Lady Gaga - Alejandro

:doh: :shock: :shock2:
Probably I am ignorant, but... somebody knows what this video is about?
I am missing old good short movies, telling some story. While watching it, I thought myself, if Michael was seeing this, he'd prbly think again about inviting her to open his shows ;)
I do think she's really talented, but I wish she was more about her music, not about shocking. I know, if u are just like the others, you don't break records, but honestly.... :doh: I do not like this video, but maybe it's because, as said, I do not understand what it's about ;)
my name is Alejandro and when i heard that she made a song with my name i said: ''Oh, noooo''.
OT: I dont think he invited her to open his shows. Really, he'd never do that to HIS concert
I love Gaga but I couldn't begin to tell what this video is about. It looks like it's meant to push buttons and little else. Gaga, Christina, Britney, they are all trying to take a page out of the Madonna handbook but unfortunately for all of them, they don't have the catalog or artistic integrity to back it up and pull it off.
Am I the only one who spotted moves from (on stage performances of) They Dont Care About Us and Will You Be There (at the memorial) and some moves from Remember the time, the short film??
Don't like the song. nor do I like the video.
Am I the only one who spotted moves from (on stage performances of) They Dont Care About Us and Will You Be There (at the memorial) and some moves from Remember the time, the short film??

No :O maybe if you can tell me?
No :O maybe if you can tell me?

So.. the They Don't Care About Us moves are kind of in the back behind her at 2:42 and at 2:58 (they do the same military arm movements)... and when they get on the ground at 2:51 it reminds me of remember the time. They also get in the circle at 3:17 and do that leaning back thing like at the memorial when they danced to Will You Be There. I wonder who did the choreography... I'm going to go look ha
Am I the only one who spotted moves from (on stage performances of) They Dont Care About Us and Will You Be There (at the memorial) and some moves from Remember the time, the short film??

It reminded me of the Drill. Video was all right, probably too long.
It reminded me of the Drill. Video was all right, probably too long.

Yea I saw an article that was talking about how she fought for a bigger time slot on mtv so the video could be longer...I think that video could have been better shorter since it wasnt like a short film or anything.
I'm clearly in a minority here, but I actually like the video. I don't look for any meaning in it, I just find it very entertaining.
She is so random :mello: I do like the video's definitely entertaining...but as with all her videos...i just don't see a point to them....but whatever...still pretty's better than "Telephone" :bugeyed:
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Pretty obvious to me what the loose plot of the video is getting at. As usual there will be those who will desperately look for Michael comparisons to draw to anything and everything, but you should remember that Michael was not the first person ever to use military imagery in his work and he certainly won't be the last.
Pretty obvious to me what the loose plot of the video is getting at. As usual there will be those who will desperately look for Michael comparisons to draw to anything and everything, but you should remember that Michael was not the first person ever to use military imagery in his work and he certainly won't be the last.

Agreed. Some of the comparisons fans bring up are so far fetched.

I like the video visually and it does the job it's supposed to which is to stir the pot.
Some of the comparisons fans bring up are so far fetched.

I like the video visually and it does the job it's supposed to which is to stir the pot.

Yeah I agree. I like this video (it may be a tad long) and the song (more than the video) and i also like some of her other stuff. It's entertaining, different and catchy so thats always good in my books.
I'm not a huge fan of Lady Gaga; I do listen to her work and it doesn't annoy the heck out of me like some of the music that's out at the moment. I don't really 'get' this music vid either, but then it's just quirky LG stuff really! I pretty much take it at face value :p
Can she just stop imitating Madonna???????
Seriously I' don't get the hype.
Giving her videos more duration doesn't make them good either.
It looks like Madonna's vogue and MJ's drill and history promo.

I've turned against Lady Gaga, unfortunatly. She's really turned me off. I realised that she isn't original and she's basically pulling the best of every other artist and putting it in one and fooling herself into saying "artistry". It is art; but not hers. That bra with the guns was the cheapest rip off of Madonna's famous bra in Vogue.

Now back to the video, what is the message? I do not understand it. And what's up with the religious references? She had a cross on her vagina :mello: That just annoyed me. Madonna already did the "shock with cross" thing. Get over it. Plus, people need to stop portraying God as evil in music videos. It's about time people wisen up, get MJish and spread love through music.

Also, what is with the sex scenes? If you want to include sex/sexuality in videos, at least do it with class and a form of art. They could have been "dancing" on the bed. Like Shakira does in her "Did it again" video - very classy yet sexy and senusal and it was actual dancing.

She's lost my vote and she just made me a bigger Madonna fan. However, what scares me is that the majority of the public are ignorant. Some say she IS bigger than Madonna (wtf?) and some say she WILL be bigger than Michael Jackson...let's give her 10yrs and see if she can begin to sell 750 million.
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It looks like Madonna's vogue and MJ's drill and history promo.

I've turned against Lady Gaga, unfortunatly. She's really turned me off. I realised that she isn't original and she's basically pulling the best of every other artist and putting it in one and fooling herself into saying "artistry". It is art; but not hers. That bra with the guns was the cheapest rip off of Madonna's famous bra in Vogue.

Now back to the video, what is the message? I do not understand it. And what's up with the religious references? She had a cross on her vagina :mello: That just annoyed me. Madonna already did the "shock with cross" thing. Get over it. Plus, people need to stop portraying God as evil in music videos. It's about time people wisen up, get MJish and spread love through music.

Also, what is with the sex scenes? If you want to include sex/sexuality in videos, at least do it with class and a form of art. They could have been "dancing" on the bed. Like Shakira does in her "Did it again" video - very classy yet sexy and senusal and it was actual dancing.

She's lost my vote and she just made me a bigger Madonna fan. However, what scares me is that the majority of the public are ignorant. Some say she IS bigger than Madonna (wtf?) and some say she WILL be bigger than Michael Jackson...let's give her 10yrs and see if she can begin to sell 750 million.

I don't see at all how it looks like MJ's HIStory promo. Visually they are two completely different things. Steven Klein directed both Vogue and this so that's probably why they look similar to you.

It's an arrow on the erm, frontal region of her costume. Not a cross. Clearly the messages in this video were totally lost on you if you think she's trying to say 'God is evil'. They're not meant to be sex scenes. Do you think with the way she is made up in this video it's supposed to be 'sensual'?

I don't know how you expect anyone in the pop world to be 'original' nowadays when everything's already been done by MJ and Madonna both, I'd like to see you or anyone else try to claim something as your own unique creation.

I don't see at all how it looks like MJ's HIStory promo. Visually they are two completely different things. Steven Klein directed both Vogue and this so that's probably why they look similar to you.

It's an arrow on the erm, frontal region of her costume. Not a cross. Clearly the messages in this video were totally lost on you if you think she's trying to say 'God is evil'. They're not meant to be sex scenes. Do you think with the way she is made up in this video it's supposed to be 'sensual'?

I don't know how you expect anyone in the pop world to be 'original' nowadays when everything's already been done by MJ and Madonna both, I'd like to see you or anyone else try to claim something as your own unique creation.


The sex scenes certainly were not sensual. Look at anytime, anyplace by Janet Jackson, that's sensual.

And just so you know, I am a singer/songwriter/dancer and I perform regularly and I also pay attention to costumes. I create my own creations without stealing stuff from others. When I use an inspiration, say in songwriting, it is usually no more than 2-3 words from another song and the rest is completely different.

There is a huge difference between being inspired and being a copy cat.

An example of an artist who is truly artistic and not a thief is Shakira.
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Someone mentioned "Porn" in one of Chris Browns latest music video?
this video is awful not even artisic

i love lady gaga i really do, her album is amazing and so is her music, but i cannot watch here. Im starting to think shes a one trick pony and the shock factor has worn off.

All this outrageousness i think is distracting the fact that if you took all that way from her she wouldnt be that good. She needs all that shock an awe because without it she wouldnt have that 'something'.

that 'something' that cannot be created or designed, that 'something' you need to be a born superstar. meaning you can go on stage and perform with a massive production and wow and audience.... but also stand with a microphone and a spotlight and have the same effect... like MJ :)

sadly she doesnt have that, i love her album but i feel very soon we will be saying.... gaga who ?
this video is awful not even artisic

i love lady gaga i really do, her album is amazing and so is her music, but i cannot watch here. Im starting to think shes a one trick pony and the shock factor has worn off.

All this outrageousness i think is distracting the fact that if you took all that way from her she wouldnt be that good. She needs all that shock an awe because without it she wouldnt have that 'something'.

that 'something' that cannot be created or designed, that 'something' you need to be a born superstar. meaning you can go on stage and perform with a massive production and wow and audience.... but also stand with a microphone and a spotlight and have the same effect... like MJ :)

sadly she doesnt have that, i love her album but i feel very soon we will be saying.... gaga who ?

Thank God someone sees it like me. I like what Kenny said about Michael - "He was an old fashioned entertainer. Technology did not control Michael Jackson"

^ I lost respect for Lady Gaga after that.
The sex scenes certainly were not sensual. Look at anytime, anyplace by Janet Jackson, that's sensual.

And just so you know, I am a singer/songwriter/dancer and I perform regularly and I also pay attention to costumes. I create my own creations without stealing stuff from others. When I use an inspiration, say in songwriting, it is usually no more than 2-3 words from another song and the rest is completely different.

There is a huge difference between being inspired and being a copy cat.

An example of an artist who is truly artistic and not a thief is Shakira.

You love Shakira, I get it but she has nothing to do with this video. This is not meant to be a Shakira video or a Janet video. Anytime, Anyplace is sex for the sake of sex. Maybe when you learn to stop comparing artists and measuring them up to each other and who did what better, you'll figure out that taking things for what they are and not where they've come from serves for a much more enjoyable listening and viewing experience.

I'm not sure why you can't even see that they're not sex scenes. Not everything's as black and white as 'oh they're gyrating on a bed therefore they must be having sex'. They're not designed to be sensual, no matter how much you obviously want them to be. The men are gay and the bed scene is a metaphor for them living in the closet and living in fake marriages. Which is why they're wearing puppet strings in some scenes, it's an act. That's why they lash out at her in the end. They're frustrated at the persecution they endure because of who they love, by the catholic church (hence the religious symbolism), which can be likened to the way certain cultures are persecuted in war zones just because of they way they are and things out of their control - hence the war and military imagery. You could also say it's a commentary on the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy.

You may be a "singer" "songwriter" "dancer", but it doesn't matter squat in the context of this thread and it certainly doesn't make your opinion more valid than anyone else's. Believe it or not your costumes are not unique or original to you. Somewhere, at some point in time someone's done it before. In all the thousands of years that humans have been performing for the entertainment of others, ideas have been had only ONCE and then rehashed a million times over. Not sure why you're even trying to argue the fact that nothing is new or unique when you also admit to lifting lyrics from others. If you're taking inspiration from anything at all then the end product is not original, it's as simple as that. Nothing in the entertainment world is original or unique, because people have been around for too long for things to have not been explored. Most of what Michael did was not even original to him. And I got news for you, Shakira ain't original either, and I fail to see what's "truly artistic" about a song like She-Wolf.

All this outrageousness i think is distracting the fact that if you took all that way from her she wouldnt be that good. She needs all that shock an awe because without it she wouldnt have that 'something'.


You love Shakira, I get it but she has nothing to do with this video. This is not meant to be a Shakira video or a Janet video. Anytime, Anyplace is sex for the sake of sex. Maybe when you learn to stop comparing artists and measuring them up to each other and who did what better, you'll figure out that taking things for what they are and not where they've come from serves for a much more enjoyable listening and viewing experience.
I'm not sure why you can't even see that they're not sex scenes. Not everything's as black and white as 'oh they're gyrating on a bed therefore they must be having sex'. They're not designed to be sensual, no matter how much you obviously want them to be. The men are gay and the bed scene is a metaphor for them living in the closet and living in fake marriages. Which is why they're wearing puppet strings in some scenes, it's an act. That's why they lash out at her in the end. They're frustrated at the persecution they endure because of who they love, by the catholic church (hence the religious symbolism), which can be likened to the way certain cultures are persecuted in war zones just because of they way they are and things out of their control - hence the war and military imagery. You could also say it's a commentary on the Don't Ask Don't Tell policy.

You may be a "singer" "songwriter" "dancer", but it doesn't matter squat in the context of this thread and it certainly doesn't make your opinion more valid than anyone else's. Believe it or not your costumes are not unique or original to you. Somewhere, at some point in time someone's done it before. In all the thousands of years that humans have been performing for the entertainment of others, ideas have been had only ONCE and then rehashed a million times over. Not sure why you're even trying to argue the fact that nothing is new or unique when you also admit to lifting lyrics from others. If you're taking inspiration from anything at all then the end product is not original, it's as simple as that. Nothing in the entertainment world is original or unique, because people have been around for too long for things to have not been explored. Most of what Michael did was not even original to him. And I got news for you, Shakira ain't original either, and I fail to see what's "truly artistic" about a song like She-Wolf.



You know what?

I can't be even be bothered arguing with you so I am done after this post but:

I call them sex scenes and I still will because she could have portrayed the exact same message without being that vulgar and classless.

I don't think my opinion is more valid than anyone else and I know it is irrelevent to mention that I write but I wouldn't have even mentioned that I create my own music hadn't you started with the typical "I'd like to see you try" that people say when they get offended with someone elses opinion.

And She-wolf is a disgrace from an artist like Shakira, try Oral Fixation.

You can't say I didn't give Lady Gaga a chance, I was a HUGE fan at the start although I saw alot of Madonna/Christina Aguilera.

I find it strange that you compare Michael Jackson's inspirations to Lady Gaga's copying. Honestly, lol, Gaga fans...
The first thing that I thought of when I first saw the video was Madonna's "Vogue" and Janet Jackson's "Rhythm Nation". In terms of the video, I don't see anything amazing about it to be honest.


See, I still think she has talent. But I guess you can say that I don't like the way she's currently using it. I think she could do so much better. That's just me. :coffee:
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There was article saying this was like a mix of Madonnas Vogue and Janets Rhythm Nation, don't know if they watched the same thing I'm watching. She'll never made an iconic video that can compete with any of the videos !!
The songs sticking in my head though :no: !!!