Some updates
- Lloyds have filed for a summary judgment. They are asking the court to determine in their favor and cancel the insurance policy so they don't have to pay $17.5 Million to MJ Estate.
- Lloyds main argument is that Michael withheld his medical history (prescription drug use of Demerol, Opiates and Propofol and medical conditions of insomnia and failing eyesight and not mentioning going to rehab mid Dangerous tour) from them. They claim if they knew they would never insure Michael for accident and also this withholding voids the insurance policy.
- Estate asked and got an extension to file their reply. Estate states they need time to do discovery and reply to the summary judgment.
- Estate and Lloyds are having disagreements in regards to the discovery.
- The main discovery issue as follow :
--- Estate asked Lloyds for the names of the musical acts they insured between 2005 and 2010 and Lloyds gave 70 names that they insured.
--- Estate states 8 of these names have made public statements about their drug use and/or medical conditions.
--- Estate wants Lloyds to answer when they insured these 8 artists and if they knew their drug / medical issues before they insured them. Lloyds practices of issuing or refusing to issue insurance to artists with known drug or medical issues. If they cancelled any insurance policies after they learned these artists conditions or learned artists withheld information from them.(Ivy's note: Basically if Lloyds insured these artists while knowing about their drug / health conditions, Estate will argue that Michael's drug /health conditions wasn't a factor for denial of insurance)
--- Lloyds refusing to answer these questions citing privilege, violation of privacy, confidentiality and so on .
--- The 8 artists? They are Aerosmith, AC/DC, Britney Spears, George Michael, Johnny Hallyday, Kings of Leon, Van Halen, Whitney Houston.
-A discovery referral made a decision but Estate is challenging the decision of the referee. Because
--- Discovery referee wants to limit/redefine the "drug problem" questions to the drugs Michael used (Demerol, Propofol, Opiates etc). Estate argues that this limitation will not allow them to learn about instances Lloyds issues insurance policies when artists used other prescription drugs or illegal drugs.
--- a very detailed discussion is about what information is considered confidential or not. Estate argues the dates insurance policies were valid, claims paid, performances cancelled is not confidential. Referee / court hasn't really made a decision about what is confidential or not. They first want to hear from Lloyds if the answer to the questions is relevant and they are considering about giving notice to the 8 artists mentioned.