Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Re: Psychic channels Michael

OMG... I know I'm kinda late here, sorry to just barge in like that, I admit I steered very clear of this thread until today because heck, I really don't know what I believe or what I don't, but most of the time I really don't believe... But for some reason today I've decided to watch this...
And at first I was like - heck naw, but then, the second vid...
Guys, please, screw my head in for me...

That was freaking Michael talking, wasn't it??? :bugeyed
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I have kept quiet about this for some weeks now after an experience, which I only told my girlfreind about it.

On the 26th of June the day after MJ's death. On that night I went to my bed where I just ended up playing some music for a while. So then i deicded to turn the music off and get some shut eye. A few minutes afterwards I could hear Michael Singing along with a Chior which was a bit faint. I tried to figure where this was comming from. I thought first someone was playing MJ songs in the flat above our appartment. So I went into the other rooms heard nothing from outside or anything.

So I went back to bed and heard Michael singing with some chior again. The song sounded like ' Will You Be There' But it wasn't that particular song. I wasn't scared or anything as I felt calm before I went to sleep.

I still don't know what to make of it anyway. I thought maybe my mind was playing tricks on me by hearing the news all day and listing to his songs.

That must have sounded amazing. What I've learned is when someone first goes into the spirit world they will be in the presence of the heavenly host (The Archangels) for a while until the make their transition fully into the spirit world. I haven't heard the angels sing myself but when I talk to them on a regular basis, their voices are soft, warm and truly angelic and always radiate peace and love when in their presence.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Before I go to bed, I want to share a meditation experience I had and most favorite. When Michael first came to me we met at on a beach, the sea was so blue and looked so refreshing and a lovely golden beach. In my meditations, Michael always appears behind me, I turn around and he wore his red shirt, curly hair, black trousers and shoes and he looked so beautiful and radient and had such a glow about him.

He told me to follow him in a whisper, I took a hold of his hand and proceeded to walk up the beach towards a big tree that had a huge shaded area out of the sun. When we reached the tree, Michael sat down with his back leaned against the tree trunk, looking at me with his big brown eyes and asked me to sit with him. I sat down in front of him with my head resting against his chest has he was stroking my hair, I felt so relaxed and safe, a feeling I hadn't felt in such a long time. I could have stayed there forever but I was so relaxed by Michael's pressence I almost fell asleep while in meditation.

Michael began to talk, he asked me "Emma, do you have any friends?" and I replied by saying yes I do, but very few close friends as I have trust issues. He carried on slowly stroking my head, after about a few minutes of silence he talked again, he said "Emma, we are very alike" I did ask in what way but he didn't answer so I still not sure to this day in what way lol

After I dedcided to end the meditation, I turned around and gave Michael a small smile, he looked at me for a second, and said very quietly, "I'll be your friend if you like" and gave me a reassuring smile and I smiled at Michael back. When I woke up and got my vision back as I cried a little, I felt such peace and love and went to sleep.

Oh, that must have given you such a nice feeling :)
About the part that you were so much alike, the first thing that struck my head is that he must have meant that he also had few close friends. As we know, Michael couldn't really trust many people in this world..
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Oh, that must have given you such a nice feeling :)
About the part that you were so much alike, the first thing that struck my head is that he must have meant that he also had few close friends. As we know, Michael couldn't really trust many people in this world..
Yes, that's what I thought, too, about Emma's meditation experience, as I am also like that! LOL I can count my closest friends in one hand (and less)!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

That must have sounded amazing. What I've learned is when someone first goes into the spirit world they will be in the presence of the heavenly host (The Archangels) for a while until the make their transition fully into the spirit world. I haven't heard the angels sing myself but when I talk to them on a regular basis, their voices are soft, warm and truly angelic and always radiate peace and love when in their presence.

Thanks for clearing that up. Just didn't know if my mind was going crazy that night, and
was playing tricks on me.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Before I go to bed, I want to share a meditation experience I had and most favorite. When Michael first came to me we met at on a beach, the sea was so blue and looked so refreshing and a lovely golden beach. In my meditations, Michael always appears behind me, I turn around and he wore his red shirt, curly hair, black trousers and shoes and he looked so beautiful and radient and had such a glow about him.

He told me to follow him in a whisper, I took a hold of his hand and proceeded to walk up the beach towards a big tree that had a huge shaded area out of the sun. When we reached the tree, Michael sat down with his back leaned against the tree trunk, looking at me with his big brown eyes and asked me to sit with him. I sat down in front of him with my head resting against his chest has he was stroking my hair, I felt so relaxed and safe, a feeling I hadn't felt in such a long time. I could have stayed there forever but I was so relaxed by Michael's pressence I almost fell asleep while in meditation.

Michael began to talk, he asked me "Emma, do you have any friends?" and I replied by saying yes I do, but very few close friends as I have trust issues. He carried on slowly stroking my head, after about a few minutes of silence he talked again, he said "Emma, we are very alike" I did ask in what way but he didn't answer so I still not sure to this day in what way lol

After I dedcided to end the meditation, I turned around and gave Michael a small smile, he looked at me for a second, and said very quietly, "I'll be your friend if you like" and gave me a reassuring smile and I smiled at Michael back. When I woke up and got my vision back as I cried a little, I felt such peace and love and went to sleep.

Emma, you are too lucky!!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Fun chatting with you Courtney and Elise!
We need more participants in the chats, everyone! It would be fun...don't be shy. :)
Until next time!~
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I've never been in chat but if anyone is about 10pm or 11pm UK time on MSN I'll be up for a chat :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I will try to make it. My hubby uses the computer a lot in the evenings.

I like hearing all of the experiences that some of the fans are having. It makes me feel like I am sane. :cheeky:

About that dream I posted a while back.. the one MJ told me he would "see me tomorrow". I had some dreams.. but cannot remember any of them! I DID however remember Michael. Like I knew I dreamt of him.. but don't remember what any of it was. Maybe just a dream, instead of a visit? Maybe there is more to the subconcious mind? I dunno.

Some of you have told me abotu astral; travelling and learning to meditate etc. I tried it last night when I was in the tub relaxing. No music. Door shut, candles. I just sat there quietly with my eyes shut and TRIED to clear my mind. How do you CLEAR your mind? Can someone help me out on that one? I think cause there's tons on my mind, I can't focus. I tried to say "hello" mentally and waited and tried ahain. How do I do this? I know I can do things while asleep but I want to know how to meditate and all that stuff while being awake. Hope I don't sound like an idiot.:scratch: Anyone feel free to give me a shout.

I gotta get ready for work now. I'll try to make the chat. Bye for now.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I would actually like to know how to meditade as well.
My head is full most of the daytime and i basicly expierience most things at night when i am about to go to sleep but i would like to do it while being fully concious.
Its difficult to clear my head.

The most amazing thing i have expierienced so far was the doves flyingover the 02 on july 13 but i also have some amazing night-expieriences when i can feel him with me.
I have normal dreads about him but i dont think i have been visited in a dream (not that i remember anyway).
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Best way to meditate that I've found is to try a guided meditation - there are all kinds of meditation CD's on amazon. I love Glenn Harrold myself. It's not the clear-your-mind-entirely kind of meditation but it's a good start and stops you worrying about all the thoughts that still linger!

Sometimes I use ambient sounds such as bird noises or waterfalls as background and listen through headphones. Meditation is really just a deep relaxation and it's perfectly normal to have thoughts pop into your head. The thing is not to worry about them. Or even just to allow them to evolve and see where it takes you.

If you feel up to it, try a written guided meditation - there are plenty on the web. I like one called the 'mystic marriage' by Ted Andrews, that activates four of the chakra points. It's from a book called 'How to meet and work with spirit guides'. Or just put on some soothing music and allow yourself to drift away....

there's really no right or wrong way to do this, but practice does help a lot :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Guided meditations can be wonderful! I actually never liked them much until I tried the one in a CD set I have called "Beginning Psychic Development" with Echo Bodine. She has a guided meditation in there for connecting with your intuition/source and it was amazing for me. Of course everyone is need to just find what works for you. In her meditation, she teaches you to focus on your "center"...which is your intuition. Your intuition lies in the center of yourself, and is that pure Source/God energy. So you focus on this inner light, right above your navel. Imagine the light and think of nothing else. With every inhale, imagine the light getting bigger...and bigger...and bigger...until your whole body is completely enveloped by it. It really helps you to just connect with who you really are, and to open yourself up to recognizing the wisdom within yourself.

If you aren't interested in purchasing meditations and following "guidelines" - just keep practicing taking time to go into deep relaxation. As walkaway said, meditation is really deep relaxation. You can try dealing with your thoughts in 2 ways; either letting them evolve and see what they turn into...or, try clearing your mind and everytime a thought pops in...let go of it. No need to stress about it...just try to recognize everytime your mind starts to wander off and bring yourself back to your center. As with anything, it takes practice. Don't expect to hear stuff and receive revelations right off the bat. :p Take your time, relax about it, and keep doing it daily or whenever you have time.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Btw...that chat link I made is available for any of you at any time. :D A few of us in the USA have been getting on around 9-10pm CT.

Oh! and I had a dream with Michael in it last night...yay! He looked like he did this past year...and had come in to this big building that I was in, for gather some of his stuff. Don't know why. He had his helper people there picking up all kinds of things...and carrying them out of the building. He was incredibly nice and I actually got to speak with him as if he was a good friend. When he was getting ready to leave I was going to ask him if he wanted to stay for a bit and visit with me alone...but he was rushing around so much it felt like he couldn't do that at that particular time. Then I had a flash in my mind, kind of like a commercial...saying that at this upcoming date at a particular time...he was going to have a special get together with a lot of people he loved - where we could all sit down and just speak and share with eachother. I felt sad I couldn't talk to him one on one, but was happy that there would be a get together.

I don't think the dream was any kind of visitation or whatever. But I do feel that it was perhaps symbolic of an upcoming kind of "night school" that will be happening with Michael and his fans sometime soon. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I actually never liked them much until I tried the one in a CD set I have called "Beginning Psychic Development" with Echo Bodine. She has a guided meditation in there for connecting with your intuition/source and it was amazing for me.

This sounds lovely, and I'm going to have to look it up :). I don't meditate as much as I should, but do find I enter a meditative state much more easily when I do try, because I'm more relaxed about it these days and don't force it so much. It's really wonderful to do - even just as a way to keep stress levels under control.

Amygrace, I enjoyed reading about your dream too, and it sounds like the kind of busy dreams I've been getting lately. Michael is usually around somewhere, although not necessarily the central focus. It's my own belief that we each do a lot of spiritual learning during our sleep, and sometimes we remember it (because we're supposed to) and sometimes we don't. Travelling and learning is quite usual for me, but they are usually the haziest dreams and the ones where I wake up tired! LOL. Anyway, it wouldn't surprise me if Michael gets involved in 'teaching', guiding, etc.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

It's my own belief that we each do a lot of spiritual learning during our sleep, and sometimes we remember it (because we're supposed to) and sometimes we don't. Travelling and learning is quite usual for me, but they are usually the haziest dreams and the ones where I wake up tired! LOL. Anyway, it wouldn't surprise me if Michael gets involved in 'teaching', guiding, etc.

I definitely agree. I've had many instances myself too where I wake up feeling exhausted like I've been working all night. Sometimes I remember exactly what I was working on, sometimes I don't.

I think Michael is definitely involved in some kind of teachings/guidances on the other side too. I don't think it's something like an official "teacher" job kind of thing, but more like "get togethers" where he does the same kind of thing he did here...where he teaches through example, through spreading love, and even playing music. I think some of us get together during our dreams with our friends/family here, as well. For example, I remember once, I was having major issues with my daughter's father's wife. lol. This was at a time where I was working on a project to resolve all my ill feelings with her. I had a couple dreams where I genuinely believe our souls met up together in our sleep and worked out some things. If felt like this was the best way, as our conscious minds during the day were not open to such a we often get too caught up in our earthly lives, and we forget what the soul purpose is regarding our interactions with certain people. Beneath everything and everyone there is love. So anyway, our souls conversed and I woke up feeling so at peace and it made it easier for me to forgive her. She probably has no recollection of this consciously...but her soul knows. And I know. So it is affecting our relationship "behind the scenes".
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Asedora, perhaps the love you are feeling from your dreams is what you need at this time. Spirit comes to us in whatever form is best for us, and with whatever gifts we need at that particular moment. That is my understanding of it :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

...we often get too caught up in our earthly lives, and we forget what the soul purpose is regarding our interactions with certain people. Beneath everything and everyone there is love.

What a great experience.... and this makes so much sense to me! We can easily lose our focus in our day to day lives and our sleep, dreams, unconscious hours can help guide us back to where we should be, if we allow it. I really need to work more on this myself...

I have just recalled a couple of other Michael-related experiences. I feel happy to share them here :). Some months ago, I had a vivid dream in which one of my guides left me and moved on... it was a very gentle and touching parting. Suddenly I had a new presence by my side (still in the dream) - a man dressed in a white suit. I smiled because i was reminded of John Travolta in the 80s! But I didn't see the man's face and he remained elusive. After Michael died :(, I was reading this thread one day and suddenly an image of Michael in a white suit popped into my head. Now I'm not saying he is a guide of mine or ever will be, or that my dream was any kind of premonition, but it did feel right that it should be Michael wearing that suit...

Also, someone on this thread (I think it was Emma?) mentioned that she had 'seen' Michael sitting with his back against a tree. This is what I keep seeing in my mind's eye too. Michael sitting in a lush green field, with his back against a beautiful old tree. He has time to rest now, I think. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Asedora, perhaps the love you are feeling from your dreams is what you need at this time. Spirit comes to us in whatever form is best for us, and with whatever gifts we need at that particular moment. That is my understanding of it :)

I do not know what to say. Love is such a strange thing and it never enough of love in our life. Sometimes life becomes a routine.
Another question is about opposite dreams. If somebody has a very sad dream about Michael does it mean that it was visitation and this person is satisfied with own life completely so that way spirits try to show their problems to us?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I do not know what to say. Love is such a strange thing and it never enough of love in our life. Sometimes life becomes a routine.
Another question is about opposite dreams. If somebody has a very sad dream about Michael does it mean that it was visitation and this person is satisfied with own life completely so that way spirits try to show their problems to us?

Others may have different ideas, which I'd love to hear about too, but in my own experience there are different kinds of dreams. Some are 'psychic dreams', which are usually vivid and easily remembered. These dreams convey a message that is meant to be carried through to the conscious mind and remembered on waking. Some other dreams are 'spiritual lessons', which are played out on a higher level and are meant to guide our soul back to it's center, to it's true purpose. Feelings of love, compassion and learning can come from these dreams though the details are often hazy. Other dreams are simply a reflection of our own conscious minds, creating some order from our often dis-ordered day time experiences. I would consider the sadder dreams, such as a replaying of Michael's passing, as being one of the latter... a way for our own conscious minds to deal with the awful reality we're having to contend with.

Spirit brings only peace and love in my experience :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

What a great experience.... and this makes so much sense to me! We can easily lose our focus in our day to day lives and our sleep, dreams, unconscious hours can help guide us back to where we should be, if we allow it. I really need to work more on this myself...

I have just recalled a couple of other Michael-related experiences. I feel happy to share them here :). Some months ago, I had a vivid dream in which one of my guides left me and moved on... it was a very gentle and touching parting. Suddenly I had a new presence by my side (still in the dream) - a man dressed in a white suit. I smiled because i was reminded of John Travolta in the 80s! But I didn't see the man's face and he remained elusive. After Michael died :(, I was reading this thread one day and suddenly an image of Michael in a white suit popped into my head. Now I'm not saying he is a guide of mine or ever will be, or that my dream was any kind of premonition, but it did feel right that it should be Michael wearing that suit...

I definitely think it's easy for us to lose focus and the sense of who we really are...and even who the people around us really are. Sometimes we need to look deeper at those that we feel have done us wrong, or betrayed us in some way...because we most likely planned it this way with them on the other that they would help us to learn forgiveness. As I said previously, there is love behind everyone and everything, even though it may not seems like it.

Also your! We were just discussing this in the chat last night, about how some guides are assigned to you at particular times in your life...then they leave and other ones come in. Some guides are also assigned to multiple people at one time, so they check in and out on you often. Interesting story you have there with the man in the white suit. It isn't far fetched to think that Michael could be one of your guides. Remember that ultimately we are all the same. The thought that "oh my God we are talking about the ever famous MICHAEL JACKSON"...that's just an earthly label.

Btw, this...
walkaway said:
Some other dreams are 'spiritual lessons', which are played out on a higher level and are meant to guide our soul back to it's center, to it's true purpose. Feelings of love, compassion and learning can come from these dreams though the details are often hazy. Other dreams are simply a reflection of our own conscious minds, creating some order from our often dis-ordered day time experiences. I would consider the sadder dreams, such as a replaying of Michael's passing, as being one of the latter... a way for our own conscious minds to deal with the awful reality we're having to contend with.

Very well said.