Michael Jackson AEG Hearing


Proud Member
Apr 18, 2009
Several witnesses expected to take the stand today as lawyers for Michael Jackson's estate -- as well as lawyers for Katherine Jackson and Michael's kids -- give testimony about the proposed deal with AEG about a Jackson memorabilia tour.


[size=+1]- The petition has been approved!!! The AEG deal is done, the memorabilia tour will happen. Finally. The three-city tour could earn as much as $6 million for the estate. [/size]

- [size=+1]An attorney for Katherine wants more protections in the agreement to protect the estate and Michael's legacy.[/size]

- The attorney for Michael's kids is in favor of the AEG deal.

- And we're back!

- The court has been closed again as one of the senior lawyers for AEG has taken the stand. Outside of court, Taj told reporters the family is more interested in protecting Michael's legacy than in making money. We're expecting to get a ruling today.

- Taj testified that Michael had a memorabilia section at Neverland and he wanted to create something bigger out of it. He also said he thought Michael felt the rehearsal footage was "Michael's" because he was very protective of his image.

- Taj: "I love my uncle so much and I want to do right by him."

- And we're back!!! Tito's son Taj is set to take the stand.

- Court is back in session -- but still closed to the media. But it should be opened back up after the current witness is done.

- John Branca has finished testifying via phone and they've adjourned for lunch. Testimony will begin again in about an hour -- but it is unclear whether the judge will re-open the court. Stay tuned.

- Waiting patiently

- The judge will re-open the courtroom after John Branca testifies via phone. Stay tuned.

- It happened -- the judge closed the courtroom.

- Tito Jackson's oldest son Taj is in the courtroom.

- The judge is considering closing the courtroom because confidential documents will be discussed.

- AEG is upset because Leonard Rowe, who was expected to testify as an expert witness for Katherine, will not testify -- but he was shown confidential documents as part of disclosure. AEG's lawyers also say those docs have not been returned.

- Change of plans already -- Randy Jackson will not be called as a witness, according to an attorney for the estate.

- Lawyers for all sides -- AEG, the co-administrators, Katherine Jackson and Michael Jackson's kids -- are all in place.
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- AEG is upset because Leonard Rowe, who was expected to testify as an expert witness for Katherine, will not testify -- but he was shown confidential documents as part of disclosure. AEG's lawyers also say those docs have not been returned.

This is really NOT the time to be playing with the Judge.

He is just getting to know the players in this case and I'm sure he's watching everybody and everything very closely. As is the attorney for the children. Let's not forget that her one and only job is the protect the interest of the children.

If it looks like Mrs. Jackson's side is playing games, it will not bode well for her. Whatever happens, the very last thing they need to do is upset this Judge. Who, in my opinion, has been very decent - So Far.
Taj is on the witness stand.

Taj: "I love my uncle so much and I want to do right by him."

Taj testified that Michael had a memorabilia section at Neverland and he wanted to create something bigger out of it. He also said he thought Michael felt the rehearsal footage was "Michael's" because he was very protective of his image.
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I don't understand why AEG feels entitled to everything? and don't tell me b/c they lost money.... whatever.

all this crap would "deals have to be signed now... before fans lose interests"... who they think they are kidding??? and do they know who mj fans are.....? give me a break...
every contract signed better be looked at thoroughly b4 signing/ agreeing.
I don't understand why AEG feels entitled to everything? and don't tell me b/c they lost money.... whatever.

all this crap would "deals have to be signed now... before fans lose interests"... who they think they are kidding??? and do they know who mj fans are.....? give me a break...
every contract signed better be looked at thoroughly b4 signing/ agreeing.

Exactly but its not the fans like us I think, but its the general public they mean who have a renewed interest in Michael. I can't stand AEG right now.
Taj testified that Michael had a memorabilia section at Neverland and he wanted to create something bigger out of it.

does that mean MJ didn't want to give up Neverland after all? or he wanted to develop the section somewhere else?
does that mean MJ didn't want to give up Neverland after all? or he wanted to develop the section somewhere else?

I have read somewhere before that Michael would never wanna sell/give up Neverland...
If he wanted to, he could have done that when it was facing forclosure. Michael did even then not lose complete control of Neverland if I remember correctly.

[size=+2]The petition has been approved!!! The AEG deal is done, the memorabilia tour will happen. The three-city tour could earn as much as $6 million for the estate.
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yes I thought about that Neverland thing too...it' just adds more the depression, thinking about what could've/should've been, the new begging that never happened...
I didn't know Taj was so versatile when it came to business, I hope he will fight for Michael and his children's best interest
"Taj told reporters the family is more interested in protecting Michael's legacy than in making money. We're expecting to get a ruling today."

:) its nice to hear that, especially from someone who you know really wholeheartedly means it.

I'm a little confused. Was the hearing exclusively about the memoribilia tour? Why did Taj talk about Michael being protective of his image regrading rehearsal footage?
I think the judge made the right ruling. The Jackson family is questioning every move that is being made by The Executors and AEG. But every time they do this, they are preventing the estate and Michal's children from making a living off of their dad's legacy. I understand what Taj is saying, but the reality is money needs to be made and in a timely manner for the sake of those children. It is there future that is on the line. There have a right to profit from their dad's wealth potential. And I am sure that this is what the executors are trying to do.

I get this feeling that Ms Katherine is gonna go against the executors no matter what they do.
How much will go to the estate?

Read somewhere that the profits would be split 50-50 between the estate and AEG.

Anyone got a clue?
I think the judge made the right ruling. The Jackson family is questioning every move that is being made by The Executors and AEG. But every time they do this, they are preventing the estate and Michal's children from making a living off of their dad's legacy. I understand what Taj is saying, but the reality is money needs to be made and in a timely manner for the sake of those children. It is there future that is on the line. There have a right to profit from their dad's wealth potential. And I am sure that this is what the executors are trying to do.

I get this feeling that Ms Katherine is gonna go against the executors no matter what they do.

And I don't blame Katherine one bit. Wouldn't you if it was your son and you suspected foul play...?

Yes I know this is business(I used to work in accounts for a major label) but... they won't lose hardly any money by waiting for this tour to go ahead, he still has millions of fans regardless... they are capitalising on the general public's level of interest right now I know but it all seems so cold and heartless with Michael still not buried yet bless him. Whenever the tour would happen it would generate lots of interest as now Michael is in the same realms as Elvis and John Lennon.

This is purely my opinion and not based on fact but I feel as if AEG are pushing to seal the deal now before other things get leaked surrounding Michael's death, health tests etc...
So...Michael Jackson danced and sang his ass off for 40+ years of his life, and AEG now get to decide all things involving his name, image, merchandising etc Message to AEG, Bravado and anyone that didn't really give a shit about MICHAEL JACKSON, HE IS NOT YOUR FUCKING COMMODITY!!!...This is absolutely disgusting!!! His family should have control over his wealth, image and name...not some damn money grubbing corporation!!!
So...Michael Jackson danced and sang his ass off for 40+ years of his life, and AEG now get to decide all things involving his name, image, merchandising etc Message to AEG, Bravado and anyone that didn't really give a shit about MICHAEL JACKSON, HE IS NOT YOUR FUCKING COMMODITY!!!...This is absolutely disgusting!!! His family should have control over his wealth, image and name...not some damn money grubbing corporation!!!

Agreed! I mean wtf is that all about?! FFS...not happy about this.
what is a memorabillia tour? What is aeg planning to do. I hope its not sell 02 crap at sky high prices. Those things on that website from tshirts to socks are way to high.

Besides I don't even want anything that remotely reminds me of what DIDN'T happen. I'll buy a shirt reguarding michael but I don't want anything with the words this is it/o2/july 2009. Please AEGreedy can sit down with that high priced mess.
I think it's a tour of Michael's belongings so people can go and see some things he owned? That's what I got from it anyway.
MJ fans will NEVER GIVE UP LOVIN MJ............ I am busy recriuting new fans as in my 3 and a half yr old grandson!!! :)
He was so so tired tonight.............had bottle of milk in his hand............head on pillow...........his lil eyes were heavy............but he strained to stay awake to watch ''smooth criminal'' song on video channel on 80's sky channel...........:)
As soon as the next song came on Red Wine by UB40 he turned away and went out like a light! :)
He makes me play MJ in my car..............''Nanna put on ''Ickel ackson'' music he says!! Bless :)
I was playing Bad album and it went to a quiet song '' I just cant help lovin u''........so he said ''NO Nanna'' I want ''Ickel Ackson''......... I said ''it IS him darlin''...... but as soon as Dirty Diana and Smooth Criminal comes on he goes quiet again to listen and ENJOY!!! :)
He is MJ's lil 3 and a half yr old fan! Introduced by his Nan- me! Bless :)