LaToya Jackson & Dr. Conrad Murray In War Of Words

and Dr. Murray found Micheal Jackson not breathing with a weak pulse. [/IMG]

oh weak pulse... yes, why not talkin on the phone for while then, i mean he was JUST not breathin, but the pulse was still there - couldnt be that worse then [sarcasm off]

i hate that guy!
Micheal Jackson not breathing with a weak pulse.

This motherf*cker is lying out of his ass!

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm on LaToya's side.
what's fishy is the man had the room at 98*....sooooooooooo of course they couldn't get an accurate tod but he didn't account for lividity.


and maggiemay ur siggy...reminds me of lil prince
I'm on La Toya's side too. Murray - or anyone related to him - is not reliable.
It's best to believe half of what you hear from Toya regardless...yet her stories about what MJ's daughter gave him was touching.

It all smells rather fishy, and since no one was in the room with Mike that day, except for Murray, he has a lot of explaining to do. His stories don't jive for one thing. In one show I heard he was blaming mike for bullying him into giving him this crap and then he turned around and said, maybe he fixed the IV dosage himself. Now that is an out and out bs story if ever. Oh I realize innocent until proven guilty ...but I can't help feeling that if you a professional why on earth do this and wreck your own career are you that $$$$$$ hungry? YES !!!!!!
And what version is this rep of Dr. Murray talking about? 1-5 pick a number.

I don't know why Murray keeps having his reps speak for him. His lawyer is stupid enough, and then he gives us this person. He is a coward who doesn't want to admit that he did something wrong.

Like a doctor who punctured the heart of his patient in 2007 will have more credibility.

And what version is this rep of Dr. Murray talking about? 1-5 pick a number.

I don't know why Murray keeps having his reps speak for him. His lawyer is stupid enough, and then he gives us this person. He is a coward who doesn't want to admit that he did something wrong.
Who would have thought that it would take Conrad Murray for fans to show some Toy love? :lol: You tell 'em Toy. :bow:
....sorry off topic .....
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guys did latoya say mj was dead when prince was called? I understand why the publicist replied to lolita's claims about prince , but why did she talk about mj being declared dead at hospital ? am i missing something here?
That man was all kinds of wrong for wanting Mike Jr, to come upstair.. boy if the legal system doesn't get him first God or the Devil will..

Lets see he made that video so that he can get to potential jurors, now he is answering back at LaToya's interview, child boo, that man is as guilty as sin, and no matter what he tries to say now, his prior statement to the cops have done him in.. hell he admitted given our Michael Driprivan and last time I checked the coroner stated MJ *gulp* died from Driprivan
he was declared dead at the hospital but murray should've called it at the house. he overruled the emt's at the scene and told them to continue working on him, knowing he was already dead and so did theybut they had to follow his orders. then he told them to take him to the hospital where they worked on him for another hr....the doc at the hosp. declared him
The time of death will be recorded as the moment when resucitation attempts were abandoned, but the real time of death can be determined by the autopsy, if there was lividity when EMT arrived then he was long gone.

You can be brain dead and still have a beating heart as we know from people who are on life support, the lack of oxygen when he stopped breathing would have caused brain death very quickly, so he may have had a faint pulse when Murrey found him but be brain dead.

Whether or not he had Prince present when he was pretending to try and resucitate Michael is legally irrelavent, I would imagine it is only about what he gave him, what he had in terms of monitoring him, and how he acted to deal with the emergency. Sounds to me like he 'phoned a friend, and maybe a lawyer before he called 911.

Prince himself will be the one to say what happened, and La Toya would have got it from him, so to say she was not at the scene so didn't know is pathetic, and shows the lack of defence Murrey has. I hope La Toya checks her facts before she makes statements, it doesn't help if it turns out she didn't.
*sighs* it's called lividity. and hard to read ur description.

lol sorry...

i was typin' fast...but the main point is that the paramedics wanted to pronounce Michael as "dead", b4 going to the hospital...but Murry told them to take him to the hospital, *he knew his @$$ would be in MORE trouble if Mike was pronounced at the home...
Prince is 12 yrs old and smart he can speak about what happened.
Why would that Killer Murray do that to a young boy, knowing how much they worshipped their father..Gawd show some mercy..Please!!
Can you imagine of he has called Paris..that poor child would have been traumatized for life
as I am quite sure Prince is..he is so quiet.
It was on the local news (Houston) and one of Dr.Murray's friends (I think they said that he was friends with Murray's father) and he said that they are framing Murray for this, it's a (get this..) race issue. FIRST, how the hell are they framing him? He killed Michael, he even said so himself once he admitted that he gave Michael the propofol! Second....Michael is black, so is in the hell is this a race issue?
It was on the local news (Houston) and one of Dr.Murray's friends (I think they said that he was friends with Murray's father) and he said that they are framing Murray for this, it's a (get this..) race issue. FIRST, how the hell are they framing him? He killed Michael, he even said so himself once he admitted that he gave Michael the propofol! Second....Michael is black, so is in the hell is this a race issue?

that is the stupidest thing I heard just coz hes black its race issue?
are ppl forgetting that Murray killed another person under his care before Micheal?
why the hell are ppl defending him?
how can this stupid SOB sleep at night?
how can they frame him when he's the one who said what he gave mj. then said he noticed he wasn't breathing at 11 and then admitted he didn't call for help until 1230 so um....?
Radaronline put out this story. I have not seen any legitimate news source pick thi story up. Even the tabloid of all tabloid TMZ has not said anything. There is also no comment on his lawyer's press room site which is where they release all comments. I think the article is bogus.

About Prince, when I read the search warrant it appears Murray is saying Prince may have been in the room. Kai inferred he wasn't but when reviewing her interview she was coy in her response.
I think La Toya has no reason to lie. She keeps saying that Prince saw the resuscitation attempts.. She said it on 20/20, she said it on Access Hollywood. I'm sure the family talked with Prince about this and he must've told them he saw it. I can't believe Murray did this, it's just cruel!