List 3 things about yourself, 2 truths and 1 lie!!

blue eyed.. i'd say the second is a lie?

1. I love hip hop

2. I love rock

3. I love techno

EDIT: @Arklove, the second is a lie?

Nope, 3rd is a lie....although, Lord knows I wish it were true...:no:
black eyed: third is a lie?

ok final ones then me go sleep:

1. I like sleeping

2. I hate sleeping

3. I normally sleep for 10 hours
Sils, seeing how you have a twitter account in your sig means 3 is true. And since you said you are a girl in your account means 1 is true...... 2 is false :D
didn't think that through :lol:

As for your list.. I'm going with the 3d being false?

if the third is false then #1 and #2 are true... how can i hate AND love sleeping? ;)

#2 is false. Good night guys :)
1. I have posted a picture in the MJJC Fan pictures thread
2. I have a ps3
3. I have seen TII
2nd one is false?

1. It's school holidays here
2. i didn't get around to changing out of pyjama pants all day
3. I ate a pie before
The third is a lie? idk.. they all seem plausible :lol:

1. I have 2 kids.
2. I'm studying to become a high-school teacher.
3. I'm in love with Edward from the Twilight series.
The third is a lie? idk.. they all seem plausible :lol:

1. I have 2 kids.
2. I'm studying to become a high-school teacher.
3. I'm in love with Edward from the Twilight series.

the first one is a lie?

1 ~ i'm not peaceful :evil:

2 ~ i'm 11

3 ~ I'm married
On my list the second was a lie

the first one is a lie?

1 ~ i'm not peaceful :evil:

2 ~ i'm 11

3 ~ I'm married
Third is a lie? Or second?
Wait whut? :shock: The first? I don't know! LMAO

1. I have 4 piercings
2. I have 2 tattoos
3. I love Red Vodka+Red Bull :lol:
the first one is a lie?

1 ~ i'm not peaceful :evil:

2 ~ i'm 11

3 ~ I'm married

No the third one is a lie, I can't stand Edward.. I like Jacob :yes: :lol:

Let's see, I know you're 11, so the third one better be a lie girl!! :lol:
The third is a lie? idk.. they all seem plausible :lol:
lol you were right tho :) and i hope you're not in love with anything twilight related :p XD

1 ~ i'm not peaceful :evil:
2 ~ i'm 11
3 ~ I'm married
well the first and the 3rd 1 aint true... idk what 2 chose :p

1. I watched Purple Rain by Prince before
2. I'm 16
3. I feel tired, like usual

^^ i rambled so i got beaten :p
The third is a lie? idk.. they all seem plausible :lol:
lol you were right tho :) and i hope you're not in love with anything twilight related :p XD

well the first and the 3rd 1 aint true... idk what 2 chose :p

1. I watched Purple Rain by Prince before
2. I'm 16
3. I feel tired, like usual

^^ i rambled so i got beaten :p

you're 15 the 2nd one is a lie
1 ~ I'm 19

2 ~ i'm nice

3 ~ i LUUV to draw
^^ we all know the 3rd 1 aint a lie

1. My pyjamas are blue and black and white
2. MJ is on my TV
3. im in my bed typing
Edgy.. sshh

they could all be true.
so first one is a lie?

1. I have a drivers license
2. I know all the "hee hee's" and "shamones" in the MJ songs
3. I have to go to work today
3rd 1 was false for mine
all yours could be true aswell :) the 2nd 1 of yours is true for me :lol:
i'm going to go for the 1st 1?

1. My favorite MJ song is Smooth Criminal
2. My most listened to MJ album is HIStory
3. i can do the billie jean dance
(i'll give you a clue.. it's not the 1st one :D)
I refuse to believe there's anyone but MJ that can do the billie jean dance so 3. :p

1. i'm bored

2. I fear nothing

3. I have never broken a bone in my body.. ever.