Merged: Psychics channel Michael

:doh: I edited up my long post and then saw there were replies already. Ooops. I'm off to bed, but I totally agree about the name "Michael". Or is that just because we say it all the time? :wub: Do you remember in 'The Jacksons: An American Dream' Katherine had given birth and was talking with her mom about baby names and the name ... was it Ronald or Donald (?)... came up? LOLOL. I wonder if that's true or just something silly the script writers put in there. Hubby and I have joked about that... "Ronald! I love you!" It just doesn't have the same ring, lololol. Or a one syllable name: "Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike! Mike, I love you!" Still doesn't work out as well, right? You can tell Mike you love him, but it feels too casual then. Had to be Michael. :heart:

P.S. I just had the thought that in addition to the name Michael being "like God", the name Joseph may be the closest to Jesus you're going to get for a baby boy in the US in 1958 outside of Latino communities. I mean, you could go with an apostle's name (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, etc) for a middle name, but Joseph would have been the legal father's name for Jesus and his mother Mary's husband's name. So closest family, who raised him. Which is, of course, another similarity (Joseph/Joseph) if you're going to go there, lol.
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I just noticed the virgo symbol looks a bit like MJ lol


Hello, just dropping in. :) Great post mjbunny. I think everything in Michael's life was supposed to happen exactly the way it happened, under the right circumstances, at the right time. It's incredible to think of being witness, being alive, to this event that IS Michael Jackson, and experience his aura.

I've also been seeing 11:11 and 1:11 a lot again. Just about every day. I've been asking for help from God because I've been stuck in a hole a long time now. Maybe it's some kind of answer.

BTW, Mundy, I think your song is really wonderful. :)
Love this part of that guy Aqualeo's last track:

Nothing changes under the sun, according to the bible
Everything will happen again, life is a cycle
He said greater works will be done, they're not false idols
The only person I've ever seen do greater work is Michael
Not Oprah, not the Pope, not none of these actors
Not Martin, not Malcolm, not none of these rappers
So how can I believe a man walked on the moon
And not believe in a man that moonwalked to a tune

Awww thats so sweet :wub:
Thanks CaptainEo :huggy:

I was meditating when I finished in the gym today to wind down and I was imagining trees and flowers. I reached out in my mind to touch a leaf from a tree and that was the exact moment my boyfriend's mother brushed her towel over my hand to let me know she was going for a swim. It's probably just a coincidence but I love when that sort of thing happens :heart:

I thought of a song I'm going to use for the next meditation with you guys. It's In Flowers by James Blunt. It doesn't seem to be on youtube so I uploaded it if anyone wants to hear it. It not on any of his albums, just an old demo. I :heart: it. It has such a nice feel to it.

I hope everyone is having a good day/night :group:

Edit: Lyrics
You're A butterfly
and you want to be
in flowers
and you want to meet
Dalai lama
reach nirvana

because I love you love me
I just want you to be
in flowers
with me

I'm A little child
and I want to be
held in your arms
any fool can see
that it's nothing new
that I need you

because I love you love me
I just want you to see
the little child in me

there's A butterfly that’s in my heart
it lives in me when we're apart
but preferably you'll stay with me
because I love you love me
I just want you to be the butterfly in me
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Whoa you guys - flying fast here! ;) Some interesting posts again, I totally needed that. Had one of the most heavy breakdowns the past few days...just so done with it all. Won't go into details, quite long story...just everything together. Felt really detached from 'good things' and Michael (actually I was so worried for Michael, strange feeling) it's good coming back to catch up here. :heart:

Like...whatever we believe, whether true or not, well the truth aspect doesn't matter ...what matters is our growth and so if that's what we need to believe or how we need to think, then so be it. And I've noticed Guides/spirits on the other side will even support you in any "non-truths" that you are living simply because it's part of the path. This is all actually why I've been pretty annoyed with the other side lately...because it's like...when I ask for the TRUTH...they don't give me the truth. They give me MY truth. If that makes sense.
Aw yeah, that's what I've been struggling with too. How would there be beliefs that are 'put into you' that aren't even really truthful, that aren't even really to be worked out. Or are these just things that you CAN work out when you do it right? Like, such as purposes of your life...does it start like a non-truth and will you be able to make it a truth when you take the right paths? Do you have to 'earn' truths? It's quite annoying indeed to not know answers when you ask for the truth.

Maybe it's a bit OT, but it doesn't feel like it, so: I was thinking a lot some months ago about this. If I were on the committee (let's say sometime last century) to send another messenger down there to Earth, to try to reach the whole planet, who would I send?

Ok... here we go... your destination this lifetime is ... Michael Jackson.
DANG!:clapping: Now that's a great post. You're right on. That's like all that's been going around in my head, so true and so deep. Crazy to read it all listed up like this. D'aww. Oh Michael.

Btw, I don't know why this was never brought up but don't you guys just think it was awesome that he even received the name "Michael" in this life? I mean, Michael means "Who is like God" ... it's no coincidence he got that name. Supposedly our names are predetermined before we get here... because whatever name we get in life will have some impact on who we are...through the sound frequencies we receive when our name is spoken. I know that just saying the word Michael comforts me in a way. It is a high frequency name.

I love that Michael has the same name as Archangel Michael too :wub: ...because I really feel like he's some kind of guardian angel for the planet now. But well, I guess he always was in his physical life too. :heart:
Ha, I was just talking about this to my mom. It's like...when you mention a name you have an image or certain feeling of that person right away. For Michael that was just clear as a blue sky. That's indeed most definitely all predetermined, or well, I like to believe that. Interesting to think of how parents would make that obviously just pops up, but how far is that a 'personal' choice....or is it like, the personality will be made after the name?
Now I'm wondering about my name....the literal meaning is 'white/shiny'....hmmm. Well I am white. Shiny? Maybe? Lol!

I love the Archangel Michael resemblance as well, sure thing he is and was some kind of guardian angel. :angel:

I do not know how come that some ppl still do not see it? I talked to one of my friends recently. She is nice girl, loves animals and nature but she is not able to hear Michael’s message. She is just not interested to learn about him, to listen to his music etc. She even does not see him as a sexy handsome man.
No matter what I say I feel like it is wall between us when it comes to MJ discussion. Well, probably Michael is not for everybody. Jesus was not for everybody either.
That's like the biggest questionmark for me. How do some people don't have the 'ability' (I say ability because for me it's some sort of privilege) to notice him and to love him like they should? And then also - to what extent are fans being 'chosen' or something? I mean, some fans obviously don't realize how fortunate they are, don't realize things like we here do, don't see beauty in all parts, or whatever....but how come there are also fans that are so negative, that don't do anything like Michael would ever do? Referring to the negativity and bickering with those groups lately, how does that happen? :no:

Just like you said - Michael is probably not for everybody, and maybe there are even levels. I mean, we're still all our own selves and it's really up to yourself and how you are made in order to see him in a certain level. Sounds weird, but I'm glad I'm in such a 'high' level, haha.
I do not know how come that some ppl still do not see it? I talked to one of my friends recently. She is nice girl, loves animals and nature but she is not able to hear Michael’s message. She is just not interested to learn about him, to listen to his music etc. She even does not see him as a sexy handsome man.
No matter what I say I feel like it is wall between us when it comes to MJ discussion. Well, probably Michael is not for everybody. Jesus was not for everybody either.

That's like the biggest questionmark for me. How do some people don't have the 'ability' (I say ability because for me it's some sort of privilege) to notice him and to love him like they should? And then also - to what extent are fans being 'chosen' or something? I mean, some fans obviously don't realize how fortunate they are, don't realize things like we here do, don't see beauty in all parts, or whatever....but how come there are also fans that are so negative, that don't do anything like Michael would ever do? Referring to the negativity and bickering with those groups lately, how does that happen? :no:

Just like you said - Michael is probably not for everybody, and maybe there are even levels. I mean, we're still all our own selves and it's really up to yourself and how you are made in order to see him in a certain level. Sounds weird, but I'm glad I'm in such a 'high' level, haha.

I agree with you both....I've wondered this too. Maybe it has to do with what your heart is open to, maybe what stage of spiritual development you're at? But yeah, for me it's so obvious that Michael is a spiritual messenger..but then again, I didn't realise that until June 25th.... :(
Hey lovelies! Hope everyone is well today. :huggy:

mjbunny - about half an hour ago I woke up from a dream with you in it. It was just popped up out of nowhere, said you did a reading on my John/Caleb situation that I mentioned earlier, and you had gotten information that there was some kind of artistic debacle between all of us. :lol: and you went straight up into detail about how that affects my work now in this life. It was CRAZY how right on you were...and you worded it in a way that I wouldn't have done myself. It was all just quickly spewed out of your mouth in perfect sense. You also mentioned murder (not sure who murdered who) and when you did it brought up a great deal of anger for me. Anyway, just found that interesting.

I totally agree about the name "Michael". Or is that just because we say it all the time? :wub: Do you remember in 'The Jacksons: An American Dream' Katherine had given birth and was talking with her mom about baby names and the name ... was it Ronald or Donald (?)... came up? LOLOL. I wonder if that's true or just something silly the script writers put in there. Hubby and I have joked about that... "Ronald! I love you!" It just doesn't have the same ring, lololol. Or a one syllable name: "Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike! Mike, I love you!" Still doesn't work out as well, right? You can tell Mike you love him, but it feels too casual then. Had to be Michael. :heart:
Haha...omg...imagining his name as Ronald McDonald...:bugeyed hells no. :lol:

P.S. I just had the thought that in addition to the name Michael being "like God", the name Joseph may be the closest to Jesus you're going to get for a baby boy in the US in 1958 outside of Latino communities. I mean, you could go with an apostle's name (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, etc) for a middle name, but Joseph would have been the legal father's name for Jesus and his mother Mary's husband's name. So closest family, who raised him. Which is, of course, another similarity (Joseph/Joseph) if you're going to go there, lol.
Oh...yes! I forgot about his middle name! That is no coincidence either. He was meant to come down here with a very high vibrating powerful name. :yes:

CaptainEoLove85 said:
It's incredible to think of being witness, being alive, to this event that IS Michael Jackson, and experience his aura.
:yes: ...amen.

MJstarlight said:
I just noticed the virgo symbol looks a bit like MJ lol

Hah! I never noticed right! Love it.

Asedora said:
I do not know how come that some ppl still do not see it? I talked to one of my friends recently. She is nice girl, loves animals and nature but she is not able to hear Michael’s message. She is just not interested to learn about him, to listen to his music etc. She even does not see him as a sexy handsome man.
No matter what I say I feel like it is wall between us when it comes to MJ discussion. Well, probably Michael is not for everybody. Jesus was not for everybody either.
I just don't understand this either! How people can NOT see the light in Michael. To NOT feel that draw, that pull, from his spirit and aura...that just captivates you and touches you deeply. I understand that Michael's looks and style of music may not be for everyone - but love is. And Michael is the epitome of love. He exudes an energy that just begs for you to open up and take in... to learn from and make a part of yourself. This energy is universal and everyone could use it... everyone would do good to use it.

Mundy said:
I thought of a song I'm going to use for the next meditation with you guys. It's In Flowers by James Blunt. It doesn't seem to be on youtube so I uploaded it if anyone wants to hear it. It not on any of his albums, just an old demo. I :heart: it. It has such a nice feel to it.
Thanks for the link Amanda! I love the lyrics...going to listen to the song after I post this... :huggy:

Mrs. Music said:
Ha, I was just talking about this to my mom. It's like...when you mention a name you have an image or certain feeling of that person right away. For Michael that was just clear as a blue sky. That's indeed most definitely all predetermined, or well, I like to believe that. Interesting to think of how parents would make that obviously just pops up, but how far is that a 'personal' choice....or is it like, the personality will be made after the name?
Now I'm wondering about my name....the literal meaning is 'white/shiny'....hmmm. Well I am white. Shiny? Maybe? Lol! I do think parents often intuit their children's names without even realizing it. I think too that if a name just sounds nice to you, it's probably because of the vibration it holds. Your name...speaks to your soul I think. :cheeky:

Mrs. Music said:
How do some people don't have the 'ability' (I say ability because for me it's some sort of privilege) to notice him and to love him like they should? And then also - to what extent are fans being 'chosen' or something?
See yeah... I wonder...if like, the people that just see nothing in Michael...just don't get it...are maybe just younger souls? Hmm...that sounds a little condescending...I totally don't mean it that way... I just don't understand how any older/spiritually advanced spirit could not at least recognize the love and beauty that was Michael's spirit...the lessons he had to teach and the great impact he had on the planet not only in a very real physical way but also energetic.
Hi :hug: There are things I want to reply to, but first I wanted to write about a crazy dream I had this afternoon. Finally got the computer away from a certain man's paws so I can write, lol...

I was dreaming that I would leave my house late at night with a shopping bag full of stuff and I would 'break in'/'get in' to houses all throughout a typical American suburban neighborhood (not sure how I got inside, but I'm pretty sure I didn't actually break anything, lol). My mission was to bring "Christmas" to the children ... although it wasn't December, just any random time like summer or whenever. Once inside the houses I would leave Christmas decoration stuff (shiny, glittery papers or tinsel and garlands, etc) and candy for the children. The candy was important. It was a feeling of giving love and joy. I felt great doing this, no reward other than knowing I was doing good. I felt like the kids were mistreated in a way, at least not given all the love they needed. When I'd "give them Christmas" they were so happy. Occasionally a child would still be awake when I'd sneak in. They were never afraid of me. It was like "shhhh, our little secret"... and they'd smile and be so thankful for the gifts and candy. I could do this in all the houses in an entire neighborhood in one night and no one could figure out who this mystery candy-leaver was :lol:

Then I got a call telling me they really needed me to visit a particular child in Australia. So I went there and did some 'Christmasing' briefly the first night, but this special kid lived in an apartment building in a busy part of town. I realized it was much easier to do this in quiet suburban neighborhoods. It's much harder to sneak around undetected and get inside apartments than houses ... more people in a confined area, people coming and going, more traffic, etc. The next day I visited the Jacksons as a family friend. (In Australia? lol) It was like J5 days and Michael was around 10 to 12. Cute :) That night I wanted to try to give Christmas to that one kid and others in the area, but some bitchy parents were on the news complaining about this weird person who was breaking into homes and giving Christmas stuff to their kids and "what kind of a person would DO that?! Just invade our HOMES in the middle of the night?!"... making me out to be a terrible criminal. :angry: This 'outrage' led to police driving around looking for suspicious people carrying candy, so I couldn't give away the stuff that night :( Darn Australian cops, lol.

So instead I went back to the Jacksons apartment because I wanted to give something special to Michael, with all this love in my heart:heart: He was my whole inspiration for this mission anyway. I knew of grown-up Michael and all that had happened to him, but it seemed totally normal to be visiting him as a child. I was in the Jacksons' dark living room secretly, setting up this special display of sparkly stuff and candies to surprise Michael (I was so happy, imagining the smile on his face the next morning when he discovered it all :))... when I heard a noise... oh crap... someone was awake! It was JOE! Oh scheisse, lol. He stumbled half-asleep down the hallway and then noticed me. :bugeyed Before he took a swing at me or something I announced myself and that I had forgotten something when I was here earlier and didn't want to wake them, sorry. Thought I'd leave you guys some candy (I realized I had to say I was leaving it for the whole family now, not just Michael :doh:) and I pointed out, "This is the GOOD stuff too... mini candy bars and caramels and stuff." (LOL, like when you go trick-or-treating and some people give you the cheap candy and others give you the good stuff, lol) He said ok, no problem. Don't remember much after that... woke up soon. Weird dream :)
Thanks for the welcome guys :D :wub:

I've missed a lot already, you guys move quick.
I was thinking about it too and for me it is very clear that this message had to be delivered trough entertainer’s business and it had to be in English also because it happened to be that English became the most popular international language in the world. The globalization process makes nations come together and this language became number one now.
If the messenger was just like Jesus talking and teaching people, it would not be possible in our times to have such a huge impact. It had to be flashy, unusual and attractive in many ways, including sexual attraction for males and females.
At the same time it is good to keep in mind, that Michael was in love with innocence. This is why he was with kids all the time because kids could keep him on that level of innocence he had to be. He said many times that he needed kids around him and it was VERY important ................
No matter what I say I feel like it is wall between us when it comes to MJ discussion. Well, probably Michael is not for everybody. Jesus was not for everybody either.
Also VERY good points, like about English. Yep. And also about the kids helping maintaining the level of innocence :yes: I also don't 'get' the people who don't 'get' Michael. And I understand what you mean about how it's a wall between yourself and some others. But then, it always was. So much of my love for Michael was private time in the past, like pre-internet days. Friends or co-workers may have known I was a fan, but they never really knew. My love-gushing for Michael was all in my own little private world. Without the internet I guess it mostly would've remained so.

I was meditating when I finished in the gym today to wind down and I was imagining trees and flowers. I reached out in my mind to touch a leaf from a tree and that was the exact moment my boyfriend's mother brushed her towel over my hand to let me know she was going for a swim. It's probably just a coincidence but I love when that sort of thing happens :heart:..... I thought of a song I'm going to use for the next meditation with you guys. It's In Flowers by James Blunt.
Cute story. Lots of synchronicities today. Earlier my hubby's friend called and they got onto a topic of some obscure French song they hadn't heard for years... like trying to remember the title. After the phone call he jumped online and went to his MJ forum and saw a thread about people's fav non-MJ songs and the latest post was about THAT song :lol: Love when that happens ;) Thanks for the link to the James Blunt song. Will download tonight. The lyrics are lovely :flowers:

Had one of the most heavy breakdowns the past few days...just so done with it all. Won't go into details, quite long story...just everything together. Felt really detached from 'good things' and Michael (actually I was so worried for Michael, strange feeling) it's good coming back to catch up here. :heart:
:hug: Yeah, the energy has changed again. It was intense and close before and now feels farther away, like Michael is 'farther away'. I think he's busy ;) Anyone else feel an energy change in the past day or so? I'm hoping it won't be like early last month when I got overwhelmed with sadness. But with April 5th coming up, that possibility exists, I guess

Like, such as purposes of your life...does it start like a non-truth and will you be able to make it a truth when you take the right paths? Do you have to 'earn' truths? It's quite annoying indeed to not know answers when you ask for the truth.
I hear ya. Like when you ask for the truth and you're told, "But you already know the truth." Yeeeahhh. Maybe over there, but I'm in a human brain at the moment. HEllo! Kinda need some help here, buddy.

Now I'm wondering about my name....the literal meaning is 'white/shiny'....hmmm. Well I am white. Shiny? Maybe? Lol!
White and shiny :hysterical: That's funny. So I'm not the only one who thought about my own name during that conversation too :lol: Mine is all about being dedicated to Christ and a fighting prophetess seeking the sweet ones in life. That sounds like more to live up to than being white and shiny, lol. Or... it's the same thing, just in different words ;)

About what all of you mentioned... how do others not see what we see? That crazy Siberian Christ story made me think a lot about that. Maybe it's like the shadow and light idea... we see the light that we ourselves want to show. We recognize a light in ourselves and therefore we can see it in Michael? Or do we see what we WANT to see? We need to see this light, so we look around for someone to project it on and Michael was the pefect one for that? I suppose it's easy to dismiss if you try to get all psychological, but I feel it much deeper. Btw, I was talking last night with another 'shiny' person (lolol) via the MLP forum who's also had many experiences with Michael via meditation/visitations. It's amazing how many there are. So again, goes back to it not being delusion or projection, but something very real. And we're all standing here now scratching our heads trying to make sense of it all :scratch:

mjbunny - about half an hour ago I woke up from a dream with you in it. It was just popped up out of nowhere, said you did a reading on my John/Caleb situation that I mentioned earlier, and you had gotten information that there was some kind of artistic debacle between all of us. :lol: and you went straight up into detail about how that affects my work now in this life. It was CRAZY how right on you were...and you worded it in a way that I wouldn't have done myself. It was all just quickly spewed out of your mouth in perfect sense. You also mentioned murder (not sure who murdered who) and when you did it brought up a great deal of anger for me. Anyway, just found that interesting.
No problem. Glad I could help. :lol: How crazy, lol. Hey, maybe I was there too and was like geesh, you don't remember? :lol: I wonder what time period this was supposed to be in.

Hah! I never noticed right! Love it.
While we're noticing stupid obvious things like the Virgo symbol looking like "MJ", I just realized today that the Moonwalker and TII poses (like the Moonwalker pose pin I wear on my jacket everyday) is like the pose on a crucifix :doh: All these freaking years and I never saw this? I'm sure Michael saw this, lol. My hubby noticed this long ago, he told me. But me? Nope. Oblivious. What the heck, lol. So I thought of something totally sacrilegious that would get me thrown out of places across the world: You know the goofy MJ Krishna rosary Vickie Berndt makes? (Hey, she already put MJ as Krishna on a rosary, so it's already 'ruined' anyway...) take the cross off and put on a Moonwalker posed figure :lol: Doh! :ninja: *Sneaks Away* :rofl:
While we're noticing stupid obvious things like the Virgo symbol looking like "MJ", I just realized today that the Moonwalker and TII poses (like the Moonwalker pose pin I wear on my jacket everyday) is like the pose on a crucifix :doh: All these freaking years and I never saw this? I'm sure Michael saw this, lol. My hubby noticed this long ago, he told me. But me? Nope. Oblivious. What the heck, lol. So I thought of something totally sacrilegious that would get me thrown out of places across the world: You know the goofy MJ Krishna rosary Vickie Berndt makes? (Hey, she already put MJ as Krishna on a rosary, so it's already 'ruined' anyway...) take the cross off and put on a Moonwalker posed figure :lol: Doh! :ninja: *Sneaks Away* :rofl:
:blink:...I never noticed that either! Hah...crazy. And your rosary it bad I laughed at that too? :ninja: Seriously that's wild though. It's so weird all these connections.
^ Ah, I don't know how much of an accident that is. Michael practiced all of his poses and moves over and over. He knew what they looked like and I'm sure he had a say in the Moonwalker artwork. Maybe it was a subconscious thing on his part, just liking the pose without knowing why (?), or maybe he actually kind of liked the symbolism. When he holds his arms straight out to his sides, glowing in light... people always said that was a "Jesus pose" as well. I just watched Earth Song from the 1996 WMAs last night. Oh :cry: But yeah, hadn't noticed the crucifix thing, lol.
^ Ah, I don't know how much of an accident that is. Michael practiced all of his poses and moves over and over. He knew what they looked like and I'm sure he had a say in the Moonwalker artwork. Maybe it was a subconscious thing on his part, just liking the pose without knowing why (?), or maybe he actually kind of liked the symbolism. When he holds his arms straight out to his sides, glowing in light... people always said that was a "Jesus pose" as well. I just watched Earth Song from the 1996 WMAs last night. Oh :cry: But yeah, hadn't noticed the crucifix thing, lol.
Yeah I agree...I think he did know what the pose looked like in that sense... though I bet it was an afterthought. I'm sure it started out as just a natural expression of his body. (which lends to how he was always divinely inspired in everything) - there are even times when he makes that pose, and then hangs his head down the Christ. And yes! Even him walking out with his hands open and to his side...glowing with light... very Christ-like too.
Whoa, I have to admit I only realize the pose by now too! LOOOL! And you're right about hanging his head, Amy.
Interestingggg. It's true though that he must've 'realized' all the effects of his poses just like his dances.
Crazy coincidences, man. :lol:

@mjbunny: We've launched the newsletter with your MLP interview in it today! :D It's in the Legacy Project or News & Happenings, two threads! (Will be merged after a while.) Thanks again for that! :heart:
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Whoa, I have to admit I only realize the pose by now too! LOOOL! And you're right about hanging his head, Amy.
Interestingggg. It's true though that he must've 'realized' all the effects of his poses just like his dances.
Crazy coincidences, man. :lol:

@mjbunny: We've launched the newsletter with your MLP interview in it today! :D It's in the Legacy Project or News & Happenings, two threads! (Will be merged after a while.) Thanks again for that! :heart:
Great, now it's all my fault that people will think of crucifixes when they see that pose :lol: Cool about the Newsletter :) Rock on, in there with Larry Nimmer and Barbara! We did a message for Larry Nimmer's documentary in May, thinking Michael may actually see it in July :boohoo:

Don't have time to read it all, though. Hubby brought home the DVD '2012' and I haven't seen it yet. Going offline for a while :)
Some people think, Michael Jackson? He couldn't be a prophet or a spiritual leader sent by God! He's a pop singer! ...well, of course he is. What better way to reach the masses in this modern world we live in? Not everyone will listen to a religious leader...not everyone will read a book or attend a seminar...not everyone will listen to a monk or some guru in a distant land. But everyone listens to music. And music itself, is the most powerful communicator despite race, age, or language. It can touch, heal, and feed your soul just by it's melodic frequencies. So you take a true humanitarian, with the utmost love and compassion for all he comes across...put him in music and make him a star...? The impact he could have on the planet would be that of colossal amounts. And so it was done with Michael.


Btw, I don't know why this was never brought up but don't you guys just think it was awesome that he even received the name "Michael" in this life? I mean, Michael means "Who is like God" ... it's no coincidence he got that name. Supposedly our names are predetermined before we get here... because whatever name we get in life will have some impact on who we are...

P.S. I just had the thought that in addition to the name Michael being "like God", the name Joseph may be the closest to Jesus you're going to get for a baby boy in the US in 1958 outside of Latino communities. I mean, you could go with an apostle's name (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, etc) for a middle name, but Joseph would have been the legal father's name for Jesus and his mother Mary's husband's name. So closest family, who raised him. Which is, of course, another similarity (Joseph/Joseph) if you're going to go there, lol.

I definitely see this. On the other hand, my dad's name is also Michael Joseph, and I wouldn't exactly describe him as "like God." :mello: In fact, he's an atheist. :lol:

When he holds his arms straight out to his sides, glowing in light... people always said that was a "Jesus pose" as well. I just watched Earth Song from the 1996 WMAs last night. Oh :cry: But yeah, hadn't noticed the crucifix thing, lol.

This picture always makes me think of Christ (sans microphone, of course).
mjbunny - enjoy 2012! I loved that movie.

mnj1985 said:
I definitely see this. On the other hand, my dad's name is also Michael Joseph, and I wouldn't exactly describe him as "like God." :mello: In fact, he's an atheist. :lol:
:lol: well, I don't think everyone's name should be taken so seriously (and sometimes it's not about the meaning we give it here, but just the frequencies the sound those frequencies may support the person in a specific way.) Also I must say, you can still be God-like and be an atheist. ;)
I've been really busy lately and I just did a quick skim read and I feel the love from you guys and I ADORE YOU. I just wanna say...

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I was watching the Bad short film last night and I swear to god my light was flashing on and off behind me! :bugeyed I kept pausing the video to look at it, but there was nothing. It's a day early for April Fools Michael. :smilerolleyes: :lol:

I had a pretty vivid dream this morning. It wasn't about Michael except for one small part. I was at this celebrity party outdoors. I saw that Elvis and Priscilla Presley were there. I thought Priscilla was going to be bashing Michael. I read an article (in the dream) and she was talking about his and Lisa Marie's relationship, but there wasn't anything negative written. Jeff Goldblum was also at the party lol. I remember I had another dream about him before nearly a year ago, where I just randomly bumped into him in a store while an alien was attacking New York.

The rest of the dream was pretty random and weird.

Also, has anyone seen the movie "Waking Life"? I just watched it today and found it really fascinating. It's animated, about a guy who's lucid dreaming and he goes on a philosophical journey. It's really interesting. I recommend it.
Modulation_Alert - beeeautiful song! Thanks for sharing. :) You can really work those fingers!

Elise - never seen Walking Life...will look into it. Thanks for the recommendation!

EDIT: I'm just realizing that it's March 31st... which means that the whole March 'prophecy' that I mentioned to you guys months ago...that I was given by some psychics... was WRONG. Wtf, man... that ain't cool. I'm peeved now.
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I noticed that we are quite the bunch of people who feel inspired by MJ...I'll shyly add my piece to the mix. I swear, my hand almost fell off playing that thing. I love hearing what you all wrote, it's amazing how many people feel inspired!

So beautiful :wub: Thanks for sharing :)

I write songs and poems too. I should get posting. :mello:

I'm looking forward to hearing your songs and poems :)