Michael in the clouds - Stunning photo!!

I wasn't going to tell anyone and I haven't until now but the day after Michaels passing I saw something in the clouds as well that left me speechless. It was an image of Michael standing on his toes. It was clear and just beautiful. I wish I had a camera with me. I just couldn't keep my eyes off it. At first I thought I was only imagining it but it was just too real and clear. Beautiful.

Thanks for sharing your Michael in the clouds.
I was told by this psychic friend that Michael found the idea funny and he and the angels would try to create cloud formations in the sky for the fans. So who knows...?! lol
I always look for Michael in the clouds,
thats cool you found him :)
I am not surprised since he has shown up in my new apartment every single day since his passing....
I love that image, very comforting.

The magic is still with us, everywhere :)
Since it's very cloudy here in England, I have my camera ready with me, you never know who might pop up in the clouds for a visit... lol
what I've learned about paranormals and spirits is that they'll never show up if you stand ready for it..... they'll get to you unexpectedly..... so don't stare at the sky or whatever it will show when you least know it....
what I've learned about paranormals and spirits is that they'll never show up if you stand ready for it..... they'll get to you unexpectedly..... so don't stare at the sky or whatever it will show when you least know it....
yup! You're right about that! In the last few days I've been doing one thing that psychic experts advice against: getting desperate and forcing contact.
This is now my desktop background! :D thanks!
Why don't you send this to the BBC or something like that? lol It may bring confort to more fans.
This is now my desktop background! :D thanks!
Why don't you send this to the BBC or something like that? lol It may bring confort to more fans.

hey, you're welcome!

FANTASTIC idea - I've emailed them and a couple of newspapers. Hope they pick it up and like you said, brings a little comfort :)
Omg this is amazing, it even has the curls!! :D

It is! At first I looked at it and thought, "Clouds are easy to find images in. It's all imagination." But, upon looking more closely, I have to agree that this must have been a magic moment. Are you serious about the thunder clap right before? If that's true, I am going to get shivers/goosebumps.
It is! At first I looked at it and thought, "Clouds are easy to find images in. It's all imagination." But, upon looking more closely, I have to agree that this must have been a magic moment. Are you serious about the thunder clap right before? If that's true, I am going to get shivers/goosebumps.

I'm completely serious :) it was the 4th, I was on Flagler beach. There were fireworks pretty far down the beach to the left, and far down to the right on the pier. I was sat facing the ocean, watching both displays. I heard a single thunderclap which made me turn around, that's when I saw the cloud, it was JUST on the horizon over the dunes. I snapped the picture immediately, 15 seconds or so afterwards it had already begun to dissipate, the storm continued for a few more minutes with lightning going through the clouds (altho it never rained, at least not on the beach).

I'm just thankful I was there! Just a happy coincidence I think, and now of all times :) I'm so happy that it's made lots of people here smile!

I've sent the pic to CNN, the BBC etc, might be fun if someone posts something about it, even in the quirkies section ;)
It was July 4th, I'd gone down to Flagler Beach for the fireworks. As evening started to draw in I heard a huge thunder clap behind me, I turned around to see the most amazing cloud formation I've ever seen!! On my life I have not made this up, I've not doctored the image (apart from adding a smaller version with outline). Looks just like MJ in a fedora, holding a mic, right? Come on!!

Miss you, man :)


I saw that exact cloud last night, haha thats so awesome, i thought it looked like a silhouette of michael.