Legally changing my last name!

No never. I don't like my last name but I would never change it. My family would be hurt, and I just don't think it's something you should do. It would probably freak Michael out. Just be proud of who you are. Gah if I married Michael though...wooo I would be shouting my name off the rooftops lol.

I think this is very over the top and tad obessive yes we all loved MJ but theres no need to change your sirname because of him i guess MJ really does have some "*****" fans lol

i think some of you are being harsh....if you don't think it's a good idea fine. if you think it's "eccentric" then whatever..keep it to yourself though. there are crazier fans out there than don't know this person's history. you don't know WHY he/she is ashamed of their name...people change their names allll the if he/she's going to change it why not have it relate to something or someone they love.....a name is just a name, my gosh! be proud of your name?? your name is what you make it. what is there to be proud of for michael to say "hi i'm michael jackson". it's not his's what he MADE his name...if someone doesn't LIKE their name then let them change it....the only thing is, jackson is SUCH a popular name that it's not really makin much of a statement changing it. and who are you to say michael would be creeped out..michael got creeped out when people pulled locks of his hair out of their wallet. he got creeped out when people tried to rip him to shreds just to get a peice of him..literally...he may not be impressed with a lack of originality, but you can't say this would creep him out...stop being mean people.
My real/birth last name is Jackson it's hard for me though because everytime i write my name i think of Michael oh and it's even worse since i have the same middle name of his ex wife Lisa
Oh god so much hassle for a very little thing. Who says in changing my last name JUST because of michael, thats true but its not JUST because of michael in changing it. I have very bad memories because of that name. Teasing and bullying all my life, never felt like a swede and having that name doesnt represent me at all, im proud to be colored, im proud to be half american, i want a fresh new start with everything and if theres something that i aim to have left of michael it may as well be his last name.
My unborn son will have one of Michael's names in his name. Either "michael" or "joseph" or "jackson". Or maybe all three, lol
I used to say Jackson was my last name lol and for a long time people actually thought it was! haha, but now I'm happy with my last name :) but I'd say do it if you want! It's for you. Do whatever makes you happy because that's what is important!
i think some of you are being harsh....if you don't think it's a good idea fine. if you think it's "eccentric" then whatever..keep it to yourself though. there are crazier fans out there than don't know this person's history. you don't know WHY he/she is ashamed of their name...people change their names allll the if he/she's going to change it why not have it relate to something or someone they love.....a name is just a name, my gosh! be proud of your name?? your name is what you make it. what is there to be proud of for michael to say "hi i'm michael jackson". it's not his's what he MADE his name...if someone doesn't LIKE their name then let them change it....the only thing is, jackson is SUCH a popular name that it's not really makin much of a statement changing it. and who are you to say michael would be creeped out..michael got creeped out when people pulled locks of his hair out of their wallet. he got creeped out when people tried to rip him to shreds just to get a peice of him..literally...he may not be impressed with a lack of originality, but you can't say this would creep him out...stop being mean people.

Erm...I don't think my post was harsh actually. Just saying how I felt? I suppose you meant the bit about Michael being freaked out? I'm not gonna pretend I don't think he would be, and more than a little bit too. Whatever, each to their own.
I dont know why i keep getting private messages saying people are being harsh to me wanting to change my last name. I havent been offended by anyone for that matter about this i would have shrugged if i had been people just have their opinion about this they have even said in for it i want to thank you for your support. It means the WORLD to me!
StaceyMJ when i said "you guys were being harsh" i was actually refering to the other, that i quoted and a few others that post here, making fun of or criticizing His Confessions. i only quoted you because i don't believe michael would be entirely creeped out...any normal celebrity probably would...but with ALL that michael has endured with his fans, i think someone changing their last name to jackson in his honor would be nothing compared to what others have done so i don't really see it creeping him out any more than someone getting his initials tattood on their body (which, in telling a story about it, he seemed more intrigued by it then creeped out lol)
Hey! I say do whatever you feel to do. I personally wouldn't do it, but do whatever makes YOU happy:).Only thing...let us know if you go through with it ;-). I undertand its a time consuming thing.
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If I ever marry, I'd like to keep my maiden name but add my husband's as well. I guess abrevaited.

My full name is Mary-Josephine C****. My nickename is MJ, since it's short for Mary-Jo, but also because folks know I'm a Michael Jackson fan. I often joked that if I ever married Michael, we'd share the same initials, MJJ.

I have to say, I think Mike would be intreged hearing some of the comments here. He was open minded and although some remarks may seem out there, Michael would find a way to understand them, esp being his fans. :yes:
i've thought about marrying michael and therefore having jackson as my last name :wub:
i've thought about marrying michael and therefore having jackson as my last name :wub:

you're not alone with that thought :D :D :D

Oh god so much hassle for a very little thing. Who says in changing my last name JUST because of michael, thats true but its not JUST because of michael in changing it. I have very bad memories because of that name. Teasing and bullying all my life, never felt like a swede and having that name doesnt represent me at all, im proud to be colored, im proud to be half american, i want a fresh new start with everything and if theres something that i aim to have left of michael it may as well be his last name.

well said. go for it.