Lady Gaga - Alejandro

aww comon, random post, man, but i just saw somewhere in this thread or somewhere that gaga has a song out called 'speechless' and then i come to google it and find that beyonce has a song called 'speechless'. both recent. after recent songs by other artists called 'unbreakable' and movie titles such as 'invincible' after the release of a certain album that was 'unsuccessful' by a certain artist who shall remain....nameless..

comon...those outstanding titles, i did not hear prior to that 2001 release..enmasse by other artists. i tell u..they all matter what they say.

i don't care..i gotta say it. Michael Jackson. as long as it keeps happening. of course gaga and beyonce and will i am all say they love Michael Jackson...and hollywood is envious of him so..

i bet i would hear gaga's speechless and beyonce's speechless ad nauseum on the radio, whereas, of course there was no hearing the original 'Speechless' by Michael, on the radio. of course there are echoes of the rhythm for the chorus of MJ's speechless in gaga's speechless, and pauses. and beyonce's speechless also has an ending that screams that she listened to Michael's 'Speechless'.
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I think this woman should be banned from discussion on this forum.
There is no way Michael would have liked her. She is vulgar and a bad role model to children. Michael wouldn't have liked that at all.
I like how the video has nothing to do with the song. Just a bunch of random ass "shocking" shit to make people go "OMG SHE'S SO DEEP!".

What I have been saying all along. Well said! :)

The thing is...this video isn't even shocking. It's just pointless. I have said that the point of the imagery is to depict the opression homosexuals have suffered from due to religion...but I fail to see what any of that has to do with the song "Alejandro". I think merging the two makes the majority of the public completely miss the point.

I'm getting kind of sick of her riding on the coattails of the GLBT civil rights struggle. If she cares that deeply about gays, she should devote a song to the issue of gay rights, not make an obscure video to go along with material which has nothing to do with the subject. She should do what Michael (and others) did when he cared about something: write a song about it an accompany it with a strong video to emphasize the message.

To me, it just seems like Gaga made this video about gays to create hype. She made it sexual to create "shock" and "controversy". There is nothing original about this at all. Only ignorant people would say she is innovative in any way, shape, or form.

To the poster who pointed out that most of us were comparing Gaga to Madonna...uh, no. That would be a joke. Madonna at least had creativity/originality. We're sayid Gaga is pretty much following the path Madonna carved out. MADONNA would be the "pioneer" in that sense. Gaga would be the little sheep following the path which has been prepared for her. I'm saying Gaga is imitating Madonna. Thus, she can't be compared to her at all. They're not even on the same level. How is one to seriously compare the two?

As far as seeming "deep", there is a way to sexualize philosophy. The Marquis de Sade and various other philosophers have successfully done it. Gaga, however, is neither deep nor a philosopher. As I said, only someone blatantly ignorant about human culture would dare to call her trash innovative. There was already a man in 18th century France who made statements about society and culture through works of art which involved heavy sexual imagery. He even had to put up with national censors banning his work from being sold at regular shops (meaning you would have to buy it in the black market lol) and public burnings of his masterpieces.

....let's see Gaga put up with that. =P
I honestly just think she's addicted to fame.
^^^ Maybe Fame Monster is in some way autobiographical.
Illuminatie puppet number 1 .

She is just horrible, it makes me sick watching her video's she has to do and promote bad stuff.
No values whatsoever.....

I don't believe Michael would invite her for TII.
He isn't stupid, he know she is illuminati's puppet number one, it's so obvious.
Illuminatie puppet number 1 .

She is just horrible, it makes me sick watching her video's she has to do and promote bad stuff.
No values whatsoever.....

I don't believe Michael would invite her for TII.
He isn't stupid, he know she is illuminati's puppet number one, it's so obvious.

I don't know about that but I'm sure he wouldn't let Paris around her. Let's just say that...
That's one thing that's for sure, she is the total opposite of Michael.

Michael was all about love, Lady GaGa anti-love.
It's funny how Michael can still pop up in threads that are not even about him lol
^^ Lol, I agree.

I have to admit, I am a Gaga fan. But I found that this video was just a 'tad' bit weird.
She is way too over the top for my taste. Her music should speak for it self. All of the stuff she's doing is really unnecessary to me.
I used to be indifferent to her but now I'm going off her big time. She was pictured at a Yankees game wearing a Yankees top, bra and knickers only. If that doesn't scream 'look at me' I don't know what is. Plus I'm finding that her songs all sound the same and the videos are odd just for the sake of being odd. Meh.
I used to be indifferent to her but now I'm going off her big time. She was pictured at a Yankees game wearing a Yankees top, bra and knickers only. If that doesn't scream 'look at me' I don't know what is. Plus I'm finding that her songs all sound the same and the videos are odd just for the sake of being odd. Meh.

In my opinion, she exaggerates a lot :bugeyed, I do not like the clothes she wears, her style and your videos. :ph34r: But I like her voice and she sings well.
She is too much. She is so desperate to be a big famous person as Michael was/is.. She want to be a big as Michael was/is. She trying so hard.
She is too much. She is so desperate to be a big famous person as Michael was/is.. She want to be a big as Michael was/is. She trying so hard.

You should always try hard, you succeed more.
I don't like that video or any of her videos. How can a video like this be acceptable in a music video? Look at it, it's more like a porn video... It's such a satanic video for me... She says she is being artistic with her videos and that it's just a art, but there's nothing artistic & imaginative about it. It's lady gaga half naked on a bath tab (Marry the Night) and other videos. And doing crazy stuff like dressing in a meat dress. There is so much nudness and pornographic in music video, like it's acceptable to the public eye where young children could be watching. Not only Gaga but also Rihanna, Nicki Minaj. etc.