Merged: Psychics channel Michael

Re: Psychic channels Michael

Since we're talking about dreams here's one by LL Cool J. He heard MJ singing to him in a dream! I believe him.

I will mention your reactions later to my friend. :) I'll see if I can convince her to post here, or maybe if she agrees for some of you to join her on facebook to follow her updates. You must understand she's reluctant to post very publicly because of the sceptics of course.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Oh, ok thanks. :)
That's interesting. Did she even know about Bonnie before he told her? This must be the same spirit.
That must be amazing to see him. I hope one day he appears to me with an afro. lol. haha. :D Just kidding. Really though, that's amazing. Does he see her and smile or anything?
If I remember correctly she asked the spirit to confirm the video about Bonnie, and Michael said yes.

About what he does... sometimes he asks random things...about the amount of MJ posters in her bedroom (he was impressed, haha!), her books, then another time he laughed at her dog (the dog had a ... gas problem LOL!!!). Also he giggles a lot ALL the time! lol Also, I sent her this video about funny cats to show to Michael, he kneeled down and watched a couple of minutes and he found it HILARIOUS! She said his energy was fantastic! This is the video I sent for MJ to see:

I think what I'll do is ask for permission again to post her emails with me here. It's too long! LOL
Re: Psychic channels Michael

If I remember correctly she asked the spirit to confirm the video about Bonnie, and Michael said yes.

About what he does... sometimes he asks random things...about the amount of MJ posters in her bedroom (he was impressed, haha!), her books, then another time he laughed at her dog (the dog had a ... gas problem LOL!!!). Also he giggles a lot ALL the time! lol Also, I sent her this video about funny cats to show to Michael, he kneeled down and watched a couple of minutes and he found it HILARIOUS! She said his energy was fantastic! This is the video I sent for MJ to see:

I think what I'll do is ask for permission again to post her emails with me here. It's too long! LOL

Lmao...that video was awesome!
I'm so jealous of your friend. Sounds like Michael really likes to frequent her parts...and she can actually see him? (sigh) Come visit meeee Michael!!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Lmao...that video was awesome!
I'm so jealous of your friend. Sounds like Michael really likes to frequent her parts...and she can actually see him? (sigh) Come visit meeee Michael!!
YEAH!!! I'm jealous too!! Depending on the moment, she can either see him, hear him, or, like today, channel him. But for the moment I'm so lucky to have some updates from her. That's why she's creating this controlled facebook page for more fans to join. I will let her know! amygrace, I think you know her already from spiritual forums (can't mention her nickname right now as I promised her not to, but maybe you can guess, lol). Anyway, i will let her know about the fans here in this thread and if you can join. I suppose you will be able to if you're interested. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

If I remember correctly she asked the spirit to confirm the video about Bonnie, and Michael said yes.

About what he does... sometimes he asks random things...about the amount of MJ posters in her bedroom (he was impressed, haha!), her books, then another time he laughed at her dog (the dog had a ... gas problem LOL!!!). Also he giggles a lot ALL the time! lol Also, I sent her this video about funny cats to show to Michael, he kneeled down and watched a couple of minutes and he found it HILARIOUS! She said his energy was fantastic! This is the video I sent for MJ to see:

I think what I'll do is ask for permission again to post her emails with me here. It's too long! LOL

Oh wow, she's so lucky! His giggles must be angelic. :wink:
haha. lol. The dog thing. haha, yeah I can totally see him laughing about something like that. lol. Nice video too.

That would be so great. I can understand why she's trying to avoid posting publicy though. :)
Re: Psychic channels Michael

YEAH!!! I'm jealous too!! Depending on the moment, she can either see him, hear him, or, like today, channel him. But for the moment I'm so lucky to have some updates from her. That's why she's creating this controlled facebook page for more fans to join. I will let her know! amygrace, I think you know her already from spiritual forums (can't mention her nickname right now as I promised her not to, but maybe you can guess, lol). Anyway, i will let her know about the fans here in this thread and if you can join. I suppose you will be able to if you're interested. :)

Ohh...I haven't been very active on that board but I recognize who she is now. I'm not signed up on facebook but I would join if she would allow for some of us to keep up with her updates there. Keep us posted.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

That part makes me cry too. I do feel he is happy now where he's at...and that he's still around us...but I just want to hug him.

I want to hug him too, so much.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Oh, he didn't mention that now. In one of my old conversations with her, she mentioned about the Bonnie video (that it's indeed true). Back then, what happened it was not channeling, it was a different kind of communication she had I think.
My friend, she can SEE him too. Just a while ago she said he was wearing a red shirt and fedora; also sometimes he's with sunglasses and sometimes without. lol

YEAH!!! I'm jealous too!! Depending on the moment, she can either see him, hear him, or, like today, channel him. But for the moment I'm so lucky to have some updates from her. That's why she's creating this controlled facebook page for more fans to join. I will let her know! amygrace, I think you know her already from spiritual forums (can't mention her nickname right now as I promised her not to, but maybe you can guess, lol). Anyway, i will let her know about the fans here in this thread and if you can join. I suppose you will be able to if you're interested. :)

that's really interesting! I've never heard of anything like that before, but I like ot keep an open mind. And what you have told us here has made me feel more at peace about him. Thanks
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Before I finish this message, I want to get my point across over my passing, there has been much speculation whether I was murdered, I killed myself and I reassure you non of that is true in the slightest and I want you all to know that my death wasn’t done on purpose and that I blame no one for my death, I did indeed die of a drug overdose and again it wasn’t done intentionally, it was accidental but I also know that it was my time to go. Again please don’t mourn for me any longer, please be happy for me and know that I am NEVER far from you.

Love, Michael"[/COLOR][/I]

I know I'm quoting you AGAIN but I'm not going to be on here for a few days and I keep going over and over this bit. This puts my mind/heart at ease. :wub:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I had two dreams about MJ. One was the night of the memorial, it was an interesting dream(I talked about it in another post) because at the end MJ died, my mom told me the news and I cried. She then told me MJ wanted me to have two of his gloves and a funny version of the "Beat It" jacket("Beat It" is my favorite song by MJ). When I woke up I felt really calm and felt like I had something around me, like an aura or something, I've never felt that before, but whatever it was, it was comforting. In that moment my fear of dying(which I've had for years) went away. I'm not scared of dying now(not saying I want to kill myself, in case y'all are thinking that I am, I love living). A few days after the dream I saw a live clip of MJ doing "Beat it" and he had on the jacket, that looked like the one I saw in my dream(mind you I never saw MJ wear the jacket before because I only watched the music video of "beat it" and NOT him on tour doing the song), it made me wonder if MJ was trying to communicate with me in my dream. The "beat it" jacket was pinkish red with sparkling beads/glitter on the top of it like this:

The two gloves were black with little holes in the knuckle parts and the finger parts were cut off like biker gloves. Kinda like this:

Has anyone seen MJ wear gloves like those before? I've never seen him wear any like that before. I found it odd I just didn't receive one glitter glove instead of the two black gloves.

The second dream was of MJ as well, I was watching tv, and they showed a little picture of MJ but Michael was blanket as a young boy. It was odd because we all know how MJ looked as a kid, but the dream was so convincing that when I woke up I thought that blanket was MJ, until I thought about it, lol.

I don't know about the second dream, but the first dream(I haven't written all of the first dream because my post is long enough) seemed like someone (MJ or some other spiritual being) was trying to communicate with me.

I feel like my mind is playing tricks on me, lol.
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

Oh, he didn't mention that now. In one of my old conversations with her, she mentioned about the Bonnie video (that it's indeed true). Back then, what happened it was not channeling, it was a different kind of communication she had I think.
My friend, she can SEE him too. Just a while ago she said he was wearing a red shirt and fedora; also sometimes he's with sunglasses and sometimes without. lol
this feels rigit to me i am not a medium i cant see him but i do feel him around and reading this message feels same he is watching me often it is very odd at least this thread makes me feel less odd i dont know if its just my mind playing with me or what mostly he says rhings well be better sooner oer later and the old me before he died was alot more fun:fortuneteller: weried maybe i should look into training my gift but its scary i hear dead people lol
Re: Psychic channels Michael

this feels rigit to me i am not a medium i cant see him but i do feel him around and reading this message feels same he is watching me often it is very odd at least this thread makes me feel less odd i dont know if its just my mind playing with me or what mostly he says rhings well be better sooner oer later and the old me before he died was alot more fun:fortuneteller: weried maybe i should look into training my gift but its scary i hear dead people lol

I'm training my gift at the moment. For a long time there was nothing and I so wanted to feel hime around me... In the last week however, I have felt his presence - usually if I am watching him on you tube but it's always when I'm laughing or crying... Call me crazy but it's always when my emotions are heightened, all of a sudden I get goosebumps but feel warm at the same time. Perhaps strong emotions help to manifest energy??? I don't know, still learning about these things. Please don't think I'm nuts. Maybe I am...!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Its good to hear those things with MJ. I wish we all could see and hear him. But i do think this is MJ that your friend is seeing. Im just curious what he looks looks like when she sees him??? Is it MJ from his Thriller, Bad or Dangerous era????
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I'm training my gift at the moment. For a long time there was nothing and I so wanted to feel hime around me... In the last week however, I have felt his presence - usually if I am watching him on you tube but it's always when I'm laughing or crying... Call me crazy but it's always when my emotions are heightened, all of a sudden I get goosebumps but feel warm at the same time. Perhaps strong emotions help to manifest energy??? I don't know, still learning about these things. Please don't think I'm nuts. Maybe I am...!
No, of course not. The possibility is that your emotions create the appropriate energy as you said for spirit communication. (Btw, my psychic friend has told me countless times of how MJ just stands there watching her as she types on the internet! lol) To be absolutely sure you'll have to develop your gift. Maybe at some point you'll be able to see spirits (and even Michael himself)! :) I'm not a medium but I'm trying to achieve spirit communication through meditation. Not very easy, as I'm not a natural! lol
Re: Psychic channels Michael

No, of course not. The possibility is that your emotions create the appropriate energy as you said for spirit communication. (Btw, my psychic friend has told me countless times of how MJ just stands there watching her as she types on the internet! lol) To be absolutely sure you'll have to develop your gift. Maybe at some point you'll be able to see spirits (and even Michael himself)! :) I'm not a medium but I'm trying to achieve spirit communication through meditation. Not very easy, as I'm not a natural! lol

I would do anything to see him right now! I have been studying this kind of thing for a long time but it's only recently starting to kick in. I used to have lots of things happen with dreaming, premonitions etc. At the moment, I'm not remembering my dreams at all but my meditations are becoming more focussed, I'm getting a lot more energy from my crystals and I seem to be a lot more psychically in tune. Perhaps it's because it's becoming so much more important to me. I like it though! wouldn't it be great if we could all connect with Michael on a regular basis?! - now there's motivation!! :D
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Wow your friend is so lucky! Getting to see Michael and watching YouTube videos with him! LOL I can just imagine the look on his face when he saw that cat one, it cracked my sh$*&#) up ! LOL I would like to join your friend on facebook too if she decides to accept some of us. I am so interested in what she has to say!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Its good to hear those things with MJ. I wish we all could see and hear him. But i do think this is MJ that your friend is seeing. Im just curious what he looks looks like when she sees him??? Is it MJ from his Thriller, Bad or Dangerous era????
I can't find the email I wanted which described him, but I found this:
"Currently he's wearing his sunglasses which he didn't have earlier but he seems to be wearing the outfit when he appeared at the "This is it" conference"
Anyway, from what I remember it seemed he looked something between TII era and Dangerous era. Once I asked her to tell MJ to wear something like in the Bad video, and after a while he did! lol I hope I didn't delete those messages, argh! I think he appeared with curls, too. Actually, I'll ask her about this tomorrow again. Today he was was wearing a fedora, black suit, black pants and a red shirt.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I can't find the email I wanted which described him, but I found this:
"Currently he's wearing his sunglasses which he didn't have earlier but he seems to be wearing the outfit when he appeared at the "This is it" conference"
Anyway, from what I remember it seemed he looked something between TII era and Dangerous era. Once I asked her to tell MJ to wear something like in the Bad video, and after a while he did! lol I hope I didn't delete those messages, argh! I think he appeared with curls, too. Actually, I'll ask her about this tomorrow again. Today he was was wearing a fedora, black suit, black pants and a red shirt.

*sigh* My jealousy is kicking in now. LOL Getting to see Michael with his cute curls...she is a lucky girl! So she sees him every day? Does he just pop up like, hey let's hang out and watch youtube together LOL just kidding. You should tell her to keep you very up to date, so you can keep us up to date! LOL
Re: Psychic channels Michael

That's awesome. I wish I could actually see him. :/ Maybe someday. Oh yeah, I know he loves YouTube because I know he's always watching when I'm watching his stuff there.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

*sigh* My jealousy is kicking in now. LOL Getting to see Michael with his cute curls...she is a lucky girl! So she sees him every day? Does he just pop up like, hey let's hang out and watch youtube together LOL just kidding. You should tell her to keep you very up to date, so you can keep us up to date! LOL
I will! actually I've just emailed her to ask her about the facebook page. I will let you know what she says. So I'll probably ask the people interested to send me a PM later on so I can give them the link in private. :) I will keep updating you, no worries! :)

Yeah I'm jealous too! :lol: But who knows, in the years to come maybe all of us who develop our psychic abilities will be able to see him! Maybe we could form a psychic MJ group or something... lol For the moment though, I'm ok with my friend's updates! lol Better than nothing!
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I will! actually I've just emailed her to ask her about the facebook page. I will let you know what she says. So I'll probably ask the people interested to send me a PM later on so I can give them the link in private. :) I will keep updating you, no worries! :)

Yeah I'm jealous too! :lol: But who knows, in the years to come maybe all of us who develop our psychic abilities will be able to see him! Maybe we could form a psychic MJ group or something... lol For the moment though, I'm ok with my friend's updates! lol Better than nothing!

I wish to hear news from MJ on a regular basis. Also, I hope your friend really channels him and it is not her imagination. One question, how does she see him?
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I wish to hear news from MJ on a regular basis. Also, I hope your friend really channels him and it is not her imagination. One question, how does she see him?
I have asked repeatedly in the past, and she said her angels and spirit guides confirmed it many times that it's MJ. She sees him with her eyes as if he's in the room with her most of the times.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I will! actually I've just emailed her to ask her about the facebook page. I will let you know what she says. So I'll probably ask the people interested to send me a PM later on so I can give them the link in private. :) I will keep updating you, no worries! :)

Yeah I'm jealous too! :lol: But who knows, in the years to come maybe all of us who develop our psychic abilities will be able to see him! Maybe we could form a psychic MJ group or something... lol For the moment though, I'm ok with my friend's updates! lol Better than nothing!

Yea, your friend is very generous for sharing her abilities!! I think that if we all tried to get really intune and just really studied and focused, in time we would be able to do the things she does. Just sometimes they are frightening for us. I know I would be frightened in the beginning, so that would probably make the spirits stay away. LOL
Re: Psychic channels Michael

this is really good thank you for posting im into mediumship myself. and its always good to be openminded about such things i strongky beleive that this was michael coming through and im so glad he is ok, too i watched it and it set me off crying again.
thanks again
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Yea, your friend is very generous for sharing her abilities!! I think that if we all tried to get really intune and just really studied and focused, in time we would be able to do the things she does. Just sometimes they are frightening for us. I know I would be frightened in the beginning, so that would probably make the spirits stay away. LOL

i know it can be a bit scary i was myself at first but i became much more open minded about my gift and i learnt to control it, i think in everyone somewhere is the gift its just knowing we have it and how to use it. im getting there iwth it tho
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Re: Psychic channels Michael

I have asked repeatedly in the past, and she said her angels and spirit guides confirmed it many times that it's MJ. She sees him with her eyes as if he's in the room with her most of the times.

Thank you very much. Just I have another question.
Could you ask please your friend if sprits can be in many places at once and if yes how they do it? I just wish to know this because so many people saw Michael in their dreams almost at the same time. Could Michael visit so many people at the same time? Myself I had very vivid dreams and still cannot forget them. I truly believe that he visited me in my dreams. I do not see him anymore which is very sad. Could you also ask you friend please how to recognize if visitation is real?

Thank you.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

Thank you very much. Just I have another question.
Could you ask please your friend if sprits can be in many places at once and if yes how they do it? I just wish to know this because so many people saw Michael in their dreams almost at the same time. Could Michael visit so many people at the same time? Myself I had very vivid dreams and still cannot forget them. I truly believe that he visited me in my dreams. I do not see him anymore which is very sad. Could you also ask you friend please how to recognize if visitation is real?

Thank you.
Ok, I will! No problem! :)
I think it's true about the visits.
She's new to this as well. Her abilities developed rapidly since MJ's death. She couldn't see him initially I think.
Re: Psychic channels Michael

I have asked repeatedly in the past, and she said her angels and spirit guides confirmed it many times that it's MJ. She sees him with her eyes as if he's in the room with her most of the times.

How long has your friend been connecting with her guides/angels? Does she see them, as she sees Michael? I must say I'm feeling a wee bit skeptic over the idea that MJ would just "hang around" often...watching her type, or watching YouTube videos. Something about that doesn't feel quite right. :scratch:
Re: Psychic channels Michael

How long has your friend been connecting with her guides/angels? Does she see them, as she sees Michael? I must say I'm feeling a wee bit skeptic over the idea that MJ would just "hang around" often...watching her type, or watching YouTube videos. Something about that doesn't feel quite right. :scratch:
Yeah, I was sceptical at first, too, but who knows... For the moment I will trust her (let's say 99%) when she says she sees him as she was working with angels, archangels and guides long before. I know she believes it 100%. Also she had this gift since she was a child. Maybe when you start following her on fb you will be able to judge for yourself of course. It's not an easy thing to convince people about due to its nature.