LaToya Jackson & Dr. Conrad Murray In War Of Words


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Jul 25, 2011
EXCLUSIVE: LaToya Jackson & Dr. Conrad Murray In War Of Words

Posted on Sep 12, 2009 @ 06:20PM

Dr. Conrad Murray is fighting back against the explosive allegations made by LaToya Jackson to Barbara Walters on Friday night's 20/20.

In the interview LaToya claimed Dr. Murray called Michael's son Prince into the bedroom while he administered CPR. "Prince watched him do this," LaToya claimed, adding that the doctor knew Michael was already dead.

Click Here For More of LaToya's Interview

But in an exclusive interview with, Dr. Murray's rep Miranda Sevcik said LaToya's version of events is entirely wrong.

"Her claims are not consistent with Dr. Murray's version of events," Sevcik said. "LaToya was not in the house during the time she claims Prince was called into Jackson's bedroom.

"Our version of events has not changed. Prince was never called into the bedroom and Dr. Murray found Micheal Jackson not breathing with a weak pulse. Mr. Jackson was not declared dead until he was in the hospital."

what do you make of that ? is that part of his defense? that's maybe the reason he refused to sign on the papers , he had already planned to blame the paramedics and the hospital .
Its weird having to decide who is more honest, Latoya or Dr Murray.

I watched the 20/20 interview on youtube, and I don't find her very trustworthy. It seems she was looking for a headline grabbing soundbite at the expense of truth to promote her image and new single. thats my take.

Nonetheless, Murray is scum.

I never thought i'd take Latoya's side on truth before, but I'm gonna have to go with her on this one.
I have no doubt that La Toya was right. A Lady working in the house stated He called Prince also. I'm sure Prince told family what happened also.
I thought Murray had called for Prince to go and get security? Why he would call for Price to do that (and not do it himself, or somebody other than one of the children) I have no idea. But that was my impression.

ETA: I found the video that gave me this impression... it was of Kai Chase (the chef) taking about what happened. At about 0:35 she's says Dr Murray came downstairs screaming 'go get Prince, get security'. She goes on to say that she thinks the reason he called for Prince is that only the children and security were allowed upstairs..... so does this imply that Prince DID go upstairs??? But Kai also says that she and the children came together to pray for Michael.
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This is just the beginning of the lies and cover up. From Murray and his team of murderers and conspirators.

We already knew he came down stairs yelling for Prince and Security.
Kai said that Murry did call Prince to go upstairs but he didn't?
that is very cruel to do it to a child anyway whether Prince did go upstairs or not
i think he don't want to displease the jury pool thats why he keep insisting that he didn't call for Prince
Regardless of what that muderer said, Michael was dead long before the paramedics came to the house. Murray can scream until his eyes pop out of his head, it doesn't matter. Michael was DEAD when the Ambulance came.
Dr Murrey is f;cking liar!The cook said that he screamed GO GET PRINCE and Latoya said that!STUPID LIARS!KILLERS!
Of course La Toya wasn't in the house when Prince was called! La Toya never said she was, the only person that will tell the truth on whether Prince was called in the room by Dr. Murray is Prince himself. That's a bad argument from Dr. Murray's rep.
Dr. Conrad Murray is a proven liar, and in my opinion, until proven otherwise, a candidate for the murderer of Michael Jackson.
For all I know, Dr. Murray is right now sailing on the Mediterranean
counting the money he got from someone for a job well done.

I thank LaToya Jackson for having the courage to speak out,
and I defend her right to do so.

I wish Michael Jackson were alive to defend himself;
but Conrad Murray made sure that would not be possible.
Kai Chase (MJ's chef) said back in July that Murray ran downstairs in a panic and yelled to her "Get Prince!". She ran in to where the kids were in the living room and Prince came with her to the bottom of the stairs, but then Murray and the security guy went upstairs alone. Her story would seemingly back up Murray's - that Prince did NOT go to the bedroom.

I don't think it has to be a case of who's lying and who's telling the truth. It could just be that LaToya is mistaken about that part, maybe heard wrong. (Or Prince has told her personally that he did go upstairs, which would bring up a whole mess of wondering about Kai Chase then. Is her memory false or could she have been involved in some vast conspiracy too? My gut instinct about her, though, is that she had nothing to do with his death.)

P.S. About that "weak pulse" BS. Yeah, come on. I think the only one who believes that story at this point is Murray himself, and maybe Chernoff. If you tell a lie often enough...
Murrey has no defence, he brought the drugs to the house, set up the IV, emptied a bottle of propofol into Michael, and left him, unmonitored, unattended and alone after all those drugs. How does Murrey intend to show that someone else is responsible, if Murrey had not been in the house, or had said no, Michael would be alive today, coming to the end of the first batch of concerts, ready to return to the US in a blaze of glory, instead of that he is lying dead in a mausoleum, and Murrey is the reason.
can't he just shut up already and sit there quietly waiting to be arrested?
um u think toy didn't ask prince or wasn't told? im sure or i hope he's spoken w/ police.

someone sent me an email when she first went on tv and said that she did initially say he went upstairs, not that he went and saw his father.

then BEFORE she went on the air, she changed her story. im thinking maybe she did that due to the investigation. but murray had already admitted to calling the boy up there.

im not sure on her story change though....but she isn't to be trusted either. no one except those kids and that family know what's going on. anyone releasing things, per tmz etc....all have an agenda. malicious or otherwise...a quest for fame.
BS Dr. Murray!!!

Michael's body already had lividity when the paramedics found MJ - which means he was dead 2-3 hours before paramedics arrived.

Dr Murrey is f;cking liar!The cook said that he screamed GO GET PRINCE and Latoya said that!STUPID LIARS!KILLERS!

Yeah, Kai said the Dr. Murray screamed to go get Prince (before Kai talked to the press "sources" were telling papers that Prince was summoned by Dr. Murray) but Kai said that Prince just stood at the bottom of the stairs, never actually went up to the room, she said that he just got someone from security. And she was VERY adamant about him not going to the room when she was on Larry King and The Today Show. Then Latoya said that Prince did go upstairs and so have "sources", so who really knows except for the people that were there.
I was watching a interview with someone (can't rember who it was) but they were in the house when Michael passed and they actally said in panic Dr Murray called Prince, because he was the oldest of MJs Kids
ok from the other news we've heard, well i've heard, The Paramedics said that the blood in Michael's body had drained and got to his back...that only happens if Michael has been gone for a couple of hours...

and Michael's sheaf said Murry came hurriedly downstairs and asked her to call was she lying then?...

I know Murry is in tight spot right now, but I dont believe a word he or his lawyers say.!!!
ok from the other news we've heard, well i've heard, The Paramedics said that the blood in Michael's body had drained and got to his back...that only happens if Michael has been gone for a couple of hours...

and Michael's sheaf said Murry came hurriedly downstairs and asked her to call was she lying then?...

I know Murry is in tight spot right now, but I dont believe a word he or his lawyers say.!!!

I read or heard the same thing coming from the parademics who wanted to pronounce MJ dead at the scene but Murray was adamant that he be brought to the hospital. And I'm thinking that that knowledge ( blood being at the back) is the reason why a CARDIOLOGIST did not move him to the floor and "tried" to do CPR on the bed when anyone with some medical knowledge knows that this is wrong and useless!

Why don't they arrest Murray already and throw his sorry ass in jail and throw away the key!
ok from the other news we've heard, well i've heard, The Paramedics said that the blood in Michael's body had drained and got to his back...that only happens if Michael has been gone for a couple of hours...

and Michael's sheaf said Murry came hurriedly downstairs and asked her to call was she lying then?...

I know Murry is in tight spot right now, but I dont believe a word he or his lawyers say.!!!
*sighs* it's called lividity. and hard to read ur description.
It's best to believe half of what you hear from Toya regardless...yet her stories about what MJ's daughter gave him was touching.

It all smells rather fishy, and since no one was in the room with Mike that day, except for Murray, he has a lot of explaining to do. His stories don't jive for one thing. In one show I heard he was blaming mike for bullying him into giving him this crap and then he turned around and said, maybe he fixed the IV dosage himself. Now that is an out and out bs story if ever. Oh I realize innocent until proven guilty ...but I can't help feeling that if you a professional why on earth do this and wreck your own career are you that $$$$$$ hungry? YES !!!!!!