List 3 things about yourself, 2 truths and 1 lie!!

1. I have almost nothing to eat at home
2. I'm listening to music now
3. I'm touching myself as I'm posting here
^ no, second one is a lie . I'm joking :lol: 3rd one is a lie :p
1. I'm insomniac
2. I watch a porn movie per day
3. I love guitarists
1. I'm reading manhood thread now :heat:
2. I'm watching video "Michael is very sexy" on youtube
3. I'm reading "Dangerous fantasies" right now
1. I love rabbits
2. I'm rarely online
3. I like orange juice
1. I enjoy to

2. I'm laughing right now
3. I'm listening to Led Zeppelin now
^^ first one :lol:

1. Im home alone now
2. im full :puke:
3. im a bit tired
1. My back is hurting
2. I love to show my

3. I'm thirsty now
1. I sleep always on the left side of the bed
2. I'm listening to music now
3. I'm eating cakes