List 3 things about yourself, 2 truths and 1 lie!!

1. I'm hungry now
2. I learnt Portuguese
3. I like hip hop music
^ First one is a lie :D

1. I like to eat couscous
2. I live on the 3th floor
3. I'm very shy
Yes, the first one is a lie :D.

^ First one is a lie :D

1. I like to eat couscous
2. I live on the 3th floor
3. I'm very shy

1st one is a lie :).

1. I have a teddy-bear on my bed.
2. I like the crowd.
3. I have many Michael's photos and drawings on the wall.
^ :nono: sec one is a lie :D i like couscous

Second one is a lie ?
^ sec.floor :D

1. I like reggae music
2. I have a big teddy bear in my room
3. I'm left-handed
^ Yes, correct, the 1st one is a lie.

1. I enjoy traveling by plane.
2. I love to use self -tanning lotions.
3. I enjoyed philosophy while studying at the university.
^ First one is a lie ?

1.I'm eating right now
2.I broke one of my wrist when I was a kid
3.I don't like banana pie
Yes, the first one. I'm scared of flying. Every time I feel extremely uncomfortable.

2nd one is a lie? :)

1. I had a car accident.
2. I like classic music.
3. I've never been in London.
^ No, 3rd one is a lie :D I love banana pie

3rd one is a lie ?
^ Second one is a lie ?

1. I can't swim
2. I'm feeling tired
3. I went to the hairdresser today
No, 3rd one is a lie :p

1. I like coffee
2. I've been in Switzerland
3. I live alone
^ The first one is a lie :D

1. I like to read books in foreign language.
2. I'm listening to music now.
3. I enjoy playing bowling.

Ahh...I tought you changed you hair style :p.
1. I have a sensitive skin
2. I'm watching TV now
3. My mobile is ringing