Learning Lessons from MJ ... the "following his steps" thread; understanding my hero [Merged]

Re: Learning Lessons from MJ ... the "following his steps" thread; understanding my hero

This thread is the best. I just read through all the pages... got some new books and music to order. I love feeling like I'm walking in his footsteps.
Re: Learning Lessons from MJ ... the "following his steps" thread; understanding my hero

I just received the books I had ordered few weeks ago, "They cage the animals at night" "and Jonathan Livingston Seagull", cant wait to start reading it. Its fascinating to think Im gonna be reading the same words Michael had once read and loved.

L.O.V.E to all
Re: Learning Lessons from MJ ... the "following his steps" thread; understanding my hero

This thread is the best. I just read through all the pages... got some new books and music to order. I love feeling like I'm walking in his footsteps.
Wow, amazing

I just received the books I had ordered few weeks ago, "They cage the animals at night" "and Jonathan Livingston Seagull", cant wait to start reading it. Its fascinating to think Im gonna be reading the same words Michael had once read and loved.

L.O.V.E to all
God i have to read this thread but i have to go now, seems wonderful:)
i have to read the books that marked Michael's life. I have been searching for "They Cage the animals at night"
Re: Learning Lessons from MJ ... the "following his steps" thread; understanding my hero

Wanted to pop in here and say that the Legacy Project is busy at the moment with creating a full list FACT-file from the information out of this thread and other sources! :D

When we will launch the FACT-file thread in the Legacy Project subforum very soon, you guys can add stuff there too and I will keep that list up to date to make sure everyone has that thread to use as a reference and to ofcourse, follow his steps and learn more about him!
That way we won't lose or overlook information, and there's also pleeeeenty to research further as well.

Thank you everyone already for sharing knowledge! :flowers:
Re: Learning Lessons from MJ ... the "following his steps" thread; understanding my hero

Wanted to pop in here and say that the Legacy Project is busy at the moment with creating a full list FACT-file from the information out of this thread and other sources! :D

When we will launch the FACT-file thread in the Legacy Project subforum very soon, you guys can add stuff there too and I will keep that list up to date to make sure everyone has that thread to use as a reference and to ofcourse, follow his steps and learn more about him!
That way we won't lose or overlook information, and there's also pleeeeenty to research further as well.

Thank you everyone already for sharing knowledge! :flowers:

wow this sounds great!!! xxx
Re: Learning Lessons from MJ ... the "following his steps" thread; understanding my hero

Wanted to pop in here and say that the Legacy Project is busy at the moment with creating a full list FACT-file from the information out of this thread and other sources! :D

When we will launch the FACT-file thread in the Legacy Project subforum very soon, you guys can add stuff there too and I will keep that list up to date to make sure everyone has that thread to use as a reference and to ofcourse, follow his steps and learn more about him!
That way we won't lose or overlook information, and there's also pleeeeenty to research further as well.

Thank you everyone already for sharing knowledge! :flowers:

it sounds amazing!!! thank you so much :wub:
Re: Learning Lessons from MJ ... the "following his steps" thread; understanding my hero

Oh, I love this thread!!! :D

When i read that Michael liked Ralph W. Emerson I immediately thought about one of his poems from 1846: "Hamatreya, Earth Song" I remember when I first read it I was so confused about if it was one or two poems, but then I learned it was one. I also remember that i was wondering if Michael had read it and been so inspired by it that he wrote his Earth Song.

Here's Emerson''s poem, judge for yourselves ;)


Bulkeley, Hunt, Willard, Hosmer, Meriam, Flint,
Possessed the land which rendered to their toil
Hay, corn, roots, hemp, flax, apples, wool and wood.
Each of these landlords walked amidst his farm,
Saying, "'Tis mine, my children's and my name's.
How sweet the west wind sounds in my own trees!
How graceful climb those shadows on my hill!
I fancy these pure waters and the flags
Know me, as does my dog: we sympathize;
And, I affirm, my actions smack of the soil.'

Where are these men? Asleep beneath their grounds:
And strangers, fond as they, their furrows plough.
Earth laughs in flowers, to see her boastful boys
Earth-proud, proud of the earth which is not theirs;
Who steer the plough, but cannot steer their feet
Clear of the grave.
They added ridge to valley, brook to pond,
And sighed for all that bounded their domain;
'This suits me for a pasture; that's my park;
We must have clay, lime, gravel, granite-ledge,
And misty lowland, where to go for peat.
The land is well,--lies fairly to the south.
'Tis good, when you have crossed the sea and back,
To find the sitfast acres where you left them.'
Ah! the hot owner sees not Death, who adds
Him to his land, a lump of mould the more.
Hear what the Earth says:--


'Mine and yours;
Mine, not yours, Earth endures;
Stars abide--
Shine down in the old sea;
Old are the shores;
But where are old men?
I who have seen much,
Such have I never seen.

'The lawyer's deed
Ran sure,
In tail,
To them, and to their heirs
Who shall succeed,
Without fail,

'Here is the land,
Shaggy with wood,
With its old valley,
Mound and flood.
"But the heritors?--
Fled like the flood's foam.
The lawyer, and the laws,
And the kingdom,
Clean swept herefrom.

'They called me theirs,
Who so controlled me;
Yet every one
Wished to stay, and is gone,
How am I theirs,
If they cannot hold me,
But I hold them?'

When I heard the Earth-song,
I was no longer brave;
My avarice cooled
Like lust in the chill of the grave.
Last edited:
Re: Learning Lessons from MJ ... the "following his steps" thread; understanding my hero

wow great post Shabana thanks xx
Re: Learning Lessons from MJ ... the "following his steps" thread; understanding my hero

Thank you :)
Re: Learning Lessons from MJ ... the "following his steps" thread; understanding my hero

Great thread, just looked for the "seagull" can't wait to read it.
I remember reading some Maugham and Whitman because I heard Mike loved them while I was in highschool. Tried listening to some classical music too but that didn't go over too well.:) Guess that's an acquired taste.
Anyway, keep it coming guys, everything I knew about has already been mentioned here....
I got a question~~pls help!

Everyone of us know Michael is a book lover and he usually brings his beloved kids to bookstore and shop!

Any fans know what types of books Michael love reading about?

Did Michael ever share one of his favourite books to his fans?

Re: I got a question~~pls help!

Michael was very well read...I love that about him..:)
Re: Learning Lessons from MJ ... the "following his steps" thread; understanding my hero [Merged]

Wow this threat is so cool!! :thumbs_up:

Probably I'm not writing something new but I heard many times he's a huge fan of Shirley Temple and The Three Stugges (sp?) Could you recomed any movie of them?
At least I was able to see some Charlie Chaplin movies like City Lights, Limelights, Monsieur Verdoux,The Kid and Modern Times ( I wonder if these last two are his faves) and some short films: The Floowalker, The Idle Class, A Day's Pleasure, Pay Day, By The Sea, The Fireman.
That little tramp cracks me up :lol: :wub: hum.

He loves M&M's.
Iheard he loves Cheeri-os.
Besides Tchaikovsky Debussy.
Love Mexican food and pizza (hope this is true *crossed fingrers*)

Does anybody know if he likes horror movies?
Thank You! :)
Re: Learning Lessons from MJ ... the "following his steps" thread; understanding my hero [Merged]

Im so glad this thread is back up....love it.

I also heard somewhere that he loves indian food...something like "He loves his curries" or something like that. Now where did I hear it?
Re: Learning Lessons from MJ ... the "following his steps" thread; understanding my hero [Merged]

Im so glad this thread is back up....love it.

I also heard somewhere that he loves indian food...something like "He loves his curries" or something like that. Now where did I hear it?

curries wow really, i love em too haha xx