Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday (Merged)

Poor Little babies. Wish
I could :hug: them real tight
make their pain go away
:hug: :cry: :boohoo:
My heart aches for Blanket and those kids.........upto last night I was crying my eyes out, so I can only imagine what a small child like that is going through.
Um, I haven't read your responses yet, just the article. It's from "Hello" magazine. They're horrid liars. It's really hard for me to believe any of it. Hello has been sued by a lot of actors for making just this sort of crap up. If I'm wrong I apologize but I don't have any confidence in the rag.
hello mag are pretty well respected and have always been supportive of mj in the uk
This is really real man, wow... I wish I didn't read that, but then again there's no escaping it.
hello mag are pretty well respected and have always been supportive of mj in the uk

My intent was never to offend anyone here.

Ewan McGregor sued Hello a few years ago and won. Other actors as well, one may have been Jude Law. I've never heard or read anything good about them.

It's so difficult to believe anything. Seeing Blanket at the funeral - I never got the impression that he thought Michael was "on holiday". A coffin, no daddy, people crying and prior to that the entire family gathering at Forest Lawn. It just doesn't add up that he wouldn't know or understand and since he's 7, I'm sure he would ask why everyone is crying, dressed in blac, "where are we going?" types of things. The media just wants to pull on our heart strings with made up crap.

I probably should've kept my opinion to myself but I don't need any more drama - fake drama - to make me sad. I'm already depressed about Michael being gone.

Again, no intent to offend anyone here.
What I noticed was the "rhetorical question" part. Which means he DID have a grasp of what was going on, but perhaps was still in denial.
that's why every time I think about them I cry...
it's such a big deal for them :(

God bless Blanket...poor baby :(

he was so tender with Michael's action figure at the memorial :(
My intent was never to offend anyone here.

Ewan McGregor sued Hello a few years ago and won. Other actors as well, one may have been Jude Law. I've never heard or read anything good about them.

It's so difficult to believe anything. Seeing Blanket at the funeral - I never got the impression that he thought Michael was "on holiday". A coffin, no daddy, people crying and prior to that the entire family gathering at Forest Lawn. It just doesn't add up that he wouldn't know or understand and since he's 7, I'm sure he would ask why everyone is crying, dressed in blac, "where are we going?" types of things. The media just wants to pull on our heart strings with made up crap.

I probably should've kept my opinion to myself but I don't need any more drama - fake drama - to make me sad. I'm already depressed about Michael being gone.

Again, no intent to offend anyone here.

It's okay to share your view, never feel it's wrong it's a discussion board :flowers: I think baby Blanket mentally may know his daddy is gone away but his little heart hasnt' caught up with it yet, my aunt lost her father when she was 6, took her 2 years to fully accept he was not coming back and with Blanket being 7 poor baby gotta to go through the tough parts.
Thanks for that. It's just a rough day today. Today is just full board sad. Need to stop watching Stranger in Moscow on youtube.
y aknow, if they knew their comments to 'uncle' mark would be a media blurb, would they still have spoken w/ such free innocence? he needs to know his place and talk about HIMSELF and not the kids. it's nice that he's supportive but honestly
Aww poor blanket :cry:

I wish i could give all mikes kids a BIG BIG HUG :hug:

Paris, prince and blanket : our thoughts and prayers are with you all ..we love you all so very very much
y aknow, if they knew their comments to 'uncle' mark would be a media blurb, would they still have spoken w/ such free innocence? he needs to know his place and talk about HIMSELF and not the kids. it's nice that he's supportive but honestly

I agree. I understand these people's intentions but these children need to grieve in private. And they need to be assured they can without someone running to the press.

But My heart breaks for those kids. God bless them
I feel sooooo bad for the little sweeties. if my grown behind cried for a week straight and didn't even personally know the man, how painful must it be for them :(
:(....Blanket might be waiting for Dad to come back. Kids his age often think like that:(

"I'm just glad he's at peace now"-Paris is very mature for her age. She knows her father went through a lot. I can feel her pain&strength in those words...I feel sad when a kid acts in a very mature way becuz it means they had to deal with sadness and learn to cope with the emotions....

What's happened to these kids breaks my heart. They shouldn't be going through this whole mess.

Bless them :(

And I agree, I think Mark has done enough already....yes, he's a good friend, but some things should be kept private.
Oh those poor children. My heart goes out to them. I feel so sorry for them. I'll be praying for them. Its true what someone said on here, i feel devastated and am terribly upset that hes gone, but imagine what these kids are going through!? We didnt even know him personally or spent actual time with him.
I love Paris, she is very intelligent and brave, so strong. I love them all though. Amazing children, Michael brought them up amazingly well. He should be proud, and l bet they are to that Michael was there dad. Love to you all. X X X
Re: Poor Blanket Thinks Michael is on Holiday :'(

Paris replied, 'I'm just glad he is at peace.' "

she is so intelluctual, michael brought them up so well

I know!!! you can tell she is so mature for her age! The fact she wanted to say something at the funeral, and it's what she said! I mean she wanted the world to know that her father was the best daddy you could imagine! That was so profound....I just love those kids.
Blanket is going to feel lost without his daddy being around. I'm sure his older sister and brother will explain, but it won't registered with Blanket for some time. My heart breaks for these kids, especially for him. It broke my heart to see him carrying around his daddy's doll at the memorial and well Paris just totally crushed me. It brought back all the painful memories of my 3 lost children...
be glad the man had a camera stuck to his hand. blanket will NEVER forget his father.

he has seven yrs of bdays, thanksgivings, xmas, father's day, and other things on camera
Re: Poor Blanket Thinks Michael is on Holiday :'(

Paris replied, 'I'm just glad he is at peace.' "

she is so intelluctual, michael brought them up so well

I agree with you, Paris is really smart and mature for her age.
I really hope the best for them in the future. It's heartbreaking if they split these kids. They need each other. I feel so bad for them.

Thank you for posting.