Legends you have no use for

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I mean it's cool that you don't like a certain artist but you have to respect that regardless of what brought on their popularity, that they did indeed earn their legendary stripes.
Respect is not given,its earned and I am proud to say Im anti Elvis and Beatles and I will always be even if you give me billion $$$ for being their fan I just can't respect them and I can nevre be their fan.

Im Bad Im Bad Im really really Baddddddddddddd:cheers:
lol...ur silly^^^

anyway...i agree with your sentiment though..

let's face it folks. through the centuries it's been easy to minimize peoples' achievments, and for others to ride the backs of others. it is rare that a person who achieves much gets his or her due.

so Michael achieved massively. and now, we fans are giving him his due.

it's the honorable thing to do. if he didn't do the things that deserve him being the all time greatest, believe me..it would be easy for people to say so.

so..since he has accomplished the requirement..it's honorable to acknowledge it, without fear, and worry about what someone else will say.

Michael is the best, and there's no changing that.

and..for the record...i..a Michael Jackson fan have no sentiment toward having no use for any musician. i think all the legends are legends.
I respect that you don't like The Beatles, but to say that they didn't change the face of music is disrespectful. Without The Beatles, Michael Jackson and tons of other musicians wouldn't be making the music they make. We'd still listen to the kind of music that they were making in 1960. The Beatles changed and innovated popular music, and it's evident in every current artist out there.
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Everyone's entitled to their own opinion and if someone doesn't like a certain perfomer, well that's their right and no one should tell them otherwise.

Disrespecting each other will not be tolerated.
I respect that you don't like The Beatles, but to say that they didn't change the face of music is disrespectful. Without The Beatles, Michael Jackson and tons of other musicians wouldn't be making the music they make. We'd still listen to the kind of music that they were making in 1964. The Beatles changed and innovated popular music, and it's evident in every current artist out there.

Just a slight correction. ;)
I respect that you don't like The Beatles, but to say that they didn't change the face of music is disrespectful. Without The Beatles, Michael Jackson and tons of other musicians wouldn't be making the music they make. We'd still listen to the kind of music that they were making in 1960. The Beatles changed and innovated popular music, and it's evident in every current artist out there.

you can't make hypothetical statements like that. what ifs are just that. what if. we don't know what we would be doing, if something happened that did not happen. all we know is what is.

and not everyone hears the beatles in other artists' music.
Elvis and Beatles=Dead
Pink Floyd=Legends(will always be,they were true musical band)
Guns n Roses=legends(They proved how much excitement can go into music on stage)
Ofcourse we have Michael=Legend of Legends(He opened doors for all the artists who comes from any minority group plus his talent is limitless,I dont even get how can you even compare him with anyone..lol)
And please don't ever say tht word madon..ewww I cant even spell her name,and somebody said she is on the top:hysterical:
Prince,i dont know anything about this guy but i dont think he could be a legend til he does atleast 2 world tours with 5 million attendance each.

Anyway last unicorn said something about MJ fans being harsh about other artists,just visit other forums and mention MJ and you will know how much ppl are harsh when it comes to Michael Jackson..its kinda anger that every MJ fan have and it won't go away til other ppl dont give mj the respect which he deserves.And I don't even get why people are so jealous if there is anything positive about Michael Jackson.If there is anything great going on with Michael Jackson then they will be like if MJ sold out 50 concerts then Beatles wud have sold 200 concerts and all kind of bull$hit and start comparing..lol
Bottom Line is if mj fans are harsh then its not cuz they got some problem with other artists,its the rest of the world who is responsible for it.Ya MJ may not like bashing other artists but we are not MJ,if we were then we all would be legends like him,So fans saying Michael wont like this Michael wont like that is stupid.We can't be exactly like Michael Jackson and we all got different type of nature and tolerance power.

Ehhh not to rain on the parade man, but Guns & Roses don't have enough credentials to be considered "legends." The original band was around for less than 15 years, and I can't even say they had 10 solid years of success. After the original band broke up, Guns & Roses was dead, end of story. You seem to have a bias cuz ur sig has MJ, Floyd, and Roses in it. I don't like Pink Floyd, and as much as i don't want to say it I guess their band falls under some kind of "Legend" catergory. But neither of these bands combined matches the success or world-renowned popularity MJ has.
Nobody is in that league which can be compared to Michael Jackson,if you compare Michael Jackson to anyone then you dont know anything about performing on stage:no:..And if you call Elvis and Beatles legends then I hope God will have mercy on you..:angel:

In my post I said MJ IS a league of his own, which I believe is true. Still there are other artists that come close to his league. Don't tell me I don't know anything about performing on stage, because I've seen 100s of concers, including many MJ concerts.

I'm not an Elvis fan, but Elvis IS a legend. The Beatles ARE legends. There are legends out there, besides MJ. If you deny it, you need a reality check, with all due respect. Guys, stop being so scared of other great artists coming close to MJ. He may be the best, but he's certainly not the only one out there.
In my post I said MJ IS a league of his own, which I believe is true. Still there are other artists that come close to his league. Don't tell me I don't know anything about performing on stage, because I've seen 100s of concers, including many MJ concerts.

I'm not an Elvis fan, but Elvis IS a legend. The Beatles ARE legends. There are legends out there, besides MJ. If you deny it, you need a reality check, with all due respect. Guys, stop being so scared of other great artists coming close to MJ. He may be the best, but he's certainly not the only one out there.

nobpdy's scared. there's nothing to be scared of. nobody comes close to MJ. that's what the meaning 'class of his own' comes from. i'm objective as they come. i just said there are other legends. but at the same time...you are indeed disrepectful, because you just told someone they need a reality check, because they don't agree with you. so, whoever, in here said you are respectful...was wrong. people usually call other people legends..so if i decide MJ is the only legend, that doesn't mean i need a reality check. i happen to think there are other legends..but, after seeing MJ..i think that, barely, while i think MJ is a legend, greatly. and for those who think MJ is the only legend...it's understandable.
In my post I said MJ IS a league of his own, which I believe is true. Still there are other artists that come close to his league. Don't tell me I don't know anything about performing on stage, because I've seen 100s of concers, including many MJ concerts.

I'm not an Elvis fan, but Elvis IS a legend. The Beatles ARE legends. There are legends out there, besides MJ. If you deny it, you need a reality check, with all due respect. Guys, stop being so scared of other great artists coming close to MJ. He may be the best, but he's certainly not the only one out there.

I don't need no reality check,I am sorry to say but maybe you don't know anything about other Artists.There are lots of others who are million times better than your Legends(Elvis and Beatles).Nobody has ever come close to Michael Jackson,you've got to note it down on a paper and read it everyday and every night.
I am big fan of Pink Floyd,GNR,Aerosmith and few more but I can't say that any of them ever came near to Michael Jackson but it doesnt mean that Im disrespectful to them.Have you seen Bad Tour in 88(Live or maybe in bootleg) cuz if have then you would never ever say that.Ever Elvis danced with that energy on big stages??Ever Beatles danced and sang on big stages??Nope they never did cuz they were never capable of performing with such energy but you see Guns n Roses(original band) then only you will say Elvis and Beatles are over hyped by media to avoid the attention of ppl towards Michael Jackson and his talent.I never heard of elvis or beatles when i was little but i always knew Michael Jackson.

Let me give you just 1 example here.I live in India and if you walk down the street and ask anybody "Do you know Michael Jackson?"The answer will be YES but if you ask anybody "Do you know Elvis Presley or Beatles?" Mostly you will hear one answer "NO".And thats what I call legend and he is truly Legend of Legends so I hope God wil have mercy on ppl who think Elvis or Beatles were legends.And if you remember India is much bigger in population in compared to any country except China.Michael Jackson sets the standard not any Elvis or Beatles.:cheers:
And ohh ya you said we are scared cuz some artists came close to MJ but I guess you are scared that Michael is much above any artist and there is a reason I mean look at the talent.His singing,I can sing any artist's song but Michael Jackson..:(I can't and it hurts:doh:
and ya..

Im Bad Im Bad Im really really Bad!!!!:punk:
Ehhh not to rain on the parade man, but Guns & Roses don't have enough credentials to be considered "legends." The original band was around for less than 15 years, and I can't even say they had 10 solid years of success. After the original band broke up, Guns & Roses was dead, end of story. You seem to have a bias cuz ur sig has MJ, Floyd, and Roses in it. I don't like Pink Floyd, and as much as i don't want to say it I guess their band falls under some kind of "Legend" catergory. But neither of these bands combined matches the success or world-renowned popularity MJ has.
If you forgot GNR sold over 100 million albums worlwide and they were active for like 5-7 yrs.And still lots of bands cover their songs and Pink Floyd,you doubt Pink Floyd haha then I dont know what to say.Dark Side Of Moon is better than all albums Elvis or Beatles ever released.And Michael never released album after album like Elvis or Beatles.Ya there was friction in GNR but Beatles also had troubles but I dont care much about that stuff.


I am Bad I am Bad I am really really Bad..:punk:
I respect that you don't like The Beatles, but to say that they didn't change the face of music is disrespectful. Without The Beatles, Michael Jackson and tons of other musicians wouldn't be making the music they make. We'd still listen to the kind of music that they were making in 1960. The Beatles changed and innovated popular music, and it's evident in every current artist out there.
As far as I remember Michael Jackson never stood on stage with a guitar and sang songs like a dummy in a store and riped off people's money:D
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Everyone's entitled to their own opinion and if someone doesn't like a certain perfomer, well that's their right and no one should tell them otherwise.

Disrespecting each other will not be tolerated.
Lol..I don't understand why on MJ forums threads are closed so easily but on other forums nobody closes threads tht easily.I mean on other forums if ur talking Anti MJ then ur thread will be open forever but on MJ forums even if we r talkin positive about Michael then also its closed..

Sorry but had to say:no:Its not fair

And I think to express our opinions is one of the main objectives of this forum:yes:

Anyway this thread is getting lot more fun,I like that..
I'm sorry but what you're saying is just ridiculous.

I don't know which people you've talked to, but I don't think there is anyone out there who doesn't know Elvis or the Beatles. They are legendary artists, no matter if you like their music or now.

Yes, you are right about Guns'N'Roses or Aerosmith, they are certainly NOT legends, Pink Floyd, well maybe. But saying Elvis or the Beatles aren't legends is simply wrong. I'm not a huge Elvis fan, but I know a lot of people my father's age who don't know Michael Jackson (maybe besides the tabloid story), but who know Elvis or The Beatles.

And yes, I know a thing or two about music, performers and live shows, I've been to concerts since I was 16 and that's almost 20 years now.
I'm sorry but what you're saying is just ridiculous.

I don't know which people you've talked to, but I don't think there is anyone out there who doesn't know Elvis or the Beatles. They are legendary artists, no matter if you like their music or now.

Yes, you are right about Guns'N'Roses or Aerosmith, they are certainly NOT legends, Pink Floyd, well maybe. But saying Elvis or the Beatles aren't legends is simply wrong. I'm not a huge Elvis fan, but I know a lot of people my father's age who don't know Michael Jackson (maybe besides the tabloid story), but who know Elvis or The Beatles.

And yes, I know a thing or two about music, performers and live shows, I've been to concerts since I was 16 and that's almost 20 years now.
Haha babe u know nothing then.Visit India then,you can live @ my house tht expense of urs on me.Do some research before saying anything.I was trying to be respectful about you but I dont know if I can be anymore.You know nothing,so you're kind of time waste for my words..haha..Walk down streets of india and ppl know Elvis or Beatles thts impossible..You live in very small country thts called Austria so it doesnt matter what u think about this matter but India is far bigger than Austria and trust me hardly anyone knows Elvis or Beatles here,,But if you still wanna find it for yourself my doors are always open for ya..:cheeky:
Listen, I don't like Guns 'N Roses, but I don't slam them and say they're untalented. They are, I just don't like their music.

Please show some respect.
Lol..I don't understand why on MJ forums threads are closed so easily but on other forums nobody closes threads tht easily.I mean on other forums if ur talking Anti MJ then ur thread will be open forever but on MJ forums even if we r talkin positive about Michael then also its closed..

Sorry but had to say:no:Its not fair

And I think to express our opinions is one of the main objectives of this forum:yes:

Anyway this thread is getting lot more fun,I like that..

they are not closed easily or quickly unless, a level of respect cannot be maintained. it is up to the people posting as to how quickly something will be closed or not.
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