Michael, I apologize(journalist says sorry for wrongfull bias against Mj)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
New York

Michael, after seeing your moving memorial service I want to apologize to you. I must confess that I had prejudged you during those dark days of your 2005 molestation trial where the media painted you as a "*****."

I had thought because of your eccentric behavior that you were somehow guilty of abusing young boys. After hearing the testimonies of some of your closest friends and family members, I can now see what a kind, gentle, generous, loving person you were.

I now believe that some vultures were out to make a financial killing from you and outside of a circle of close friends and family, the darker side of our human natures prevailed in our collective condemnation of you.

While it's true in your interview with Martin Bashir from NBC you admitted you had "pajama parties" with kids at your Neverland ranch, that doesn't mean it was sexual. It's unusual perhaps, but so was your life of early fame and childhood abuse.

The fact that you had treatment to lighten your skin was probably totally attributable to fighting your disease of "vitiligo" (an autoimmunity where the body rejects its pigment cells). The countless facial surgeries were no doubt a reaction to your father's mocking of your nose. I no longer believe you were trying to change your race from black to white.

I was particularly moved by the tributes of Brooke Shields, Smokey Robinson, the Reverend Al Sharpton and Berry Gordy. I also never knew that you had given so much to charities as pointed out by Kobe Bryant.

In a previous article I stated that perhaps you didn't love yourself. I still believe that but now I can see that you loved others and they loved you back immensely.

As the public, we only got to see one side of you as portrayed by the paparazzi. But as so many friends expressed at your memorial, there was a private, shy, caring, deep soul residing within you.

As many artists are, you were very sensitive. It must have killed you to have to go through that trial and be accused of being weird, perverted, and who knows what else.

However, I believe, as expressed by Jen Grisanti a Huffington Post blogger who commented on my last Michael Jackson article, that you "went through the darkness to get to the light."

Your music, dancing, and legacy has inspired countless fans. Your personal life hopefully can serve as a reminder that you were a human being subjected to the troubles and insecurities that we all face. The way you stood up to your critics and doubters and prevailed can also be an inspiration to us all.

MJ, I hope you can forgive me for my ignorance. I now believe that any man who could write "We Are the World" could never intentionally harm another human being, especially a child. The tearful tribute spoken by your daughter, Paris at the end of the memorial service says it all and shows how loved your were not just by your children but by the children of the world.

Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/joan-e-dowlin/michael-i-apologize_b_228108.html
As the public, we only got to see one side of you as portrayed by the paparazzi.

hmmmmmmmm, as fans, we were able to see the real side. It all depends on how willing you are to believe the worst in someone and not take the time to find out the truth.
Michael has NEVER stopped being himself. He screamed it to the world!! And what did they do???? They didn't listen.He told the truth and dirty corrupted people tried to make it dirty. He was always there, as clear as day to see.

It's hard to accept this kind of thing from some of the people who hurt Michael the most, but God forgives.... and we should too....I guess...

I'm glad this person wrote this though, and I hope alot of people read it
He had to die in order to be understood. Sad, very sad. I wish people would've apologized to him while he was alive. This applies to Jordie Chandler's statement (admitting that he lied) too.
well its a start i suppose. more reporters should hold their hands up and admit they were wrong but i won't hold my breath.
tell me about it... i wish these guilt ridden people would stop dragging us fans into their mea culpa's.

too little too late is my reaction. BUT... I'd rather these haters especially journalists come to their senses than live in ignorance and hate all their lives when it comes to all things Michael Jackson.
A bit late isn't it? I wish Michael could see this but it's better people come to realize who the real Michael Jackson is now rather than never coming realize it at all. So sad he had to die for people to finally see this about him. :(
Too little too late. But better than never I guess.

Um how is it that we were able to know the truth but it took him to die for others to see.
The last paragraph is sweet but...

when his closest friends showed that "other side of Michael" at the memorial, it was the side that many millions of fans knew and loved! And the bit about the public only seeing one side, well, aren't we a part of the public too?

We just aren't ignorant, judgmental low-lives!

Urgh, I feel so bad for our dear Mike. :cry:
I don't know what to say . I don't find myself feeling happy for this.
it is still a good thing i guess...
There was a small piece in the review section of The Observer a few weeks ago when the autopsy results came out, which confirmed he did in fact have vitiligo, and this journalist said that all journalists should be ashamed of the lies and rumours they spread about Michael especially the skin bleaching rumour.
There was a small piece in the review section of The Observer a few weeks ago when the autopsy results came out, which confirmed he did in fact have vitiligo, and this journalist said that all journalists should be ashamed of the lies and rumours they spread about Michael especially the skin bleaching rumour.

I hope he would continue to spread the truth.
He`s gone now... :(

Maybe it`s too late, but... maybe the truth will win...at least
I'm glad this person has seen the light. I do think it's better late, than never at all. There's not much you can do about that. I know I myself have always supported MJ, but have come to learn a lot of things about him that I may not have taken the time to learn about before he died. It's unfortunate it is that way, but what can you do? We take life and people for granted. That's all there is to it.
some of you are a trip. i reporters don't apologize ya'll flip out when one does from the heart again yawl trip out. appears some of you will be the victim no matter what.
its too late for sorry's from the media or any dumbass journalists. Where the hell were their "souls" when Michael was alive. to have guilt just bc Michael died is sick. they should have seen the light when he was alive and was accoused of the crimes he never commited. f**k the media and f**k their appologies.
Roughly translated it is saying, what an idiot I was, I had no idea you were so popular and now people will think I am an A Hole for what I said, so now to attract all the millions who are mourning you I will change my tune, I need to attract those people.

Call me cynical but it makes me sick to see this, all I can say it save it guys, you slagged him off when he was alive and now your appology is too little too late and sounds insincere and self serving.
some of ya'll are just as evil as these journalist.

Excuse me?
what are you talking about?
these ppl judged him since he was a teen and made his life a living hell how can you compare us to them?
its like killing someone than feeling sorry for doing it
you should try to understand our point instead of judging us coz that makes you as evil as them
we have every right to be angry at them that "apology" should have been made to his face
those "facts" should have been researched when he was alive
Too late and too little. I don"t forgive easy. Journalists have hurt Michael so bad,in fact they are number one reason for his frustrations. Just too late.
some of you are a trip. i reporters don't apologize ya'll flip out when one does from the heart again yawl trip out. appears some of you will be the victim no matter what.

its called crocodile tears. apologies are irrelevent cause if u felt that in the begining u would have never done what u did to start with.its ok holding your hands up after the event. and its all abit to late now. i have no intrest in anyone apoligising whether its well ment or not, mj is gone and nothing will change that and they all have blood on their hands for the hell they caused mj over the years. no wonder he was an insomniac.heck he should ahve been a crack head all he was put through
Excuse me?
what are you talking about?
these ppl judged him since he was a teen and made his life a living hell how can you compare us to them?
its like killing someone than feeling sorry for doing it
you should try to understand our point instead of judging us coz that makes you as evil as them
we have every right to be angry at them that "apology" should have been made to his face
those "facts" should have been researched when he was alive
first i understand some of your anger, but as i said previously, many of you have been in rage at the lack of apologies and continued criticism, yet when someone does have to courage to admit their error, you offer equally the same criticism as if they had said nothing at all. People will never be satisfied either way and will play victim into eternity. I truly believe Mike forgave all who trespassed against him equally the same as those who offer heartfelt apologies. Sorta reminds me Christians who completely missed the teaching of Christ and do absolutely the opposite of his teaching. Evil, Evil, Evil. Michael was pure love...the opposite is pure evil.
its called crocodile tears. apologies are irrelevent cause if u felt that in the begining u would have never done what u did to start with.its ok holding your hands up after the event. and its all abit to late now. i have no intrest in anyone apoligising whether its well ment or not, mj is gone and nothing will change that and they all have blood on their hands for the hell they caused mj over the years. no wonder he was an insomniac.heck he should ahve been a crack head all he was put through

Well go ahead and be bitter your whole life. seems you bath in it. Michael forgave, you should too.
its stating the facts of how fake many journos are A jones and her conspiracy book are a prime example of that. its easy to jump on a bandwaggon alot harder to have the balls to stand up when the trains going in the other direction.and if fans want to be bitter they ahve every right to be when u have seen someone being persecuted for the last 20 years and even now they continue with their lies trying to re write history as the always do when it comes to mj.if u want to be self rightous and forgive then go for it. i aint a sucker

Michael forgave, you should too.
and look where it got him. he didnt forgive he just said he'd rather be hurt than hurt someone else. his decency is what allowed ppl to treat him like s***
Where the hell were the apologies when he was alive? The media put Michael through hell when he did nothing wrong and didn't deserve that treatment. They are going to have to live with that until they die. But the right thing to do is to forgive. Although they cannot take back their actions, at least this reporter came to the realization that he had been living in ignorance when it came to Michael Jackson.
It’s better late, than never at all… If only we could turn back time If only God could give us one more chance. :angel:
Its a sad fact that in todays world, only through death, will people realize the genuine traits of a person. This shouldn't be, and while they may come out and apologize and say kind words now, I wont sympathize with these people. They're apologies are long overdue and the damage has already been done, thanks to them. Its just too long, too long after the heartache.