Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday (Merged)

Re: Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday

Poor baby. :(
Re: Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday

My son was born in Oct of 2002 so he is just a few months younger than Blanket. He asks me about Michael's death all the time.
He doesn't get it. He wants to know why we can still hear him sing and talk if he's in heaven.
He wants to know when we can visit heaven.
I'm at a loss to explain it to him. I'm sure this is how the family feels with Blanket. Seven years old is very young to understand a death and it's so much harder when it's a parent.

I agree and I feel very sad for Blanket
Re: Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday

I like Mark, but I kind of agree with you.He does needs to cut down on his interviews. But he still hasn't done a huge amount of interviews for him to be exploting his friendship with Michael.

yeah i mean he has done ALOT of interviews and ive even read some with his daughters. and the must have made alot of $$. but then the interviews have all been very positive and sweet. but i am just slowly starting to think that conversations like this one with blanket, and conversations with paris about the private funeral... should stay private??

i do really like mark tho and can tell he's been a loyal friend... just thinking...
Re: Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday

yeah i mean he has done ALOT of interviews and ive even read some with his daughters. and the must have made alot of $$. but then the interviews have all been very positive and sweet. but i am just slowly starting to think that conversations like this one with blanket, and conversations with paris about the private funeral... should stay private??

i do really like mark tho and can tell he's been a loyal friend... just thinking...

I've only read three interviews, and sections of them have been reprinted in various newspapers and magazine's. And only seen him give two televison interviews over the last month. I'm not disputing Mark may have done more interviews than I'm aware of.

I like what Mark has to say about Michael, he shows a really human and down to earth side of Michael and he's taken seriously when he talks about Michael. But I agree that his conversations with Michael's children should remain private.
Re: Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday

Poor kids, my heart goes out to all 3 of them.
Re: Poor Blanket Thinks Michael is on Holiday :'(

I thought Macaulay Culkin was the godfather of the children?

And I don't believe Michael was left sterile. He said the kids are biologically his and I believe him.
Blanket :cry: He's so tiny still, my heart aches for him. All three of them. :(
Re: Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday

I like Mark, but I kind of agree with you.He does needs to cut down on his interviews. But he still hasn't done a huge amount of interviews for him to be exploting his friendship with Michael.
I don't fault Mark. He is grieving, and, of course, he is concerned
for Michael Jackson's children.
Michael Jackson's children know Mark, and want to visit him.
I hope they get to visit with Mark Lester and his family sooner
whether than later.
Sorry to distract from the conversation, but from the original article, WHAT??

What was that story about Michael's dad kicking him in the testicles?


I have never heard this theory or claim before, ever!
Re: Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday

This interview in HELLO magazine, and their photo of Blanket taken from his profile and he looks exactly like Michael.

It's funny my mum told me this and she's not a huge MJ fan!! like father, like son. Poor Blanket...I'm deeply sad.
yea but he's talking too much about paris. i don't think the 'daddy is in heaven w/ angels' comment should've been posted. it was said to HIM from HER not to the media.

i know what he's trying to do. it's nice but not necessary. the world doesn't need to know how these kids are coping. NOT now
yea but he's talking too much about paris. i don't think the 'daddy is in heaven w/ angels' comment should've been posted. it was said to HIM from HER not to the media.

i know what he's trying to do. it's nice but not necessary. the world doesn't need to know how these kids are coping. NOT now

I'm very much with you.

The newsstands here are full with heli pap pics of the kids in and at the swimmingpool at Encino... it's disgusting.

I wish someone would really get them out of the focus of attention.

Hopefully this will be done when custody is assured to someone.

Also very true... whatever they say to someone... don't ppl have some dignity. Do ppl really think the kids would like to read their inner thoughts out for everybody to read. Yeah hopefully they are kept away a bit from the media... but please... can't ppl just show some respect yes even more cuz they are kids.

Sometimes I'd really wish for them we wouldn't see them again till they are 18 or even older and know what they wanna study and/or do with their lives otherwise (not saying plans can't change from that age on!)! If they then wanna do the public thing... they can still all do it!

sorry, end of rant! *out of this thread for good!*
That's so heartbreaking. Just imagine what it will be like when he starts to finally understand. Oh Gosh, that's going to be so hard.

I love what Paris said, "I'm just glad he is at peace."
Michael must have been an amazing father. I pray for those children.
I'm very much with you.

Also very true... whatever they say to someone... don't ppl have some dignity. Do ppl really think the kids would like to read their inner thoughts out for everybody to read. Yeah hopefully they are kept away a bit from the media... but please... can't ppl just show some respect yes even more cuz they are kids.

yeah i really agree with this

when youre a kid and you say something you have no idea that your comments are then going to be in print. so its a slight abuse of trust. i mean i was so angry with la toya when she did the same thing...

i KNOW mark means well though.. and it is nice to have such positive perspective from a friend... but i know if i was one of those kids and igrew up and read that private comments had been reported.. id feel quite let down
Yes, Blanket knows that Michael is gone, but he's still very young. I don't think he fully understands it yet and is confused. He might think that what's happened with Michael is temporary. I feel so bad :-( for the little guy.
Blanket would surely have said "on vacation?" rather than "on holiday?".
Blanket would surely have said "on vacation?" rather than "on holiday?".

Well i'm sure that's what Blanket did say. I don't see any reason that Mark would lie about this though. Mark is british isn't he? So he is probably used to saying holiday instead of vacation. Not a big deal.
Such a shame :no: i hope someone tells Blanket soon and end his Confusion it would only be fair on him :yes:
yea but he's talking too much about paris. i don't think the 'daddy is in heaven w/ angels' comment should've been posted. it was said to HIM from HER not to the media.

i know what he's trying to do. it's nice but not necessary. the world doesn't need to know how these kids are coping. NOT now

Exactly what I was about to post. I'm sure Mark's intentions are good, but I kinda wish he'd stop talking about them by now. The way they're grieving is none of our business. Besides, it's not very clever to say the children might be spending Christmas with him and his family in England this year. Because even if the general public doesn't take any notice of that line, trust me, the press & paps WILL...
Yes, Blanket knows that Michael is gone, but he's still very young. I don't think he fully understands it yet and is confused. He might think that what's happened with Michael is temporary. I feel so bad :-( for the little guy.

its hard enough for us to comprehend and except let alone a little kid. this world is so cruel just thinking about it has me in tears again
How many godfathers those kids have? I thought their godfather was Mac Culkin.