Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday (Merged)


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
st.louis missouri
I got this from a myspace bullenton. It broke my heart! :'(

Michael Jackson's youngest son thinks his father is on holiday.

Prince Michael II, also known as 'Blanket', doesn't realise his singer dad died last month and was left confused after the 'Thriller' star's memorial service in Los Angeles.

Mark Lester - who is godfather to Michael's three children, Prince Michael I, 12, Paris, 11, and seven-year-old 'Blanket' - told Hello! magazine: "It is obvious to me that Blanket is still unsure about what exactly happened to his father. He said, 'Where's daddy gone? On holiday?' It was a rhetorical question and it broke my heart.

"Prince was taciturn, unusual for him, but we still had a hug. Paris gave me a tight hug and we just held each other for a while. We were both welling up. I told her that her dad would always lie in her heart and be remembered by at least half of the world. Paris replied, 'I'm just glad he is at peace.' "

British actor Mark, who rose to fame as a child star in movie musical 'Oliver!', also revealed his three godchildren - who are currently being looked after by Michael's mother Katherine Jackson, who has temporary custody of them - have begged to spend this Christmas with him and his family.

He said: "Paris was disappointed my daughters couldn't come to the memorial. She asked me, 'Can we come and stay with you at Christmas and I can bring the presents?'

"I was very touched and still hope it can be arranged. It's difficult to say until the custody arrangements have been finalised."

Mark, who is planning to attend the service when Michael's body is buried, also insisted Prince Michael I and Paris have no relationship with their biological mother, Michael's ex-wife Debbie Rowe.

The 50-year-old star explained: "The children don't know her and haven't seen her for years. The possibility the three children might be split up - 'Blanket', of course, is by another mother - is unthinkable and I believe it would be disastrous for them."

Meanwhile, Michael's father Joe Jackson has denied beating his son when he was growing up.

When asked about allegations he physically harmed Michael as a child, Joe told US TV talk show host Larry King: "That is a bunch of bull. That is not true. I never have. I raised him just like you would raise your kids. Why would I harm Michael? He was my son and I loved him. I still love him."

It was recently alleged Michael was left sterile and unable to have children after Joe kicked him in the testicles when he younger.

Re: Poor Blanket Thinks Michael is on Holiday :'(

This is heartbreaking, but it's normal for a 5 or 6 year old to think that way. Death to a 5 or 6 year old is kind of like cartoons - they always think the person is just temporarily "dead" and that they will come back... according to behavioral specialists...
Re: Poor Blanket Thinks Michael is on Holiday :'(

Paris replied, 'I'm just glad he is at peace.' "

she is so intelluctual, michael brought them up so well
Re: Poor Blanket Thinks Michael is on Holiday :'(

OMG...those poor kids. :( Yes, Paris is so intelligent, I think she'll go really far.
Re: Poor Blanket Thinks Michael is on Holiday :'(

His father is obviously lying his ass off. So MJ made it all up, right Joe?
Re: Poor Blanket Thinks Michael is on Holiday :'(

Oh Blanket...oh honey...I feel so bad for these precious kids and yes I agree Paris is very smart girl :)
Re: Poor Blanket Thinks Michael is on Holiday :'(

Check out this article as well from a few weeks before MJ died. Makes things seem very strange now in the light that the media and several others are painting.

Pay close attention to how many concerts it says he announced. (There is a very nice picture of Michael and blanket attaches to the article as well)**+has+West+End+night+with+a+Twist/

Michael Jackson is to cause mayhem in the capital for the second time this week - for we can reveal he is to head into central London to see the West End production of Oliver.

Peekaboo: the Jackson family waves to the throng of fans outside the Lanesborough hotel

The singer, 50, who spectacularly relaunched his ailing musical career by announcing a 10-date tour at The 02 later this year, is to be accompanied by his children and close pal Mark Lester - who played Oliver in the 1968 film.

The current stage version features the nation's sweetheart Jodie Prenger as Nancy, while Rowan Atkinson has taken the role as Fagin.

Special guest: Mark Lester played Oliver in the 1968 film

We're told: "Michael was left on such a high after he announced his tour to hoards of fans. He has always been a massive fan of the film, so was really keen to see it on the stage.

"He has obviously been given the best seats in the house and is making it a real family outing, he considers Mark one of his best friends.

"Since he arrived he hasn't been demanding or throwing any diva strops with anyone - but it's unlikely he'll want to pop out for interval drinks."

Michael, who has attracted world-wide attention for his bizarre lifestyle, has only been in London for a short while and is staying at the Lanesborogh hotel in a £5,000-a-night suite.

Since news broke of his arrival, devoted fans rushed to the hotel and have been keeping a 24-hour vigil. Even the slightest twitch of the curtains at the star's hotelroom window draws adoring screams from the waiting pack.

Speculation over the singer's ill-health was finally scotched last night as he laughed and joked with assistants backstage at The 02 arena.

Michael has been training solidly for more than a month ahead of his "all singing and all dancing" two-hour show.

Yesterday, he took to the stage 90 minutes later than planned and told the crowd: "These will be my final show performances in London."

His last appearance in the UK was at the World Music Awards in 2006 where he mumbled his way through We Are The World before leaving the stage.

But this time, those close are saying that he is definitely back to his best.
Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday

Michael Jackson's Son Blanket 'Thought Dead Singer Was On Holiday'

Godfather claims...

Tuesday 21st Jul 2009

...more Michael Jackson »

Michael Jackson's youngest son Prince Michael II – also known as Blanket – has found it difficult to come to terms with his father's death, it has been claimed.

Mark Lester, who is the godfather to Jackson's three children, said the seven-year-old had asked him at the singer'smemorial service if his father had gone on holiday.

"It was obvious to me that Blanket is still unsure about exactly what has happened to his father,” he told Hello! magazine.

"He said: 'Where's Daddy gone? On Holiday? It was a rhetorical question and broke my heart. He clearly hadn't accepted that he won't be seeing his father again."

Lester, who starred in the 1970s musicalOliver!, is believed to have been one of Jackson's closest allies.

In a candid interview, the former actor also claimed Jackson's 11-year-old daughter, Paris, had already bought Christmas gifts for his own children.

He said the child also expressed disappointment that Lester hadn't brought his children to Jackson's memorial in Los Angeles earlier this month.

He said: "She asked me, 'Can we come and stay with you at Christmas and I can bring the presents?'

"I was very touched and hope that can still be arranged. It's difficult to say until the custody arrangements have been finalised."

Jackson's three children, who also include 12-year-old Prince Michael, are currently in the temporary custody of the singer's mother, Katherine.
Re: Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday

I think Blanket is at an age where he can understand what the memorial is and he was there already in front of the casket
Re: Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday

I think they will need some good therapy.
Re: Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday

Aww :cry: It must be soo hard for them.. fortunately they have loving aunts, uncles and grandparents around them. Gob bless the children.
Re: Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday

I lost a family member when I was in Blankets age and I went to the funeral. I definitely understood the concept of death and that my relative was not ever coming back. Its hard.. Very hard.. But at that age ofcourse they understand.. I just hope Blanket has lots of memories of his dad and that those memories wont fade with time, as mine did.
Re: Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday

Blanket must be confused and he must be missing Michael but he doesn't understand he's gone forever...I had a friend who died a few years ago and his daughter she was 4 she was saying something similar to Blanket that daddy's on holiday and he lost his car that's why he can't come back
Re: Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday

My son was born in Oct of 2002 so he is just a few months younger than Blanket. He asks me about Michael's death all the time.
He doesn't get it. He wants to know why we can still hear him sing and talk if he's in heaven.
He wants to know when we can visit heaven.
I'm at a loss to explain it to him. I'm sure this is how the family feels with Blanket. Seven years old is very young to understand a death and it's so much harder when it's a parent.
Re: Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday

:cry: I want to hug Blanket so much. And tell him everything's gonna be alright.
Re: Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday

I think that although he understands what passing is, the whole shock of it is too much for a child. And Michael's passing WAS a shock, to us all. And knowing that Michael sometimes travelled far away, Blanket must be relating to that, and the urge to have him "come home" is getting strong. It must feel so confusing for them. :(
Re: Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday

This broke my heart to pieces. I feel so sorry for them.Their in my prayers.
Re: Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday

I think that although he understands what passing is, the whole shock of it is too much for a child. And Michael's passing WAS a shock, to us all. And knowing that Michael sometimes travelled far away, Blanket must be relating to that, and the urge to have him "come home" is getting strong. It must feel so confusing for them. :(
Yes you have stated it well.
God Bless and Protect Michael Jackson's children:
Prince Michael, Paris and little Blanket.
Re: Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday

This interview in HELLO magazine, and their photo of Blanket taken from his profile and he looks exactly like Michael.
Re: Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday

I lost a family member when I was in Blankets age and I went to the funeral. I definitely understood the concept of death and that my relative was not ever coming back. Its hard.. Very hard.. But at that age ofcourse they understand.. I just hope Blanket has lots of memories of his dad and that those memories wont fade with time, as mine did.

there must be so so much private footage of MJ and blanket. although memories fade, blanket will be able to watch all this when he's older so that helps me to think about this

marks been doing SO many interviews...
Re: Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday

I feel the worst for these beautiful children. I hope their memories they had with Michael never fade away but will always be strong and vivid.
I want to give them all a hug. Bless their hearts. :cry:
Re: Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday

it's heartbreaking but they'll need to spe ak, and im under the impression they are, to a grief counselor. it'll take time but w/ the right love and support, they can come through this stronger than before
Re: Mark Lester Says Blanket Thinks Michael Is On a Holiday

marks been doing SO many interviews...

I like Mark, but I kind of agree with you.He does needs to cut down on his interviews. But he still hasn't done a huge amount of interviews for him to be exploting his friendship with Michael.