Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World *Teaser of Video Post 65*

Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

its taking a long time for this song to reach # 1 after its been releases on itunes when rihanna and gaga goes to #1 in 3 hours i think the problem is Beyonce has lots of competiton now with gaga, rihanna, kate perry, kesha they all have unique images and the kids now a days the 2000's decade were soley beyonce and britney spears turf b/c they didn't have any real compeition in therir genre,
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

First of all, it's not "hating." Hating is an irrational action, an intense feeling of animosity based on such obscure terms as someone's looks, a perceived wrongdoing against one's person by another person or a group of people, etc. Just because I don't like commercially made material with no artistic merit whatsoever, doesn't mean I "hate" either the people who make it or the people who buy it. You can't get everyone.

As to whom I actually like, there are lots of artists and bands (mostly non-mainstream, but a few who are in the mainstream, like MJ and Phil Collins) who are not only talented, but also artistic and original. They earn not only my respect but my utter admiration.

Your last statement is not only ridiculous but completely invalid, seeing as I'm a member of a Michael Jackson fan site. Last time I checked, Michael Jackson was a superstar--the single biggest superstar of all time. In addition to that, however, he was an artist who minded his image to the best of his ability and abstained from doing stupid things simply for shock value (as compared to others, both among his peers and among the recently popular mainstream musicians), and whose music actually had artistic value and made a lasting contribution to human art. The guy was a bona fide genius, and there's no one who can seriously dispute that. Moreover, the bulk of his material was not trite melodies about sex/drugs/partying/money, but about relevant issues and concerns to humankind, as I am sure you know. In order to be an artist, you have to create art--conforming to the cookie-cutter standards of the mainstream music industry and crooning about what the other singers have been going on about for the last 20 years is not art. It's marketing based on someone else's previous history of success.

The issue is that most "superstars" nowadays not only lack significant/extraordinary talent but vision and originality (or in the rare case they have it, it is seriously repressed by the mainstream labels they choose to sign on to, which restrict their artistic liberty because they are first and foremost a business, and it is easier to have someone imitate previously successful strategies/acts than to introduce something completely novel to the mainstream and risk complete and utter failure in that investment), which is why some have to resort to "barbaric" (simplistic) shock tactics to get people to look at them, and/or conform to "fad" musical styles that are ill-fitting to their vocal qualities in the case of the few who can actually sing impressively, like Beyonce. (Exhibit A: this song that even her fans largely dislike.)

Are we undergoing a shortage of talented musicians? No. We are not. There are many incredibly talented (even multi-talented) musicians and artists who go unnoticed because they wouldn't appeal to the mainstream's target audience: teens and young adults. Das Problem ist: major labels would rather pay a mediocre and malleable person (or a mildly talented one who is particularly fame-hungry and thus vulnerable and ripe for maipulation) who does as they desire and appeals to the masses based on their cultural values than pay an actual talented artist to create art and emotive, heartfelt, sincere music. That's my only issue, and from my perspective, that does not qualify as "hating."

P.S. The fact that some people earn more money for lip-syncing and gyrating their hips on-stage (or being modern-day gladiators in the case of pro-athletes, who are just as overpaid as most pop singers) than important/useful members of a healthy and educated society, such as doctors and professors/teachers, verges on the terrifying.

I didn't make it past the first paragraph. I love how you attempt to tell me the meaning of hate when I'm actually good at English and I'm off to law school. Anyway, I just wanna say : There is no need to always try to correct people and show how smart you are.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

^No one would have guessed that based on your previous statements, seeing as you're erroneously equating dislike with hate. The fact that you're going to law school is irrelevant if you fail to utilize logic in countering my statements. Moreover, how am I "showing" how smart I am--I'm not the one who mentioned what type of school I'm going to, as it would seem extraneous to the conversation. (In case anyone's curious, though, I'm a historian who works as a research assistant to a prestigious professor, but that has nothing to do with what we're talking about.)

There is indeed a need to correct people if they are incorrect about something regarding my perspective. What there is no need of is accusing people of "hating everyone" when this isn't the case.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

Well, at least, these guys are Bey supporters and had a lot to say about their dislike of the song. A lot of passion.

Since I'm not a fan of hers, it takes only 2 words: HOT. MESS.

Things people bring up to talk about the song are way more interesting than the song itself.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

^No one would have guessed that based on your previous statements, seeing as you're erroneously equating dislike with hate. The fact that you're going to law school is irrelevant if you fail to utilize logic in countering my statements. Moreover, how am I "showing" how smart I am--I'm not the one who mentioned what type of school I'm going to, as it would seem extraneous to the conversation. (In case anyone's curious, though, I'm a historian who works as a research assistant to a prestigious professor, but that has nothing to do with what we're talking about.)

There is indeed a need to correct people if they are incorrect about something regarding my perspective. What there is no need of is accusing people of "hating everyone" when this isn't the case.

I would not have said it, my dear, if you had not this attitude of "I am always right." It may not be your intention but it comes off that way.

I was talking in slang and basic english because let's be honest, this is the internet and it's a fan forum - not need to write Shakespeare essays (and yes, I am aware you have not written a Shakespeare essay here, it's an exaggeration).
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

the song is horrible
AndreyZidane™;3355962 said:
Am I the only one who feels that Beyonce comes off a bit as a... misandrist?

No, I'm tired of the girl-power anthems too. I do support the message but Beyonce is taking it too far imo.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

I would not have said it, my dear, if you had not this attitude of "I am always right." It may not be your intention but it comes off that way.

I was talking in slang and basic english because let's be honest, this is the internet and it's a fan forum - not need to write Shakespeare essays (and yes, I am aware you have not written a Shakespeare essay here, it's an exaggeration).

That's how I write/speak, and I won't change it to please anyone. Schade. Moreover, I'm not infallible.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

Guys come on...back on topic please.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

don't like the song. can't even finish listening to it. it's getting quite annoyingly repetitive...
AndreyZidane™;3355962 said:
Am I the only one who feels that Beyonce comes off a bit as a... misandrist?
Well, uh...we would never ever know.
No wonder why so many female artists preach girl power, tho. They're in the game where they're forced to walk the fine line between expressing their feminity and playing the pin-up girl.

One thing for sure, she seems to channel her inner aggressiveness into Sasha Fierce.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

Imagine if a male artist sang about male/man power. Oh my God. It would be like blasphemy.

I'm not dissing Beyonce, it's just a thought that came to me.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

Sounds crap. She can do so much better!
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

Imagine if a male artist sang about male/man power. Oh my God. It would be like blasphemy.

I'm not dissing Beyonce, it's just a thought that came to me.

Are you serious? The degradation of women can be found in almost any popular hip-hop song out today. Misogynism is so prevalent in the artistic field that it has become publicly accepted. Nobody is surprised anymore when artists refer to women as bitches or whores, or even release a song about killing your wife (Eminem). At least most female empowerment anthems do not resort to insulting men.

That said, I do think Beyonce needs to take a break from the girl-power songs. She has done enough of those already, a different subject matter would be nice for a change. And it's not helping when you sing about female empowerment while trying so hard to please the male public with your sexy image and clothes.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

People say Friday by Rebecca Black is the worst song in the world? This is worse than Friday, and that's saying something.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

Are you serious? The degradation of women can be found in almost any popular hip-hop song out today. Misogynism is so prevalent in the artistic field that it has become publicly accepted. Nobody is surprised anymore when artists refer to women as bitches or whores, or even release a song about killing your wife (Eminem). At least most female empowerment anthems do not resort to insulting men.

That said, I do think Beyonce needs to take a break from the girl-power songs. She has done enough of those already, a different subject matter would be nice for a change. And it's not helping when you sing about female empowerment while trying so hard to please the male public with your sexy image and clothes.

I don't listen to that kind of music (rap, hip hop) so excuse my ignorance. I meant as a song about men ruling the power not a song about female bodies (which is, btw, really cheap and inappropriate).
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

I love Beyonce, but this is just not good. Quite disappointing really.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

don't like at all
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

I don't listen to that kind of music (rap, hip hop) so excuse my ignorance. I meant as a song about men ruling the power not a song about female bodies (which is, btw, really cheap and inappropriate).


Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

What an awful song. I couldn't listen to it all because it was too irritating.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World



Yeah and I love that song so much but he gives alot of credit to women in that song. I don't know if anyone knows what I mean.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

I like Beyonce but the song really isn't good. It just doesn't sound finished, and you cant really dance to it. Don't like it sadly.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

Joke time here: Can you imagine her singing this live?

*finishes singing a song*

*cathes her breath while changing her attire before grabbing the mic ready to sing the last song of the night*

Beyonce: "Ok ladies, who here has ever had their heart broken and at one point hated men so much that you even considered turning gay because of them?"

Crowd: "WRAAAAH!!!!"

BOOM! And just like that she cock-blocks the whole building. :lol:
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

The sad thing is, I think you may be right...

People say Friday by Rebecca Black is the worst song in the world? This is worse than Friday, and that's saying something.

I can't even hear what Beyonce is singing in that song or spot a melody. At least in Friday, I can hear the lyrics loud and clear. LOL.