Michael, I apologize(journalist says sorry for wrongfull bias against Mj)

So ya'll think being bitter will heal michael wounds? Your bitterness only expands it and prolongs it. For hate, share love and you can declare yourself a dedicated fan of michael jackson. Anything else, and you are actively polluting his message of healing the world. please wake up from your hate filled dream if you hope to be apart of the healing. my heart is so sad for you.

Michael, after seeing your moving memorial service I want to apologize to you. I must confess that I had prejudged you during those dark days of your 2005 molestation trial where the media painted you as a "*****."

I had thought because of your eccentric behavior that you were somehow guilty of abusing young boys. After hearing the testimonies of some of your closest friends and family members, I can now see what a kind, gentle, generous, loving person you were.

I now believe that some vultures were out to make a financial killing from you and outside of a circle of close friends and family, the darker side of our human natures prevailed in our collective condemnation of you.

While it's true in your interview with Martin Bashir from NBC you admitted you had "pajama parties" with kids at your Neverland ranch, that doesn't mean it was sexual. It's unusual perhaps, but so was your life of early fame and childhood abuse.

The fact that you had treatment to lighten your skin was probably totally attributable to fighting your disease of "vitiligo" (an autoimmunity where the body rejects its pigment cells). The countless facial surgeries were no doubt a reaction to your father's mocking of your nose. I no longer believe you were trying to change your race from black to white.

I was particularly moved by the tributes of Brooke Shields, Smokey Robinson, the Reverend Al Sharpton and Berry Gordy. I also never knew that you had given so much to charities as pointed out by Kobe Bryant.

In a previous article I stated that perhaps you didn't love yourself. I still believe that but now I can see that you loved others and they loved you back immensely.

As the public, we only got to see one side of you as portrayed by the paparazzi. But as so many friends expressed at your memorial, there was a private, shy, caring, deep soul residing within you.

As many artists are, you were very sensitive. It must have killed you to have to go through that trial and be accused of being weird, perverted, and who knows what else.

However, I believe, as expressed by Jen Grisanti a Huffington Post blogger who commented on my last Michael Jackson article, that you "went through the darkness to get to the light."

Your music, dancing, and legacy has inspired countless fans. Your personal life hopefully can serve as a reminder that you were a human being subjected to the troubles and insecurities that we all face. The way you stood up to your critics and doubters and prevailed can also be an inspiration to us all.

MJ, I hope you can forgive me for my ignorance. I now believe that any man who could write "We Are the World" could never intentionally harm another human being, especially a child. The tearful tribute spoken by your daughter, Paris at the end of the memorial service says it all and shows how loved your were not just by your children but by the children of the world.

Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/joan-e-dowlin/michael-i-apologize_b_228108.html

the effort is appreciated. however, we still have a lot to learn about the 'eye test'. you look at his face and you think he got countless surgeries. you still don't know that. people shouldn't have such faith in what they think their eyes see. and it shouldn't be assumed that MJ 'didn't love himself'. usually, a person that truly loves himself, is a person who is good to his fellow man. and we know the record on MJ's charities.

and to the poster who said 'if only God would give us one more chance' well...that's what makes God one to greatly appreciate. that's what makes God awesome. that's what makes God God, and us, us. God already sees it..and we'll always have a lot to learn. i wouldn't want to be God, because only God knows how to do God's job. and i would think this helps us see that. After all..God created Michael, so God accepted Michael, obviously, a lot more than he was accepted on earth. the fanfare was only natural. the music has its merit.
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I can see both sides of this. I appreciate that fans are hurt and offended that some journalists are jumping on the bandwagon after they dragged his name through the mud for 20 years. But also I agree with charismatic. Journalists have two choices now - continue to denigrate the man and his legacy or take a serious look and acknowledge their mistakes. I am all for the latter. If we get SERIOUS, RESPECTED journalists to take a professional look at Michael Jackson and all that he achieved as an artist and humanitarian, we have a hope of bringing about change in how the Michael Jackson narrative is told. Isnt that what we want?

To be clear, I understand people's feelings of anger and distrust but we cannot afford alienate everyone.

This article would have been the perfect opportunity for us to say 'glad you recognised the error of your ways. However may we point out some errors and assumptions that you have made. And please feel free to check out the following resources on the work of Michael Jackson. Thank you.'
I can see both sides of this. I appreciate that fans are hurt and offended that some journalists are jumping on the bandwagon after they dragged his name through the mud for 20 years. But also I agree with charismatic. Journalists have two choices now - continue to denigrate the man and his legacy or take a serious look and acknowledge their mistakes. I am all for the latter. If we get SERIOUS, RESPECTED journalists to take a professional look at Michael Jackson and all that he achieved as an artist and humanitarian, we have a hope of bringing about change in how the Michael Jackson narrative is told. Isnt that what we want?

To be clear, I understand people's feelings of anger and distrust but we cannot afford alienate everyone.

This article would have been the perfect opportunity for us to say 'glad you recognised the error of your ways. However may we point out some errors and assumptions that you have made. And please feel free to check out the following resources on the work of Michael Jackson. Thank you.'

:clap: Better late then never
hhmm...this means absolutely nothing to me now.....to little to late I might add....to bad Michael had to die for people to even to try to begin to understand him.....I wish he could of been here to see all of this out pouring of emotions.....to bad means nothing now....

that is all.
I want to be angry but I can't. It is to little to late but it's a start and I'm sure ther are a lot of journalists out there who r having the same conversation with thier colleagues. Sometimes the guilt and remorse we suffer in silence is much worse. They know what they did believe me! All of them.
I want to be angry but I can't. It is to little to late but it's a start and I'm sure ther are a lot of journalists out there who r having the same conversation with thier colleagues. Sometimes the guilt and remorse we suffer in silence is much worse. They know what they did believe me! All of them.

and they should know what they did...they made Michael's life a living hell for almost his whole life....the storied..the lies...the horrible names they called him.....all so they could line their pockets at Michael's expense....I hope they are suffering in silence.....Michael had too suffer....they made it so bad that Michael would get sick because if it.....shame on them...
If this is going to help in keeping Michael's legacy alive and great, Then i am all for it. But, yes, it is a bit late. He shouldn't die not knowing. Well maybe he is listening.
I wish we can get another chance!!
I can see both sides of this. I appreciate that fans are hurt and offended that some journalists are jumping on the bandwagon after they dragged his name through the mud for 20 years. But also I agree with charismatic. Journalists have two choices now - continue to denigrate the man and his legacy or take a serious look and acknowledge their mistakes. I am all for the latter. If we get SERIOUS, RESPECTED journalists to take a professional look at Michael Jackson and all that he achieved as an artist and humanitarian, we have a hope of bringing about change in how the Michael Jackson narrative is told. Isnt that what we want?

To be clear, I understand people's feelings of anger and distrust but we cannot afford alienate everyone.

This article would have been the perfect opportunity for us to say 'glad you recognised the error of your ways. However may we point out some errors and assumptions that you have made. And please feel free to check out the following resources on the work of Michael Jackson. Thank you.'

Yes! You said everything I wanted to say.
So ya'll think being bitter will heal michael wounds? Your bitterness only expands it and prolongs it. For hate, share love and you can declare yourself a dedicated fan of michael jackson. Anything else, and you are actively polluting his message of healing the world. please wake up from your hate filled dream if you hope to be apart of the healing. my heart is so sad for you.

you know ....i hate the media propaganda! and it includes the lies they have said about Michael but at the same time it goes further then just that, you look at everything that is going on in our world and people always try and twist things or not make a mention of it as if to censure things,they need to start doing their jobs! i can't stand these pathetic f**ks ! and as much as i love Michael's messages of hope the truth of the matter is the reality we live in today is not all beautiful, people suffer,people die, at the expense of corrupt governments,politicans, and corporations, we can't pretend that these things arn't going on. In order to "heal our world" there will be drastic actions that will be taken to get to that path and it wont be pretty.
The last paragraph is sweet but...

when his closest friends showed that "other side of Michael" at the memorial, it was the side that many millions of fans knew and loved! And the bit about the public only seeing one side, well, aren't we a part of the public too?

We just aren't ignorant, judgmental low-lives!

Urgh, I feel so bad for our dear Mike. :cry:

me too :cry:
The truth always wins. But Michael paid the ultimate price. It's good they apologize but it's too late. The one who should have heard all this is gone. It's doesn't matter what they say.
the end of the world must be near - crocodiles started to sing, ok it's black humour but seriously i HOPE she MEANS what she says. i'd want to believe her. but i think i'll choose not to think anything, not to judge her, not to believe her. from one side i see Michael's getting into fashion. from the other side, i hope she realises what all of them did to him. but in fact if she realised that fully, i mean if she felt it.... i hope she did ...
I'm glad that MJ was loved by his fans...beginning to end. I am glad they are slowly realizing this. We the fans also went through his pain until his death we are hurting. But its never too late to apologize. I pray that more and more people from the media would all soon realize the same thing.

Our MJ is gone...but our pain stays.



Michael, after seeing your moving memorial service I want to apologize to you. I must confess that I had prejudged you during those dark days of your 2005 molestation trial where the media painted you as a "*****."

I had thought because of your eccentric behavior that you were somehow guilty of abusing young boys. After hearing the testimonies of some of your closest friends and family members, I can now see what a kind, gentle, generous, loving person you were.

I now believe that some vultures were out to make a financial killing from you and outside of a circle of close friends and family, the darker side of our human natures prevailed in our collective condemnation of you.

While it's true in your interview with Martin Bashir from NBC you admitted you had "pajama parties" with kids at your Neverland ranch, that doesn't mean it was sexual. It's unusual perhaps, but so was your life of early fame and childhood abuse.

The fact that you had treatment to lighten your skin was probably totally attributable to fighting your disease of "vitiligo" (an autoimmunity where the body rejects its pigment cells). The countless facial surgeries were no doubt a reaction to your father's mocking of your nose. I no longer believe you were trying to change your race from black to white.

I was particularly moved by the tributes of Brooke Shields, Smokey Robinson, the Reverend Al Sharpton and Berry Gordy. I also never knew that you had given so much to charities as pointed out by Kobe Bryant.

In a previous article I stated that perhaps you didn't love yourself. I still believe that but now I can see that you loved others and they loved you back immensely.

As the public, we only got to see one side of you as portrayed by the paparazzi. But as so many friends expressed at your memorial, there was a private, shy, caring, deep soul residing within you.

As many artists are, you were very sensitive. It must have killed you to have to go through that trial and be accused of being weird, perverted, and who knows what else.

However, I believe, as expressed by Jen Grisanti a Huffington Post blogger who commented on my last Michael Jackson article, that you "went through the darkness to get to the light."

Your music, dancing, and legacy has inspired countless fans. Your personal life hopefully can serve as a reminder that you were a human being subjected to the troubles and insecurities that we all face. The way you stood up to your critics and doubters and prevailed can also be an inspiration to us all.

MJ, I hope you can forgive me for my ignorance. I now believe that any man who could write "We Are the World" could never intentionally harm another human being, especially a child. The tearful tribute spoken by your daughter, Paris at the end of the memorial service says it all and shows how loved your were not just by your children but by the children of the world.

Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/joan-e-dowlin/michael-i-apologize_b_228108.html

fair play..they did'nt have to write that. everyone is guilty of some sort of ignorance at some point in there live's..to admit it and apologise is what matter's..
A couple of comments on the actual article are by people who think the writer was being sarcastic..I hope not
It's a shame that it takes death for people to see how truly magnificant a person really is. If the journalist has true remorse in his heart, then I believe Michael forgives him.
No respect what so ever to the journalist. The guy is in journalism, where your expected to of had some common sense to of got where hes at today. Believing Michael wanted to change his skin colour in the first place... how stupid! Every single tabloid and journalist, at least once will of had a jab at Michael due to being prejudice towards him. Its an absolute joke! No respect to the media! Fuck em! Why not do it while we still had him in our presence? They slaughtered him time after time. They hounded him to an early grave. To many people judged Michael calling him weird when "we had not been where he has mentally".

Its soo wrong the way the press and everyone hounded Michael. Because its us fans who now pay the price of missing him.
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