Michael, I apologize(journalist says sorry for wrongfull bias against Mj)

First reaction: TOO LITTLE TOO LATE!!!!!!!
Second reaction: Better late than never!!!
Third reaction: Please don't stop with one article. Do more research into all the hatred Michael had to deal with for 25 YEARS!!!!! Write more articles.

And I really don't think the many of the fans are being unreasonable.

I realize we all have to find ways to forgive and be a positive legacy of Michael.

But we as fans should also be allowed to express our anger in light of these very LATE words of support and praise or in this case apology.

What makes me angry and sad is the fact that the apology should be offered and heard by ONE person. He is no longer here.
This article made me cry :cry:
Just hit me again that Michael's not with us.. and it took his death for money-hungry media figures to admit they were wrong. They killed Michael..

I'm glad though that some are coming to see the error of their ways. That can only be good for his legacy and anyone reading that may have a change of heart. At the end of the day it's too little too late. I'm just happy to see an article like this because in 50 years time how will Michael be remembered by the average person? Not the fan. But the average person.
I dont believe this media hypocrisy...., some of them write such articles because of their own reasons and benefit - the (new) Michael Jackson sales power
Roughly translated it is saying, what an idiot I was, I had no idea you were so popular and now people will think I am an A Hole for what I said, so now to attract all the millions who are mourning you I will change my tune, I need to attract those people.

Call me cynical but it makes me sick to see this, all I can say it save it guys, you slagged him off when he was alive and now your appology is too little too late and sounds insincere and self serving.

I agree totally. I don't believe that any journalist who could be so cruel in condeming and mocking Michael without proof and reporting unsubstantiated rumors about him when he was alive, is now having a sincere change of heart. You hit the nail on the head. Now it's not popular to attack Michael, so they change their tune. I think some people believed that Michael was guilty becasue of the horrible biased media coverage and now they see differently. I certainly think those people are sincere. But these vulture like journalist who made up horrible things about him to get viewers or readers are unredeemable in my book.
Joan is a musician. Not a journalist. Simply click on her name to see her bio.

She's saying she's sorry she believed the f*cking media. THOUSANDS of people read Huffington Post and have seen this! This is a VERY GOOD thing.

So everyone can relax -- no journalist has truly apologized, at least that I know of.

Which is apparently what many of you want.

I share your anger, but lets focus.
and they should know what they did...they made Michael's life a living hell for almost his whole life....the storied..the lies...the horrible names they called him.....all so they could line their pockets at Michael's expense....I hope they are suffering in silence.....Michael had too suffer....they made it so bad that Michael would get sick because if it.....shame on them...

YOu shouldn't really put all journalists into one category like that. There are shades...
the end of the world must be near - crocodiles started to sing, ok it's black humour but seriously i HOPE she MEANS what she says. i'd want to believe her. but i think i'll choose not to think anything, not to judge her, not to believe her. from one side i see Michael's getting into fashion. from the other side, i hope she realises what all of them did to him. but in fact if she realised that fully, i mean if she felt it.... i hope she did ...

I think she did mean it... did you read the comments?. Most were positive. But there were a pair who thought the journalist was actually being sarcastic. To which she replied that anyone thinking that had to come from a very cynical place.
As long as she believes that he is innocent in her heart, I support her and welcome her with open arms. :)

I prefer that someone learns about him than people writing hateful things about him.
LOL WACK! To little to late! I mean it took the memorial? lol Maybe this person should had read the facts of the 93 and 2003 allegations and then they would have gotten the truth! I don't care how much they say there sorry I will NEVER forgive them!
People like that robbed the world of a humanitarian first and then the greatest entertainer ever. People like that who wrote without knowing anything, have the blood of an innocent man on their hands.
Moderators -- please read!

.People like that who wrote without knowing anything, have the blood of an innocent man on their hands.



A decent person, a real live human being, is being publicly trashed on this website, all because of the title of this thread.

THE AUTHOR IS NOT A JOURNALIST. She's just a musician. She did NOT written about MJ previously. She did NOTHING wrong. She is to be thanked. I've posted links that show this, but no one is reading older posts. They're seeing only the title of this thread and the first post, apparently.

You people are calling this poor woman a murderer. Lord have mercy, jeez. What a mob.
Unfortunately apologizes now are just TOO LATE.:no:

Michael Jackson suffered all the thrashing, all the blame, his downfall, the ruin, now he is dead he can´t not feel people believed in him, people who hurted him apologize...

It is just sad.
Apologizes are needed, yes, but they are now too late for the person who truly needed them.
Re: Moderators -- please read!



A decent person, a real live human being, is being publicly trashed on this website, all because of the title of this thread.

THE AUTHOR IS NOT A JOURNALIST. She's just a musician. She did NOT written about MJ previously. She did NOTHING wrong. She is to be thanked. I've posted links that show this, but no one is reading older posts. They're seeing only the title of this thread and the first post, apparently.

You people are calling this poor woman a murderer. Lord have mercy, jeez. What a mob.


I'll have to agree, she learned and I really don't give a crap how late the apology is, as long as she means it, she's a okay with me. She's just a person who saw the light and an has seen through the bull. And since she isn't a Journalist who has written anything MJ related, I don't hate her.

Heck what would some have liked her to do, not change and write the complete opposite.
(sorry for the long rant, I am still crying and upset about an youtube video when a hateful person was calling mike all sorts of names and saying that he deserved to die. :cry: )
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Roughly translated it is saying, what an idiot I was, I had no idea you were so popular and now people will think I am an A Hole for what I said, so now to attract all the millions who are mourning you I will change my tune, I need to attract those people.

Call me cynical but it makes me sick to see this, all I can say it save it guys, you slagged him off when he was alive and now your appology is too little too late and sounds insincere and self serving.

I'm with you 100%. I hope that all the MJ bashers are eaten up inside by guilt and remorse and suffer from insomnia so they can think about what they did all night and if they finally fall asleep that they have nightmares about what they did. And that it's gets even worst after they all see the movie when it comes out on DVD. I don't want them in the cinema with us true fans.

Plus, most of those so-called reporters/bloggers are writing nice stuff about MJ so that fans visit their sites while they bombard you with cookies and spywares.

And don't get me started on the never ending pain "they" caused us fans.

Just when I think I'm all cried out, I see the MJ tribute on Dancing and I ball my eyes out again. Then the movie clips and more crying, more anger and more bad mood days.

Sorry for the rant.
its ok, sadly MJ cannot hear you now, just like other people apologyzing post mortem like madonna, she wanted press out of MJ death's and well she got it, however nice words. Nice???:scratch:
at least someone is making an effort to say sorry. I bet all the tabloids and stuff are feeling guilty right now. So guilty they can not admit to all the lies and stuff about MJ.

In a way they should have laid off MJ a long time ago and quit the crap. This is why MJ is gone, couldn't sleep or function with all the stuff the tabloids and others where daying about him with lies.
Re: Moderators -- please read!



A decent person, a real live human being, is being publicly trashed on this website, all because of the title of this thread.

THE AUTHOR IS NOT A JOURNALIST. She's just a musician. She did NOT written about MJ previously. She did NOTHING wrong. She is to be thanked. I've posted links that show this, but no one is reading older posts. They're seeing only the title of this thread and the first post, apparently.

You people are calling this poor woman a murderer. Lord have mercy, jeez. What a mob.

Sorry, but this reporter didn't suddenly "see the light." He/she has probably always believed that Michael had it in him to love children in a pure and innocent manner. The problem is that he/she was too scared to admit it, because of the ridiculous high-school like culture that has surrounded Michael Jackson for the last 20 years.

Hey, he looks weird and talks funny, he can't be cool! Once it got to that stage, people didn't want to be associated with him because it wasn't the cool thing to do. Thus, when the allegations came people used it as a reason to say bad things about him in order to feel better about their standing among other people in society.

Now that it is cool to like MJ again, this writer is pretending that his/her feelings over the last 20 years were genuine. They probably weren't.
Journalist or not. Still believed Michael was a freak and jumped on the bandwagon of haters. She cant be forgiven.

Us fans are now paying the price as a result of haters hating for years and years. And now hes gone.
Some of the people here simply aren't respecting Michael's message. If he could show love and forgiveness to people who murdered others, then surely we can bite the bullet and show respect for those who have changed their tune, regardless of their reason. Michael would just want love and acknowledgment for his achievements, no matter who it was or why they waited until now. He'd say "Welcome to the party. Yeah, you're late, but thank God you made it."
I wonder how much she gets paid for that article.........

She doesn't care one bit!!!!!...She'll still be writing hurtful comments about all the other famous people that are still alive!
some of the people here simply aren't respecting michael's message. If he could show love and forgiveness to people who murdered others, then surely we can bite the bullet and show respect for those who have changed their tune, regardless of their reason. Michael would just want love and acknowledgment for his achievements, no matter who it was or why they waited until now. He'd say "welcome to the party. Yeah, you're late, but thank god you made it."

I always 'knew' in my heart that Michael was innocent. He has a kind pure heart and on another different level.........when challenged by interviewers after the trials to ''change his ways'' and try not to let himself be a target again for accusations......ie say that he wouldnt allow children to sleep in his bed etc...............he DIDNT oblige and change his ways to suit them.
Why should he? He did nothing wrong in the flippin first place!!!.

People who love and respect Michael tried to urge him to say he would change........so as not to look bad etc.........
Michael did what was right. he was himself. He had nothing to hide. So glad he didnt 'conform' to the so called acceptable way......

Michael was and is a pure man. he doesnt have anything but love in his veins.......
Michael Jackson Lives On in This Is It
November 14, 2009 01:11 PM

After seeing Michael Jackson's This Is It for the second time in four days, I can say that it is a little easier to accept his death. It is still incredibly sad. But watching him on the screen with this backstage documentary of what was to be his farewell tour, I felt uplifted and I got a sense that he was in a different place than he had been a few years ago when he was going through his trials and tribulations. It seems that he had come full circle and reached a point in his life where he was at peace with himself.

He was poised for a comeback and this tour would have been spectacular. It included his greatest hits and a few new songs with contemporary themes such as saving the planet. Jackson seems to be in his element throughout this project whether it is rehearsing onstage or working with the musicians, singers, and dancers behind the scenes. He knew every nuance and detail of the show and his directions served as an inspiration to the entire cast.

Some of the most intimate moments of the movie are when Jackson mentors outstanding guitarist Orianthi Panagaris, telling her "this is your moment to shine" and when he shares a spontaneous duet of "I Just Can't Stop Loving You" with Judith Hill. You can almost feel the excitement and pure joy of being coached by the King of Pop.

What struck me was the vitality and sense of abandonment he projected. He was like the MJ of old, mesmerizing with his dance moves and sweetly serenading with his vocals, even though he said he was conserving his voice. I can only imagine how he would have soared on the tour.

This movie should put to rest any of the tabloid fodderabout Michael losing his voice or being a skeleton right before he died. I was amazed at how smoothly and elegantly he danced onstage. He certainly did not look, sound or move like a 50-year-old. Indeed, the autopsy reports had confirmed that he was in good health overall, making his passing all the more painful for his many fans.

MJ, appearing a bit psychic, stated that this tour would be his "final curtain call" at the press conference near the beginning of the film. His demeanor then was upbeat and triumphant which indicates to me that he was fired up and ready to go on this, his last adventure.

The constant admiration shown to MJ by his fellow artists throughout the documentary highlight the contributions he has made to the music world. In fact, after my first screening of the film as I was driving home listening to the radio I was amazed by how many of today's pop and rap artists show an influence of Michael Jackson. MJ's music will never go out of style. Even the Jackson 5 tunes felt contemporary when recreated in the film.

One of the most moving parts of the movie for me was near the end when the cast and director, Kenny Ortega got in a circle interlocking arms and Michael declared they were a family, that they should do their best and not be nervous and look at it as a big adventure. He then said it was about love, loving the earth and that he loved everyone there. That was when I realized that MJ had reached a deep place in his journey.

In June I had written an article in the Huffington Post stating that Michael did not love himself because of his constant quest to change his appearance and his blocking out of those who loved him. I was basing this on interviews he gave about four years ago. After having seen this film I must revise my thinking on that.

When he rehearsed certain songs alone while his dancers became his audience, his performances were received with thunderous applause and cheering. MJ's reaction was to humbly say "God bless you." He seemed to be able to take in the admiration and appreciation and beam it back to them. The love was palpable.

I am grateful that we have this documentary as the final legacy of one of the greatest entertainers of the century. With this film, it almost seems that Michael never left us. In a way, he never has, as his music will always be with us and his influence will continue to inspire generations to come. God bless you, Michael.

Few years ago me and my fellow MJ-friend discussed that when the day comes when Michael dies people will be so sorry they never got to know him sooner and that they will feel guilt over his passing. And now? All my predictions came true. I knew the day would come when people who were once haters would became fans over a night and that people who once judged him or never really liked him would find interest in finding out more about who Michael really was. None of this suprises me and I guess its their loss. But hey Im glad they found him now.