La Toya releases new book and single / Summary @ Pg 30 / Pictures @ Pg 33

libsta81;3398277 said:
Ok i'm a little confused...the premise of this book is about La Toya's life when she was estranged from her family..the only reason she mentions Michael and her family is to tie in with how she ended her estrangement with her family and how she thought Michael might have been controlled like she was in light of his death right?..Michael is NOT the topic of the an interview she said she wrote the book so that victims of domestic violence would have a voice and see that they are not the only ones suffering..what has that got to do with michael?

Why is everybody acting like the book is all about Michael? Why give it the title Starting Over if it is about Michael anyway?..that makes no sense! If the book however is about how she overcame her shattered life due to domestic violence, and is "starting over" with her family and the public then that makes sense..

You did not have to write about your is quite EVIDENT.

Why exactly is Michael's picture on the book if by any chance the book isn't about him? did you ACTUALLY read the synopsis?....It is all about MJ.

What about reading the info out there before commenting... huh? Amazon is your friend.

Product Description
La Toya Jackson was always closer to Michael than anyone knew. In this heartfelt memoir, she pays tribute to his tortured soul—revealing the intimate moments she shared with the deeply troubled pop legend. The first sibling to arrive at the hospital after Michael was rushed there, and the informant on his death certificate, La Toya noticed suspicious details and demanded a second autopsy. For the first time, she unveils shocking behind-the-scenes dealings that she believes led to her brother’s death, and she provides unprecedented insight into the destruction of one of the most dynamic artist/performers in history.
In an account sure to send shock waves around the globe, La Toya sheds new light on the dynamics of the Jackson family and the curtain of secrecy and intrigue that has surrounded her brother Michael, and the rest of the Jackson children, since they became stars in the ’60s and ’70s. She explains her estrangement from— and gradual reconciliation with—one of America’s most famous and close-knit families.

Like Michael, La Toya experienced an upbringing that made her vulnerable to exploitation, and her own journey led to hell and back at the hands of her former manager and husband, Jack Gordon. Sharing with honesty and an open heart some of the most painful episodes of her life story, La Toya reveals how anyone—regardless of fame, fortune, or status—can be trapped in a cycle of abuse, and how she was able to find the courage to rebuild her shattered sense of self, her career, and her relationship with her family, and to finally break free.

This tale will touch the hearts of the millions who are fans of the Jackson family’s music as well as those who have ever shared a special relationship with a sibling. Not just the story of the world’s most renowned family, this memoir will inspire anyone who feels as if their life has fallen apart and there’s nowhere to go, unless they too can learn to truly start over. . .
You do the math...
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Re: La Toya to release new book and single on the same day

You did not have to write about your i quite EVIDENT.

Why exactly is Michael's picture on the book if a big chance of the book isn't about him? did you ACTUALLY read the synopsis?....It is all about MJ.

What about reading the info out there before commenting... huh? Amazon is your friend.

You do the math...

Re: La Toya to release new book and single on the same day

Actually I did read the synopsis I was the one who posted it and i did do the maths..and the way I understood it, the book mentions Michael in the CONTEXT of La Toyas life and her struggles which it clearly states in the second'll be something along the lines of "I suffered control and abuse and I think this is what happened to Micahel" ...the book is not going to be soley about Michael or a Michael Jackson biography which was my point. "Starting Over" would be an odd title if it was just about Michael. The picture I guess is a tribute to her brother (to put it niceley) or a marketing ploy that uses her brothers name (to be blunt)..

This book was written a long time ago and was originally about her time during her abusive has now suddenly been changed to include her thoughts on Michaels death ect...clearly a marketing ploy (like her last book that didn't mentioned the sexual abuse ect she claims to have suffered by Joseph even though thats the way it was being promoted)...unfortunatley she (or her manager) still thinks that she needs to rely on Michael to sell...which is a shame..sell it under a smaller label or market and stop aiming for the big bucks its too late....La Toya needs to get some confidence
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Re: La Toya to release new book and single on the same day

Just tired of people defending nonsense....with more nonsense.


Actually I was not defending nonsense and my response was not nonsense...I read the entire synopsis and not just the first paragraph..and for the record I do not aggree with La Toya's blatant use of Michael's name to promote something that is not even mostly about him...what does the title "starting Over" have to do with Michael? I am just looking at this objectivley...(don't be fooled by my avatar..i am not a blind La Toya of jackson family supporter..i just can;t be bothered changing my avatar). I do not seek to attack her but neither do I seek to support her.
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Re: La Toya to release new book and single on the same day

Well if the book is mostly about her, I can tell they are using Michael to garner interest and drive sales. Using him on the cover, the early book descriptions made to sound like some scandalous tell-all (on Michael) and even the current description with its many references to Mike make this fact obvious.
Re: La Toya to release new book and single on the same day

Well if the book is mostly about her, I can tell they are using Michael to garner interest and drive sales. Using him on the cover, the early book descriptions made to sound like some scandalous tell-all (on Michael) and even the current description with its many references to Mike make this fact obvious.

yes i agree..i have a feeling though that the book is about her mostly with mentions of Michael in the context of her life..she has mentioned this book a few times in the last few years and during those times she said it was about her life during her estrangement and how she overcame domestic violence..back then it had the title of starting over (which makes sense if the book was about her)..she has only recently added the part about Michael..calling it Starting Over if it is a book about Michael makes NO SENSE.

Clearly she is just using Michaels name in the promotion of it to drive sales coz she doesn't think it will sell big..shameless marketing IMO..she needs to hire another promotions manager...or if she is the promotions manager she should change her attitude..stop trying to sell big and aim for a smaller market...
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Re: La Toya to release new book and single on the same day

Well if the book is mostly about her, I can tell they are using Michael to garner interest and drive sales. Using him on the cover, the early book descriptions made to sound like some scandalous tell-all (on Michael) and even the current description with its many references to Mike make this fact obvious.

Exactly! If the book were only about her, no mention of Michael, sure the sales would be a failure. People have no interest in knowing about the life of La Toya. :fear:
Re: La Toya to release new book and single on the same day

^ It's shameful. She is using her deceased brother for her own gain, and duping buyers as well. Nobody can blame fans for thinking the book is about him because that is what they make it look like on purpose, regardless of what it really is about.
Re: La Toya to release new book and single on the same day

Of course she will put michael in her book..heck didnt janet put a lil bit of stuff bout mj in her recent book too?
Re: La Toya to release new book and single on the same day

Exactly! If the book were only about her, no mention of Michael, sure the sales would be a failure. People have no interest in knowing about the life of La Toya. :fear:

The Church of Latoya members are. lol.

Everytime I type Church & Latoya in the same sentence, I feel like I should go to confessional...and I am not even a catholic. Go figure!

Going back to that book, while MJ has a semi frontal pic...we only get the back/side of the supposed subject.

And why use a 30 year old picture if the book is about "STARTING OVER" ? lol

An appropriate title would be>>> " You can help me suck the meat out of my dead brother's buying this book"

Latoya is still in bankruptcy maybe sucking her brother's bones clean will help get her out of there.
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Re: La Toya to release new book and single on the same day

To be fair to La Toya - I'm pretty sure that she didn't write the promotional copy for the book. So, even though she may think of this as an inspirational book, the publisher wants to make some money by mentioning Michael.

Does anyone remember the weird answers La Toya was giving when she was asked about this book in interviews a few months ago? In at least two interviews (I think one was on the Today show), she was asked about the book, and she either claimed not to know anything about it or just said that she couldn't talk about it. What was that about? It was very strange.
Re: La Toya to release new book and single on the same day

This book would be more interesting to me if it was primarily focused on LaToya cause I don't trust their words about MJ any more. Also it was only her on the cover of her first book not her family or Michael so I don't see why she shouldn't be on the cover alone this time.
Re: La Toya to release new book and single on the same day

Well from what i was told the book is base on her abuse and what she been through throughout her upbrining yes she does Mention MJ because they was rasied in the same house and came up together and they had a close bond more than him and his brother through the years and share a lot of converstations towards each other i am sure she is not trying dragged Michael in her book but give me insight and clear her name because many really felt when she spoke badly of him while she was married to her abusive husband that she was pulling MJ card but she was force to go against the family due this her husband control and trying to milk money out of them. Any way if u don't want to read the book then don't do it buttomline no need to snatch her wig off
Re: La Toya to release new book and single on the same day
latoyajackson La Toya Jackson
Ok, I'm thinking about twitting my personal phone # for any1 who's STARTING OVER with me on June 21st to call me & tell me. Should I do it?
19 minutes ago

latoyajackson La Toya Jackson
Hello! I'm N make up getting ready 2 tape Piers Morgan Tonight. The show will air on the STARTING OVER date, JUNE 21st. Start over with me!
2 hours ago
Re: La Toya to release new book and single on the same day

LMAO @ La Toya! No u shouldn't give out ur personal number... WTF!? HAA! HAA!
Re: La Toya to release new book and single on the same day

latoyajackson La Toya Jackson
Ok, I'm thinking about twitting my personal phone # for any1 who's STARTING OVER with me on June 21st to call me & tell me. Should I do it?
19 minutes ago

Why not..? Isn't that what desperate people do?
Re: La Toya to release new book and single on the same day

Why would she even contemplate making her personal telephone number public? not s sensible thing to do. How much more attention does she want?
Re: La Toya to release new book and single on the same day

LOL, she must be toying w/her fans :lol:
Re: La Toya to release new book and single on the same day


That's not even funny... When someone's life is empty from the point of view of having no real friends, which LaToya has said she doesn't have, that's what happens with some people, especially if they're more or less known, they're taking advantage of this fact and go for it... In usually most uninspired ways, like in this case, but my heart aches for her and people like that, it must not be at all pleasing. ..
Re: La Toya to release new book and single on the same day

Well Latoya, do whatever you please.
Re: La Toya to release new book and single on the same day

Has that family done anything else but try to cash in on a homicide in order ti make a quick buck.why didnt they write all these books when mj was here.tacky tacky ppl
elusive moonwalker;3400101 said:
Has that family done anything else but try to cash in on a homicide in order ti make a quick buck.why didnt they write all these books when mj was here.tacky tacky ppl

This book was written when mj was here and at that point the book was about her abusive relationship with her husband...not it has been changed to include her views on Michaels death
libsta81;3400175 said:

This book was written when mj was here and at that point the book was about her abusive relationship with her husband...not it has been changed to include her views on Michaels death


Do you believe in her good intentions?


Well, people believe what they want to believe.
Re: La Toya to release new book and single on the same day

i think it would make more sense if the cover of her book would be the same as the cover of her starting over album, since the book, album cover and single share the same title
libsta81;3400175 said:

This book was written when mj was here and at that point the book was about her abusive relationship with her husband...not it has been changed to include her views on Michaels death

then it should have stayed about that instead of putting a pic of mj on the cover and having the promo for the book be all about mj in an attempt to garner more sales.
libsta81;3400175 said:

This book was written when mj was here and at that point the book was about her abusive relationship with her husband...not it has been changed to include her views on Michaels death

And you believed that? She write it way before MJ was gone, yah right and I was MJ next he buy the ring and we were all set to walk down the yellow brick road.

In the world of the Jackson's dear friend Leonard Rowe "the Jackson was cold as ice namely Janet" but MJ died and his whole family and so called best friend has resin from the ash.
And you believed that? She write it way before MJ was gone, yah right and I was MJ next he buy the ring and we were all set to walk down the yellow brick road.

In the world of the Jackson's dear friend Leonard Rowe "the Jackson was cold as ice namely Janet" but MJ died and his whole family and so called best friend has resin from the ash.
Leonard Rowe said that about the Jacksons in his book? Have they been around him since his book was released?