Lady Gaga's Sets a New Record: 10 Million Facebook Fans!

ok. lol. well u won't talk about MJ in this section. and other people will :)


et al that uk looks as if it was written by an MJ fan.:)

Yeah, and I will allways have a problem with it when it leads to negative things.
Facebook friends = nothing......most of those people probably download songs illegally!!!

Album/Singles = Everything........people actually like your music!!!!!

∴ Michael Jackson > Lady Gaga
this woman talks good Michael because she wants to steel Michael's fans, hahaha real stupid, she dosent know we MJ fans KNOW about artistry, we are not puppets like her fans ;D, most of her fans are not even fans of her, but of homosexuality,

im saying they are fans of themselves, fans of supporting homosexualtity, which is not bad, but my point is, they are not even INTO her really, its more into the whole "i listen to GAGA because im gay"... :)

Name calling is not tolorated on here, A warning this time.. If anything like that is said again infractions will be given.
Wow. Hating one person does not mean you love another more.
I don't even use facebook. I hate it but I just logged in into my never used account for the sake of adding Michael...and I don't even know how to do it. LMFAO.