La Toya Jackson on celebrity big brother (UK) 2009

La Toya Sings Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'

lol..bless la Toya trying to do that mj song :) She is obviously not michael but she was entertaining and worked the crowd..and having not perfomed in over a decade she did well!

Its a shame they wouldn't let her sing one of her own songs...they originally gave her a song from her 90's catalogue but she didn't want to sing it..(presumambly one of the crap songs jack gordon forced her to record)..she has said she never liked her 90's catalogue coz it brings back painful memories of her abusive/controlling realationship..So they gave her WBSS which she has performed b4..

I must say Im loving La Toya in the house so far..she is intriguing and very lady like..
i have a few questions for those over in the uk

1. do they not censor the language on the show when it airs? haha, because what's uploaded on youtube isn't censored and i'm just curious
2. what is "the mangle"?

oh and,
3. does anyone else laugh a little at the narrator man's way of talking?

i feel so uncultured. :(

1. No, they do not censor. After 9pm the language isn't censored here in the UK. Wish it was though.

2. Hmm... I don't know.

3. No i do not.
aww latoya was good...did ya'll see coolio?
He was lovin it! lol
It was her song (that they gave her) she hadn't sung for 20 years that she didn't know so apparently they gave her one of Michael's instead. Hope someone puts it up on youtube.

An interesting turn of events that LaToya's presence in CBB has had however. Now you have people thinking the Jacksons are all probably very nice but don't know how to sing. Someone stated that none of the Jacksons had very good range. LOL.

Oh my God, whatever, lol. Michael has a four octave range! Horrible ignorance, horrible!
A Mangle is used when hand washing clothes. Used to be used before washing machines etc. Basicly its two rollers placed close together with a handle, you then feed the clothes between the two roller and all the water is squeezed out ready to hand out on a line to dry further.
My mum used to have one before her washing machine.....God that makes me feel old
i have a few questions for those over in the uk

1. do they not censor the language on the show when it airs? haha, because what's uploaded on youtube isn't censored and i'm just curious
2. what is "the mangle"?

oh and,
3. does anyone else laugh a little at the narrator man's way of talking?

i feel so uncultured. :(

1. Its censored because its on at 9pm
2. A mangle is used for drying wet clothes
3. Yes
i have a few questions for those over in the uk

1. do they not censor the language on the show when it airs? haha, because what's uploaded on youtube isn't censored and i'm just curious
2. what is "the mangle"?

oh and,
3. does anyone else laugh a little at the narrator man's way of talking?

i feel so uncultured. :(

What it is over here in the UK, after 9pm they are alowed to uncensored. Then if it get repeated in the morning etc they do censored or cut it out.

Vegan i think u got it wrong don't u mean uncensored after 9pm?
is celebrity BB similar to the "normal" BB? Do the "stars" sleep there, have a shower a.s.o.? Do people see LaToya having a shower or without her stupid wig? I am just interested...

and how long will the show go? a few weeks? a few days?
Have just looked at the poll on Digital Spy and La Toya is now in first place, by 1 point about Coolio, and 2 ahead of Terry, the rest are way behind.

Coolio is starting to upset people so this is looking good for her.
does anybody have a link that works so I can see the performance?

:) thanks for those who posted the youtube links..I'm gonna go take a look at them now!
I'm excited for Latoya, and especially with the things you guys are saying that ppl have been saying (lol)
grrr...I just wanna watch the show!!!!
latoya says she never went to nightclubs to coolio. then says she and mj went to studio 54 in N.Y but they just went along with other ppl like liza.also says she doesnt really have any close friends outside of her family.
i have noticved many time before she s a lot funnier and smarter then she gets credit fgor hope she manages to keep prooving this whilke in that house maybe it will stolp the bad talks about her for a while anywayz
hope all will come on you tube since we cant get channel 4 here i get four bbc channels but of course not the one i need to see grrr
does latoya has her private bedroom without cameras????!!!

are there cameras in the bathroom as well?
i have noticved many time before she s a lot funnier and smarter then she gets credit fgor hope she manages to keep prooving this whilke in that house maybe it will stolp the bad talks about her for a while anywayz
hope all will come on you tube since we cant get channel 4 here i get four bbc channels but of course not the one i need to see grrr

Im a brit living in netherlands and to get uk tv you can get a thing called sky over here. Its illegal though but its ok, just dont get a subscription, find someone over here that fits it.
she talked about her marriage to jack to ben. he asked if she was ever married she said not by choice. he said how come. she told him the story about jack forcing her to marry him. after a show in vegas his guards bought her to a place/room. didnt know what it was. a woman asked her for katherines maiden name and then she went into the room and realised what it was. she tried to leave 3 time but security bought her back and jack told her she had to do it etc ( cant remember the exact wording) then talks about jack saying after 6 months u can get an annulment.6 months comes he refuses and beats her up in italy. they are living in london at the time she goes out with security hidden under glasses/hat cause of the brusies and turns a corner and theres paps everywhere taking pics. jack tells the press (think she was implying that jack told them) that she just had plastic surgery as an excuse for the bruises.
^^^ No they dont censor the language reli cuz its after 9pm.... they do if they show it live in the day, i dont know wat mangle is lol And i find the man who narrates it funny to listen to... hes from newcastle i think, thts the way they talk lol i love the way he says ulrika lmao hahaha Just like ant & dec :D:D
Aw did anyone see latoya talkin about her being forced into her marriage!!! i was sooo shocked and so was ben! did u see the shock on his face lol... aw i feel reli bad for latoya now..... people will like her now after she told tht story :( i hope shes ok now shes outta tht marriage :)
omg :cry:

little verne troyer just spoke about heath ledger so ive heard


Yeah he spoke about him. Everyone was sat round and Verne spoke about him. Also said how his tattoo on his hand is somethin Heath scribbled on a piece of paper with his email address. (Tattoo was a heart)

Anyways, shame Coolio is startin to piss people off :(
Yeah, go La Toya! Her performance was totally cute. I hope she wins for real. She deserves to and its looking good!
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I think generally the public warms to the Jacksons when they see them in these situations. Jermaine should have won, he only lost because of that stupid race row, I reckon Britain thought they owed it to Shilpa to let her win. I see La Toya possibly getting to the final. Lets see what happens.
does latoya has her private bedroom without cameras????!!!

are there cameras in the bathroom as well?
no she doesnt have her own room ,the bathroom doesn,t have cameras for obvious reason s, well i don,t think it does anyway,but they have speakers.the other night latoya was practicing her performance of wanna be startin something and she went in the bathroom to practice,we could not see her but could hear her.