List 3 things about yourself, 2 truths and 1 lie!!

1. My favourite colour is green
2. I love coffee
3. I've had about 10 different homes since I was born
^ 3 is false?

1) I have 3 children
2) I have seen Michael in concert 6 times
3) I have blonde hair
1. I just woke up

2. It's almost 9:00 PM here

3. I feel really good!
No one answered mine. :huh: lol

^ Second is a lie?

1) I have a blackberry phone
2) I work with babies
3) I dislike cheesecake
for me the lie was the third :p

EDIT: Sils i'd say the second is a lie right?
1 is a lie... I think you either have more or less than 5 :p
you dont like reading! No one likes reading.

1. I have a test tomorrow
2. I don't care that i have a test tomorrow
3. my head is itchy
2 is false?

No 2 was correct, I have seen Michael in concert 6 times.

I am not blonde. :lol:


^ Above me, 2 is a lie?

1) I have a large amount of savings.
2) I have blue eyes
3) I used to suck my thumb as a child.