Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Re: Psychic channels Michael

time passes differtly for spirts at least thats what ive read thats hw they can be many places at once
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I was just reading about automatic writing. Has anyone ever tried this before??

Yes, I did. I tried to speak to my grandmother who passed away 2 years ago. It is difficult and I do not know if i did it right. But i've got a msg from her.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I was just reading about automatic writing. Has anyone ever tried this before??

Yes I learnt about that when I read about it Doreen Virtue books on messages from your angels and I found it an effective method for me. Everyone is different with which methods are best.

I'm clairsentient but some people are clairvoyant. others are clair congnizant and clariaudient
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Here is another site with several channellings from Michael. I saw this message for the fans and thought I'd put it here.

I want everyone to know how wonderful it is to be here. I am surrounded by the pure essence of love and it’s like nothing I have ever felt in my physical life. I cry for joy at feeling this wonderful love.

I have no feelings of regret, sadness, anger, hatred, jealousy, or fear. I have nothing but feelings of love for my family, my children, personal friends and my incredible fans. It amazes me at how much love and prayers people send to me now. I Want You To Know You Don’t Have To Pray For Me. I’m Busy Praying for You.

I’m going to be sending love to everyone whose life I have touched in some special way. That includes my fans. Without them my life would have been much different and I love each one of them. It doesn’t matter that we never met in person, here in Spirit I know who each one of you are. You don’t need to try to hold me to you; I will always be with anyone who loved me. My spirit has no boundaries and I can go wherever I want to now.

The peace and tranquility that I feel in Spirit is something I never had in life. I want everyone to know that they will have this when they pass over into the afterlife. I have dropped away all of my physical aspects and I am just living in pure love. I realize that the reason I had so much adversity in my life was for me to overcome those challenges. Now that I’m in the presence of the white light of God I realize I overcame a great deal, but some adversities I was not able to overcome. I’m now going to learn how I could have done it differently. It’s wonderful seeing your life completely detached and unemotional.

Going to the other side is a very different culture. There is a prevailing calmness over here. The day-to-day dramas don't exist as I knew them. I’m no longer caught up in the daily struggles or in the deep need to survive. I realize I have survived, and I see life here as a series of experiences to learn from. I don’t cling to all the memories of my life on earth. Now I experience everything in present tense. There are no clocks or calendars, no time. It’s so liberating. I do have memories; I remember some of my yesterdays, but they're not necessarily the ones that others remember about me.

It doesn’t matter what people or the media has to say about me. Don’t let any of it bother you. I left you my music and videos and that’s all you really need to know to understand who I really was. I did my best to help children all over the world and I will keep working on helping those children from Spirit.

I ask that you work at living your life in love and helping others. I’m going to continue sending peace to the world.

My love to all of you,
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

I can't find the email I wanted which described him, but I found this:
"Currently he's wearing his sunglasses which he didn't have earlier but he seems to be wearing the outfit when he appeared at the "This is it" conference"
Anyway, from what I remember it seemed he looked something between TII era and Dangerous era. Once I asked her to tell MJ to wear something like in the Bad video, and after a while he did! lol I hope I didn't delete those messages, argh! I think he appeared with curls, too. Actually, I'll ask her about this tomorrow again. Today he was was wearing a fedora, black suit, black pants and a red shirt.

Has he ever appeared to her with his "Thriller" look? I'm a sucker for the Thriller era. lol.

EDIT: Btw, if anybody is interested or is having doubt in Bonnie (or any mediums) about Michael, I found this interesting article from last year:

A scientists tests the accuracy of mediums and claims proof of the afterlife. It was a pretty interesting read for me. :)
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

Has he ever appeared to her with his "Thriller" look? I'm a sucker for the Thriller era. lol.

EDIT: Btw, if anybody is interested or is having doubt in Bonnie (or any mediums) about Michael, I found this interesting article from last year:

A scientists tests the accuracy of mediums and claims proof of the afterlife. It was a pretty interesting read for me. :)
Thriller... not as far as I know yet! LOL I will make a list with your questions and ask! LOL
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Here is another site with several channellings from Michael. I saw this message for the fans and thought I'd put it here.

That all sounded very nice...though I'm not sure I can trust it was really from Michael, as this was channeled by Cherokee Billie. She was mentioned previously in this thread...and I watched one of her videos where she was "channeling" Michael and had said he loves his "2 children"... umm. He has THREE! At the end of her video she also gave a plug for herself...saying that if "anyone wanted to hear from Michael" they should go to her website. I don't know, while she isn't spreading negativity about Michael...her messages feels too "floofy" for me...she doesn't seem to be quite there, or feel in good integrity.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Has he ever appeared to her with his "Thriller" look? I'm a sucker for the Thriller era. lol.

EDIT: Btw, if anybody is interested or is having doubt in Bonnie (or any mediums) about Michael, I found this interesting article from last year:

A scientists tests the accuracy of mediums and claims proof of the afterlife. It was a pretty interesting read for me. :)

LOL, ya mean the zombie look? I adore ZombieMichael!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

. I have really had the impression too, that he is ok and remains touched by the ongoing love he receives from his fans...but wants them to take what they learned from him and live their own life in the best way they know remember and be happy for what he left us, rather than dwell on his passing. What you felt he said to you just kind of affirms that to me...and really sounds like something he would want for all of us.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

automatic writing

whats this please ?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

That all sounded very nice...though I'm not sure I can trust it was really from Michael, as this was channeled by Cherokee Billie. She was mentioned previously in this thread...and I watched one of her videos where she was "channeling" Michael and had said he loves his "2 children"... umm. He has THREE! At the end of her video she also gave a plug for herself...saying that if "anyone wanted to hear from Michael" they should go to her website. I don't know, while she isn't spreading negativity about Michael...her messages feels too "floofy" for me...she doesn't seem to be quite there, or feel in good integrity.

Agreed! I don't believe anything that Cherokee Billie dishes out.

Oh, and from what I was reading automatic writing is like channeling almost, but instead of speaking you are writing....atleast that's how i understood it.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Hey huys! My friend got back to me today, and she agreed that whoever wishes to join her on fb for updates can do so. Just PM me so I can give you the link. :)

In the meantime she agreed to answer some questions you may have. List them here if you want, so I can pass them to her and she'll try to connect.

edit: she also asked me to tell you to please avoid questions of the type "will I win the lottery" or "will I get married soon". LOL She had some people asking about such things!! lol Michael cannot do that! He's not a genie or something! lol
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

That all sounded very nice...though I'm not sure I can trust it was really from Michael, as this was channeled by Cherokee Billie. She was mentioned previously in this thread...and I watched one of her videos where she was "channeling" Michael and had said he loves his "2 children"... umm. He has THREE! At the end of her video she also gave a plug for herself...saying that if "anyone wanted to hear from Michael" they should go to her website. I don't know, while she isn't spreading negativity about Michael...her messages feels too "floofy" for me...she doesn't seem to be quite there, or feel in good integrity.

Yeah I agree. I didn't get an honest vibe from that either. A lot of that sounds sugar coated and I wasn't really buying it. I caught the website thing at the end too. I think I'll stick with Bonnie. :) Especially after her little message at the end of her last video. I trust her.

LOL, ya mean the zombie look? I adore ZombieMichael!

lol. No not the zombie look. Just the cutie he was around the time he did Thriller. haha. :) But Zombie Michael is pretty sexy...don't get me wrong. :wink:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

yeah, I like the Off the Wall/Thriller look as well. that's when I first got to know about him. but I've a special place in my heart for his BAD look, 'cos that's when I got to meet him. he was absolutely GORGEOUS then! :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

yeah, I like the Off the Wall/Thriller look as well. that's when I first got to know about him. but I've a special place in my heart for his BAD look, 'cos that's when I got to meet him. he was absolutely GORGEOUS then! :)

Yeah, "Thriller Michael" was the Michael I grew up knowing the most. The first time I saw him was in Thriller so that's probably why.

His Bad look is gorgeous! Sexy. :) I wouldn't mind if Bad Michael came around once in a while either. lol.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

you guys have inspired me to look further into this. I once had a very real psychic experience (I won't go into it cos I don't have time right now but it was about predicting an accident) and reading yer posts I'm definitely going to buy a book or do something to work on this. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

you guys have inspired me to look further into this. I once had a very real psychic experience (I won't go into it cos I don't have time right now but it was about predicting an accident) and reading yer posts I'm definitely going to buy a book or do something to work on this. :)

I feel the exact same way. I've been reading up a lot about this stuff lately because I'm so curious. I wasn't so interested in the afterlife and spiritual stuff until I started reading this thread. I'm so into it now.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I third that. It's very interesting! I would like to try automatic writing sometime...
Re: Psychic channels Michael

That all sounded very nice...though I'm not sure I can trust it was really from Michael, as this was channeled by Cherokee Billie. She was mentioned previously in this thread...and I watched one of her videos where she was "channeling" Michael and had said he loves his "2 children"... umm. He has THREE! At the end of her video she also gave a plug for herself...saying that if "anyone wanted to hear from Michael" they should go to her website. I don't know, while she isn't spreading negativity about Michael...her messages feels too "floofy" for me...she doesn't seem to be quite there, or feel in good integrity.

I don't know who this lady is so I wouldn't make that judgement, but I take your word for it that she isn't quite there integrity wise, as for the 2 children, it is a bit HMMM still I just thought it must be a typo as she did mention the three children's names somewhere else.

I just thought it was a nice message, I didn't resonate completely with it either, I did with some of it, it was mixed. Because I have my own feelings/senses on what happened to Michael, I had very clearvisions of him shortly after he died through his life not any pictures I'd ever seen anywhere,this has only ever happened to me 3 or 4 times. Ijust think I tapped in to a vibration of some kind.

So far I haven't fully resonated with anything by professionals who do it for a living. A couple I've resonated with thought that have posted on forums. A girl posted a a dream she had on another forum. I did feel with that she had communicated with MJ spirit.

Here is another I quite liked too, it is not a channelling but meeting MJ in dreamtime
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

This was a post on another forum, a girl Imet on that forum. This wasn't any kind of psychic forum so she was very brave to post it. I don't know how to put it in the quote box so I'll just cut and paste. I resonated with it.



Im not the type of person who enjoys to post very much but I will do it again, just to share what my heart is feeling.

An experience I really enjoyed last night, and had my entire day full of a deep sensation of joy and peace.

For the haters and skepticals I will not bother to be mocked.Cause nothing they might say after read this will be strong or powerful enough, to debunk the pleasent peace Im tasting.


Im a deep spiritual person, a kind of true follower of Jesus, above any religion.I feel him we have a strong connection.I borned at a Holy Friday exactly at 3 p.m.So I always seeked for faith, without any doutrine, but a tie with God and Angels, and High Beings.

I m a sensitive also, I do not like to claim it ( I do not do predictions) , I do not own blogs or do search any kind of attention for it.But...I can sense, hear and sometimes see things, its natural since my 2 years old.

So since he left... I´ve been giving Michael a candle, and my deepest vows and prays of his happiness.Humbly asking even if it needed to take years for him to answer me a simple sign he is really calm and fine...

And last night...He attended.

I got a very very deep headache in the middle of my forehead, and I know what it means, no painkillers in the world even DEMEROL, DIPRIVAN,PROPOFOL mixed together are able to take it away...It just goes if...I see, hear, sense or dream.

So I went to sleep...

Did not took too long indeed, I was again with 17, with 17 here on Brazil most girls are hunting or being hunted by boys, I was and Im still very shy, childlike and fragile.

At that time my biggest and most loved hero was my grandfather, who is with God a few years already, and his home was a kind of safe place for me.So on my vivid dream, cause its more vivid than this reality, the colors have more brightness, the smells, and feelings are deeper. I was back to my grandparents home, I could hear my grandmother who is dead too, saying "Melissa welcome, we were waiting for you, we have a surprise".

So my granfather sitting on his favorite chair was listenning Will Be There, indeed when he was alive he used to love Michael from the bottom of his soul, it was him who gave me my Bad album.

Then he pointed to me to go till the kitchen...

And He Was There.
He was there sitting on a simple table, a cup of water near his right hand.A candle as same as I had gave him on the top.

Michael smiled to me.I noticed he was looking the way I love more, as on the clip of Will Be There as well.But this time improved, his hair was longer, on the middle of the back, his skin clear without any patches, the nose fixed, and his eyes were glowing more than ever.

Before I say anything he wishespered with his full voice, not the child tone, his manly one that is deeper.

"This is how you remember me, little one.So I came as you liked it."

I got stuck and he said also "Sorry I could not come prior, I´ve been busy.You should Know the things here are completly different of what we can ever conceive."

So I bowed, and he made me approach him, and putted my head on his knee, and with a such gentle and caring way started to touch my curlies.

Again I tried to talk, but I was unable he was reading my mind.

And said "You might know, Im better than never,believe me, I am.I am working hard, here I can do 1 million songs in one second, and finally I have kids everywhere, those who did not borned yet and those who just got the trip back to Home.Cause its what we call here , just trip to Home."

I looked to him, the light he was having so intense.
(Yes I can recover dreams in details)

Michael said, "I do not want tears.Please if you want to feed my soul, no more tears, no more.It hurts and pain is something we do not afford here, where I am.Hate or evilness, anger, despair , sorrow are also not allowed.So no more tears.Little girl, I wished I was able to attend everyone, but it´s not my own decision, so please, I humbly ask you to advise as much as you can, that Im ok, and I do not want more crying.It need to stop.I want happiness.

No one will ever be sure of what happened to me, some will say it was addiction, and will even try to prove was it, other will claim some suppositions, but the truth it was I got called.It was my time.I borned to never grow old.So I took the trip.Its not necessary to complain how I came here, the most important is,Im here.And Im very happy.


But cause its was not me with my true will.I was confused.

Now Im free, and I can recall all the good things I did and was really created for.With no ties, no regrets, and Im glad for this opportunity.I trully feel blessed.

So he standed, and holded, holded me in so sweet and tender way, I can still feel it, even the silk of his dress shirt.Kissed as an older brother my forehead, exactly where I was having the headache.And my grandfather came , he took Michael hand, and I finally said something.

“Will us see you again?”

He noded, “yes soon , soon.But do not ask yourself when it will be this soon”.

I woke.

A long time ago I learned how to recall dreams.So I turned the radio, and the most weird, was passing Will Be There.
I got back to dream, and I dreamed quick with him again, he was recording back in time We Are The World, and he gave me a smile and said “i told it will be soon, and Im working now”.

After that I took a bath, and got bed again, but had not dreams anymore.
As I said, its not to no one believe, its much more just to open my heart, and on it, I swear its true.

He is fine.

“Our Spirit Never Die”

Re: Psychic channels Michael

Well I am about to send an email to Bonnie to ask her some questions that some of yoru fans have sent me and some Q's I have as well. I will keep you posted on any replies.

These experiences are interesting to read. I used to have a bit of a gift when I was little.. sometimes it comes and goes. I have been kind of wanting to learn to gain it back. But a little afraid as well. It's hard to explain. At least these experiences are putting some people at ease and comfort. Love to you all.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

OK so I sent the questions and tried not to flood her with too much. Let's hope she answers sometime. I will keep you all posted. I have to go to work now! Love to you all!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

OK so I sent the questions and tried not to flood her with too much. Let's hope she answers sometime. I will keep you all posted. I have to go to work now! Love to you all!

Thanks for letting us know and doing that! :) I really hope she replies. How many questions did you have for her?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

This was a post on another forum, a girl Imet on that forum. This wasn't any kind of psychic forum so she was very brave to post it. I don't know how to put it in the quote box so I'll just cut and paste. I resonated with it.



Im not the type of person who enjoys to post very much but I will do it again, just to share what my heart is feeling.

An experience I really enjoyed last night, and had my entire day full of a deep sensation of joy and peace.

For the haters and skepticals I will not bother to be mocked.Cause nothing they might say after read this will be strong or powerful enough, to debunk the pleasent peace Im tasting.


Im a deep spiritual person, a kind of true follower of Jesus, above any religion.I feel him we have a strong connection.I borned at a Holy Friday exactly at 3 p.m.So I always seeked for faith, without any doutrine, but a tie with God and Angels, and High Beings.

I m a sensitive also, I do not like to claim it ( I do not do predictions) , I do not own blogs or do search any kind of attention for it.But...I can sense, hear and sometimes see things, its natural since my 2 years old.

So since he left... I´ve been giving Michael a candle, and my deepest vows and prays of his happiness.Humbly asking even if it needed to take years for him to answer me a simple sign he is really calm and fine...

And last night...He attended.

I got a very very deep headache in the middle of my forehead, and I know what it means, no painkillers in the world even DEMEROL, DIPRIVAN,PROPOFOL mixed together are able to take it away...It just goes if...I see, hear, sense or dream.

So I went to sleep...

Did not took too long indeed, I was again with 17, with 17 here on Brazil most girls are hunting or being hunted by boys, I was and Im still very shy, childlike and fragile.

At that time my biggest and most loved hero was my grandfather, who is with God a few years already, and his home was a kind of safe place for me.So on my vivid dream, cause its more vivid than this reality, the colors have more brightness, the smells, and feelings are deeper. I was back to my grandparents home, I could hear my grandmother who is dead too, saying "Melissa welcome, we were waiting for you, we have a surprise".

So my granfather sitting on his favorite chair was listenning Will Be There, indeed when he was alive he used to love Michael from the bottom of his soul, it was him who gave me my Bad album.

Then he pointed to me to go till the kitchen...

And He Was There.
He was there sitting on a simple table, a cup of water near his right hand.A candle as same as I had gave him on the top.

Michael smiled to me.I noticed he was looking the way I love more, as on the clip of Will Be There as well.But this time improved, his hair was longer, on the middle of the back, his skin clear without any patches, the nose fixed, and his eyes were glowing more than ever.

Before I say anything he wishespered with his full voice, not the child tone, his manly one that is deeper.

"This is how you remember me, little one.So I came as you liked it."

I got stuck and he said also "Sorry I could not come prior, I´ve been busy.You should Know the things here are completly different of what we can ever conceive."

So I bowed, and he made me approach him, and putted my head on his knee, and with a such gentle and caring way started to touch my curlies.

Again I tried to talk, but I was unable he was reading my mind.

And said "You might know, Im better than never,believe me, I am.I am working hard, here I can do 1 million songs in one second, and finally I have kids everywhere, those who did not borned yet and those who just got the trip back to Home.Cause its what we call here , just trip to Home."

I looked to him, the light he was having so intense.
(Yes I can recover dreams in details)

Michael said, "I do not want tears.Please if you want to feed my soul, no more tears, no more.It hurts and pain is something we do not afford here, where I am.Hate or evilness, anger, despair , sorrow are also not allowed.So no more tears.Little girl, I wished I was able to attend everyone, but it´s not my own decision, so please, I humbly ask you to advise as much as you can, that Im ok, and I do not want more crying.It need to stop.I want happiness.

No one will ever be sure of what happened to me, some will say it was addiction, and will even try to prove was it, other will claim some suppositions, but the truth it was I got called.It was my time.I borned to never grow old.So I took the trip.Its not necessary to complain how I came here, the most important is,Im here.And Im very happy.


But cause its was not me with my true will.I was confused.

Now Im free, and I can recall all the good things I did and was really created for.With no ties, no regrets, and Im glad for this opportunity.I trully feel blessed.

So he standed, and holded, holded me in so sweet and tender way, I can still feel it, even the silk of his dress shirt.Kissed as an older brother my forehead, exactly where I was having the headache.And my grandfather came , he took Michael hand, and I finally said something.

“Will us see you again?”

He noded, “yes soon , soon.But do not ask yourself when it will be this soon”.

I woke.

A long time ago I learned how to recall dreams.So I turned the radio, and the most weird, was passing Will Be There.
I got back to dream, and I dreamed quick with him again, he was recording back in time We Are The World, and he gave me a smile and said “i told it will be soon, and Im working now”.

After that I took a bath, and got bed again, but had not dreams anymore.
As I said, its not to no one believe, its much more just to open my heart, and on it, I swear its true.

He is fine.

“Our Spirit Never Die”


wow :angel:

thanx you everyone who is helpin within this thread :yes:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

This was a post on another forum, a girl Imet on that forum. This wasn't any kind of psychic forum so she was very brave to post it. I don't know how to put it in the quote box so I'll just cut and paste. I resonated with it.


Michael smiled to me.I noticed he was looking the way I love more, as on the clip of Will Be There as well.But this time improved, his hair was longer, on the middle of the back, his skin clear without any patches, the nose fixed, and his eyes were glowing more than ever.

Before I say anything he wishespered with his full voice, not the child tone, his manly one that is deeper.

"This is how you remember me, little one.So I came as you liked it."

I got stuck and he said also "Sorry I could not come prior, I´ve been busy.You should Know the things here are completly different of what we can ever conceive."

So I bowed, and he made me approach him, and putted my head on his knee, and with a such gentle and caring way started to touch my curlies.

Again I tried to talk, but I was unable he was reading my mind.

And said "You might know, Im better than never,believe me, I am.I am working hard, here I can do 1 million songs in one second, and finally I have kids everywhere, those who did not borned yet and those who just got the trip back to Home.Cause its what we call here , just trip to Home."

I looked to him, the light he was having so intense.
(Yes I can recover dreams in details)

Michael said, "I do not want tears.Please if you want to feed my soul, no more tears, no more.It hurts and pain is something we do not afford here, where I am.Hate or evilness, anger, despair , sorrow are also not allowed.So no more tears.Little girl, I wished I was able to attend everyone, but it´s not my own decision, so please, I humbly ask you to advise as much as you can, that Im ok, and I do not want more crying.It need to stop.I want happiness.

No one will ever be sure of what happened to me, some will say it was addiction, and will even try to prove was it, other will claim some suppositions, but the truth it was I got called.It was my time.I borned to never grow old.So I took the trip.Its not necessary to complain how I came here, the most important is,Im here.And Im very happy.


But cause its was not me with my true will.I was confused.

Now Im free, and I can recall all the good things I did and was really created for.With no ties, no regrets, and Im glad for this opportunity.I trully feel blessed.

So he standed, and holded, holded me in so sweet and tender way, I can still feel it, even the silk of his dress shirt.Kissed as an older brother my forehead, exactly where I was having the headache.And my grandfather came , he took Michael hand, and I finally said something.

“Will us see you again?”

He noded, “yes soon , soon.But do not ask yourself when it will be this soon”.

I woke.


Now THAT...was beautiful. My spirit resonates with this story completely...I do believe it was genuine and real. What a wonderful experience to have. (sigh)... seriously guys, I'm not suicidal or, I am not afraid of death. I'm actually looking forward to when it is my time to "go back home". (I've always called it this too!)

What we should remember most about this girls story, is the part where Michael said he didn't want any more tears...because he's ok, he's happy, and he wants us to be happy. So...let's be happy guys! :D
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Yeah that dream sounds genuine to me too. And I agree about the afterlife being our real Home. Too bad we get too attached to this Earth while we're here. I'm also looking forward to the day I'm gonna pass - but not in a bad creepy way. We're just heading back home after all... )

Also, we shouldn't be thinking of Michael as dead and gone! Because he's alive on the other side, going on with his everyday life! The only problem "dead" people have is the people they leave behind. It's very well known this is maybe the only thing they dislike. And yes, it was his time to go (I'm glad someone else confirms this apart from my friend's channeling)! :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael


Esp since i recently have the feeling that he want me to stop crying as well.

This week i went to work and my CD player started with a Bob Marley song that went like this (i just took it with me from home without actually checking the songs on the cd and i hadnt listened to it in years, didnt even remember it):

Feel them spirit
Feel them spirit
Feel them spirit
Lord, I thank you
Lord, I thank you

Feel alright now
Feel alright now
Feel alright now
Lord, I thank you
Lord, I thank you

No more cryin'
No more cryin'
No more cryin'
Lord, I thank you
Lord, I thank you

I was like....WOW, lol.

I'll do my best Michael, even though i am still in great pain.