Lady Gaga wore Michael Jackson's clothes while making new album

^^Where is the word disgust in my post? It wouldn't bother me if Michael EXPRESSED HIMSELF such thing, he did it with Britney Spears, JT, NSYNC, etc and I can't stand them but I respect his right to have his own likes. What bothers me is people talking FOR HIM, when he never said publicly he liked LG. Why you guys put words in my mouth when I never said it!
I don't know if using it so satisfy her attention needs is necessary.
I mean what is this? MJ fans buy my record because I wore his clothes while I made it? Please.
she's a marketing genius...but we all can see through her tactics. :D
If anyone actually thinks she bought MJ clothes and talking about it to sell records, o_O

^^Where is the word disgust in my post? It wouldn't bother me if Michael EXPRESSED HIMSELF such thing, he did it with Britney Spears, JT, NSYNC, etc and I can't stand them but I respect his right to have his own likes. What bothers me is people talking FOR HIM, when he never said publicly he liked LG. Why you guys put words in my mouth when I never said it!

Look, I'm not saying you have to love her music or anything.
It's just strange how you're writing her off so quickly.

And to your earlier comment about how her music isn't deep. I'm not exactly sure how deep you want a pop artist to be. 3 albums into his adult solo career, Michael wasn't particularly deep either (sans Man In The Mirror, I guess).

And arguably, gaga has a lot of deep songs.

I really can't recommend THE FAME MONSTER and BORN THIS WAY albums enough!
^^ I'm sorry for your ignorance.
Ignorance is bliss. I'm sorry for your loss.

and I'm sorry for your ignorance. :) :D
His mom? That didn't even cross my mind. I'm saying, you don't know what he did at home with memorabilia he purchased.

Anyway, just because you didn't hear about opening acts doesn't mean they didn't happen.

Bad Tour:
Kim Wilde (europe)
Taylor Dayne (select Europe dates)

Dangerous Tour:
Kris Kross
D'Influence (England only)
Snap! (Bucharest only)
Culture Beat (1993 European dates only)

HIStory Tour:
DJ Bobo (select Europe dates)
Sabrina Setlur (Germany)
Tic Tac Toe (Germany)

There may have been more for each one, too.
No, he didn't need an opening act, and probably didn't even have any for the U.S. shows, but he did have them.
It seems only nobodies opened for him from the list here. :p

Ps?dear mods, sorry for the many posts. :( I wonder how to make all these posts into one?
Be that as it may, they were just time fillers and reasons for people to get more food/drinks/merchandise.
^^Wrong, WBSS and Billie Jean have deep topics (not as much as MITM but they were a beginning.)

She's a shameless attention seeker and her tactics, I bet are pissing many Michael's hardcore fans off who aren't into her. Have I attacked you for being fans or liking her? No, I don't think so. Like her as much as you want, it's your right but don't attack me for expressing openly with valid reasons why I don't, ok!
Maybe it's time to go back on topic?

Anyway, I don't know how I feel about her wearing MJ's clothes, but I guess sweaters aren't that big of a deal. If I had his clothes though I probably would keep them in a place where they wouldn't get potentially messed up or damaged. I would love to touch them, but I don't know if I'd ever wear them. It would probably be too sad and weird for me, but that's just me...

And I consider myself a fan of Gaga's music (found Applause really underwhelming though), but I'd never call myself a Little Monster, nor do I agree with everything she does. I'm glad she is a fan of Michael though and that's what matters to me.
Holy mother of hell.

I don't know if using it so satisfy her attention needs is necessary.
I mean what is this? MJ fans buy my record because I wore his clothes while I made it? Please.

Or you know, she just wanted to say she wore MJs clothes because it is something of interest ?

To me in my eyes she committed a sacrilege, those were cloths made for Michael exclusively, only him could rock those sweaters/outfits. I see her attention seeking hasn't go away, Michael Jackson are the magical words to make headlines. She and her music are a pain the ass. :angry:

It's a bit of fabric man, calm the hell down. She's not burning it or ripping it or whatever, she's just wearing the damn thing in a respectful manner.

Love Gaga.
I'd wear his clothes if I bought them too.

y'all need to calm down. She's not going on tour with these outfits.


I'm not really feeling her new song, Applause, but I loved every song on her previous 3 albums, so I'm sure the rest of ArtPop will be good stuff.

I thought her new song was a bit 'meh' at first, but I grew to like it over time. Ended up buying it on iTunes actually.

no way, he would have hated Applause. It's not a good song.

Nobody would know if he would like it or hate it.

What the hell are you talking about? I never said I went to the same school, I found about that for what former classmates have told on it. They can be lying, they can tell the truth but since I don't believe the persona she created, I chose to believe them. I don't believe the way she stands for gay people, I see it as a stunt. Some of you asked why some of us don't like her, I gave my opinion, if you don't like it, you're in the wrong place like I said before.

Glad that rumor isn't true, Michael doesn't need her.

Funnily enough, if it was the exact same situation with MJ, you'd probably be defending MJ. No doubt those classmates were paid for these 'interviews', and as we've seen with Michael, we all know what people will say or do for money. There's no reason for her to lie about the fact she has been bullying. You see her standing up for equality as a stunt ? If it was a stunt she would have stopped it years ago but she hasn't, she has continually defended and stood up for equality from the beginning of her career.

She has constantly spoken up about issues that may affect those who are discriminated against and she even made a song about accepting yourself for who you are. If it was a stunt, she wouldn't be as dedicated, nor would continue this dedication to the cause today. Plus she is bisexual herself so in a way, she is also standing up for herself.

I won't believe it unless there's a statement, interview or something that where he said it.

I believe Lady Gaga said it in an interview in 2010 or something. She didn't seem to be promoting anything at the time and I believe she only brought the topic up because someone asked her about the day Michael Jackson died. Idk, something MJ related.

She's a shameless attention seeker and her tactics, I bet are pissing many Michael's hardcore fans off who aren't into her.

If you get pissed off because she just casually mentions in an interview that she wears a bit of clothing she has legally purchased, you have seriously got to reevaluate you life.

Look, obviously I'm a fan of Lady Gaga, but as with Michael Jackson, I'm not going to defend her if she ****s up and does something stupid. She hasn't done anything wrong or stupid here. In fact, all she has done is wear some bloody sweater or two while in the studio and some of you guys are talking about it as if she just murdered someone. She has legally purchased the clothing with her own money, and she has every right to do what she wants with them. If anything, I'd rather have HER own these clothes because she obviously has respect for them.

It's really funny how some of you claim to spread Michael's message about LOVE, but you talk shit about Gaga for doing the same. Seriously, If Lady Gaga's determination for equality is a 'stunt', Michael Jackson's determination to help those in need was a 'stunt' - and we all know it definitely wasn't. You certainly don't have to like her music, but if anything, she is one of the musicians today who is constantly spreading love. Judging by how much he's talked about this, Michael Jackson would be in full support of her. When have you ever seen Lady Gaga talk shit about another artist ? Yeah. Never. What about last year when Madonna was talking shit about her ? Lady Gaga ignored it and allegedly* mentioned it offhand at one of her concerts, transforming it into a positive message for the audience. If anything, we should be THANKING Gaga for continuing to spread love and positivity.

Rant over, but personally, I think it's kind of cool she wore some of his clothing while recording Artpop and I look forward to see what she unveils over the next few months.

*I say allegedly as while she definitely talked about something that fits with what Madonna has done, only the press have said she was talking about Madonna and she hasn't released anything official about the issue.
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It's a bit of fabric man, calm the hell down. She's not burning it or ripping it or whatever, she's just wearing the damn thing in a respectful manner.

I'm not sure if it is. I'm not sure it's right to wear the clothes of a dead person you know/know of. It does seem a little disrespectful...even macabre. But then I'm sure some folks have coped with the loss of a loved one by perhaps wearing an item of their clothing.

I do think it's kinda nice that she's done it in a way but I'm just not sure I agree that it's a 'respectful manner'.
I'm not sure if it is. I'm not sure it's right to wear the clothes of a dead person you know/know of. It does seem a little disrespectful...even macabre. But then I'm sure some folks have coped with the loss of a loved one by perhaps wearing an item of their clothing.

I do think it's kinda nice that she's done it in a way but I'm just not sure I agree that it's a 'respectful manner'.

Fair enough, I see where you're coming from and I respect your opinion :) Personally I do view it as respectful because she is only wearing the clothes in an environment where the chances of anything bad happening to it (i.e. it ripping) are very low. If she was wearing it on stage, then that's where I think she'd start to cross the line ... except perhaps unless it was a once off tribute to him or something. Perhaps.
We are talking about Gaga here. Everything she does is for attention.

That's not necessarily a bad thing however. It is important to attract attention in the music industry, and in a world where now it is easy to be quickly forgotten and replaced, I can understand why she would do things that could be seen as attention seeking. She hasn't really done anything recently that is 'attention-seeking', when was the last time you saw her dress up 'weirdly' ? Exactly, quite a while ago. She's dressed quite 'normal' for a while now and the tabloids are trying to make a big deal out of it for page views and $$$.

I don't interpret this case as attention seeking, but I do believe that the tabloids have a tendency to twist situations to make it appear to be an attention-seeking opportunity.
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Well, with the risk to be jumped on.. I won a jacket in that auction, which I shouldn´t.. sorry Mom.. All the old clothes are really fragile, maybe the ones she bought are not, I think Bush said this to at some point, things/fabrics were starting to fall apart.

About Michael having her as a opening act. Kenny said it isn´t true. I never read he did though. I think Travis Payne stated something about her and TII. But "a nobody" as some may say talked to Michael himself about the show etc, and there were no opening act or no brothers or anything. But he was thinking about having his kids up on stage at some point doing something.
Historic, it's obvious you didn't read all my posts.

I said it didn't bother she bought Michael's clothes, many celebs including him have bought pieces from people they admire. It pisses me off she wears them because it isn't respectful. I can't forget yet how she ridiculed his outfit from the Oscars with those stupid mouse ears. And unless Michael expressed himself he liked her music, I won't believe it
Funny!!! Me too. I wish I had some of those jackets to wear on special occasions. I did not realize she bought sweaters too. I wish I could beg someone for something he wore or held. I guess his kids have his watches.

Opening night Michael should not have anyone coming before him. He should burst onto stage in all his great glory to remind everyone he is back.

I know, right? It's not even a fans thing I think, its a human thing to have jealousy in you. I remember me saying I dont like her, which i still do, but that doesnt take away the feeling of jealousy i have for having her wear Michael Jackson's clothes. I mean, c'mon! :lol:

In my opinion, its al about anticipation. It makes it more exciting, dont you think?
It pisses me off she wears them because it isn't respectful. I can't forget yet how she ridiculed his outfit from the Oscars with those stupid mouse ears.

Uhh, how is that ridiculing ... ? Why would she ridicule an artist she obviously looks up to ? I don't think it's disrespectful, to me it seems like she's paying tribute to an icon who was famous for his fashion with her own interpretation.
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^^Excuse me but those kind of ears could only look awesome on Mickey and Minnie Mouse. The jacket and the glove didn't even fit her because Michael is taller. That's why Stephanie looked absolutely ridiculous.
^^Excuse me but those kind of ears could only look awesome on Mickey and Minnie Mouse. The jacket and the glove didn't even fit her because Michael is taller. That's why Stephanie looked absolutely ridiculous.

You're excused. She doesn't look ridiculous. The glove fits perfectly fine and the jacket was obviously tailored for a man (and that doesn't mean she shouldn't wear it). I'm sure if you had the opportunity to, you would wear Michael's clothes too. It's actually quite surprising how you (and other people too) are unable to see it as a tribute to Michael, instead falsely claiming that she is ridiculing him (and you still haven't even explained HOW it is ridiculing him in the first place).

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Mmhh.. how is it that someone can't keep stuff like this to themselves? I don't see the purpose. Ok you bought them, you wear them, do we wanna know? I don't think so
first i hated it when she bought the clothes. they are not hers, they are the property of the estate. and now she is even wearing them. and like said in the article, THEY ARE MICHAEL JACKSON'S CLOTHES! ONLY MICHAEL JACKSON HIMSELF DESERVES IT TO WEAR THEM!
She does not deserves to own that clothes, and doesnt even deserves to wear them.
thats so disrespectful. give them back to them they belongs to it!
DAMN whats going on in this weird world! :mat:
^^I agree, unfortunately attention whos don't do that.

It's obvious who looks sharped, who wore it better and didn't need stupid accessories or clothing that weren't made for its actual size to stand out! Interpretation of the fashion, my a**!

White is one my least favorite colors but Michael made that jacket look even more beautiful! :in_love:

first i hated it when she bought the clothes. they are not hers, they are the property of the estate. and now she is even wearing them. and like said in the article, THEY ARE MICHAEL JACKSON'S CLOTHES! ONLY MICHAEL JACKSON HIMSELF DESERVES IT TO WEAR THEM!
She does not deserves to own that clothes, and doesnt even deserves to wear them.
thats so disrespectful. give them back to them they belongs to it!
DAMN whats going on in this weird world! :mat:

I agree on your points ONLY Michael deserves to wear then, they were designed for HIM, therefor they are HIS, she ridiculed and disrespected his outfit from the Oscars, his glove which was made to be worn BY A MAN. But if those belonged to the Estate, they wouldn't had authorized to sell them. I don't know if Michael Bush just lend them to MJ but he and Tompkins owned them.
I agree on your points ONLY Michael deserves to wear then, they were designed for HIM, therefor they are HIS, she ridiculed and disrespected his outfit from the Oscars, his glove which was made to be worn BY A MAN. But if those belonged to the Estate, they wouldn't had authorized to sell them. I don't know if Michael Bush just lend them to MJ but he and Tompkins owned them.

sure, i know what you mean. but they are simply michael jackson's clothes. and they are his, and all of them should be in the possession of the creator or the mj estate. noone else. and there they should be stored forever! everything else is totally disrespectfull. even more disrespectfull when the artist is dead.
first i hated it when she bought the clothes. they are not hers, they are the property of the estate. and now she is even wearing them.

Legally, they are hers. She purchased them legally from whoever owned the clothes. Like it or not, they're hers now.

It's obvious who looks sharped, who wore it better and didn't need stupid accessories or clothing that weren't made for its actual size to stand out! Interpretation of the fashion, my a**!

Obviously it's going to look better on Michael, because it was tailored for him. That alone however is not a reason why she shouldn't be able to wear them.

I agree on your points ONLY Michael deserves to wear then, they were designed for HIM, therefor they are HIS, she ridiculed and disrespected his outfit from the Oscars,

You're still yet to explain how it's ridiculing Michael, especially when it's so painfully obvious she was doing it as a tribute to an artist she looks up to and loves, just like we do.

his glove which was made to be worn BY A MAN.

This is getting ridiculous as to why she shouldn't be able to wear it. If it fits Gaga, which it appears to do, then it doesn't matter whether she is a male or female. The design of the original glove is based off a unisex design anyway.

Mmhh.. how is it that someone can't keep stuff like this to themselves? I don't see the purpose. Ok you bought them, you wear them, do we wanna know? I don't think so

To me it appears she just casually mentioned it offhand in an interview, and a journalist decided to blow it up into a full article. It's not something you get to say everyday either so I can see why she said it. At least 15 users were happy to know this, judging by the 'thanks' on the first post, so while you may not be interested, it is evident a number of other fans were.
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Some people need to calm down. So what if Lady Gaga wanted to wear the odd sweater that she legally bought at auction and is now the owner of? If I was in her position and if I had the same vibe that she got off of some of his clothes then I would probably wear one as well. It's not like she wore his gold pants is it?!

Hey, I would wear the gold pants too. Of course not all the time because I would want it to last.
Legally, they are hers. She purchased them legally from whoever owned the clothes. Like it or not, they're hers now.
Obviously it's going to look better on Michael, because it was tailored for him. That alone however is not a reason why she shouldn't be able to wear them.

You're still yet to explain how it's ridiculing Michael, especially when it's so painfully obvious she was doing it as a tribute to an artist she looks up to and loves, just like we do.

This is seriously getting ridiculous and is such a pathetic 'excuse' as to why she shouldn't be able to wear it. If it fits Gaga, which it appears to do, then it doesn't matter whether she is a male or female. The design of the original glove is based off a unisex .

She purchased them, yes but they weren't made for her. The fact she owns them legally doesn't make them automatically hers. Those cloths were designed for Michael to wear them, they're HIS.

He's taller than her and probably weights a little more. Both the jacket and the glove look too big for her, plus the unnecessary stupid mouse ears, that's why she looked ridiculous. Yeah, right Michael's big like a baseball catcher hand look very female like.
Hey, I would wear the gold pants too. Of course not all the time because I would want it to last.

If Michael gave me personally to wear one of his beautiful black fedoras, that'd be the only exception, otherwise I wouldn't, it's diarespectful becauase I know HIS outfilts weren't made for me, only Michael himself can rock them off, NO ONE ELSE! And he's no longer here.