Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World *Teaser of Video Post 65*

Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

Horrible song, disappointing really.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

I heard the music before but it is a good song:yes:
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

This is the worst Beyonce song I have ever heard. I like her music in general but this song is just non-melodic and all over the place. I expected something better after she compared this album to "Michael Jackson in his prime" and said it would be "groundbreaking". Very predictable theme too, as I said a while ago in another Beyonce-related thread:

I can guarantee you when she "comes back" it will be the same old blonde weave, glittery dress singing ladies' anthems.

I was right about the blonde weave and ladies anthems, let's see if she wears something else than mini-dresses this time ;)

Hope her next songs are better.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

:( Why you too, Beyonce..?

Her overwhelming talent/voice didn't need all this overprocessed crappy technotronic vibe to it. The lyrics of the song, also, are incredibly shallow and low, as though inspired by Kanye West or someone of that calibre.

Really disapointed.. She's a real talent. ....
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

No sir, I don't like it.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

Sounds terrible. She is very very deluded if she thinks girls run the world! LOL thought the spice girls did 'girl power' two decades ago.....
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

the song is kinda annoying.. lol
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

I haven't heard it yet but have been reading overwhelming negative reviews across the net. I'll reserve my judgment but it doesn't look good for Beyonce. Maybe it's a "buzz" single and not really the lead.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

Just no. She actually has a nice voice--why ruin it like this?

Moreover, she's been doing girl power songs since her days with Destiny's Child--can't she switch it up a bit?

She should do more of this:

True, her voice isn't suited for opera, but the relevant thing is the fact that she took a classic and made it her own, which shows that she has a degree of sophistication and enough talent to deviate from the "standard" version and still deliver a stellar performance. She's definitely one of the most talented female mainstream singers in recent years.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

Well single ladies wasn't a fan favorite until the music video came out. I admit that's how I ended up liking it lol

Girls who Run The World is all over the place. I don't like it to be honest but lets see how the video turns out :p
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

OT, but...OMG the guy on the right's Mister Rogers shirt is AMAZING!!! I ? Mister Rogers!
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

Just no. She actually has a nice voice--why ruin it like this?

Moreover, she's been doing girl power songs since her days with Destiny's Child--can't she switch it up a bit?

She should do more of this:

True, her voice isn't suited for opera, but the relevant thing is the fact that she took a classic and made it her own, which shows that she has a degree of sophistication and enough talent to deviate from the "standard" version and still deliver a stellar performance. She's definitely one of the most talented female mainstream singers in recent years.

So true. She's really something else.. To think that real talents end up "prostituting" themselves (artistically) and let autotunes and other machinery tamper with them is so so sad. ..
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

I can't believe this is what Beyonce has produced, I've never been a huge fan because I think she recycles other peoples songs, but I thought she's has a lot of good songs. But I will say, she is probably the best artist out there over the past decade, and she has really disappointed with this song. It sounds like a teenagers song, like the guy in the video said, it sounds like a Willow Smith song!

I had a feeling this album wouldn't do as well as her previous albums, but who knows maybe the other singles will be better, I hope so!
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

I really dislike the song.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

So true. She's really something else.. To think that real talents end up "prostituting" themselves (artistically) and let autotunes and other machinery tamper with them is so so sad. ..

A tad dramatic, no? I think artists should be allowed to try different sounds with music and even their voices from time to time. It's good to switch it up, or else you're not trying.
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Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

A tad dramatic, no? I think artists should be allowed to try different sounds with music and even their voices from time to time. It's good to switch it up, or else you're not trying.

No, it's not. Trying different sounds/music and trying different noises (like this technotronic monotonous trash) are two different apples.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

^Regarding your post about them "prostituting" their work, I have no pity for them. They sell out. The same could be said for the likes of Gaga and Ke$ha. Both can sing (not as well as Beyonce, but they can) and you know what--they all love the money more than they love their music, clearly, so I have no respect for them (as much as I love Ke$ha, but the reality of things exists regardless of my love for her and I'm not delusional about it--she's a sellout and a mediocre musician, but at least she's not pretentious.) Regarding talented sellouts, I could say the same about Christina Aguilera.

In any case, other artists with more talent and actual respect for their work refuse to sell out to gain commercial "success" in exchange for sacrificing their art, and they deserve to be respected for this. I'd much rather see a true artist perform their work even with sub-par costume/set designs, etc. than to see some flamboyant autotuned singer put out yet another trite generic song about sex/drugs/partying/money.

@Travis: Experimentation is good, but in order to truly count, it should have an artistic element to it. To call the commercial pop singers of recent times "artists" in an insult to the prestigious term--since what they do is sell singles and not produce anything of lasting value/importance to the human spirit or to the fine arts. They're musicians, since they work with music (and that's being generous in the definition), and they're above all else salesmen/women. The songs they put out are not composed with any artistic purpose in mind (evident from the shoddiness of everything from the lyrics to the music videos) but rather to sell singles/albums/merchandise. 99% of them are absolutely forgettable, and get skipped in iPod playlists as soon as the new "hit" comes along.

That is not art.
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Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

I know this is off topic but since people are mentioning certain things. The singer Adele was asked about the other women wearing skimpy outfits etc and she didn't say anything bad about them but she did say something interesting. She said she doesn't make music for the eyes but for the ears. Something about that I liked.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

^True that. Nowadays, most mainstream is basically eye candy. No one in their right mind would dare call it music. Adele is one of the few exceptions, and I like her attitude.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

I was on itunes today and heard a preview there. She sounds like she is shouting or mad and then she keeps saying "mother..." She doesn't say the next word but I was put off by that. I hope she isn't trying to sound like her husband or kanye type of lyrics. I think it doesn't suit her. I am no music expert and the song will probably do well because she is popular and her fans. I am not buying it. I do generally like her songs but this not so much.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

worst. song. ever.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

^Regarding your post about them "prostituting" their work, I have no pity for them. They sell out. The same could be said for the likes of Gaga and Ke$ha. Both can sing (not as well as Beyonce, but they can) and you know what--they all love the money more than they love their music, clearly, so I have no respect for them (as much as I love Ke$ha, but the reality of things exists regardless of my love for her and I'm not delusional about it--she's a sellout and a mediocre musician, but at least she's not pretentious.) Regarding talented sellouts, I could say the same about Christina Aguilera.

In any case, other artists with more talent and actual respect for their work refuse to sell out to gain commercial "success" in exchange for sacrificing their art, and they deserve to be respected for this. I'd much rather see a true artist perform their work even with sub-par costume/set designs, etc. than to see some flamboyant autotuned singer put out yet another trite generic song about sex/drugs/partying/money.

@Travis: Experimentation is good, but in order to truly count, it should have an artistic element to it. To call the commercial pop singers of recent times "artists" in an insult to the prestigious term--since what they do is sell singles and not produce anything of lasting value/importance to the human spirit or to the fine arts. They're musicians, since they work with music (and that's being generous in the definition), and they're above all else salesmen/women. The songs they put out are not composed with any artistic purpose in mind (evident from the shoddiness of everything from the lyrics to the music videos) but rather to sell singles/albums/merchandise. 99% of them are absolutely forgettable, and get skipped in iPod playlists as soon as the new "hit" comes along.

That is not art.

You seem to hate on everyone. I wonder who you actually like. It's sometimes as if you are saying if you are a superstar, your music cannot be art.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

You seem to hate on everyone. I wonder who you actually like. It's sometimes as if you are saying if you are a superstar, your music cannot be art.

First of all, it's not "hating." Hating is an irrational action, an intense feeling of animosity based on such obscure terms as someone's looks, a perceived wrongdoing against one's person by another person or a group of people, etc. Just because I don't like commercially made material with no artistic merit whatsoever, doesn't mean I "hate" either the people who make it or the people who buy it. You can't get everyone.

As to whom I actually like, there are lots of artists and bands (mostly non-mainstream, but a few who are in the mainstream, like MJ and Phil Collins) who are not only talented, but also artistic and original. They earn not only my respect but my utter admiration.

Your last statement is not only ridiculous but completely invalid, seeing as I'm a member of a Michael Jackson fan site. Last time I checked, Michael Jackson was a superstar--the single biggest superstar of all time. In addition to that, however, he was an artist who minded his image to the best of his ability and abstained from doing stupid things simply for shock value (as compared to others, both among his peers and among the recently popular mainstream musicians), and whose music actually had artistic value and made a lasting contribution to human art. The guy was a bona fide genius, and there's no one who can seriously dispute that. Moreover, the bulk of his material was not trite melodies about sex/drugs/partying/money, but about relevant issues and concerns to humankind, as I am sure you know. In order to be an artist, you have to create art--conforming to the cookie-cutter standards of the mainstream music industry and crooning about what the other singers have been going on about for the last 20 years is not art. It's marketing based on someone else's previous history of success.

The issue is that most "superstars" nowadays not only lack significant/extraordinary talent but vision and originality (or in the rare case they have it, it is seriously repressed by the mainstream labels they choose to sign on to, which restrict their artistic liberty because they are first and foremost a business, and it is easier to have someone imitate previously successful strategies/acts than to introduce something completely novel to the mainstream and risk complete and utter failure in that investment), which is why some have to resort to "barbaric" (simplistic) shock tactics to get people to look at them, and/or conform to "fad" musical styles that are ill-fitting to their vocal qualities in the case of the few who can actually sing impressively, like Beyonce. (Exhibit A: this song that even her fans largely dislike.)

Are we undergoing a shortage of talented musicians? No. We are not. There are many incredibly talented (even multi-talented) musicians and artists who go unnoticed because they wouldn't appeal to the mainstream's target audience: teens and young adults. Das Problem ist: major labels would rather pay a mediocre and malleable person (or a mildly talented one who is particularly fame-hungry and thus vulnerable and ripe for maipulation) who does as they desire and appeals to the masses based on their cultural values than pay an actual talented artist to create art and emotive, heartfelt, sincere music. That's my only issue, and from my perspective, that does not qualify as "hating."

P.S. The fact that some people earn more money for lip-syncing and gyrating their hips on-stage (or being modern-day gladiators in the case of pro-athletes, who are just as overpaid as most pop singers) than important/useful members of a healthy and educated society, such as doctors and professors/teachers, verges on the terrifying.
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Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

First of all, it's not "hating." Hating is an irrational action based on such obscure terms as someone's looks, etc. Just because I don't like commercially made material with no artistic merit whatsoever, doesn't mean I "hate" either the people who make it or the people who buy it.

As to whom I actually like, there are lots of artists and bands who are artistic and original, and earn not only my respect but my utter admiration.

Your last statement is not only ridiculous but completely invalid, seeing as I'm a member of a Michael Jackson fan site. Last time I checked, Michael Jackson was a superstar--the single biggest superstar of all time. In addition to that, however, he was an artist who minded his image to the best of his ability and abstained from doing stupid things simply for shock value (as compared to others, both among his peers and among the recently popular mainstream musicians), and whose music actually had artistic value and made a lasting contribution to human art. The guy was a bona fide genius, and there's no one who can seriously dispute that. Moreover, the bulk of his material was not trite melodies about sex/drugs/partying/money, but about relevant issues and concerns to humankind, as I am sure you know. In order to be an artist, you have to create art--conforming to the cookie-cutter standards of the mainstream music industry and crooning about what the other singers have been going on about for the last 20 years is not art. It's marketing based on someone else's previous history of success.

The issue is that most "superstars" nowadays not only lack significant/extraordinary talent but vision and originality (or in the rare case they have it, it is seriously repressed by the mainstream labels they choose to sign on to, which restrict their artistic liberty because they are first and foremost a business, and it is easier to have someone imitate previously successful strategies/acts than to introduce something completely novel to the mainstream and risk complete and utter failure in that investment), which is why they have to resort to "barbaric" (simplistic) shock tactics to even get people to look at them, and conform to musical styles that are ill-fitting to their vocal qualities (in the case of the few who can actually sing, like Beyonce. Exhibit A: this song that even her fans largely dislike.)

Are we undergoing a shortage of talented musicians? No. We are not. Das Problem ist: major labels would rather pay more to a mediocre and malleable person who does as they desire and appeals to the masses based on their cultural values than pay an actual talented artist to create art and emotive, heartfelt, sincere music. That's my only issue, and from my perspective, that does not qualify as "hating."

You said that very well. There is a huge problem going on right now. The ones that do try to be creative and real are ignored the most.
Re: Leak Of Beyonce New Song: Girls who Run The World

Mikage, another well-written post. I always enjoy reading your opinion. :clapping: