Michael and a Teddy Bear - sweet story of Michael from his bodyguard

all the doubters, the haters, the vicious people that won't leave mike alone...they don't know these stories :'(
what a sweet story... i bet that Michael was feeling surprised when he got it, haah^^
MIchael really a big kids, and there're so many childlike in his heart, that's one of the reason why i loved him the most...
Thx for sharing=]
beautiful story, thanx for sharing it with us, Mike was so sweet ;(
What a beautiful, gentle, sensitive man.
Thank you for sharing, I loved reading this.
I just had to post this picture that I found tonight in honor of this story!

Oh that was so lovely.Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Miss mj so much.

Susannah xx
God that story needs to be published for the rest of the public! I just wish I could hold him and cuddle... I can't now.:cry:

He had such a sweet soul... he was beautiful. He was our Michael. That story was a TRUE Michael..I love and miss his so much..:angel:
Thank you for posting. Aww...:wub:These little stories mean a lot to me. Now that he's gone, it means a whole lot more :cry:
ahhhhhhh so sweet!!!!!!!!! My MJ friend gave me a teddy-cat and I sleep with it every night! Michael is the sweetest guy ever.