Majority owners of Neverland are going to sell it!

I think Michael is too special to lay among the other stars in Forest lawn.....Maybe I'm selfish, maybe it's because I love him too much.
I just don't think it's right for him to be with "everyone else".

And it wouldn't be fair to the families of others buried at Forest Lawn would have to contend with the large number of Michael Jackson fans who would visit the cemetery. Would they have to close the cemetery any time they had a burial service scheduled there?

Michael's fans need to voice their support by writing letters to their local newspapers and participating in forums around the country. such actions could help build support for a Michael Jackson counterpart to Graceland.
Neverland is too far out of the way for a museum style place. Running a place that size would cost Millions per year, as it did Michael in it's hay day. The local town didn't like all the hoopla when he was alive, let alone thousands of people descending upon it

That's why if might be better to recreate Neverland somewhere else and let the locals sink with the rest of the California economy.
^^An "alternate" Neverland is not Neverland! And would you have ever visited Neverland you'd know, that it would have to be the real Neverland or no Neverland at all!
^^An "alternate" Neverland is not Neverland! And would you have ever visited Neverland you'd know, that it would have to be the real Neverland or no Neverland at all!

Unfortunately, if it has to be the real Neverland it may end up being no Neverland.

Michael himself abandoned the original Neverland because of the way he was treated by a local DA wishing to build a reputation by destroying a major star. Michael might prefer a Neverland that wasn't contaminated by the DA's allegations. His Neverland would be one where his body was buried rather than some location where he once lived.
You guys don't even know what is going on behind the scenes. I think that the reason Michael is buried temporarily at Forest Lawn is because the family and Colony Capital are waiting to get the permits to bury him at Neverland. The family obviously doesn't want him buried permanently at Forest Lawn. This process will take about 30 days. Michael hasn't been deceased but for 13 days.

And the road up to Neverland is not the only place that a wide highway can be placed. You can actually build a road to Neverland from the other side. Or a road can be built that goes around to the other side. There are ways, believe me.

And I don't like Toure, but I like what he said. He said someone told him that all they need to do is include a wine vineyard at Neverland and they will have the permit to convert it into a public place. So we can visit Michael and get our Jesus Juice at the same time!
You guys don't even know what is going on behind the scenes. I think that the reason Michael is buried temporarily at Forest Lawn is because the family and Colony Capital are waiting to get the permits to bury him at Neverland. The family obviously doesn't want him buried permanently at Forest Lawn. This process will take about 30 days. Michael hasn't been deceased but for 13 days.

And the road up to Neverland is not the only place that a wide highway can be placed. You can actually build a road to Neverland from the other side. Or a road can be built that goes around to the other side. There are ways, believe me.

And I don't like Toure, but I like what he said. He said someone told him that all they need to do is include a wine vineyard at Neverland and they will have the permit to convert it into a public place. So we can visit Michael and get our Jesus Juice at the same time!

I hope you're right. The site is big enough that part of it easily could be converted to something else without detracting from the overall site. The only drawback I can see to having a vineyard there would be the allegations that he supposedly provided alcohol to kids. As far as I know there was never any proof of that.
The wine thing would not be a draw back. Whether there is wine or not, if people want to talk about the allegations, they will do it no matter what.

The thing with the wine vineyard is it will allow them certain permits that they need. You need this because the land is zoned as wine country. I think Barrack knows exactly how he needs to position Neverland to get all the permits he needs. This guy is a real estate mogul. He knows what it will take to turn Neveland into a memorial ground for Michael. And I think he is working on it even as we speak.