Legally changing my last name!

No, I never once considered changing my last name to Jackson. I have thought that if I have a son one day, I'd like to name him Michael or Jackson. I'd even name one of my future pets Jackson. :)
Not something I would do, but (as some people have said here), if I have a son I will in some way name him after Michael. Most likely, Jackson. I really love that name. :)
Stop being so critical, micky.

Anyhow, no I never considered changing my last name, even though I have a few Jacksons in my family. I did decide to call my first kid Michael though (even if it's a girl lol), and I'm getting a puppy next month and I'll probably call it MJ or something related to Michael. :)
That's retarded.

aw..don't be mean...someone has an idea leave them many eccentric ideas has michael come up accept it cuz it's michael jackson...but others call him "retarted" nice.

~and HECK..if i changed my last name i'd change it to DISNEY!!!...what kind of kick butt name would that be!! .. Jenny Disney...muahahaha...the world is mine!!!! or maybe i'd pick a Native American name like.... Fairy-wing...yeah... Jenny Fairy-wing..i like that. haha XP

and though the world outside mjjcommunity would see it as bizzare, i do have every intention on naming my first son michael joseph, and my first daughter, and my second and third son, and my 8th daughter, and my pet rock, and my dog, my hampster, my in-laws. GAHAHAHA!! just kiddin...but my son's name will be michael joseph. and my daughters middle name will be michelle....and since i'm gonna be famous the world WILL KNOW that i named my first born son after the king of pop!! dang right!!! lol
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GAH!! mine too!! he's incredible! his genious is outstanding to me!!! oh boy. i can go on and on about Mr. Disney. he's just tickles me!! :p lol
no, i wouldn't change my last name.
but i am in search of a man with Jackson as a last name.
i'll just marry him & change my name that way :D haha
I remember when I was younger dreaming of marrying Michael and writing Shayla Jackson all over my notebook back in high school. lol

Somehow this sounds just like what "His confessions" is trying to do - just 10 steps further.

The thought of this kind of makes me giggle, but who am I to say what anyone should do or not do.
If you hate your last name, and want to change it to Jackson... and you think that transition is more healthy than unhealthy for you then who am I to judge?!

Just think of how much stuff you'll have to go through first to make it happen, and then to change all the stuff you have your name printed on like ID, bank cards, passport and make your friends understand this.

Just make sure that this transition isn't something you're doing for Michael, but more for yourself.
Because I think this would only make your grief process more unhealthy than healthy for you.
But just as I said, I've never walked in your shoes and I don't know you - So I can't judge you, I can only judge what I feel of "the thought of this".
This reminds me a bit of that person who changed their name to Obi-Wan Kanobi or something like that. Personally, I do think it's going a bit far to change a person's name to that of a celebrity; but then it's not as bad as committing suicide because a celebrity has died. I would never change my name. But if that's what you want to do, whatever floats your boat I guess.
well said brucewayne....haha....that's so funny to say "well said bruce wayne"...did i just jump into gotham XP
No but if I ever have children and have a boy one of the names might be Jackson. Its not just because of Michael I just have always liked the name. People change their surnames all the time for various reasons. So if someone wants to change their last name to Jackson then all the power to them.
Btw, this reminds me of the blogger Gala Darling... she wrote about her name change...

She says she changed her name because her original name didn't fit her and she liked what the word gala meant and symbolized, so she changed her name to Gala Lumiere Darling, which is a pretty magical and fantastic name imo. I dunno, maybe it'll help you some?
I've had my last name changed from my "fathers" last name to my mothers last name because for a couple of reasons.
But it's not as easy as you think.
My mother asked permission for it when I was about 3 or 4 and it finally came through when I was about 11 or 12 and it had to be given by the administration of the queen of the Netherlands.

I just don't think not liking your last name is a good enough reason to give permission.
No never. I don't like my last name but I would never change it. My family would be hurt, and I just don't think it's something you should do. It would probably freak Michael out. Just be proud of who you are. Gah if I married Michael though...wooo I would be shouting my name off the rooftops lol.
I wouldn't change my last name - well I did once when I got married ;-) but I want to name my son ( when and if I have one) Michael. My husband doesn't really agree but we haven't talked about it since... *it*.. happened.
I think Michael is a pretty name, common over here in the States but I like it.
I hate my last name and I fully DESPITE the fact I have it, I am NOT proud of it one bit.... I'm gonna look this up for real cause I don't to use my last name anymore..... I never tell people what it is and shrug if I have to

I can relate to this TOTALLY. I felt the same way about my whole name for years, it got to the point that when someone introduced themselves/asked my name, i didn't know what to say! really. :D :D that may sound weird if you have not experienced it. but in the end i changed my name - all of it. nothing to do with michael, not jackson or anything. I am SOOO glad I did and I felt like a complete person for the first time ever. that was a couple of years ago, and the name fits me and feels perfect. I have felt stronger, and more confident as a person with the new name, and am quite happy to introduce my self to anyone.

So if you feel like you have to i would say yes go for it. It is a hassle at first with changing all your cards but that's it. And yes someone mentioned be sure you are doing it for the right reasons, not for michael. make sure the new name fits YOU.
i hate my surname and it would be good if it become jackson. lol but it wouldnt fit my asian look
maybe i can marry someone name jackson...haha....
but i will surely name my children prince,paris and michael no matter my husband agree or not.if he doesnt i dont want to marry him....hahaha
Nah but my babies will have somethhing michael related inthere name.

For a girl I'm thinking mikayla and my son jomike or jamichael or something. If I have twin boys I know its gonna be mike joe & joe mike or michael joe/ joe michael. Then I could play around with my name and michaels mixed. So yeah but Im not changing my name what so ever never crossed my brains cells til now.

Why not just marry a guy with the last name jackson. LoL
No, I've never think about it. But i can feel what you feel and i understand that why someone want to change their last name. But i think should proud of your name!!
:unsure: You can't be anyone but yourself. Your name won't make you any more or any less of a fan. And if family or children would be involved then you should consider them.
I think this is very over the top and tad obessive yes we all loved MJ but theres no need to change your sirname because of him i guess MJ really does have some "*****" fans lol