LIVE HOLOGRAM CONCERT? August 29 [Verified Fake by MJ Estate]

In my personal name,i want to ask everybody in here to excuse me for being born in a country i never belonged,and for sure never will.

I don't think Portugal and the fan site is to blame. The might have copied it but the "credible" news source was Pepsi Jamaica
I am from Portugal and i am very offended that someone talks about my country that way. :( Michael Jackson has many fans in Portugal who love him. The information about the hologram was brought by a facebook page of Pepsi, then a Brazilian page also made notice of that and then a Portuguese page thought that the information was true and published it. Justo to say that portuguese fans are ashamed of that woman who claims that is an offical source. If we in Portugal had as the only source we didnt knew nothing.
Never meant to cause any trouble or pain.

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First the information was given by Pepsi Jamaica, and that´s Why the fans reported it! Michael hated Portugal? That is nnot true . I Knew a Portuguese man who was with Michael Jackson in 1997, in Paris and Michael LOVED Portugal. Also the promotor who brought MJ to Portugal sad very nice things about him on public television. I feel sad that you are talking about our country like that. The injustice with MJ is not only in Portugal but around the World. Recently here in Portugal they talked about MJ and Vitiligo, isn´t that good??? And let me tell you that the fanbase of Michael Jackson in Portugal is growing very much.
We must be fair now to the Portegeous fans. Yes I agree the media in all countires is unfair when it comes to Michael but it's the media is NOT the people persay or the fans, Portgegal or the fans there has nothign to do with starting this Hologram information. The source was Pepsi Jamaca (The Estate verified it came from a Pepsi site)I saw it originaly promoted from there FB page and questioned it. The other fan sites just copied it thinking it was true becuase it came from a Legit Pepsi fan site. In their defense they did not start this rumor.

There are many loving loyal MJ fans in Brazil and portegal who love him. Just as there are in every country .. I will also say with all surety Michael didnt hate any country. He never stated words about hating ANY country becuase that would go against everything he ever stated to his fans or the world and would go against everthing he stands for.

I wouldnt put any faith in a German magazine that said that about MJ either . I doubt the magazine had a direct quote from Michael saying he hated your country most likley an assumption from a third party. I wouldnt put much faith In that. Michael was against corrupt government sytems not countries or the people. Michael said he loved all people regardles of thier country, race origin or creed. We must believe him when he says that or his message of love and healing for the world would be tainted by hate.
Tiago, Qbee and everybody:

I'm a Michael Jackson fan since 1983.I belong to this forum since 2001,but before MJJC,i belonged to MJIFC and to MJJF forum (this one i still belong,and i can't describe how happy i am with it.).

People that know me,know that i'm someone who hates being the foccus of attention,and when it's really neeed help to do something,i do all i can,and nothing makes me more happy,than to feel useful.

Like it's also known here,my personal live is extremely hard,because of the brain aneurysm my mom has since the past 6 years.I will not use this an excuse,because it's not,but when you have limited time for yourself,you start to feel tired,and when you have to foccus your energy and patience in someone that is very sick,sometimes you end up doing or saying things without thinking.

I know it's wrong...very wrong,but i am only human.
I said what i said for several reasons:
First,and like i said,i had NO IDEA where the rumor came from,(when i read Ivy's post,i thought from my heart,she was trying to be nice to me,because that's how she is...a loving person that will help anyone,anytime).
Second,i don't have facebook to read what it is said.

Third,i had NO IDEA this forum had so many portuguese fans,because for years,it didn't,so i decided to explode and take it all out of my heart,without thinking,because to me,i would not hurt anyone,as noone would really care to read.(especially portuguese fans).

Tiago...i'm very sorry. You never heard of the OFICIAL Michael Jackson fanclub,named "The Michael Jackson family fanclub,created in 1996,and oficial since June 30th,1997.The forum was created by someone you might have heard,as he is kinda known here...Delfim Miranda.In fact,he is the one responsable for the forum,and he is the one who recently registrated the forum with the domain reidapop, because it used to be different.My contribution to this fanclub,was to come up with the name,(The Michael Jackson family fanclub),and to make it official.

When my Mother was healhy,i used to be a totally diferent person,and be much more active in the forum,as well as in having a social life.WHen in 2006,her brain aneurysm brusted,i saw myself having to change everything so i could be here for her all the time.

God knows how exausted i am...all the scares...all the ups and downs she has,but God also knows,my mom is the person i love the most in this world,so i wouldn't change a thing,as it has been paying off somehow.All this to try to explain why i have so much lack of information not just regarding Michael,but a bit of everything unffortunatelly.

I heard from Delfim,that some fans are creating pages and fansites,and believe me,i think its GREAT that is happening.

You have no idea how i always felt so alone here,because i used to think i was the only Michael fan here.When i started to meet more people like me,from MY country,it meant so much.I could finally meet people that share the same feelings and thoughts for someone that to me means a lot more than words can say,as Michael literaly saved my life!

(again,i am not trying to find excuses,because i know nothing justifies it.I'm just trying to explain things the best way i know,hoping it can make people understand my behavior a little).

About the German magazine,the reason i believed,was because it was a oficial magazine that covered the dangerous concert in Lisbon.(One of the happiest days of my life for sure...To see the one i love in concert and so near me...)...

Qbee sweetie you are so right in all you say about Michael,and shame on me not having thought about it.Thank you for putting things,the obvious,so clear.

With all this said,i hope people can see now that i NEVER EVER MEANT TO HURT ANYONE,and of course can excuse me.
I just wish people would not judge without knowing all the facts.Michael suffered so much because of this as well.Sometimes it is easier to judge i know.But i am only human,and since last saturday,i am completly out of countrol,because of a terrible situation i almost lived,that no woman should ever live,and again,even if i know this is not an excuse for my behaviour,i am finding it hard to control sometimes,even because yesterday i lived all of it again.

When i feel able to be more clear and specific i will,even because i keep being said,i need to talk.

Thank you all so much for taking the time reading this statement,that i wrote with my heart in my hands,hoping i was clear enough trying to explain what is not explanable,as well as genuially ask anyone,no matter what country,to excuse me for my comemnts,that were nothing but a bunch of unhappy senteces,written in a time of craziness.
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I love you Maria you have a beautiful heart and I kew you were not thinking clearly when you made those statements.
It took a lot of courage to come in and make an apology to the Portegeous fans, that is very nobel of you and Im sure
the fans will be understanding and see your true heart .. God bless you :)
No harm done, no one should take this too seriously. I don't blame anyone, not even myself as I was the one who pasted info from Jamaica Pepsi facebook page. These things happen and we sometimes get hyped for something that we want really badly :)
I love you Maria you have a beautiful heart and I kew you were not thinking clearly when you made those statements.
It took a lot of courage to come in and make an apology to the Portegeous fans, that is very nobel of you and Im sure
the fans will be understanding and see your true heart .. God bless you :)

Thank you Qbee,for letting me know what was going on.Thank you for believing in me,and knowning me like you do.
I am only human,and i made a mistake.I never had problems admiting i made a mistake,as i never had problems asking for forgiveness,or even forgiving someone,because i think that everybody deserves a new change.
I have no idea if the portuguese fans will forgive me or not,but at least i tried my best,and i hope they will.
I love you very very much,and i love everybody in this forum as my family,because you are all my mj family.God Bless my friend.

Bubs,thank you so much for your wise words.Stuff like this can happen,and we shouldn't blame anyone because we are humans,and we all make mistakes.Our duty is to try to learn as much as possible from them.Take care dear.