Macro Jacksons (LOLGraphics) *mature language*

hey seven! awww smudge will forgive, my fluffer did, in the end!!! :D gave her some tuna :D

sorry about your work :better:i hate it when you have to deal with obnoxious people.

ive sent ya chapter 4, might cheer you up :D

Yeah, story! However I hope you don't mind if I read it tomorrow? I had enough trouble sleeping last night from writing my own story.

I still have to read Moon's story but my emails only came back on tonight so I can finally get to read that!
sure, theres no rush seven :)

i laugh loads at my own macros particularly the random ones like this one :


just gets me lol :lol:
:doh: I KNEW I missed something at the store!
*runs back to store*
It just got better!
I found out how to play my MJ music in his car and was blasting Billie Jean and TDCAU all around. I couldn't play anymore because I was only going to the store. :laugh:
I have a small headache now but it was worth it:D:laugh:
Even I know how to play MJ music in the new car! I have to run tons of errands anyway, so :D

He's getting a little better. He still doesn't like MJ and when I put my purse on the bed he told me to turn it around so he couldn't see it but I kept it there so he HAD to look at it. He's hasn't been as rude but he's still eh.

How about you?

Loud MJ music, worth the ear drum irritation :cheeky:

I think your Dad loves you so much :wub::wub::wub: