Michael and Whitney? Really David?

Re: David Gest Says: Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson shared passionate kiss

A harmless story in my opinion is suggesting 2 people, single at the time (and gorgeous), had a little crush on one another. Makes a change from all the drug talk, leaking of casket photos etc etc

There is truly a lot of stuff one could be up in arms about. Michael potentially kissing a beautiful woman ranks definitely pretty low on my "things that rob me off my sleep" list. Well, in fairness, that thought could rob you off peaceful snooze, but only in the best way possible. :cheeky:

And I even understand the whole Gest-popping-up-when-someone-dies-concern, I do.
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Hate is a very harsh word, but that's how I feel about gest......

His level of annoyance must be one of great mysteries of the universe.....
Re: David Gest Says: Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson shared passionate kiss

But that wasn't a harmless story - it was part of the jackson's attempt to place the blame of mj's death onto aeg by insisting that mj was dangerously ill during rehearsals.

A harmless story in my opinion is suggesting 2 people, single at the time (and gorgeous), had a little crush on one another. Makes a change from all the drug talk, leaking of casket photos etc etc

Exactly! :) We need stories like this sometimes.

And honestly this story David is telling is not too far fetched. Whitney and Michael was very close, she has said that many times when she did her tributes to him in 2010, and also pointed out how discreet they kept their relationship.

Whitney's MJ Tribute, May 27 2010

"Michael and I were friends for at least 20 years. In our business, some things that are very precious you try to keep to yourself because...you know...you know how that is. We wanted to be very discreet about our friendship and our love for one another because it was a true friendship you know. He called me Whitney and I called him Michael. I don't know what anybody else called him. I don't know no other name but Mr. Michael Jackson. He was not the ordinary, just not the ordinary but the extraordinary. There will never ever be, in this life time, a man that

I have to tell you he could do it all. Whatever he put his mind to. His body, his movement, his songs, his writings, his words and he loved entertaining you...he loved entertaining you.

I have to tell you, I spent time with Michael laughing, crying, crying, laughing, singing, talking, or not talking (she laughs)."

She was also there for Michael during his trial
That concert was the last time that Houston remembers seeing him, but she does note that the pair stayed in touch over the years via the phone. "I think it was that time [that I saw him last], but I spoke to him during the trial a lot. He would speak to me on the phone, but he didn't want me to see him," she said. "[It] saddens me."

Some people might have found this story Gest tells odd and untrue because they dont know much of the history between MJ and Whitney. But Whitney was one of Michael's good true friends who was always there for him and obviously really cared for him. So I dont count out a possible courting goin on between them back in the 80s.
Judging from the story she told on Gest docu I think he had a crush on her aswell.
I wish that Michael would have let her see him during that time. Especially knowing what happened to them both. I am glad he knew she supported him.
The story of them kissing or caring about each other isn't harmful in itself. My issue isn't really whether the story is true or not. but that David Gest took the opportunity to exploit and SELL a story to the SUN about Whitney and Michael on the day of her funeral. Stating he left one of her shows because he felt she sang so bad and other tid bits and gossip about her funeral Bobby Brown, Michael etc. etc. That is where this little story came from the SUN Tabloid article. He exploited $$ them both on the day of her funeral - It was a good $$ opportunity for him. He certainly didn't do it out of the kindness of his heart just so we would know they liked each other.

Plus we all know his stories are not always based on fact or truth. He embellishes a lot .. and even makes things up. He even exploited MJ a few weeks after his death by hosting a despicable Séance that was mocking Michael. I have no respect for him and the way he exploits his once upon a time friendship with Michael.
While most of us think Michael and Whitney would have made a cute couple, Gest really should keep this to himself or he should have spoken of this when Both were still alive.
Ramona122003;3603439 said:
Qbee, what despicable Séance? I never heard of this.
It was horrible - Sky One broadcast a show hosted by Gest where " medium" Derek Acorah, exposed faker supposedly contacted Michael Jackson in a live "seance". It was widly condemed by the fans had brutal reviews by the media and was actually voted the worst program of 2009. I dont want us to derail this thread on that topic so here is a thread we already have in our 2009 archives about it. http://www.mjjcommunity.com/forum/threads/78408-Michael-Jackson-The-Live-Seance-on-Sky-One-(UK)
Yeah, I remember that thread, but I didn't realized that Gest was in it.

With friends like these....
Gest is such a worm :pth:

There' s nothing wrong with the story itself - it's just the way Gest is making money by his friends and their personal issues that annoys me big time.

Rare pic =)
^ Great find, never seen that photo before! MJ looks like he did when having those awards presented to him by whitney in '89, but whitney was a bit more dressed up. Also, liked the quote you gave upthread from whitney about mj during oneof her concerts. They seemed to be closer than i realised.
I knew they were friendly but I also didn't know how close. I found out when Whitney was on Oprah in 2009 and told Oprah that she was devastated that MJ had passed and that her and MJ were very very close and then she crossed her fingers to demonstrate it ( basically saying they were 'tight'.) I had no idea how close they were
I recall many years ago the was a rumour that Jermaine was dating Whitney. I dont if this was true or not.
I don't like the way he's talking about her at all. He have to be more respectful if he claims to be a friend of hers.
btw looking at the pictures of Mike and Whitney through the years i was always thinking they are a good friends. So i think if they really had love affair, they were clever and respectful to each other enough to keep on their relationships after that.
Another rare pic! I wonder where are these pictures coming from?
