"Michael", a biopic about Michael Jackson, is officially happening.

Well, I hope that Taj will be able to release his documentary at the same time. So people who are open and intrigued can have a look at that and hopefully get some answers.
Even if it does eventually get released (I highly doubt it) it will only have a small reach in terms of audience compared to the biopic.

What would be amazing though is say Netflix picked it up as the reach could be massive.

You never know, on the back of the biopic there will hopefully be a lot of curious people wanting to know more about the truth and be on MJ's side.

Robson/Safechuck lose the trial , the biopic is a massive success and the mindset of people change about MJ and then boom, this documentary gets released on Netflix.

We can only pray 🙏
Even if it does eventually get released (I highly doubt it) it will only have a small reach in terms of audience compared to the biopic.

What would be amazing though is say Netflix picked it up as the reach could be massive.

You never know, on the back of the biopic there will hopefully be a lot of curious people wanting to know more about the truth and be on MJ's side.

Robson/Safechuck lose the trial , the biopic is a massive success and the mindset of people change about MJ and then boom, this documentary gets released on Netflix.

We can only pray 🙏
Yes. But there will be peak interest. If they don't manage to release it in the wake of the biopic, they might as well just forget it. And if a streamer like Netflix will act smart, they will try to get the rights to stream it to cash in on the biopic business.
As if MJ had only changed his hair during that period 😂
What other change would you want to see? They're not gonna change his nose in every scene and make Michael look like the caricature the media created.
What other change would you want to see? They're not gonna change his nose in every scene and make Michael look like the caricature the media created.
I never said they would need to change his nose for every scene. That would be absurd and disrespectful. What I did say is that portraying an older Michael Jackson will undoubtedly be a more difficult and challenging task. People are already complaining about how Jaafar looks in Thriller makeup.
Speaking as a diehard Elvis fan… no. That movie was garbage. Visually it was decent and Butler did his best but the screenplay was awful and decided to go way beyond “creative liberties” and just flat out make shit up. Don’t even get me started on Hanks and his goofy ass accent. Biopics in general are usually pretty awful, I’m hoping this one is serviceable at best but biopics really aren’t for us (hardcore fanbase) and more for the general public/casual fan.
Honestly, I feel the same way about Bohemian Rhapsody. They turned Freddie into a caricature. On top of that they straight up lied and fabricated a lot of stuff.
I never said they would need to change his nose for every scene. That would be absurd and disrespectful. What I did say is that portraying an older Michael Jackson will undoubtedly be a more difficult and challenging task. People are already complaining about how Jaafar looks in Thriller makeup.
I dont even think its disrespectful. Fact is Michael looked different when he got older, so im really curious how they will portrai an older Michael. Especially a 50 year old Michael if they will cover that.

Also his smaller nose, if you like it or not, is kind off iconic regarding his looks. Same with the cheekbones, and more defined chin. So we'll see what they are going to do.
Also his smaller nose, if you like it or not, is kind off iconic regarding his looks. Same with the cheekbones, and more defined chin.
Yes, the nose should be smaller, but if they're gonna make it smaller, then they should already make it smaller for the Dangerous era too. Just get it to look right from the start and keep it that way for the rest of the movie. But the cheekbones and the chin (except for the cleft) were his natural features. They became more prominent as he aged and lost weight, but if they make the difference too obvious in the movie, people are going to assume that he had plastic surgery for that too, unless they make sure to introduce the change in a scene where it is clearly explained that he was losing weight, like during the trial for example.
Not sure how to copy links here, this might work... But looks like they've made it to 2002 already!

Edit: The link may not work but it shows what appears to be a Moonwalker scene and the visit to Exeter City with Mohammed Al Fayed

I dont even think its disrespectful. Fact is Michael looked different when he got older, so im really curious how they will portrai an older Michael. Especially a 50 year old Michael if they will cover that.

Also his smaller nose, if you like it or not, is kind off iconic regarding his looks. Same with the cheekbones, and more defined chin. So we'll see what they are going to do.
They will use Latoya as a body double
Not sure how to copy links here, this might work... But looks like they've made it to 2002 already!

Edit: The link may not work but it shows what appears to be a Moonwalker scene and the visit to Exeter City with Mohammed Al Fayed

Yeah I think it's just pics of MJ when he's supposed to be running lol , nothing related to the biopic.

I'm truly invested in this film btw, it's swept me up and it's all I think about now. I'm desperate for some more bts pics even though I don't want it spoiled.
This biopic has to be at least 3+ hours long otherwise it will be too short and will miss out on so many things. I'm really wanna see them show how he wrote and recorded his songs.
Song recording scenes will probably be very short or montages.

Edit: typo
Yeah I think it's just pics of MJ when he's supposed to be running lol , nothing related to the biopic.

I'm truly invested in this film btw, it's swept me up and it's all I think about now. I'm desperate for some more bts pics even though I don't want it spoiled.
🤣 I think I got a bit carried away there. Clearly shots of actual MJ. My bad, ignore me. Thanks for bringing me back down to earth though 😜
so im really curious how they will portrai an older Michael. Especially a 50 year old Michael if they will cover that.
I really hope they don’t go past the HIStory era in this biopic because Jaafar is extremely young and even with the right makeup it’s going to look very odd trying to age him 23 years older. Much like (again) the Elvis biopic, Butler looked absolutely ridiculous as anything older than a 32 year old Elvis and when they portrayed him as a 40’s Elvis it was just goofy. Age makeup is something that the industry has yet to perfect and I just don’t see it happening anytime soon. Honestly I think even the HIStory era is pushing it for Jaafar because he has such a baby face and even though Michael didn’t look late 30’s in that era, he certainly looked more mature for sure.
I really hope they don’t go past the HIStory era in this biopic because Jaafar is extremely young and even with the right makeup it’s going to look very odd trying to age him 23 years older. Much like (again) the Elvis biopic, Butler looked absolutely ridiculous as anything older than a 32 year old Elvis and when they portrayed him as a 40’s Elvis it was just goofy. Age makeup is something that the industry has yet to perfect and I just don’t see it happening anytime soon. Honestly I think even the HIStory era is pushing it for Jaafar because he has such a baby face and even though Michael didn’t look late 30’s in that era, he certainly looked more mature for sure.
I don't think it's gonna be a problem, the softness in Michael's eyes always made him look way younger than he was. He always looked a bit childlike to me, even in his mature years.

I really hope they don’t go past the HIStory era in this biopic because Jaafar is extremely young and even with the right makeup it’s going to look very odd trying to age him 23 years older. Much like (again) the Elvis biopic, Butler looked absolutely ridiculous as anything older than a 32 year old Elvis and when they portrayed him as a 40’s Elvis it was just goofy. Age makeup is something that the industry has yet to perfect and I just don’t see it happening anytime soon. Honestly I think even the HIStory era is pushing it for Jaafar because he has such a baby face and even though Michael didn’t look late 30’s in that era, he certainly looked more mature for sure.
I agree, but on IMDB there are two kids casted to, I assume, play Prince and Paris? So I guess 2009 will be covered. Or could they be playing someone else?
I agree, but on IMDB there are two kids casted to, I assume, play Prince and Paris? So I guess 2009 will be covered. Or could they be playing someone else?
They could show them in life post MJ. Maybe reflecting on and looking at pictures of MJ in his prime, to get to know him to a fault.
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Yes, the nose should be smaller, but if they're gonna make it smaller, then they should already make it smaller for the Dangerous era too. Just get it to look right from the start and keep it that way for the rest of the movie. But the cheekbones and the chin (except for the cleft) were his natural features. They became more prominent as he aged and lost weight, but if they make the difference too obvious in the movie, people are going to assume that he had plastic surgery for that too, unless they make sure to introduce the change in a scene where it is clearly explained that he was losing weight, like during the trial for example.
It's a general consensus that Michael Jackson had way too much plastic surgery, but whether it was as much as the press claimed, we'll never truly know. Your analysis is pure speculation. I've seen renowned doctors claim he had cheek implants, among other things.

But really, does that even matter? Not to me. The biopic isn't going to pretend Michael Jackson didn't change his appearance, because he did! And it's part of HIS STORY. His struggle with body dysmorphic disorder is an important aspect that should be addressed, especially considering how society's views on this have evolved. There are people dying from cosmetic surgeries in an attempt to fit into a mold that should NEVER exist. Michael Jackson suffered from this, and his story could potentially help others in similar situations.

I sincerely hope this movie doesn't downplay these aspects, unlike some MJ fan pages that insist Michael Jackson never altered his appearance.
It's a general consensus that Michael Jackson had way too much plastic surgery, but whether it was as much as the press claimed, we'll never truly know. Your analysis is pure speculation. I've seen renowned doctors claim he had cheek implants, among other things.

But really, does that even matter? Not to me. The biopic isn't going to pretend Michael Jackson didn't change his appearance, because he did! And it's part of HIS STORY. His struggle with body dysmorphic disorder is an important aspect that should be addressed, especially considering how society's views on this have evolved. There are people dying from cosmetic surgeries in an attempt to fit into a mold that should NEVER exist. Michael Jackson suffered from this, and his story could potentially help others in similar situations.

I sincerely hope this movie doesn't downplay these aspects, unlike some MJ fan pages that insist Michael Jackson never altered his appearance.

^ This 100 percent. He altered his appearance numerous times. It would cheapen the movie if they didnt address the reasons why. I don't want a fun MJ fluff piece. I think the most impactful movie will address it all, the plastic surgery, the relationship with his father, his need for children, his eccentricities and his brilliance. It shouldn't pretend that Michael was just your average, normal guy because he wasnt.
This is a great video from MJFANGIRL. She talks about how we're going to see a completely different side to Michael, told by those closest to him. I agree with this. The tell on that is the images we're getting of him knocking door to door as a Jehovas Witness. It's a little detail that wouldn't spring to mind to most of us but it was something that was once intrinsic to his life. Michael was a private guy. There is a lot we don't know about him. The things we don't know may we answer many of the questions we all still have. I don't think this will be another 'paint by numbers' biopic.

They also talk about how different these photos are likely to look to the image we get in cinema. Someone zooming in on a iphone isn't going to show the same as a movie being shot with a professional camera and lighting, editing, and all the rest of it. I am only getting more hyped by this movie.

It's a general consensus that Michael Jackson had way too much plastic surgery, but whether it was as much as the press claimed, we'll never truly know. Your analysis is pure speculation. I've seen renowned doctors claim he had cheek implants, among other things.

But really, does that even matter? Not to me. The biopic isn't going to pretend Michael Jackson didn't change his appearance, because he did! And it's part of HIS STORY. His struggle with body dysmorphic disorder is an important aspect that should be addressed, especially considering how society's views on this have evolved. There are people dying from cosmetic surgeries in an attempt to fit into a mold that should NEVER exist. Michael Jackson suffered from this, and his story could potentially help others in similar situations.

I sincerely hope this movie doesn't downplay these aspects, unlike some MJ fan pages that insist Michael Jackson never altered his appearance.
literally no one has ever said that. Not even Michael.

People just point out that number his surgeries are highly exaggerated.

Michael never denied having surgery either despite people claiming he did. He talked about it openly in his book and again he only denied all the exaggerations people accused him of like his Eyes, lips, cheekbones and jawline. He stated he only changed his nose and put a cleft in his chin and that is the truth. Anybody who can't see that can't see past his skin color changing.
No it's pretty clear more changed after the cleft in the chin. That would mean surgery ended before the BAD album. You can see he's dont his whole face, and in his latter life he definitely messed with his eyes and it got to a point where he couldn't even smile properly. I really wish he left himself alone much earlier because there was nothing wrong with him. I think the nose (initially anyway) and the cleft did enhance his look but you can see clear differences around his eyes around the HIStory album and beyond.
This is a great video from MJFANGIRL. She talks about how we're going to see a completely different side to Michael, told by those closest to him. I agree with this. The tell on that is the images we're getting of him knocking door to door as a Jehovas Witness. It's a little detail that wouldn't spring to mind to most of us but it was something that was once intrinsic to his life.

I agree, it seems they are going to show him going door to door as a Jehova's Witness and I think the JW upbringing is one of the most ignored sides of MJ, even by fans: it shaped his whole world image and what and even why he did music! Also his view on nature, animals and children is shaped by being teached as a JW
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No it's pretty clear more changed after the cleft in the chin. That would mean surgery ended before the BAD album. You can see he's dont his whole face, and in his latter life he definitely messed with his eyes and it got to a point where he couldn't even smile properly. I really wish he left himself alone much earlier because there was nothing wrong with him. I think the nose (initially anyway) and the cleft did enhance his look but you can see clear differences around his eyes around the HIStory album and beyond.
I think it's just (a lot of) reconstructive surgery on his nose and the cleft in his chin in terms of surgery.
The rest were minor procedures/fillers/tattooing for different kind of reasons. The basic shape of his face/cheekbones in later years is the same as his parents
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Speaking as a diehard Elvis fan… no. That movie was garbage. Visually it was decent and Butler did his best but the screenplay was awful and decided to go way beyond “creative liberties” and just flat out make shit up. Don’t even get me started on Hanks and his goofy ass accent. Biopics in general are usually pretty awful, I’m hoping this one is serviceable at best but biopics really aren’t for us (hardcore fanbase) and more for the general public/casual fan.i actually thought it was good ...i mean

I don't think it's gonna be a problem, the softness in Michael's eyes always made him look way younger than he was. He always looked a bit childlike to me, even in his mature years.

Yes this! i agree he looked younger than he was
I wonder how they will make the Pepsi burn accident, that's also a part of MJ's life and affected him with the painkillers, especially after 1993 surgery.
I wonder how they will make the Pepsi burn accident, that's also a part of MJ's life and affected him with the painkillers, especially after 1993 surgery.
they same way they did it in the american dream. It's not that hard, it's a movie
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But the executors’ jobs are to make money for the estate and this biopic will accomplish that.
yup, and do you think they getting the money out of the trees? lmao. they are getting it from some of you all. you make it so easy for them to never truly work a day and give us what we really want. I swear if I get in my hands an unedited concert, I won't be sharing it, ever. You've proven you'll literally throw your money on whatever has MJs name on it, even when it's not MJ.