Proud Member
I'm rebloggin you so much on tumblr :lol:
Thanks Manhood thread
I just noticed that... :lol:
Love the macro :lmao:
I'm rebloggin you so much on tumblr :lol:
Thanks Manhood thread
I'm rebloggin you so much on tumblr :lol:
I just noticed that... :lol:
Love the macro :lmao:
hey everybody! can I make a question? It's about Mike and something that that Dr Klein said about him.
I know!Ahaha, I feel like I always do that to certain people!
Also, your new avatar is ADORABLE.
mais oui, monsieur!
Je te veux dans mon lit :naughty:
well, he said that Michael was bald. :weeping: I can't understand why Michael was bald. And it hurts me since he was so worried about his image, u know? how terrible it was for him IF it is true, huh?
Sure, what's your question?
aahhh my fave part of Man In The Mirror!! :wub:
:rofl: :rofl: very good!!
:hysterical: I LOL'd when you just posted that on tumblr! :') omg
Thanks Moon...but I just got bored of it :lol:...I'm waiting for Steph to finish my new one:timer: but even if I change it it can't beat your sig:wub:
and :hiya:
Loud MJ music, worth the ear drum irritation :cheeky:
I think your Dad loves you so much :wub::wub::wub:
OH MY GOD...NO COMMENT *dirty thoughts dirty thoughts* :bugeyed
'tis all :shifty:
:lol: i love the first pic..he looks sooo cute...but yes Michael, explain it! The second one is just :lmao:
This one just made my day!!!! :lmao:
hahahhah "these sparkly socks of mine" lol :hysterical: and those eyes..:swoon:AND SHE HAS MACROS!!!
Mike has a lot of demands.
OH MY GOD...NO COMMENT *dirty thoughts dirty thoughts* :bugeyed
'tis all :shifty:
I was going to go to bed as soon as I got home but I just found out some great news!!
My brother just proposed to his girlfriend of 3 years and she said yes!! :clapping::jump::bounce:
I was going to go to bed as soon as I got home but I just found out some great news!!
My brother just proposed to his girlfriend of 3 years and she said yes!! :clapping::jump::bounce:
BTW I was just going through ppl's siggies lol...and I found this:woohoo:
I want it sooooooooo badh34r:
Work is busy, having issues with someone I work with, don't want to have to face that but will do so, no one is going to treat me like crap and get away with it.
Didn't get a job I went for. Could have done with the money .... not to mention the ego boost.
Mike has a lot of demands.
I was going to go to bed as soon as I got home but I just found out some great news!!
My brother just proposed to his girlfriend of 3 years and she said yes!! :clapping::jump::bounce: