Legends you have no use for

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I think a little more tolerance towards other artists wouldn't hurt. There isn't only MJ in this world.

Okay...so we don't tolerate other artists? How?
Appreciating the appreciatable is what I do...and I think what everyone else does as well.
I know..."we" know that there isn't only Michael Jackson in the world...

all I'm saying is that he's the one who set the stage. He's the one who IS..., and I'm sorry if you find this annoying..., T H E B E S T .
This "us against the world" attitude is something I find totally disturbing. It's one of the reasons I'm not much active in the fan community. I am very interested in MJ as an artist and in his music, and I don't believe he'd appreciate his fans talking like that about other artists. I am sure he has respect for other artists. I don't like every band or singer or artist or type of music or song, still I don't go around bashing them. I think it's childish.

And I disagree about MJ being underrated or untolerated. In fact, he has always been recognised as a big star, a legend, even by many critics. You cannot blame the public that they have got a weird picture of that man in recent years that over shadowed his music and art. But if you look at the way his concerts are selling out, I think it's pretty clear that MJ is not underrated, in fact, people were just waiting for him to come back.

I think a little more tolerance towards other artists wouldn't hurt. There isn't only MJ in this world.

i think you are overexaggerating on artist bashing..

making a superior effort to blind yourself to how the media treated MJ, and the fans alone get credit for how the media has no choice but to pay attention.

and as Stargirl said..it was MJ alone against mass media.

not a twisted 'us against the world' mantra that you make an effort to state.
No one, I respect everyone and I'm tolerant towards every artist, band, all kinds of music.

Shame that MJ fans tend to be the most judgemental and prejudiced people sometimes.


While I think this thread isn't the greatest example of MJ fans you seem to have a holier than thou attitude when it comes to MJ fans in every post you make, why even join a MJ fansite? you can be a fan and leave us fans who are so beneath you here to not bother your precious saintly attitudes.
And also... last_unicorn or whatever... We are MICHAEL JACKSON fan ... how the F U C K can you call us judgemental!!??
And also... last_unicorn or whatever... We are MICHAEL JACKSON fan ... how the F U C K can you call us judgemental!!??

That's the hypocrisy of it.

I grew up being an MJ fan, I've seen the man 30 times in concerts, I have all his record, videos, DVD's, his autograph, everything. I think I am a fan and that's why I joined MJ forums. I was in fanclubs before there was even such a thing as the internet. It's just in recent years that I'm witnessing this behaviour from some fans that I find annoying and hurtful, because sometimes it seems other artists, especially those who are also big and successful and are considered "legends" are getting a lot of unfair bashing from MJ fans. It's not their fault that MJ has been treated so bad by the media.

It IS judgemental, and I think it's against everything MJ stands for as an artist and person.
Elvis and Beatles=Dead
Pink Floyd=Legends(will always be,they were true musical band)
Guns n Roses=legends(They proved how much excitement can go into music on stage)
Ofcourse we have Michael=Legend of Legends(He opened doors for all the artists who comes from any minority group plus his talent is limitless,I dont even get how can you even compare him with anyone..lol)
And please don't ever say tht word madon..ewww I cant even spell her name,and somebody said she is on the top:hysterical:
Prince,i dont know anything about this guy but i dont think he could be a legend til he does atleast 2 world tours with 5 million attendance each.

Anyway last unicorn said something about MJ fans being harsh about other artists,just visit other forums and mention MJ and you will know how much ppl are harsh when it comes to Michael Jackson..its kinda anger that every MJ fan have and it won't go away til other ppl dont give mj the respect which he deserves.And I don't even get why people are so jealous if there is anything positive about Michael Jackson.If there is anything great going on with Michael Jackson then they will be like if MJ sold out 50 concerts then Beatles wud have sold 200 concerts and all kind of bull$hit and start comparing..lol
Bottom Line is if mj fans are harsh then its not cuz they got some problem with other artists,its the rest of the world who is responsible for it.Ya MJ may not like bashing other artists but we are not MJ,if we were then we all would be legends like him,So fans saying Michael wont like this Michael wont like that is stupid.We can't be exactly like Michael Jackson and we all got different type of nature and tolerance power.

She is called a "legend" for her work as an entertainer/artist but I don't see any serious talent and passion in both singing and dancing. Average at best.

She was and is ambitious, which means she loves being successful, but never seems to be the kind of artist who gots so much love in singing and dancing. Talentwise, I grew up with so many kids in my neighborhood who could've been a star like her. They got more talent and passion. The problem is, they were born and raised here, not in the US. I know that's the way it is, tho.
all these people you guys are mentioning have earned their success whether you like them or not. :D I love them all!
Elvis and Beatles=Dead

Anyway last unicorn said something about MJ fans being harsh about other artists,just visit other forums and mention MJ and you will know how much ppl are harsh when it comes to Michael Jackson..its kinda anger that every MJ fan have and it won't go away til other ppl dont give mj the respect which he deserves.And I don't even get why people are so jealous if there is anything positive about Michael Jackson.If there is anything great going on with Michael Jackson then they will be like if MJ sold out 50 concerts then Beatles wud have sold 200 concerts and all kind of bull$hit and start comparing..lol
Bottom Line is if mj fans are harsh then its not cuz they got some problem with other artists,its the rest of the world who is responsible for it.Ya MJ may not like bashing other artists but we are not MJ,if we were then we all would be legends like him,So fans saying Michael wont like this Michael wont like that is stupid.We can't be exactly like Michael Jackson and we all got different type of nature and tolerance power.

I visit many other boards of different artists, and while there is certainly some truth to what you're saying I have to say that I really found a lot of other artists' fans to admire MJ as an artist, singer and dancer. I have encountered people on other boards who were thrilled about his concerts and tried to get tickets. It's not all bad. In fact, I was surprised how many had a positive attitude towards MJ as an artist.

I don't think it's right to counter one injustice with another injustice. Many artists have respect for MJ, it isn't their fault that the media has been so tough on him. I don't care if there are fans of a certain band that may bash MJ, if I like that artist or band, the fans' opinion on MJ doesn't prevent me from doing so.
I visit many other boards of different artists, and while there is certainly some truth to what you're saying I have to say that I really found a lot of other artists' fans to admire MJ as an artist, singer and dancer. I have encountered people on other boards who were thrilled about his concerts and tried to get tickets. It's not all bad. In fact, I was surprised how many had a positive attitude towards MJ as an artist.

I don't think it's right to counter one injustice with another injustice. Many artists have respect for MJ, it isn't their fault that the media has been so tough on him. I don't care if there are fans of a certain band that may bash MJ, if I like that artist or band, the fans' opinion on MJ doesn't prevent me from doing so.

Ya some of them admire him as a singer/dancer but still talk $hit about him and thats not fare.And anyways he cant be compared to beatles or elvis,he is much above them and anyway Elvis and Beatles were never legends.But I really do hate ppl who start to compare MJ with them,its like huge insult for Michael Jackson to be compared to anyone.

And ya they have their positive attitude about his art but still they call him paedophile or weirdo and always say tht he threw away his talent thts crap..

Anyway I am not harsh to every artist but ya I got my own taste of music but ya I hate ppl who hate MJ..thts it and no matter how much u admire them I dont give a $hit

I am bad I am I am really really bad..:punk:
I think people need to stop jumping on Unicorn for his/her opinion. She (for lack of not knowing) has been nothing but respectful, but I can't say the same for everyone. Yes, MJ fans are bitter because of his treatment by media and silly folk in general, so they do tend to lash out and in turn treat others unfairly. If you can't see that I don't know what to say for you. Let's please be respectful of all of MJ's fans that come in every size, shape, and color. They also have minds of their own.
I think people need to stop jumping on Unicorn for his/her opinion. She (for lack of not knowing) has been nothing but respectful, but I can't say the same for everyone. Yes, MJ fans are bitter because of his treatment by media and silly folk in general, so they do tend to lash out and in turn treat others unfairly. If you can't see that I don't know what to say for you. Let's please be respectful of all of MJ's fans that come in every size, shape, and color. They also have minds of their own.
Very well said Jona..its pretty much true but Elvis and Beatles no Legends and never will be..:D
legend ~ a story coming down from the past; especially one popularly regarded as historical although not verifiable
I visit many other boards of different artists, and while there is certainly some truth to what you're saying I have to say that I really found a lot of other artists' fans to admire MJ as an artist, singer and dancer. I have encountered people on other boards who were thrilled about his concerts and tried to get tickets. It's not all bad. In fact, I was surprised how many had a positive attitude towards MJ as an artist.

I don't think it's right to counter one injustice with another injustice. Many artists have respect for MJ, it isn't their fault that the media has been so tough on him. I don't care if there are fans of a certain band that may bash MJ, if I like that artist or band, the fans' opinion on MJ doesn't prevent me from doing so.

it's easy to give the 'high road' opinion, but i doubt that if you are encountered with that kind of treatment head on, that you will not retaliate. i have yet to see anyone give the high road teaching and also practice what they teach. the number of haters toward MJ isn't some..it's massive. youre gunna see it the way ur gunna see it. but i doubt you'll see pedophile thrown at u on a regular basis. those who u r mentioning would get tickets to his concert, who are usually haters..we already know that. haters can't resist great music either..but that doesn't excuse their behaviour.

we're not countering injustice with injustice...we are knee jerk reacting to great pain.

and ultimately, when we are finished with our natural reaction, we go back to calm waters..but never, during that reaction, do we personally attack other artists. i didn't call bono a pedophile, for example..or something on that level to equal what has been thrown at Michael.

ultimately it is phony to preach about the high road, because you, all other people, animals..and the gods of peoples' religions all retaliate to injustice. cornered animals, attack...bees sting if u invade their space.. this is the high road, the road of justice, because, ultimately it teaches you a lesson..that you cannot just run lawless and rampant without a response. einstein's theory is about action..opposite equal reaction. pls don't preach about some high road that you yourself do not follow. no one follows that 'high road'. no one. it's universal law. everybody reacts the same to pain.

Michael's reaction just happens to be through his music. not all fans have that outlet.

D.S. spoke of Sneddon, as if he might work for the KKK...

you mistreat the earth, the earth will make you pay. you'll be without resources.

so this myth about nothing is supposed to happen to you when you run lawless is just a myth. again..the high road is the thing that teaches you never to take the low road again. there can be methodical, clever, controlled ways for the reaction to happen, but the reaction still happens. the whole universe follows that rule..what makes you think you can be convincing in saying you don't follow that rule?

Even when Dr. Martin Luther King and Ghandi responded to injustice, it was with powerful cutting words. (words that made the enemies want to destroy them.) the myth that that is a peaceful reaction, is just that..a myth. but it was a heroic way for those heroes(King and Ghandi) to respond.

so no one in this thread is more or less respectful than anyone else in here.
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that would be hard for me to say..I'm a music lover so I like a lil bit of everything..I think Elvis is over hyped but I like a few songs....and the Beatles I like a few songs also...I think it's hard to say you don't respect someone's legend if you didn't live in the era..some people deserve the titles that Elvis and other have...
I don't see why some people are jumping on other posters for their opinions. I find some of the comments about certain artists in here to be ridiculous to be honest lol, but people are entitled to their opinions, good or bad. Why not just respectfully disagree without going into this generalization about MJ fans? This happens anytime there's a thread on here that disses other artists. No, not all MJ fans are bitter and judgemental, but just like anyone else we are entitled to our opinions, good or bad. Me being an MJ fan I try not to judge people as harshly but I don't see why I need to like every artist or watch what I say because i'm a fan of MJ, who is an artist who has been criticized ad nauseum over the years. I don't think any of us need a lecture on how to act or what to say thank you very much. Let people say what they want already, geesh.

Anyway, my dislike for certain artists has absolutely nothing to do with me being a Michael fan. I personally have respect for all the legends, but there are many of them whom i'm not fans of and never got the big deal about. I can see why others liked artists like The Beatles, Elvis and others and I would NEVER deny their talent or influence, but apart from a few songs, I just could never get into some of these artists no matter how hard I tried.
I disagree cause I don't personally HATE these people. I just don't think they deserve the position they are at. Simple as that.
Yeah exactly. I don't see any personal attack against the artists mentioned here. We all know the difference between that and having opinions on artists.

Some people mentioned Elvis...I too think he's not what the media hypes him up to be. Personally I wouldn't call him "legend".

Another one...Notorious BIG. He's got skills and deserves to be called "one of the best rappers to ever grab the mic", but "legend"? No...
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I, too, think many artists are overhyped by the media today, but IMO it's more today's singers and groups, not the people many of you have mentioned in this thread: people who've been around for a while, who have had a strong impact on culture and music, who have influenced the lives of millions of people, who have earned their status. If I had to say whom I consider to be overly hyped or overrated I'd say people who are on radio and in the charts today, because I don't think anyone will talk about them in 30 years time. But sometimes I feel MJ fans tend to bash people who are in a league that's comparable to MJ (who's a league of his own, of course) both in success, cultural impact, longevity and the size of their fan base, like in the recent news thread where it was so hard for people to just acknowledge that a band like U2 is also selling a lot of tickets and selling out concerts very fast. If more or faster than MJ or not doesn't really matter in the end, I don't get why people get so worked up about these stupid numbers. I always say the world is big enough for all of them.
I agree, unicorn. I'm an old-school fan so I do consider some comments a little off the mark. I mean it's cool that you don't like a certain artist but you have to respect that regardless of what brought on their popularity, that they did indeed earn their legendary stripes.
I, too, think many artists are overhyped by the media today, but IMO it's more today's singers and groups, not the people many of you have mentioned in this thread: people who've been around for a while, who have had a strong impact on culture and music, who have influenced the lives of millions of people, who have earned their status. If I had to say whom I consider to be overly hyped or overrated I'd say people who are on radio and in the charts today, because I don't think anyone will talk about them in 30 years time. But sometimes I feel MJ fans tend to bash people who are in a league that's comparable to MJ (who's a league of his own, of course) both in success, cultural impact, longevity and the size of their fan base, like in the recent news thread where it was so hard for people to just acknowledge that a band like U2 is also selling a lot of tickets and selling out concerts very fast. If more or faster than MJ or not doesn't really matter in the end, I don't get why people get so worked up about these stupid numbers. I always say the world is big enough for all of them.
Nobody is in that league which can be compared to Michael Jackson,if you compare Michael Jackson to anyone then you dont know anything about performing on stage:no:..And if you call Elvis and Beatles legends then I hope God will have mercy on you..:angel:
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