Memorial live feeds - keep it all in here

  • Thread starter Dangerous Incorporated
  • Start date
Which television network are you tuning to watch the memorial on?

Although I'm going to miss it live on TV due to work, I have my PVR on my PC set to record the CBS telecast.

CBS imo is the only network that game MJ his due respect. Look at their website and compare it to all the other networks, NBC, ABC, FOX, MSNBC, CNN, FOX NEWS.

Re: Which television network are you tuning to watch the memorial on?

CNN stream online.
Oh my God you guys, watching CNN and realizing I'm not sure I can do this. I know it has been almost 2 weeks but now that the day is here, I don't think I can get through it. This is just too much. I still can't believe he's gone, how do you say goodbye?? :(
Re: Michael Jackson Memorial LIVE Stream

sky news in the UK has started showing whats going on currently with the funeral and memorial.
Geraldo Rivera nauseates me - he knows so zero, nothing - nothing at all. He's ridiculous. He talks and talks but it's all nothing!
omg.. this cant be real im on CNN and people are even comming in there and bashing him.. people have no respect
they have just cut our showing of the MSG show here in Oz to CNN live. we were supposed to get the MSG show for another hour but now they are showing us Michael's coffin being transported to the Staples centre.
Re: Michael Jackson Memorial LIVE Stream

SkyNews not working for me - saying it is too busy.

I am having the best luck watching this on
via the pop out screen is best view - Hulu has this streamed via FOX. I don't like FOX NEWS but so far, I am having extremely great view of all this on HULU

CBS is getting hit really hard online- keeps hanging. It's getting really busy. What shows on TV is showing precisely the same online HERE
**I am just bawling here...** My twins have no idea what passed away means. All they know is that they love Michael...
Oh my god its so sad everytime the camera shows the casket. I can't imagine him in it - it doesnt seem real. i hate this.
"We do know, we had him, and we are the world"

Maya Angelou read by Queen Latifah