Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Hehe, my son was all over your girl, especially a girl jumping in puddles. Did she say she snifted something? :wub:He's mesmerized by the laptop and the girl in it. :rofl: My son would immediately ROLL in the puddle. He now holds his rubber ducky because you know, it's not late enough apparantly. (fell asleep at 7 and is now UP)Love it! :D
Aw cute! And rolling in the puddle...haha! It would take just one time for Lyss to see someone do that and she'd have to do it every time.

I'm telling him, child, go to bed please so that mommy can record the umpteenth version of a murder ballad for Mr. Jackson. :tease:
Aww :teary_eyed:

mjbunny said:
OT, but the cute ING ad made me think of one of my favs of all time, featuring none other than the Cosmic Bunny (aka God, aka Flying Spaghetti Monster). Wanted to share ... It's just sooo cool, all the different colors of bunnies hopping in and out of existence and becoming one together to form the world. Then they change back into the ONE, the BIG bunny, who again breaks down into changing mandalas. How can that not just be so dang cool?!
Hah...that was wicked cool!
EDIT: That bouncy ball one is awwwwesome! I'm mesmerized by it.
Love the frog jumpin' out of the pipe!
Yeah, occasionally the commercials are better than the shows ;) Love the bunny dance smiley!

LOL, someone wrote on MLP's Facebook: "I'd encourage everybody to try it, I joined last month to this awesome event and it was WOW! : ) Btw, the easiest way to meet Michael." :lol: That last part made me laugh. On another day maybe cry, but not tonight :wub: And then it made me think how craaaaaazzy life is. If someone would have told me I'd meet a guy on the internet, marry him and move to another continent I'd have told them they were crazy. Similarly if someone told me I'd be joining group meditations to go have cake fights on the other side with Michael Jackson ... yeeeahhhhh, right. :cry:/:hysterical: And so on. Lesson: don't plan your life much, cuz shiz's about to get crazy up in heeere...

P.S. The LL Cool J tribute song just came on my mp3 player. I can't say I love every word of it, but some lyrics are pretty funny and I love the part where he repeats, "something like a phenomenon..." and then says:
"Yo, the crazy thing is, I had a dream... Michael Jackson wrote that for me in a dream. That's crazy, right? Word up, I had a dream and homeboy wrote it for me in a dream. I saw it on a paper and woke up and just jotted it all down. Crazy." ....​
Nahhhh, LL. Actually that's soooo NOT crazy. Not one little bit. :D
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LOL, someone wrote on MLP's Facebook: "I'd encourage everybody to try it, I joined last month to this awesome event and it was WOW! : ) Btw, the easiest way to meet Michael." :lol: That last part made me laugh. On another day maybe cry, but not tonight :wub:
LOL... word to ya mutha! :angel: I'm on a Michael high tonight myself... ain't nothin' gonna bring me down. I just watched the performance for "Lovely One" too...never seen it before. I about swooned myself off the chair :wub: :wub: :swoon:
LOL, someone wrote on MLP's Facebook: "I'd encourage everybody to try it, I joined last month to this awesome event and it was WOW! : ) Btw, the easiest way to meet Michael." :lol: That last part made me laugh. On another day maybe cry, but not tonight :wub: And then it made me think how craaaaaazzy life is. If someone would have told me I'd meet a guy on the internet, marry him and move to another continent I'd have told them they were crazy. Similarly if someone told me I'd be joining group meditations to go have cake fights on the other side with Michael Jackson ... yeeeahhhhh, right. :cry:/:hysterical: And so on. Lesson: don't plan your life much, cuz shiz's about to get crazy up in heeere...
no effin' kiddin, hm?? Minus the internet everything is the same for me, just in the opposite direction, that's funny.

If you would have told me I'm developing my psychic skillz after MJ passes away and write strange songs at 3am, I would have said, oh please. Although I KNEW something was going to be happening back in 2007 but I didn't want to think about it. It was just too much. God, if I think about it now. I literally scooped up everything MJ I ever owned in my life and parked it RIGHT NEXT to the TV in my line of vision. A few weeks before he passed away I looked at and said, I need to organize the stuff, I remember my old "Dangerous" Tape almost falling. I had almost all his stuff on tape.

I had a tape of from the 93 Oprah interview- I remember sitting there in the middle of the night, being 13 years old and hooking up cables between the VCR and my dad's stereo so I could tape the interview also on a tape and carry it around in my WALKMAN. Yeah, a walkman...I was walking around with that tape going to music school and trying to understand MJ beneath the friggin' German Interpreter as an overdub.

I literally could cry, I have listened to that tape so many times, I even taped the Bucharest concert on a tape to listen to it on the way to school. :(

P.S. The LL Cool J tribute song just came on my mp3 player. I can't say I love every word of it, but some lyrics are pretty funny and I love the part where he repeats, "something like a phenomenon..." and then says:
"Yo, the crazy thing is, I had a dream... Michael Jackson wrote that for me in a dream. That's crazy, right? Word up, I had a dream and homeboy wrote it for me in a dream. I saw it on a paper and woke up and just jotted it all down. Crazy." ....​
Nahhhh, LL. Actually that's soooo NOT crazy. Not one little bit. :D

Naaah, Cool J get in friggin' line over here, hehe. Seriously, there are so many people out there who say the same thing that we do, gosh Michael, I never thought I'd say this, but when it's my time, you have got to be the first one I see and meet, okay?
LOL... word to ya mutha! :angel: I'm on a Michael high tonight myself... ain't nothin' gonna bring me down. I just watched the performance for "Lovely One" too...never seen it before. I about swooned myself off the chair :wub: :wub: :swoon:

I know, I just walked the kitchen in sheer ecstasy about everything and then I just want to bang my head into the wall and scream "WHY?????????? Why the FUCK, WHY?????" Did we have to do it this way?? Did you have to go this way? And we all stay up, night after night after night after night, wrecking our brains, swoon between bliss and delight and despair and sorrow. GOD, sometimes I just want to run down the street and SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAM.
I know, I just walked the kitchen in sheer ecstasy about everything and then I just want to bang my head into the wall and scream "WHY?????????? Why the FUCK, WHY?????" Did we have to do it this way?? Did you have to go this way? And we all stay up, night after night after night after night, wrecking our brains, swoon between bliss and delight and despair and sorrow. GOD, sometimes I just want to run down the street and SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAM.
Oy I know...I hear you girl. In fact right before I clicked back in here...I was surfing through his photos, in sheer bliss...and I get to one and just sink for a moment thinking WHY did he have to go??!? I had to stop and tell myself no! Don't get sad again...he's still around! But then... that body...that man he was in this life...just...gone... acckkk. :doh: I think I'ma go watch Lovely One again... up down up down....
Oh geez I just wanted to quote about everything here. :doh:

Guys, has anyone heard of exit points? I came across some info on this idea today...that when we're choosing our life circumstances before we reincarnate, we choose about 5 exit points for the life, which may be illnesses or surgery or an accident, and these are points in our lives like a 'get-out' clause, where we can decide that either it's all too much, or we've done what we came to do in this life, so we can move on. Or else choose to wait until the next exit point and then decide. It's an interesting idea....made me think....oh, I don't know. Thoughts?

Interesting concept. I haven't heard that one before. I wonder if that's a conscious decision or subconscious. I'd imagine it would be subconscious because I doubt people would deliberately choose to have an accident or serious illness, but I guess that's the free will/fate debate again. Also when a soul chooses an exit point, depending on which one they choose does that mean it will also affect what level they're at in the afterlife? Like bailing out before you really should have, so now you have all these extra lessons to learn? Like maybe it's some kind of trade off, but still ultimately your choice what exit point you take. Again with a topic like this it just raises more questions for me. I never stop asking questions. :lol:

I remember reading about exit points when I was.... 10-12ish? (heavy reading for a child :giggle:) but what I remember is a little different. I remember 4 exit points. I suppose your higher self knows if you're ready to leave, not a conscious decision or something. There was something got to do with deja vu? Aw man, I'm trying to remember something I read at least ten years ago :scratch: I think I was looking up what deja vu was and I found exit points. This book said that before you're born, you're shown glimpses of your life and when you live them out, that's deja vu. I don't know where exit points came into it. Sorry I'm being absolutely no help! :lol:

Oooh I like that theory on deja vu.

Hmm, I never thought about that. My interpretation on deja vu is that when you get it, it's deja vu because the first time you went through that, the glimpse was coming to you from the future. I know that sound ridiculous, but the last few deja vu's I've had, I know I got the first glimpse of them when I was in Portugal or Ireland; i.e. before I moved here, so I think they were sent from the future, which is now the present :scratch: but I guess dreams could explain that too...

I've also heard of that idea of deja vu too, and that it could be because of a weird brain quirk. I get deja vus fairly often. They don't feel like dreams to me though. I kinda joke that my life is so boring that it just keeps repeating itself. :lol:

Man, one time about 20 years ago (man, i'm getting old, lolol) I had this nightmare about being inside a strangely laid-out house...

That's really creepy. :bugeyed

Ohh you guys...after I made my last post I went outside with my daughter and it was soo beautiful. It was raining but half the sky was blue with the sun shining through and lighting up the edge of the was like a window to heaven! and in the other half of the sky was lightning. Then fireflies showed up! It was just lovely. I took some video. Really brought me back to the magic of childhood and reminded me of Michael :wub:

Oh so cute with you and your daughter. :wub: You live in a really beautiful place.

I know, I just walked the kitchen in sheer ecstasy about everything and then I just want to bang my head into the wall and scream "WHY?????????? Why the FUCK, WHY?????" Did we have to do it this way?? Did you have to go this way? And we all stay up, night after night after night after night, wrecking our brains, swoon between bliss and delight and despair and sorrow. GOD, sometimes I just want to run down the street and SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAM.

I know, it's all such a roller coaster ride. :no:
Amy Love the video of you and your little girl. Lyss is so cute!
I remember when I was in kindergarten and I had a new dress and my mom told me explicitly NOT to jump in the puddles. But does that ever really help ? H*ll no, if anything, it made me more determined to do exactly that so jumped in them as hard as I could and sure enough I ruined the dress but I had so much fun!!! All kids should be allowed to jump in puddles and make a big mess!

MjStarlight Hey hello there! Nice to hear from you in this thread!

Billie Jean09 Lovely picture of the beach - MJ :heart: . Cool about the white feather!

MjbunnyLove the videos of the bunnies and the bouncing balls. Love it when the frog jumps out!

MjbunnyInteresting about the Jupiter angle. I have a feeling we are going to be experiencing a crazy summer. Very intense and lot of unexpected things happening. Especially in June and August ( coincidence ?)And then I received an astrological newsletter and I think it sort of confirms my ideas ( I can't understand that angle and quadrant stuff but I got the big picture)

Mjbunny Yes, very weird that people do not even hear the music in films and series. I love John Williams too and Hans Zimmer is another favorite but also the Godfather music. I have so many film music CDs.

And hahahaha about being stalked by ducks!! That cracked me up! You funny!

I had a dream about MJ last night. He was hiding atop a wardrobe shelf because he did not want to be seen or something and I saw him there and covered ( made up a story then and there) so he could escape something. I did not talk to him but I knew his intentions and he knew I was helping him without needing to speak.

Another dream was not so nice. I have to bring my car to the garage today for repairs and they've looked at it before and I know what the costs will be ( approx 1000 euros). So in my dream I parked my car in a ditch ( huh ???) and guess what ? I came back to my car later and it was wrecked and covered by a huge mudslide. Other cars were covered in mud too. So I said to some people "Well, look at the bright side, I just saved myself 1000 euros" ( but I'm carless :cry:)
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hello angels, beings of light, channels of love. today is the prayer day. i feel like i vibrate wth lots of sadness, i am looking forward to the Major Love moment so we can transmute all this and raise above our lower human nature and enter the superior one..i feel sooo sensitive so emotional today.. i am sooo ready for that prayer..

love to all of you,

hello angels, beings of light, channels of love. today is the prayer day. i feel like i vibrate wth lots of sadness, i am looking forward to the Major Love moment so we can transmute all this and raise above our lower human nature and enter the superior one..i feel sooo sensitive so emotional today.. i am sooo ready for that prayer..

love to all of you,


Hi Fan2202 - I'm looking forward to the MLP tonight as well. It's been a rollercoaster ride and I'm dreading June 25th.
Big hug to you! :hug:

Probably shouldn't let him see the bouncing ball version then

I love that ad! I've never seen the full version though. Thanks :D

I've also heard of that idea of deja vu too, and that it could be because of a weird brain quirk. I get deja vus fairly often. They don't feel like dreams to me though. I kinda joke that my life is so boring that it just keeps repeating itself. :lol:

:lmao: That's a good one!

I had a dream about MJ last night. He was hiding atop a wardrobe shelf because he did not want to be seen or something and I saw him there and covered ( made up a story then and there) so he could escape something. I did not talk to him but I knew his intentions and he knew I was helping him without needing to speak.

That's really sweet :wub:

Eek! That's a lot to get your car fixed.

hello angels, beings of light, channels of love. today is the prayer day. i feel like i vibrate wth lots of sadness, i am looking forward to the Major Love moment so we can transmute all this and raise above our lower human nature and enter the superior one..i feel sooo sensitive so emotional today.. i am sooo ready for that prayer..

love to all of you,


Love back to you Fan! I don't know how I'm feeling yet. I'm just getting past the groggy stage after waking up. Today I'm taking extra time to get my room ready and relax before MLP time and I hope to meet you all there :heart:
Hi Fan2202 - I'm looking forward to the MLP tonight as well. It's been a rollercoaster ride and I'm dreading June 25th.
Big hug to you! :hug:


oh MJJKLaugh.. thank you.. that felt like a hug.. it feels like billions of sparkles all over the world, his great presence that fills this void his departure left in this world..
the energy starts to raise already, as people around the globe start to feel this moment..Oh i so much wish to reaslly know the truth.. of who we are, of why we,re here, of where he,s now.. just to put all those pieces together.. to see the big picture..

i have sooooo many tearssss!!!!
hello to u too mundy .. and good morning:)
i donno how it feels neither,., i only feel its intense.. there are tears, there is love, there is surrender, there is loneliness , there is this need to let go, to be guided.. and a HUGE NEED TO SHARE and to feel others.. its funny as many times before the prayer I feel this way.. and then during the prayer it is this transformation. such an amazing feeling

MJ bunny!!! i love u too!!! hugs& kisses
Just stopping by and sharing some LOVE :heart: and :huggy::huggy: to you all.

Nothing to report on the MJ front atm -- just waiting for a follow up from my last MJ dream :lol:..:shifty:

Can't believe it's been 11 months..can't believe we're exactly a month away :cry: How? Why?

I'm looking forward to the MLP tonight :heart:

Hope everyone is doing good today :) :flowers:

:heart: to you all.
Hi everyone! :heart: :group: :heart: MLP's just a little over 4 hours away! (And right after that we enter the last month... :mello:) I had a lot of MJ-ness in dreams, all vague and nothing I can really understand. And again a terrible time sleeping! Woke up like every hour :doh: Don't forget to vote in the battle :lol:

I'm telling him, child, go to bed please so that mommy can record the umpteenth version of a murder ballad for Mr. Jackson.
This morning when I was trying to go to sleep I got your "murder ballad" going over and over in my head, well the bits and pieces of lyrics I know.

I literally scooped up everything MJ I ever owned in my life and parked it RIGHT NEXT to the TV in my line of vision. A few weeks before he passed away I looked at and said, I need to organize the stuff, I remember my old "Dangerous" Tape almost falling. I had almost all his stuff on tape.
Sounds familiar. Starting ONE WEEK before June 25th I spent every day on my new project: getting all those years of MJ tapes into digital format. Our laptop couldn't quite handle it in decent bitrate, but I tried. That week I had uploaded a whole bunch of old news clips from the 80's and stuff, wanting to share the rare stuff with other fans. (And my account subsequently got taken down at the end of June for copyright from the greedy pr*cks who didn't care about a poor-quality news report from 1989 on June 24th, but sure cared on the 26th when they realized "Ooo! MJ died! We can sell this stuff now! Get it all off YouTube!" :angry:) Anyway, on the 24th Birchey told me a DVD recorder was probably the best way to go, so on June 25th I spent the day researching them online while listening nonstop to Michael. The recorder I now have was won via an ebay auction that ended on June 25th at 10:30pm our time (1:30pm in L.A.). Less than an hour later we got the news :( And then those few days afterwards (before my youtube account went bye-bye) all my uploads had comments from people like, "How eery that you just uploaded this yesterday! / Did anyone notice this was just uploaded yesterday? / All your videos were just uploaded this week? How strange!" .... yeah, I know :cry:

I had a tape of from the 93 Oprah interview- I remember sitting there in the middle of the night, being 13 years old and hooking up cables between the VCR and my dad's stereo so I could tape the interview also on a tape and carry it around in my WALKMAN. Yeah, a walkman...I was walking around with that tape going to music school and trying to understand MJ beneath the friggin' German Interpreter as an overdub.
Germans and the dubbing! Agh! I wanted to include a clip of the 2002 Bambi Awards speech in a video I was working on and then found that since it aired in lame-o Germany there is NO copy of it without all the yapping on top of the sound :doh: Funny about the Oprah interveiw. I have my old tape from America of that. Hb became a fan after seeing that back in '93 and he and a friend kind of learned English from watching Michael talking to Oprah. (Guess they got a non-dubbed version overnight live.)

I had a dream about MJ last night. ....

So in my dream I parked my car in a ditch ( huh ???) and guess what ? I came back to my car later and it was wrecked and covered by a huge mudslide. Other cars were covered in mud too. So I said to some people "Well, look at the bright side, I just saved myself 1000 euros" ( but I'm carless :cry:)
Cute about the MJ dream. Weird about the car dream. Maybe on some level you feel like "ditching" the car because of the expense?

hello angels, beings of light, channels of love. today is the prayer day. i feel like i vibrate wth lots of sadness, i am looking forward to the Major Love moment so we can transmute all this and raise above our lower human nature and enter the superior one..i feel sooo sensitive so emotional today.. i am sooo ready for that to all of you,fan
Hi Fan! :group: :heart:

P.S. I got such a strong message in our meditation the other day about the children of the world needing love, and then yesterday someone wrote on MLP's FB page about sending special love to the kids. I took that like a reminder from Michael in some way. So anyway, please during MLP (of course we're sending the love to the WORLD), send like a special wave to the kids :angel:
OT, but this just touched me because it's such a ... odd... feeling.... knowing your name and little message.... is ....... there. Odd, painful, nice... all sorts of feelings: (weekly sunflowers to FL)

So now it's 3 hours to MLP. Some others have now replied on FB to the person who said it's the "best way to meet Michael" (still makes me giggle :giggle:) saying they also had visit-like experiences and then suddenly it hit me ... all the things us joining every month like this can do. Not like I haven't thought of some of these before, but ... it's increasing love within ourselves, expanding our sense of compassion and love for the world, affecting mass consciousness, helping people through grief, giving a sense of unity for fans, bringing people to "prayer" who may otherwise not do that sort of thing (thus making them think more about spirituality maybe?) ... and helping people feel connected with Michael? :blink: I'm just kind of astounded to be a part of it, really. We all should be :angel: :heart: I love you guys, btw :group:
OT, but this just touched me because it's such a ... odd... feeling.... knowing your name and little message.... is ....... there. Odd, painful, nice... all sorts of feelings: (weekly sunflowers to FL)

Aww I know, totally. Someone took a card for me, and just the feeling that something I'd written is now so close to Michael. It's really surreal. :cry:

Looking forward to the MLP tonight too. Love you guys so much. :hug:
Aww I know, totally. Someone took a card for me, and just the feeling that something I'd written is now so close to Michael. It's really surreal. :cry:

Looking forward to the MLP tonight too. Love you guys so much. :hug:
Yeah, that's why I have to send something FROM here to FL for the 25th :cry: I understand on one level that it's totally 'silly', because I mean... it's not like HE is there really. He's here, with me, with you. I'm as close to Michael right here as I would be a F.L., but you know... it's something special. For Christmas I sent a card and a little ornament. It was so special :)cry:) knowing it was THERE, although I felt like Michael got it as soon as I wrote it, before it was ever mailed :angel: I plan to do this every Christmas if possible. I want to buy two identical ornaments, like last time, keep them together as twins until the last moment and then one gets shipped to F.L. and one will stay with me. How sentimental. :mello:

Just 2 1/2 hours now...
Yeah, that's why I have to send something FROM here to FL for the 25th :cry: I understand on one level that it's totally 'silly', because I mean... it's not like HE is there really. He's here, with me, with you. I'm as close to Michael right here as I would be a F.L., but you know... it's something special. For Christmas I sent a card and a little ornament. It was so special :)cry:) knowing it was THERE, although I felt like Michael got it as soon as I wrote it, before it was ever mailed :angel: I plan to do this every Christmas if possible. I want to buy two identical ornaments, like last time, keep them together as twins until the last moment and then one gets shipped to F.L. and one will stay with me. How sentimental. :mello:

Just 2 1/2 hours now...
That's very sweet and I bet he's thrilled. Remember how he said that he never throws stuff out that people give him and one day he'll built a museum for it all...I left a poem there for him with the flowers in the pictures (okay, the Jelly Beans got eaten by fellow fans together as a nod to his sweet tooth and love of candy...) and it was a poem I wrote in the aftermath. I know he "knows" the poet, but I wanted to leave it there in this spot, also knowing that the family gets all the stuff, so in a way it served a double function. No matter what was going on in the family, I was thinking of Katherine watching her son everyday being accused of horrible things. Losing a child is just beyond horrible, I share her pain, wether the child is a fetus or a 50 year old superstar, they will always be your baby.

"And I've learned that love needs expression..."
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Hey everyone. I haven't been in here in a long while. Been ill, and a LOT going on.'s almost been a year:(. I am going to try to do the MLP. Love to you all.:angel:
Ohh you guys...after I made my last post I went outside with my daughter and it was soo beautiful. It was raining but half the sky was blue with the sun shining through and lighting up the edge of the was like a window to heaven! and in the other half of the sky was lightning. Then fireflies showed up! It was just lovely. I took some video. Really brought me back to the magic of childhood and reminded me of Michael :wub:
Oh, that's sooo sweet! Those fireflies, how awesome! :wub: Thanks for sharing...totally got that 'aww childhood'-feeling as well, haha.

And so on. Lesson: don't plan your life much, cuz shiz's about to get crazy up in heeere...
Hehe, so true! ;) I'm really someone who wants to keep all ties to myself and I don't/didn't really like unexpected things as it would scare me, but I'm learning to appreciate all that's happening to me and I'm believing so much in 'everything happens for a reason' now. Definitely.

I had a dream about MJ last night. He was hiding atop a wardrobe shelf because he did not want to be seen or something and I saw him there and covered ( made up a story then and there) so he could escape something. I did not talk to him but I knew his intentions and he knew I was helping him without needing to speak.
Oh...that's a sad sight. :cry: It still gets to me when I see these mobbing vids....he had so much to endure. Mannn.

Hey everyone. I haven't been in here in a long while. Been ill, and a LOT going on.'s almost been a year:(. I am going to try to do the MLP. Love to you all.:angel:
Honey! Long time no see, good to see you popping by. :huggy:


Just a quick note from me here, don't have much time to reply to everything. :) Sooo....remember that dream I had with the spear hitting me I had last week, I/we figured it could mean that I have a new beginning/change coming up? Well, I think today might be the start of something real damn good! :D I got an e-mail from Sesame Street in New York City, that they think my talents and interest fit a dream of theirs to turn some of their traditionally-painted book art into interactive stories or games for children. They would love me to experiment with their artwork and see what new ways I might envision as a way to "animate" this art. :bugeyed :wild::clapping:

Really hope I can make it work with housing/money, all of that. I think this is such a cool thing to do...working for children, designing, being somewhere else, totally feels like this will be something that's worth it all. Finally something good might come after all this negative stuff, I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Just wanted to share with you guys! Lookin' forward to the MLP, I'll think of the children too!
Love you all! :huggy: :heart:
Ok, as MLP time approaches I'm once again way behind on everything :lol: Gonna go take a shower. Who wants to pray skanky? (Oh sorry, TMI? lolol) Just a quick update! How cool of them! :D

Michael Jackson Radio Station Major Love Prayer special on Join us on May 25th at 2pm Pacific / 5pm Eastern / 22:00 London / 23:00 Paris - Berlin / 01:00 26th Moscow / 06:00 26th Tokyo ... MjTunes will broadcast 2 LOVE songs for this special moment.
Ok, as MLP time approaches I'm once again way behind on everything :lol: Gonna go take a shower. Who wants to pray skanky? (Oh sorry, TMI? lolol) Just a quick update! How cool of them! :D

Michael Jackson Radio Station Major Love Prayer special on Join us on May 25th at 2pm Pacific / 5pm Eastern / 22:00 London / 23:00 Paris - Berlin / 01:00 26th Moscow / 06:00 26th Tokyo ... MjTunes will broadcast 2 LOVE songs for this special moment.

Oooh how cool!! :D I can't listen though cos I'll be upstairs and my wireless is baaaad!

I wrote a song today and I was hoping to have it up before MLP but it's not finished yet. don't know where the time went :doh: Hopefully I can get it up before I go to bed.

Love love love hut nuttahs! :heart:
Cute about the MJ dream. Weird about the car dream. Maybe on some level you feel like "ditching" the car because of the expense?

That's probably right on the spot!

mjbunny said:
P.S. I got such a strong message in our meditation the other day about the children of the world needing love, and then yesterday someone wrote on MLP's FB page about sending special love to the kids. I took that like a reminder from Michael in some way. So anyway, please during MLP (of course we're sending the love to the WORLD), send like a special wave to the kids :angel:

Will keep that in mind..All the children of the world need our prayers and love!

OT, but this just touched me because it's such a ... odd... feeling.... knowing your name and little message.... is ....... there. Odd, painful, nice... all sorts of feelings: (weekly sunflowers to FL)

I know the feeling, had the same feeling when I saw my name on the Christmas ornament. I'm going to do it like you: order two of them and keep one here.

Just a quick note from me here, don't have much time to reply to everything. :) Sooo....remember that dream I had with the spear hitting me I had last week, I/we figured it could mean that I have a new beginning/change coming up? Well, I think today might be the start of something real damn good! :D I got an e-mail from Sesame Street in New York City, that they think my talents and interest fit a dream of theirs to turn some of their traditionally-painted book art into interactive stories or games for children. They would love me to experiment with their artwork and see what new ways I might envision as a way to "animate" this art. :bugeyed :wild::clapping:

Really hope I can make it work with housing/money, all of that. I think this is such a cool thing to do...working for children, designing, being somewhere else, totally feels like this will be something that's worth it all. Finally something good might come after all this negative stuff, I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Just wanted to share with you guys! Lookin' forward to the MLP, I'll think of the children too!
Love you all! :huggy: :heart:

That is just so cool!! NYC, I LOVE NYC!!! I really hope it all pans out for you the way you envison it will. I'm so happy for you!! You really deserve this opportunity!

Have a good MLP everyone!! Love you all!
Mrs.Music, wow!!! Congrats! I'm really happy for you! Good luck! :huggy:

hehe, Michael on Sesame Street ;)

Ok going to prepare :heart:
hey guys, just a quick reply cos I'm getting ready :)
- and watching the Eurovision... y'all cannot comprehend how much I love it.....and I'm going to miss the rest of it this week!

Bianca, that's WONDERFUL!! I'm so happy for you, it sounds excellent!

So now it's 3 hours to MLP. Some others have now replied on FB to the person who said it's the "best way to meet Michael" (still makes me giggle :giggle:) saying they also had visit-like experiences and then suddenly it hit me ... all the things us joining every month like this can do. Not like I haven't thought of some of these before, but ... it's increasing love within ourselves, expanding our sense of compassion and love for the world, affecting mass consciousness, helping people through grief, giving a sense of unity for fans, bringing people to "prayer" who may otherwise not do that sort of thing (thus making them think more about spirituality maybe?) ... and helping people feel connected with Michael? :blink: I'm just kind of astounded to be a part of it, really. We all should be :angel: :heart: I love you guys, btw :group:

awwwh that's so sweet!
It is, it's doing all those things. I'm so happy to be a part of it. I'm thankful to everyone involved, it just means so much to me. :wub::wub::wub:
Loved it...At the beginning felt so so much energy!
Two things that kept appearing for me: sparkles and water, so much water. First we were on a beach, then walking through a forest and ended up at a lake. I felt that Michael was really happy to have so many of us listening to him and spreading his message. Then we were on a hill and everyone was holding hands, and though only the people right next to Michael were holding his hands, everyone felt like they were too.
I got a message from Michael that I really needed to hear, which relaxed me about some stuff.
Overall, it was simple but lovely :)
Can't wait to hear everyone else's!