results for a while now and know exactly what happened but to be able to do justice in the case it might be in the best interest to keep it quiet while they do more investigation.

My biggest concern is that the scene of the incident was compromised and things were removed before the investigation started that might be pertinent to the case.

Justice will prevail for Katherine and the kids....

I agree
This is the worst time of my life, I can't deal with this. We deserve to know what happened, it's not like we ain't grieving.
I feel sick. I just want the truth... and still, they say nothing. I just hope there's a good reason for it. Jeez. I'm hurting too much... When will we ever get our answers?