- Michael is still a huge part of me - Omer Bhatti

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He a great dancer. And the stuff he does with his hat/cap or whatever you call it. - It's GREAT!
Exactly! Plus, he said recently in a song he has "a KING'S BLOOD LINE!" And how people think they know the truth and stuff like that! him denying it...yea right! Is it true?...he only knows and the Jacksons! But, they ain't saying yes or no except for Joe! He said yes! But, we don't like Joe...right?... lol

I agree with you. He's fueling a lot of the tabloid interest himself - the lyric about having the "king's bloodline," the whole video for "Home," the Neverland Valley Ranch logo on his website, the armband with the question mark, numerous pap photos with MJ's kids, changing his name to include Michael Jackson, etc.

If he doesn't want the attention, maybe he should stop using every opportunity possible to remind people of his connection to Michael.

Anyway, Omer does seem like a nice guy, and he was definitely a good friend to Michael. I hope he'll also be a good friend and a good influence for Michael's kids.
I agree with you. He's fueling a lot of the tabloid interest himself - the lyric about having the "king's bloodline," the whole video for "Home," the Neverland Valley Ranch logo on his website, the armband with the question mark, numerous pap photos with MJ's kids, changing his name to include Michael Jackson, etc.

If he doesn't want the attention, maybe he should stop using every opportunity possible to remind people of his connection to Michael.

Anyway, Omer does seem like a nice guy, and he was definitely a good friend to Michael. I hope he'll also be a good friend and a good influence for Michael's kids.

I agree with everything you said. But, at the same time I can understand his actions. Michael's an incredible figure to grow up with and have in your life. I know for certain there is no malice in his actions, he loves Michael and Michael loved him, that was obvious. So with that in mind I'm not going to give him a hard time, I wish him success and happiness and I hope he's a good influence and friend to the kids.
With Omer yes I agree that he brings a lot of attention on himself but he seems like a nice guy who was always a good friend to Michael and his kids. I just hope that he continues to be a positive influence over Michael's children.
How can you say he's not a talented dancer?

Check out this:


Some MJ inspired moves (like millions of other dancers do!) but a very personal style and a great talent, IMHO.

I don't see why he has to spend his life saying that he's not MJ son.
The relationship he had with MJ is something we fans will never ever understand, I don't see how we can feel allowed to say what he has to say or how he has to move or how much he wants to tribute him in his music and dance.
How can you say he's not a talented dancer?

Check out this:


Some MJ inspired moves (like millions of other dancers do!) but a very personal style and a great talent, IMHO.

I don't see why he has to spend his life saying that he's not MJ son.
The relationship he had with MJ is something we fans will never ever understand, I don't see how we can feel allowed to say what he has to say or how he has to move or how much he wants to tribute him in his music and dance.

I agree with everything you said. This is a guy who was always loyal to Michael and whom Michael considered family (and no, not because he was his son, but still). If Michael was happy to have him in his and his children's life I am happy too if he keeps contact with the kids. I think they consider him as a big brother (again: not literally).
I don't care how "talented" this kid is...truth is he's not original. He copies Michael too much.

Omer also has to thank "his father" Michael because without Michael no one would really give a crap. I'm sorry if I am being harsh but it's the truth. He's no Usher. Or Maxwell. This kid has nothing new to give. Not unique. He looks, sings and moves like all the other dancer's I have seen over the years.

Also, Omer has never denied that Michael was not his dad. He's quite about it as well as his natural parents because he as well as they know that that little mystery of 'is he or isn't he?' MJ's son will keep people hanging on and interested. It's a fact. It's pathetic really but then again who in Michael's circle has not used Michael to gain fame or money? I mean this kid went as far as legally changing his name to 'Michael'....

Meanwhile Michael's nephews, who are his blood relatives, don't pull this kind of shameful thing. It's pathetic.

I know a lot of people like Omer, but I just find him odd and using the Michael mystique to keep everyone interested in his "bloodline to The King". It's going to get old. Trust me.

My 2 cents.
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Maybe he wants to milk his connection with Michael because he has never denied the rumours about the parentship. But one thing is trying to milk MJs connection. Another thing is to make a living for yourself following your dream. If thats pathetic so be it. He knows ofcourse thats his connection to MJ will maybe help him to fame. But this guy is 100% inspired by Mike. If i lived and spent so much time with Mike im pretty sure i would feel that he was a big fatherfigure and my inspiration. If you still think its shameful it will be your decision.
I don't care what Omer does or doesn't do he is NOT Michael. I am happy for him that he got to be apart of Michael's life and made him smile and laugh. I will not however buy or purchase anything he does because of it. Good for him he is still making a life for himself after Michael, glad to hear it. Does that mean all the MJ fans in the world will now follow him, I hope he doesn't get it twisted. He is NO MICHAEL JACKSON never was never will be. PERIOD..
Imitator yes real thing NO..
So more power to you Omer, just don't expect me to follow you or your website..

MJ TinkerBell..:no:
And why is that? By that logic he could have put a lot of people in his will ie Mac and a load of others.
Coz Omer is no different from PPB! MJ raised him and treated him like his son in life, so he should have treated him the same way in death. That is to include him in his will.
The other boys like Mac, Brett barnes and so on were more like friends to him.
Come on, why the bash? Michael was like a father for Omer and Omer like a son for Michael. I don't get why many of you just talks about stuff you do not know about.
Coz Omer is no different from PPB! MJ raised him and treated him like his son in life, so he should have treated him the same way in death. That is to include him in his will.
The other boys like Mac, Brett barnes and so on were more like friends to him.

You don't have to worry about Omers finances. He recorded a few years ago songs with Michael, like Michael did with a lot of friends (Eddie Cascio, ...). So Omer Bhatti will earn a lot of money in the future.
Coz Omer is no different from PPB! MJ raised him and treated him like his son in life, so he should have treated him the same way in death. That is to include him in his will.
The other boys like Mac, Brett barnes and so on were more like friends to him.

omer still got parents while ppb are basically orphanages now.i do believe omer's parents have already included him in their will.plus he can make a living by himself anyway.
i don't see the point why mj should have included him in the will.
Coz Omer is no different from PPB! MJ raised him and treated him like his son in life, so he should have treated him the same way in death. That is to include him in his will.
The other boys like Mac, Brett barnes and so on were more like friends to him.

lol wut?
a son is a son,a friend who's LIKE a son....is still a friend you love a lot....no more no less...I don't take too literally how Omer defines his relationship with him...if M considered him like his real kids he would have acted differently..but he didn't...why didn't he include Omer in "this is it" if he's such a talent?why not include him in his will?maybe because relationships change and M moved on with his life even if they kept in touch and loved each other.
I come to realize that Michael was Omer second father figure/friend not to many young boys out here have father's in there life you can tell MJ took him in as a son I even seen a footage on Entertainment tonight when Omer called MJ daddy when MJ told Omer to stand next to prince so they can take a pic together I felt that was a really special moment. I thank god MJ was able to have his own children and be the most greatest father them kids ever had and I am so proud MJ was able to have that father like feel with his nieces, nephews, and other children including Omer MJ helped raised a lot of children I love to hear stars from today talk about how they been around MJ and how protected he was to them god bless always forever in my heart.
At least Omer Bhatti called him daddy but didn't accused him of molestation like the Arvizo devil boy!
Now, all he is trying to do is get to the spotlight in Michael's name but it doesn't surprise me because everyone from his family members to his supposed closest friends have done so since June...
Nothing surprises me any more. I would advice him to stay with his parents and leave showbiz alone. Get a proper job and earn a living!
Can we stop criticising Michael for not including Omer in his will. Michael didn't include a lot of people in his will, it was his wishes and they will be respected.
Lawd have mercy. This board never cease to amaze me nowadays. I am out of here.
Why all this hate to this guy?? I really don't understand. Yes, he gained popularity because he was his friend, what should he do, pretend he never met Michael and he had no influence coming from him? Of all the people who tribute MJ, he should not doing it even if he was one of his dearest friends? And who cares if he does not relase a statement saying he's not his son, people is not gonna change their ideas just because of it and it would be just like fueling the story again.

People is never gonna buy his things just because of the MJ connection, the market doesn't work this way. If he does not demonstrate his own value in the future, he will be just the guy who was friend with MJ, I really don't understand this judgemental feelings towards him. I'm not saying you have to like him, but ignoring the stuff he does should be enough, I think.
Omer ain't bitching about not being in MJ's will so no one else should either! Omer has always had his own career since he was little dancing! Just look at him dancing on shows since he was a kid on you tube. Maybe that's why he ain't in the will! He can and have taken care of himself for a long time now. While Prince, Paris and blanket are just kids and never worked yet! But, whether Omer is or isn't MJ son I have to say he does look like members of the Jackson family (including MJ pre surgery) but mainly the cousins from pics that I have seen in comparisons! O__O Oh and the rumor of him being Michael's came out in 2004 while MJ was still here by the way!
The Mj fan community's attitude toward this guy is schizophrenic.

Yeah truly. The guy hasn't said or done anything wrong. He was obviously very important to Michael, and it's obvious that he loves and respoects him. Enough to be dignifed and silent about it all. And those of you who want him to openly deny that he has any blood relation to Michael, well maybe he's not doing that because he DOES have a relation. Or maybe he doesn't have a relation, but will saying that really stop the media from speculating at the least? Of course not... :doh:

Thanks for sharing, he seems like such a sweetheart...
Omer ain't bitching about not being in MJ's will so no one else should either! Omer has always had his own career since he was little dancing! Just look at him dancing on shows since he was a kid on you tube. Maybe that's why he ain't in the will! He can and have taken care of himself for a long time now. While Prince, Paris and blanket are just kids and never worked yet! But, whether Omer is or isn't MJ son I have to say he does look like members of the Jackson family (including MJ pre surgery) but mainly the cousins from pics that I have seen in comparisons! O__O Oh and the rumor of him being Michael's came out in 2004 while MJ was still here by the way!

prince,blanket end paris are in the will because they ARE MJ KIDS,not because they have not worked yet!If you respect MJ and Omer himself you shouldn't have doubts then about omer paternity,whether he "looks like a jackson" or not...

and can't believe i'm reading ppl dissing MJ for not including his friends in his will or who ever....looks like him....guess impersonators have a legal standing then they are even included in memorial stones!!
prince,blanket end paris are in the will because they ARE MJ KIDS,not because they have not worked yet!If you respect MJ and Omer himself you shouldn't have doubts then about omer paternity,whether he "looks like a jackson" or not...

and can't believe i'm reading ppl dissing MJ for not including his friends in his will or who ever....looks like him....guess impersonators have a legal standing then they are even included in memorial stones!!

OMG... really is that's why MJ kids are in the will I didn't no! *sarcasm* Like for real, I already knew that thank you very much! lol I was talking about a reason even more for them to be in the will other then them being his would probably be because they are minors! What is so wrong about that? Sorry, if u missed understood it but, that's ur problem!

I am not one of the people dissing MJ for not including Omer in the will and Omer ain't complaining about it either is what I said! And so what if I said he looks like him too their are people saying so and the family ain't denying it that's including Joe! Big difference from impersonators okay.....again to bad if u misunderstood! I WAS NOT DISRESPECTING MJ NOR OMER SO DO EVEN GO THERE! So sick and tired off people going off because they misinterpreted something! It's getting old!
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